Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ A Sacrifice to Beauty ❯ {Act I - Part II} ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Sacrifice to Beauty - Part 2
by Mishaela
by Mishaela
Disclaimer: Same as in previous...
Coming to with a groan, Ran sat up and put a hand to his forehead. He could hear the heavy crash of thunder and knew that his previous night hadn't been a nightmare. Looking down, he wondered why he was still even alive. His eyes widened as he realized that he was uninjured. The only evidence of the night before reflecting in the blood that saturated his clothing, made them stiff and uncomfortable.
He cast his eyes around, looking to see if maybe there was something to wear so he could wash out his garments and found a small bundle on the abandoned altar. He rose, walked over to the dais, and unfolded it. Well crafted warrior's garb unrolled and he let his fingers caress the fabric, enjoying the texture. It was rough silk, but it felt so good under his skin…
Ran changed quickly and kicked his old clothes aside. These were a perfect fit. He looked down at his hands, something suddenly coming into complete clarity only just now. His hands were pale, the skin fresh and smooth and creamy looking. He gasped as he realized that all the criss-crossing scars were gone.
Fingers ghosted over the young face, feeling each perfect plane and curve to the skin. Again, there were no defining marks that revealed the young man as the mercenary called the 'Ruby Demon'. The name had come from both his hair and appearance, the scars leaving a lasting impression on his enemies. Ran threw himself at the poolside, his eyes searching for the reflection of his own countenance.
He was as beautiful as his sister once claimed he would have been had the plague not overtaken him in childhood. "How… how did this happen?" Again, he gazed at his hands before turning to face the statue of the lost God, his eyes wide in shock. "Did you do this?"
There was no answer, not that Ran was expecting one anyway, so he turned back to the pool of water. His heart pounded at the sight of himself. He'd not taken thought to his own personal beauty, but now… now he found that he had indeed desired to be this way. There was a wash of relief that came over him and he didn't fully understand it, but he knew that it was connected with the change in his appearance.
He heard voices outside of the temple and rose to his feet, his hand instinctively going to his hip where his sword was usually sheathed. Ran winced as he realized that it was no longer in his possession and wondered if there were another way out of the temple. He was going to try for a window when the doors crashed open, revealing his pursuers.
"Well, now… we don't have the Demon, but this one is rather pleasant to gaze upon."
Five men filtered into the main chamber of the temple, swords at the ready. "His hair is blood red, like the mercenary, perhaps they're related."
This didn't bode well for Ran. He might be able to take two of them while weaponless, but he was no match for five armed soldiers. He dove behind the altar, hoping to separate them enough that he might be able to disarm one. They did not, however, rise to the bait. He sat there, waiting, and they waited for him to tire of the game.
Minutes became eternal hours and still, neither Ran nor the guards moved. It began to grate on his nerves, how they played this game too intelligently. When he was about to break cover and make a dash for escape, a voice sounded out in the chamber.
"None shall take violence upon that which belongs to Balinese…"
He heard the guards turn and dared to look over the top of the cracked and crumbling altar. At the door of the temple was a beautiful man wearing black and white robes, but no armor. Around each of his forearms was a netting of golden wire, and the same design also wound around his calves. Flaxen hair fell to the ethereal man's shoulders and his eyes, which bore through each person he gazed upon, were the color of the purest emerald.
"Stay out of our business." The man who stood in the center brandished his sword at the stranger, his face contorting in a mask of authority. "We act on the orders of His Majesty, King Takatori, and no man shall stand in our way."
There was a flash of gold and the warrior was forcibly dragged towards the newcomer, his hands dropping the sword in favor of clutching at his throat. One of the strange man's long arms reached out and pulled him forward. "You shall not draw weapons in the House of Beauty and Pleasure, save for in defense of those welcome here… That is the divine Law and punishment is death."
The other soldiers surged towards the man, hoping to overwhelm him, and he simply let his free hand reach towards them. More of the fine gold line shot out, wrapping around their bodies, tightening on them, stilling their struggles as they gasped for air. Ran dropped back down behind the altar, hoping to escape the notice of the newcomer, praying to whatever God was listening that he would not end up the same as the five who were, even now, giving out their death rattles.
Ran heard a body hit the floor and winced. He might very well end up the same in the next few heartbeats if the stranger decided to investigate the interior of the temple. The mercenary wondered if the pounding of his own heart might give his presence away. It took a moment before he realized that all was too silent in the temple. Ran carefully rose so that he could, again, look over the top of the altar and, in that instant, amethyst clashed with emerald.
"Welcome to my House, Ran." The man's voice was a sultry, seductive drawl and the warrior found it difficult to not be affected by it. He backpedaled, trying to put as much distance between them as possible, and came up hard against the wall behind him.
"S-Stay away from me!"
The blond glided around the side of the altar and came to stand directly in front of the redhead. "I can't do that… You bargained with me. I've come to tell you just what I expect from you in trade for your life."
