Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ "God Hurts" The sequel to "Nighteyes" ❯ Forget God!... ( Chapter 6 )
"God Hurts"
Chapter 6
A Schwarz tai Weiss story & the Sequel to "Nighteyes"
Crawford ignored Youji, who was poking through the papers on his desk, while he waited. Brad was waiting for something. What, Youji hadn't been told. It was when Aya stormed in, left arm still bandaged from Farfello's slice-and-dice the previous day, that Youji gained a very good idea what the American had been waiting for. The Blond actually yelped when he was pushed into a chair and rolled into the corner, out of the way.
"Crawford," Aya's violent violet eyes narrowed as he glared at the American. "We cement this now. Weiss and Schwarz NEED to become one team."
"What brought this on?" The American didn't even realize that he was smirking at the Red-head with an all-knowing expression on his face.
"Farfello." For all the world Aya looked like the feline he was codenamed for, with the way he hissed the word at Crawford. "What IS keeping you from agreeing to this?"
"You. Farfello."
"Me?" Youji hadn't heard that tone in Aya's voice since they'd last encountered Taketori. "How are Farfello and I preventing a permanent Alliance?"
"Actually," Brad ran his fingers through his black hair. "I think the two of you might present the proper circumstance soon, from what I'm seeing."
"Huh?" Aya just stared at Crawford.
"Never mind." Brad straitened his glasses, ignoring the confusion on the faces of both Weiss members. "I'll have to wait until I see it."
"See what?"
"Never mind." the clairvoyant repeated. "Just go back to playing with your Psychopath." The red-head glared at Crawford, but did leave the room. Youji just sat, and stared, as Brad strolled over.
"What was that?"
"A moment that was prophesized long ago."
"By you?"
"By me."
"Heartless Bastard." Youji spun the chair around to face the corner. Bradley rested a hand on Youji's shoulder as he leaned down and spoke quietly into the blonde's ear.
"Thought you liked Heatless bastard."
"That was Manipulative ones."
Omi watched as Aya stormed past, then looked across the den at Nagi, who was sitting in front of a desktop computer. "What was that?"
"Aya." The telekinetic pushed away from the computer and crossed the room. "A pissed off one." He took on a seat on the couch.
"But why?" Omi sprawled across the couch, including the part that Nagi was occupying.
"Well duh." Ken snickered as he popped into the room. "Have you guys seen Farfie? He's not with Aya, and Schuu says he's feeling really homicidal right now."
"Since when has Schuu cared when Farfello is and isn't in a violent mood?" Nagi's eyes narrowed. Ken must be playing along with some sort of prank Schuu had come up with.
"It's Crawford he want to hurt." Schuldig walked in the other door into the room. "I can't find him here, Kenken."
"He's got to be upstairs, then."
"Crawford is upstairs." Omi watches as both Ken and Schuldig visibly paled, then sprinted for the stairway.
Youji didn't understand this. Brad had told him to stay where he was, which meant staying in the corner like a kid in timeout. Then, the American had taken a seat on the desk and started waiting again, this time watching the door. Youji felt he deserved an explanation, and started to open his mouth to demand one.
"Don't ask." Blue eyes continued to stare at the door, never leaving it. "You'll understand when it happens, trust me." After another few minuets of uncomfortable silence, the door banged open, admitting a growling Farfello to the room.
"Crawford..." The pale Irishman stalked across the room.
"Thanks for knocking, Farfello." The American was wearing the half-smirk that Youji had begun to associate with whatever happening being something Brad had seen in a vision.
"Screw knocking." Farfello was glaring at Crawford, standing to that their faces where barley a foot apart. "You upset Ran." Youji blinked. Farfie knew Aya's real name?
"Doesn't that hurt God?"
"Forget God!" The Irishman snarled, grabbing Crawford by the lapels of his jacket. "Ran wants an Alliance."
"Tell him I agree." Brad laughed out loud at the expression that washed over Farfello's face.
Gods... I hate computers sometimes.... MS Word has crashed a bazillion times, bouncing between either corrupting the GH6 file, or crashing before I can save it to a file. Enough to make me crazy. But now I'm using MS FrontPage... Maybe it won't crash... I'm also working on getting my Author's Notes and thankyous written BEFORE I start to work on the story, just to find out if the dumb thing is going to crash again. Now... I get to comment on what's coming up and what I'm working on...
Currently, I've got chapter 7 (Which, BTW, is the final chapter of "God Hurts") finished... It's short... But it's more of an epilogue than anything... that sets up for "Midnight Dies", the sequel to "God Hurts". Yep.. You heard me right. Sequel. Theoretically, it'll target Omi and Nagi... But I don't know for sure if that'll be the case... It might be... because there may be a second bit of the plot that needs Omi as a Key Character.. We'll see once I finish getting my ideas organized. Until then... I'll probably stick to working on my Original Furry Anime story ("Soul's Fire". The first bit is already posted up in the Original Anime Section, if you'd like to check that out while you're waiting) or the Sequel to "Youji & The Really Sexy Blond Out of Town Guy", which is tentatively titled "Youji & The Less Than Brilliant Swordsman". Just depends on what sort of inspiration hits me before I start "Midnight Dies".
Now.. The thankyous and comments...
Silver Angel : Don't worry. This isn't the end... Just a matter of me getting my dorky laptop to cooperate long enough for me to get something typed.
DragonSoul : I never believed that I'd be able to get a silly line out of Aya... But low and behold, it happened... sometimes stuff like that sneaks up on me... I swear... These characters have minds of their own... Originally, back while I was writing "Nighteyes", I'd wanted to pair Kenken up with Brad... and it didn't happen... and then Brad and Youji bandwagoned to become a couple...
Madiha : Couldn't really get Kenken into this chapter... because it hit the end of it's natural lifespan after Aya's line... Trying to drag it out further would have killed the effect Aya's crack made. Don't worry, though, He gets a brief appearance in chapter 7.
Li Xiang : Yes. Aya had to become a machoist, otherwise I really couldn't find a way to work them into a relationship. As far as BradYouji getting official... *snicker* We'll just see where they end up during the course of "Midnight Dies".
The Lady of the Nights : Here you are. I'm continuing. And, as far as spelling errors... I'm trying... and using spell-check (though, that misses stuff). I'll probably re-upload everything after I get a beta reader and have them scan over the thing.
Bishie no Miko : *snicker* I like Nighteyes Timeline Aya. He's wonderfully scary. As far as pairings... I'm like you... I enjoy just about any of them... Though.. I tried to go a little less mainstream with the Nighteyes timeline... The OmiNagi (The only real 'Mainstream' pairing in this fic) is more of a gift for a friend of mine than anything.
Yanagi-sen : Actually... When I decided to pair Aya and Farfie together in this fic... I wasn't sure if I'd pull it off... It's reassurance from people like you that makes me think I just might have...
Well... I shall see everyone next time... for the final chapter of "God Hurts"...
Hell... "God Hurts"... Coming to an end... That's a scary thought...