Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Blood* ❯ Island House ( Chapter 63 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Island House
This house exists nowhere. But it is real. The darkness hides it.
It's like the house is waiting for something. Or someone. She made
it that way.
The house is beautiful. Five floors, a large garden, a bath house
in the back, and plenty of hidden rooms. How does it stay so clean?
There's no one here most of the time.
What's this?
The door creaked open.
“Hello?” Phoenix poked her head inside. She's been here before.
It's like home to her. She walked into the living room. There's
nothing in here. A little smile came across her face.
“It's perfect,” she said. Phoenix lay down on the floor and went to
sleep. She didn't need anything to fill the house.
But she won't be alone for long.
Phoenix awoke to the door opening. She turned her head.
“Oh, it's you,” the girl said. Footsteps walk over to her.
Why this house? She has her reasons. It will become clear as the
days tick on. Namie smirked to herself. One already moved in.
Another just arrived. Let's see… That's about… thirty-five more to
go. There was no rush. They have eleven mothers to go after
Namie turned her head when she heard the door open.
“Oh. You're back,” she said. “Come on in. The show is just about to
start.” Rachel said nothing as she walked over. The sisters looked
out the window. Namie smiled. Now, the show could begin.