Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Black Velvet ❯ Ace of Clubs ( Chapter 16 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Schuldig finally managed to unclamp his hands from the dashboard of Skye's car. She and Star had drag raced down the straight stretches of road, what little there were of them, to the club. It had shown him a side of Skye he had never dreamed existed, the viciously competitive side. Of course, he had never imagined she was such a gearhead either. She had modified the engine on the beautifully rebuilt 1963 Shelby Cobra herself. She had won by several car lengths and he was fairly certain had it not been for her superior handling of the Shelby that they would have won against the pull of gravity due to the nitrous feed. As it was, Schuldig was quite proud of the fact his legs only shook a little as he got out of the car.
“Gods damn it, Sis, I'll beat you one of these days,” Star complained while patting her Corvette fondly.
“Of course. In another hundred and fifty years.”
Schuldig laughed and put a had at the small of either woman's back. “Damn, I'm such a lucky bastard some days.”
“What makes you say that, Schu?” Star asked.
“I get to be seen taking not one but two beautiful women to the party.”
Skye blushed almost to the roots of her hair underneath the makeup she was wearing. “I don't think I can do this,” she said suddenly, fidgeting with the corset ties and starting to back away from the group.
“Oh, no you don't,” Star said. “You said you'd go. Besides, you look really hot in that outfit.”
Skye shot her sister a dubious look. “I'd rather you said I looked well covered.”
“You know I try not to lie if I can help it.”
“Oh, come on, lieb,” Schuldig said in her ear. “You wouldn't deny me the pleasure of making every straight man in the bar jealous as hell of me, would you?”
Skye sighed and rolled her eyes but allowed him to lead her into the club. She blinked as the heavy smoke filled air stung her eyes for a moment. She managed to make a thin shield for herself using the music coming from the stage.
“Ben's band has gotten really good,” Star shouted over the din.
Skye nodded and smiled a little as she noticed that Schuldig's gaze was practically glued to the stage.
“Fuck, Ben's lead singer is hot!” Schuldig said, taking in the grace of the man onstage as he danced and worked the crowd.
Star grinned at Skye behind Schuldig's back. Should be interesting to see how long it takes for him to figure it out.
“Damn, I know this guy's voice,” Schuldig said, frowning slightly. “I can't figure out from where though.”
Star snagged Schuldig by the arm and steered him toward the bar, with him complaining the whole way about how much he hated what Americans called beer.
Yes, Bradley.
Where are the three of you, I can feel you but can't see . . . ah, there you are. He locked eyes with her and smiled a little.
How exactly did Ben manage to talk you into that?
Do you mean what I'm wearing or what I'm doing?
Both. Skye said, taking in the red PVC top, leather bracers, spiked collar and black leather pants he was wearing.
I could ask you the same question concerning clothing.
Skye's arms immediately crossed over her chest to try covering up at least some of the bare skin that was showing. She heard Crawford chuckle in her mind.
I feel the same way. You're gorgeous, don't worry about it.
And according to Schuldig, so are you.
He laughed and smiled at her through the crowd. She hadn't seen him smile like that in years and it nearly brought her to tears seeing it again.
Thank you, Skye.
For what?
She smiled and made her way over to the bar where Schuldig and Star were waiting for their drinks. The band had swung into another song and as usual Star managed to snag a dance partner or three without trying. Skye smiled and shook her head as her sister disappeared into the throng of masked and costumed party goers.
Oh, I'd rather start out slow
This whole thing's like some sort of a race
Instead of winning what I want
I'm sitting here in second place.
Schuldig's head was bobbing with the music. “Damn, where have I heard this guy sing before?”
Because somewhere the one I wanna be with is with somebody else
God I wanna be that someone that you're with.
Schuldig's eyes narrowed as he stared at the man on the stage through the haze of smoke. Maybe I'll just poke around in his head for a second, he thought. He focused his gift, blocking out all the noise from other minds in the club, and concentrated on getting into the other man's head. Schuldig choked on the mouthful of beer and caught the falling glass on reflex. The backlash that rang off of the other man's shields was incredibly strong and familiar. He turned to Skye in wide eyed disbelief.
Skye smiled at him. “Yes, that's who you think it is.”
****************************Author's Notes**************************************
Come on, you all knew Crawford had to have some secret like this.
Okay, don't own Shelby Cobra, much to my great sadness, don't own Corvette, oh yeah, don't own Weiss or Yami no Matsuei. The song used in this chapter is “Someone That You're With” by Nickelback. Don't own it either. Yeesh.
Thanks to everyone reading and reviewing. Love you all lots.
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