Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Better Days ❯ You Knew! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I wake up feeling as though I've just had an awful nightmare, but I can't remember what it was.

I can't remember much of anything, as it turns out.

I'm not even sure where I am.

Looking around, I make an inventory of my surroundings.

I'm in a bed.

It's pretty comfortable, and it smells like…fabric softener.

More specifically, the brand of fabric softener that I use.

In fact, I do believe this is my bed.

Huh. I don't even remember coming home last night; much less making it into bed. That's hardly a first, though.

I resume my efforts to reorient myself….Judging by how crappy I feel, things did not go well last night.

And…oh shit, I was with Ken and Omi!

I feel a wave of panic start. I could have said anything to them! Done anything to them!

Oh god, why can't I remember?!!

I look at my watch. It's noon!

Usually someone would have forced me up by now. The fact that I'm still here means that they either felt sorry for me…or were so disgusted with me that they didn't want me around. Neither proposition is very reassuring. I'm terrified to find out what happened.

I think I'll stay under my covers in blissful ignorance for a while.

Yet…not knowing what happened is killing me!

I don't think I can stand it. I need to find out what unspeakable events transpired. I'll be a man and face my proverbial firing squad.

My room is silently vacated as I venture out into the hallway.

I pause though, when I reach the top of the stairs. I can hear voices coming from the kitchen.

They're undoubtedly Ken and Omi's.

Maybe I'll postpone my descent for a few minutes. I might be able to collect some information to help me remember whatever ass-holish incidents I was inevitably involved in.

"Eh, Omi, I was really impressed last night. I had no idea you could dance so well."

"Oh…thanks." Nervous laughter, "it's just practice, Ken. You're not so bad either. You'd be really great if you just went out more."

"I don't know about that…but I do kick ass at pinball! My best game was 140 million points! I made it all the way up to Miss October. I'll be top of the high score list by next month, just wait and see!"

Giggling, obviously Omi. "You really crack me up sometimes, Ken. It's really funny hearing you brag about something that contains the phrase 'Miss October'."

"Hey!" Ken sounds defensive, "I just really like pinball! It's not my fault the machine at your favorite bar has a stupid theme."

Hm…dancing, pinball…bits of last night are starting to come back to me.

And---I never noticed before just how chummy Ken and Omi are together!

And---wait a minute! It sounded like they go out together on a regular basis---they were definitely planning on going back to that bar….

I suddenly remember just how slutty Omi was dressed last night. Was he….dressed like that for Ken?!

Could it be, that Ken does like guys---but I didn't notice because he's secretly involved with Omi?!

Of course he wouldn't check other guys out if he already had someone!

Oh. My. God.

The conversation has fallen completely silent.

Too silent if you ask me!

Ken and Omi can't stand that sort of silence! They like to talk too much---they must be preoccupied doing something!!!

My imagination is all too eager to fill in the missing information.

I can see Ken and Omi happily discussing their night out….

Suddenly, their eyes lock. A meaningful---no, make that soul searching gaze is exchanged, and they fall silent---too overcome with desire for one another to continue their conversation. The spell is broken by Ken---who grabs Omi and forces him onto the table. They grasp each other's hands as fierce, passionate kisses are exchanged. Omi breaks free of Ken's grasp so that he can rip off Ken's shirt---and---and----

Oh my god!

They can't do that in the kitchen! Anyone could see them! I have to stop them before Aya finds out!

I bolt down the stairs taking the steps two at a time. I'm practically hyperventilating by the time I reach the bottom. I pause for a second to catch my breath and brace myself for the unspeakable scene I'm certain lies beyond the door.

The knob turns and….

The table is devoid of illicit lovemaking.

Wow. That was quick. Are they finished already?

No wait…Ken is sitting at the table reading a sports magazine.

I quickly scan the rest of the room, and spot Omi standing at the counter. He's scooping rice out of the rice cooker. All articles of clothing are intact and in place. I slump backwards against the door in profound relief.

