Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Blood* ❯ Rough Days ( Chapter 51 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Rough Days
Grace and I have been dating for close to a month now. Things have
been going great. But lately… How do I put this? She's… She's… I
Grace is a little bit crazy. I haven't seen how bad it is just yet.
She has her good days. She has her not-so-good days. And then some
really bad days. I am starting to see those. And honestly, it
scares me a little.
She'll be fine one moment and crying the next. Grace wouldn't know
why. I decided to stay by her side. I would talk her through her
grief. I'd listen to her go on and on on the phone. Now, I am
trying to be patient. Her mother told me everything.
“If you are going to date her, know what you are getting into,” she
said. “Do right by her. Be patient with her.” That's what I have
been doing. But she shouldn't be on all those pills. Grace should
be free. I told her as such. And she listened.
Now, I am starting to see the results. I am wondering if that was a
good idea. But I am going to commit to this.
My phone rang at two in the morning. I groaned in my sleep. Damn
it. Again? I reached around for my phone.
“Hello?” I mumbled. I heard sobbing on the other line. I narrowed
my eyes.
“Hello?” he asked. “Grace? Grace, is that you?” I froze when her
words came out in a whisper.
“I've seen him again,” Grace whispered. That was enough to wake me
up. I sat up in bed.
“Where are you?” I asked. She sobbed over the phone.
“Home,” she said. I suspected what this was. She could be trying to
sneak me into her room again. Maybe she was being serious. There
was only one way to see.
“I'll be right there,” I said.
“Thank you,” Grace said. I hopped out of bed. I got dressed and
hung up. This was going to be a nightly thing. I just knew it.
I don't know how this is going to turn out. It could get worse. But
I won't run away. I love Grace that much and we don't have much
time left. We don't want to die. But we don't know what to do. That
was until we met Omi and the others.