Swallowing hard, Ran tried to still his own reactions. This… this was Balinese, himself! He was looking upon the most beautiful of all the old Gods and Ran was beautiful now and it was all thanks to a stupid plea for his life and he could never retract it even though he would be able to see his sister again…
"Calm yourself." Balinese commanded, as if sensing the turmoil of his thoughts, and quite suddenly the redhead was relaxed. One of those long limbs reached out, fingers caressing the side of Ran's face, evoking a fluttering sensation in his gut, and he could feel his body respond to it. He moaned in answer, drawing a smile from the God. "You belong to me now, Ruby Demon… You look to no mortal master… I have given you life so that you can see your sister again and live for her. Twice, I have saved you. Your original bargain does not cover the second rescue."
Ran looked into the beautiful face, almost losing himself in the depth of the ageless eyes. He dared a whisper, "What do you want from me?" Oh, but what had he been thinking when he made that foolish prayer?!?
A smile decorated the corners of Balinese's mouth. "You will serve me however I desire. I am the God of Beauty and Pleasure, after all." The fingers that had been stroking the redhead's cheek moved, tracing down the long line of Ran's neck, feeling the pulse that pounded beneath the skin. "I've already given you one… You will placate me with the other."
Blushing furiously, Ran averted his gaze. "I've never… not…" While it had been common for warriors to pass the time with 'shield-mates', the redhead had never taken that luxury. None of his brothers-at-arms had even looked at him twice and never had they even considered him a possibility when it came to choosing their lovers. Since he would not pay for pleasure, either, he'd never known the gentler touch of either gender.
It was not to say that the very idea put him off. He simply had no experience with such things.
Balinese smiled again. "I know… but you are my supplicant now and I demand satiation." The God's hands moved to neckline of the warrior's robes and pulled it apart, revealing everything Ran had to offer. "Long has it been since I took a mortal for a lover… but you, Ran, are the most beautiful of all the supplicants I've ever seen. I had not expected this, in truth, when I took away the ravages to your flesh."
The warrior felt himself pulled away from the wall and lain out over the altar. His near violet eyes rose, following the movements of the God's hands as he undressed, giving Ran full view of the divine beauty. His sharp intake of breath at the sight brought a smile to Balinese's face. "Am I pleasing to your eyes, Ran?"
Silently nodding, the redheaded swordsman reached up and felt his hand grasp by Balinese's. His fingers were drawn into the warmth of the God's mouth, suckled, given avid attention. It made his lower abdomen tighten in anticipation. When they were freed, the deity lowered himself onto the lean body of the warrior.
"I will go no farther than you allow," Balinese promised. He looked down at his mortal and brought their lips together in a deep and probing kiss.
Ran felt the sweep of intense sensation that tore through him at the first contact of their lips. His hands went into the golden tresses, tightening in them, clenching to hold Balinese in place and not take away the wonderful feelings. He felt as if his entire body were coming alive wherever the deity touched him, the stroking fingers creating tiny little flames all along his skin. He moaned and whimpered under the caresses, his legs parting almost instinctively, allowing the beautiful being to settle between them.
As their cocks aligned and rubbed together, both mortal and immortal man gave low moans. Balinese cradled the redhead's face between his palms, the emerald eyes searching Ran's. The redhead trailed his fingers down each arm, running them over the gold lines that interlaced over the God's flesh, wondering why he didn't remove those as well. "Those… can't be comfortable."
Balinese smiled gently. "They have become a part of who I am, Ran… I can not take them off." His lips made lazy trails over the warrior's Adam's apple before moving down to draw a line between Ran's pectorals. Sliding them over, the deity applied his mouth to one pert, strawberry nipple and suckled gently.
The effect was instantaneous. Ran's body arched off the altar and his fingers tightened their grip in the blond hair. "B-Balinese!" Electric arcs of pleasure skittered up the young man's spine, making him breathless under the sensual assault. "Feels… good…"
The God smirked and pulled back. "I know what feels better…" His hand reached lower, encircling the stiffened length that belonged to the redhead, and squeezed slightly. More moans came from that beautiful young man beneath him. In answer to the silent pleas, Balinese moved so that he could take the pulsing flesh between his lips.
Ran was consumed by what that torturous mouth was doing to him. He cried out, nearly screaming in rapturous wonder, at the sensations coursing through his body. His hands scrabbled on the stone altar, seeking something to hold, needing to grip something to keep his world from completely fading away. Up and down, suckling, heat… divine heat… boiling… churning…
Finally, his inexperienced body couldn't take anymore stimuli. The red haired warrior climaxed loud and hard in the back of the forgotten temple; Balinese's talents at giving pleasure were absolute. He smiled down on the trembling frame, his green eyes luminous. "You are even more beautiful like this, Ran. So passionate under my hand… this won't be the last time for us."
When the warrior could manage to focus his eyes again, the deity was gone. He lifted himself onto his elbows on the altar and looked around. Seeing no sign of the God, Ran got shakily to his feet and reached to gather his clothing. His hand brushed across the soft petals of a flower and he turned his eyes to see it.
In the folds of his new garments lay a cattleya orchid, the sacred flower of the forgotten deity.
~To Be Continued~