Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Appeal 2 ❯ C'mon ride the train ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I still do not own the boys
A/N: yeah yeah I know it's short, but the next part is hard for me to write so I need all the encouragement I can get.
2) and if you haven't noticed I'm going to be flipping back and forth between the story and the `story.'
KD: what do you mean what happened to Yohji? Do you remember how long it took you to getting around to answering my questions?
Bly: see I updated, now you go do the same. And believe me I'm not going to torture him *crosses fingers behind back*
dimonyo: yay! I thought that you had deserted me, and yes Schu did learn his lesson.
Missy: it's winter here, I don't want ice cream…I want nice warm cookies!
dv: Omi's not a hyperactive brat, he's a smart, and annoying hyperactive brat.
gothria: aren't you supposed to be studying isn't that why I'm not harassing you for an update? *hugs* thanks for the review though
Yohji walked into the Koneko back erect. He had put on a brave face for Nagi but in reality, he had no idea how to initiate this. He normally kept all his liaisons far from home, so that there would be no awkward morning afters, no reason to continue once lust was sated. There was no way he'd be able to avoid his team-mates if, no he corrected himself, when he slept with them.
Yohji wanted to do this now, now before Omi and Aya-chan got home, before he corrupted what was left of their innocence, before he lost his nerve.
Three of them. Shit how did he get himself into these messes?
He had been at the pharmacy buying condoms, and it was the first time he had ever felt like a sleaze while doing so. He could see the cashier's face and knew the man's thoughts; he was thinking three different people? What a Slut!
Walking home, he decided that the first of his three unwilling, enthralled victims that he saw would be the first to be released.
Yohji hadn't expected to enter and be confronted with not one, or two of them, but all three of them sitting in the same room, and all apparently still enraptured by him. This was just wrong in so many ways.
As one Schu, Ken and Aya focused on him.
God there was no way anyone in their right mind could handle this.
He had to decide on whom he would release first, should he do Schu? Schuldig knew what was going on and yet was still stuck, that had to be torturous, but he had been their enemy so maybe as payback he should go last?
And poor Kenken who had fallen prey first, suffering the longest.
But Aya? Aya knew nothing about sex (presumably) and this would be too much for him to handle.
God how was he going to choose?
Yohji looked up, “Yeah?”
“We know what's going on.”
Oh God, was Aya going to kill him now? He was too young and too beautiful to die.
“And we know it's not your fault.”
Yohji let out a sigh of relief, as both Ken and Aya turned to glare at Schuldig.
“What? It wasn't my fault! I protested it. I told Kritiker it wouldn't work, but did they listen? Noooo.”
Ken and Schuldig immediately began arguing, Aya ignored them, resuming the conversation with Yohji.
“Nagi contacted Schuldig. He told us what you decided, and in return we decided to make your job easier for you.” Aya's deep voice relaxed Yohji a bit more.
“We decided who would -” Aya's voice cut off, not sure how to phrase it that would make it sound better.
“We decided? You guys over-ruled me.” Aya and Schuldig ignored Ken's outburst.
“Anyway Schu's first,” Aya scowled at the other redhead convinced that the Schwarz guy had cheated somehow.
“I did not cheat okay? Ken didn't know which one was the short straw, so I couldn't know which was the short straw. Not that I was trying to cheat mind you.”
Aya just glared.
Yohji wasn't sure if he should be insulted or not. On the one hand they were fighting to be his first in his affections, on the other it's not as if they had any choice.
Maybe he should just feel cheap, the way they were bickering and squabbling. Come and ride the Yohji train, just one quick ride and then you get off.