Almost simultaneously, both boys turn and stare at me.

"Er…you ok Yohji? You seem really upset."

"No…no, I'm fine!" I choke out, between gasps for air. And I really mean it too. Being spared the scene I was anticipating…well I feel just dandy.

"You still don't seem so well," Omi states, exuding concern, "how do you feel this morning? Are you still sick?"

He comes over and starts steering me towards a place that has already been set at the table.

"Nothing some aspirin and coffee won't fix," I reply, gratefully noting the coffee pot and empty mug sitting in easy reach on the table.

As I start to pour my coffee, I notice a white plastic bottle sitting on the empty plate in front of me. What good friends I have! They must have anticipated I'd want painkillers too. Excellent!

I pick the bottle up, and realize it's most definitely not aspirin. In fact, it does not look like any brand I recognize. I pull the bottle closer so I can read the label:

Seratonindopomoximitamene: Depresto!

Heeeey! This looks like…antidepressants!

"What the fuck is this?!" I demand, holding up the bottle.

"Calm down Yohji!" Omi's instantly behind me and rubbing my shoulders, "we're worried about you, we just want you to feel better."

"Yeah, you scared the shit out of us last night!" Ken adds, looking up from his magazine, "we called Manx this morning and had her talk to some Kritiker doctors."

"I'm NOT depressed!" I angrily insist.

Ken rolls his eyes. "Oh come off it Yohji. You're probably the most depressed guy I've ever met."

"It's true," chimes Omi, "you've even gotten worse than Aya Kun."

"I've seen death row convicts with cheerier dispositions."

Thanks Ken, rub it in.

"These won't help," I say through gritted teeth.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of Yohji Kun!" Continues Omi, "It's a chemical imbalance; it's not your fault."

"I'm telling you," I say, losing contol of my temper, "these won't do a fucking thing! I don't have a fucking 'imbalance'! I wish that was the fucking problem, but it's not! There has not been a medicine invented that will fix my problem!"

Crack! That was the bottle hitting the wall, after being thrown by yours truly, of course. A thousand little blue capsules rain down upon the floor.

"Well then," says Ken, calmly leaning forward across the table, "if you're that certain they won't help, then it just puts all the more pressure on you to fix the problem yourself."

"You don't know what you're saying," I answer. My voice is getting low and dangerous.

"I know exactly what I'm saying," Ken replies, "something's bothering you, and you obviously aren't doing a good job of dealing with it."

"I'm FINE."

"Like hell you are. It's not healthy to bottle things up like this. You need to face your problems."

"What if…" I say, my voice barely above a whisper, "what if I told you…that you are the problem?"

Ken doesn't look fazed at all.

"I'm really that annoying, eh?" Ken says, still completely calm, "I can take it. Sock it to me. Tell me how much you hate me."

It must have been the challenging tone in Ken's voice that makes me lose it, because I completely snap.

All that self control I worked up? Right out the window.

I grab Ken's shirt and pull him further across the table.

"I don't hate you! I could never hate you! The problem's that I love you, you fucking moron!"

And with that, I pull him completely onto the table and have at him.

Not one of my best kisses, I must admit. It was sort of upside-downy, and a bit too violent for my taste. Not to mention the timing was entirely off.

But…damn, it was still good.

I refuse to open my eyes immediately afterwards. I don't want to face the repercussions of my actions.

I don't want to see Ken looking shocked and horrified.

I don't want to be rejected.

What finally compels me to look is the sound of laughter.

Not exactly what I was expecting…

I'm met with the sight of Omi doubled over and holding his sides. He's laughing so hard there's tears rolling down his face.

Er…am I missing something?

I look at Ken…and he's grinning like a frigging maniac.

"It's about time!" Ken exclaims, "christ, how long was that?! Sixteen days?!"

"Eighteen," Omi manages to choke out, "it was eighteen days."

