Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Appeal 2 ❯ It's the end of the world as we know it... ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz belongs to Takehito Koyasu and Project Weiss
A/N: this was going to be *really* short. I planned on ending it after Schu's section, but my muse wouldn't let me. *pout*
dimonyo: you'll have to keep reading (and reviewing) to find out *evil grin*
missy: I've decided you take waaaayy too long to update
KD: if you updated as often as I did, I'd be happy…b/c you've been slacking recently :P
Bly: nope sorry, took a long time to update again. But it wouldn't go the way I wanted it to, stupid muse. Oh and the Schu-baby as sickening as it was, was for a later part. Hopefully
Gr: I haven't seen anything from you in months *glare* go write…I didn't torture Yohji. He did *points at muse*
Dv: Aya wouldn't part with his katana so I know I'm safe :P
Tygrrlyli: *looks innocent* me? Leave you hanging? Never! Did you ever find that fic you were looking for with the Yohji colliding into the modern art statue? Share! (yes, I'm a LJ stalker…sorry)
Chapter 5
Schuldig's body froze as his mind went in to overdrive.
Esset was back.
He had to leave. Leave Tokyo. Leave Japan. Leave Yohji.
He had to cut all ties now, and disappear.
As if from a great distance, he could hear Omi talking, but the words were unimportant.
Esset was back.
His mind focused suddenly on one question, the roar of other people's thoughts quietened to a gentle whisper.
“Did Yohji know before?” Schuldig waved one hand in the air to imply the mission, everything.
Omi opened his mouth and shut it again.
Schuldig leaned forward, across the table. “Don't lie to me, Omi, I'll know,” he hissed.
Omi sighed.
Schuldig's glare intensified.
And then all hell broke loose.
Yohji woke to find himself alone in his bed.
He pouted, he had never been fond of that.
“Stop pouting.”
Aya was sitting on a chair facing Yohji's bed, with a book on his lap.
“C'mere.” Yohji patted the bed.
“No. I'm reading my book.”
Yohji pouted again, “but I'm bored.”
“Ayan, tell me a story,” the eldest assassin whined.
“Once upon a time, there were four assassins who lived together. The eldest was very whiny, so the other three decided to kill him. The end.”
Yohji's eyes widened, his eyes showing his hurt before he turned his back on his lover, and snuggled into the blanket. “Fine, read your book.”
Aya grimaced, he hadn't meant to be quite so snappy with Yohji.
And now Yohji was mad, which meant it would be a week before they forgave each other. It usually took that long for Aya to get his thoughts in order to figure out how to get the words `I'm sorry' out of his mouth.
Only now something was telling him, that they didn't have time - that it had to be now.
“Yohji, I…uh, I…” Say it. Just say it. “Yohji, look at me.” It was always easier when he could see Yohji's eyes. See the hurt and pain fade away.
Yohji turned, looking a bit lost himself. This was not their usual pattern.
“I…” Aya wet his lower lip, trying to gain some more time. This wasn't any easier now than it had been the first been.
Yohji sighed, and patted the bed next to him again.
Aya could never understand why Yohji always wanted him to scrabble on to the bed; he felt so undignified doing it - like a kid crawling into bed with his parents, but it was easier than saying those two words which seemed to stick in his throat every time he had to say it.
Aya sat on the edge of the bed, and then lifted his legs on the bed and rolled - nope, he still felt like an idiot.
Then Kudoh, was in his arms, and he relaxed, marginally. They stayed like that for a few moments, before Yohji broke the silence.
“Something's wrong.”
“I know.”