Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ A First Time for Everything ❯ Part II ( Chapter 2 )
A First Time for Everything
Part Two
It was incredible. Mind-blowingly, astoundingly, wonderfully incredible. Ken really knew what he was doing. It could be the fact that he was a guy and therefore knew what guys like; it could be because of vast practical experience or just dumb luck, but either way Yohji really appreciated it. Only seconds after his pants had been removed had he found himself floating and spinning around in a beautiful black world of pure pleasure.
His eyes were closed, his head thrown back and his mouth was hanging open. His legs felt like they were made of jelly and if Ken hadn't twisted his upper body so he was now holding firmly onto Yohji's hips to prevent him from thrusting, he would surely have fallen...or melted into a puddle of horny goo on the floor.
Sparks were dancing in front of his eyes and there was a soft buzzing noise in his ears that muted the numerous moans that filled the room. He could faintly hear someone screaming, but his mind discarded the sound until he felt his cock pop out of Ken's mouth.
Thoroughly displeased that the sensations had stopped, he forced his brain to resume working and looked down at Ken, an annoyed frown on his face.
Before he could complain Ken spoke.
"Aya finished. You wanna take his place?"
Yohji brain was still so muddled that he wasn't capable of understanding what Ken meant, so he answered with an intelligent "Huh?"
"Aya came. If you want to, you can take his place…take me."
"You mean actually..." Yohji couldn't finish the sentence, the idea to surreal to comprehend. Yohji looked horrified. //I can't do that! When the hell did this go from a simple blow job to...to...that! No way! I couldn't possibly...//
His body however had other ideas. It screamed for more of that wonderful attention that Ken now so maliciously deprived it of. A treacherous part of his mind was also not pleased and his thoughts turned against him. //Maybe I'll like it just as much as I liked that blow job. I mean it's something I can do with a girl as well, actually it's something I *have done* with a girl already. It's not like it's *me* taking it up the ass. Why shouldn't I...what the hell am I thinking?! I shouldn't because...because...er…mmmmm…//
Ken had started to stroke his cock softly and all thought and reasoning flew out the window. He was a bit startled when he felt Aya's hand gently touching his back and shoulders, but relaxed and enjoyed the sensation. Ken let go of him and Aya began to gently steer him away from Ken's wonderful mouth and towards an even more wonderful part.
Yohji looked down and gulped. He could see *everything!* Ken legs were invitingly spread for him and he had a full view of Ken's cock buried inside Omi who had gently begun to move up and down, allowing Yohji a up close and personal show of their coupling.
Swallowing nervously Yohji grabbed Ken's hips tightly and moved the slender legs to rest on his arms. He positioned his cock at Ken's entrance and began to slowly push in.
It was heaven.
The first thrust was quick and hard as he threw himself headfirst into an experience both foreign and oh so familiar to him at the same time. The second was slow so he could savor the feeling.
Ken was so amazingly tight, gripping and squeezing Yohji's cock in just the right rhythm and with just the right pressure. And the view! Yohji found himself strangely turned on by watching Omi slowly raise and lower himself on Ken. He wasn't able to close his eyes or look away, the sight enthralling and almost hypnotizing him.
It spurred him on to try to see more of what was happening. He leaned closer to Omi trying to look over his shoulder, hoping to be able to catch a glimpse of the others. Omi turned his head and - before Yohji could protest - captured his mouth in a ferocious kiss that stole Yohji's breath away and left him feeling dizzy and a little shocked.
Dazed but still curious he rested his head on Omi's shoulder and nibbled on his earlobe in his attempt to see more. From this position he could see Ken's face and the look of pleasure on his colleagues face - pleasure that he was responsible of - made his belly feel like it was doing little summersaults.
He tore his eyes away - afraid he'd come on the spot if he looked at him anymore - and looked to his right. He could see Aya's ass and legs and correctly guessed that he was giving Omi a blow job. And if the moans Omi made were any indication it was a pretty damn good one.
He let his eyes trail over Omi's back, down to where Omi and Ken were united and let his gaze stay there a little while, enjoying the sight. All of a sudden Omi leaned back so he was supporting himself again Yohji, his back arched and his head thrown back so it was resting on Yohji's chest. Yohji could feel the shivers going through Omi as he cried out his orgasm.
Ken followed a few moments later and Yohji was surprised to hear his own name being yelled repeatedly in ecstasy. It was not an uncommon phenomenon, but not something he had expected in this circumstance.
Feeling Ken grip and release him rapidly and tightly he looked down and allowed himself to see something he had not yet permitted himself to see. The sight of himself thrusting in and out of Ken made him come hard and he almost completely blacked out at the sensations rolling through him.
Coming down to earth after finding his release, Yohji found himself confused and doubting the wiseness of his actions. //What the hell have I just done! I've had twin sisters in my bed for crying out loud! And that was supposed to be the greatest experience of my sexual career! Then why the hell does it pale in comparison to this!//
His hands were shaking as he hastily tried to zip his pants. He was shocked to the core, because the wonderful sights he had just enjoyed kept flashing before his eyes, making an otherwise confident and self-assured man question things about himself that he didn't really want to know the answers to. "Yohji, do you think we can do this again sometime?" Omi was timidly looking at him, hope evident in his eyes.
"I honestly don't know. I have to think about it. I-I'm going to bed" Yohji could have kicked himself when he saw the look of disappointment on Omi's face, but still he turned away and walked out the door.
Don't worry, it isn't over yet. At least one more part to go. ^___^