"Aya wins the bet then," says Ken, "I was sure he'd crack sooner than that."

"Me too," replies Omi, still giggling, "what took you so long, Yohji Kun?"

"Yeah, seriously Yohji, why didn't you say something sooner?" Ken asks, putting his arm around me.

About all I'm capable of doing at this moment is stand here like an idiot, and blink.

It's taking a few minutes for all of this information to come together.

They…knew. Both Ken and Omi knew this entire time! And they never said a thing to me!

"You knew?!....You…you ASSHOLE!! You KNEW!"

I grab Ken's shirt and pull him up so he's at my eye level. He's still grinning…ooh, I'm really fighting back the urge to punch that smug expression right off his face!

"Of course we knew," says Omi, matter-of-factly, "you really underestimate Ken's intelligence sometimes."

"You knew," I'm having trouble getting past this realization.


"Well I wasn't one hundred percent sure that I was right. It would have been pretty awkward if I was wrong, now wouldn't it?"

"Besides," adds Omi, "how were we to know that telling you wouldn't make things worse? You weren't exactly eager to fess up…we thought maybe you were having trouble accepting your feelings or something."

"And…and…AYA knows?!"

"Hey, not our fault. He figured that out on his own."

"And…you were betting on me?!"

"Entirely Aya's idea!" Omi says, putting his hand up defensively, "don't worry, it wasn't a big bet. We just owe him dinner."

"Assholes." All I can do is shake my head in disbelief. "All this time and you fucking knew."

"It's not like we were going to leave you hanging indefinitely," says Ken, "we got you to admit it didn't we? Don'tcha feel better now?"

"Not as better as I would have felt if you'd said something to me two weeks ago!"

"And…you've known for eighteen days?! Dang, I didn't even know eighteen days ago!"

"That's me," says Ken, smirking, "keen and perceptive."

"But seriously though," he adds, "it's hard to not be perceptive when you like someone."

"So…you do like me?!"

"For ages," Ken remarks, casually, "but I never expected you'd be interested, let alone willing to ruin your 'ladies man' reputation. You really caught me off guard with that whole 'fake mission' ordeal."

Mentioning the fake mission makes me cringe. I'm not exactly proud of that one.

"So anyway…you really had no intention of ever telling me, did you?" Ken asks seriously.

"Well…no," is my honest reply, "not really."

"That's really depressing," says Ken, "why not?"

"I didn't want to ruin our friendship." For some reason, this excuse seems a lot lamer said aloud than it did in my head.

"Thought you might say that," he looks thoughtful for a second, "you really thought I placed so little value on our friendship that I would let it be ruined by something like that?!"

He's grinning again, "you know…I think I'm offended. Did you hear that, Omi? He thinks I'm dense and shallow!"

"Hey! I never said-"

Ken turns back to me, smiling. "Lighten up, Yohji. I'm just kidding. But really, I wish you hadn't felt that way. We would've gotten through it ok….Although, I'm glad we don't have to 'get through it.' I like this outcome a whole lot more."

I'm still having difficulty responding to all this.

I'm trapped somewhere between euphoria, and being exceptionally pissed off.

But…it's really hard to stay mad when Ken's standing right in front of me, looking so goddamn happy.

Next thing I know, he's moved closer and has both arms hanging around me.

"What do you say to going out for real tonight?"

The end of my anger evaporates.

"I'd say that would be really great…providing we don't go to either Yamamoto's or Bar Jam Jam."

"Thought you'd say that," Ken laughs again.

"Now what do you say," I add (rather deviously,) "to getting another skanky outfit to wear when we go out?"

"Mmm, I think I can be persuaded," he answers with a smirk.

"Ooh, I can think of a lot of ways to persuade you," I say, pulling him towards the door, "come on, we have eighteen days to make up for."

And you know, Ken was right. I am feeling a lot better.

I think it's gonna be a long time before I have any more bad days.

* * *
