Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ "Midnight Dies" Sequel to "God Hurts" ❯ Chapter 4
"Midnight Dies" Chapter 4
The Sequel to "God Hurts" & "Nighteyes"
"Naaagi," Omi shook the sleeping telekinetic awake. "Nagi check this out." Omi passed Nagi, who was still more than half asleep, a notebook.
"What is it?" Nagi blinked, starting at the pages covered in Omi's neat handwriting.
"I couldn't sleep." Omi bounced onto the bed next to Nagi. "This is the translation of the stuff we swiped from Taketori's computer."
"How'd you translate that so quickly?" Nagi sat up slowly, shaking himself the rest of the way awake.
"He didn't really change the encryption code." Omi shrugged. "It was a lot of fun. I like working translations."
"Go to sleep, Omi." Nagi threw the notebook onto the nightstand and flopped back down. "It's like... four in the morning."
Ken paged through the translation that Omi and Nagi had come up with during the night. "Stop that." Ken pushed Schuldig's head off his shoulder. "I hate it when people do that."
"But I need to see, too!" Schuldig wrapped his arms firmly around Ken's waist and planted his head on Ken's shoulder again. "It's either this or letting me pull the info out of your mind."
"That's annoying, too." Ken glared but let Schuldig keep reading over his shoulder.
"I can't believe Taketori is so stupid." Schuldig snickered quietly in Ken's ear. "He has three different labs listed. AND what they're working on."
"I think Omi and Nagi would have been A LOT happier if there was a definition for Project Destiny." Ken ruffled Schuu's hair. "Now leave me alone. We've got to work in the shop, then it's off to see what kind of strategy Omi and Nagi have for our little break in at the first lab."
"That's if they ever decide which lab to his first." Schuldig snickered again, his intention to irritate Ken quiet obvious.
//Love you too, Schuuschuu.// Ken snickered strait into Schuldig's mind as he flipped the folder closed and dropped the translations on the nightstand. //Now come to bed, you psycho.//
//The only things around here that are actually psycho are Farfello, Fujimiya, and that Chihuahua.//
Omi glared at the computer Nagi was balancing in his hands. Schuldig and Youji weren't far away, trying to keep tabs on the guards in the area. Ken and Brad were on the outside, waiting while the others handled the reconnaissance that Nagi and Omi hadn't been able to manage from the outside.
"Only a few more minuets." Omi told Schuldig as the red-head passes. "Farfie and Aya will be happy when we get back." the bloodthirsty pair had been banned from this mission, as carnage was being kept to a minimum.
"Ja, ja." Schuldig grinned and ducked back around a corner. The two teenagers ignored the quiet murmur of conversation between Youji and Schuu that started moments later. After a few final keystrokes Omi grinned at Nagi.
"Head over and tell Schuu and Youji that we're ready to head out. I'll just shut this down and follow." The dark-haired telekinetic nodded and handed Omi the computer before heading off in the direction Schuldig had gone. Omi poked a few more keys and waited for the computer to power down.
Nagi cleared his throat and Schuldig turned around.
"Done?" He brushed his hair out of his eyes.
"Yes." Nagi nodded and jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "Omi's just shutting the computer down."
"Soon as he's here we're out." Schuu nodded, eyes unfocusing for a moment as he sent a mental message to Ken. "Ken says he and Brad are set to get us out of here." The trio waited for several minuets without Omi coming. Nagi shifted quietly, sending impatient, worried looks down the hall.
"Schuu, where is he?" A nervous tone dominated his voice. The Telepath's eyes unfocused again and then he looked absolutely confused.
"I can't find his mind..." Nagi ignored Schuu and blasted down the hallway. When he rounded the corner all that was there was the fallen laptop computer. The telekinetic shook with pure panic. "Nagi..." Schuldig touched his shoulder.
"Schuu, find him!"
"Nagi, It's safest to leave him here and come back with Aya and Farfie." Schuldig pushed Nagi, who looked like he'd been his with a two by four, towards the exit. Youji retrieved the computer and followed without a word.
Ahh.. another chapter down. Much to the joy of Catta.
It's really about time I got another one of this story out, since I've been working on it longer than "About Demons" or "Gravitation & the White Cross", both of which are a little more out there than this story. Next I'll either have G&tWC or About Demons for you... Possibly some Dragons of Dawn (My old Gundam Wing Ficcy).... Just depends on where I get inspired next.
Thankyous :
Dragonsoul - Hehe. Sorry about the lack of BradYouji... Maybe later in the story.
Karosai - *snicker* I'm so mean, aren't I?
Madiha - Not as fast as you'd have liked, I'm sure, but it is FINALLY here.
Xiang - A little SchuuKen.. But I haven't really been able to work much in with the plot I've got moving here...