Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Blood* ❯ Looking in the Garden ( Chapter 79 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Looking in the Garden
Lizzie looked out the window. She narrowed her eyes.
“Huh? What is that?” she asked. Phoenix turned her head.
“What?” she asked. The woman pointed out the window. Phoenix turned
her head. Something was moving around in the bushes. The girl
leaned in closer for a look. A figure could barely get its head
above the brush. Phoenix and Lizzie looked at each other.
“What the hell?” the younger girl asked. Lizzie had nothing to say.
The figure moved closer. It still couldn't get out of the brush.
Lizzie began to panic.
“Oh no!” she said. Phoenix turned and ran out of the room.
“Phoenix!” Lizzie shouted. The girl was already out the door.
It felt like walking through the woods. There were so many plants
and grass around. Phoenix struggled to walk through.
“Hello?” she asked. “Anybody out here? Hello? Hello?” Phoenix's
eyes shifted to the right. It sounded like someone or something
walking, no, running toward her. Phoenix whipped around. Her eyes
“What the--?!” the girl shouted.
Nothing. Nothing was there. But the footsteps got closer. Closer.
Closer. Phoenix couldn't move. She's stuck frozen. The girl
couldn't even scream out. Phoenix shut her eyes.
The girl opened her eyes. The footsteps stopped. Phoenix looked
“Who's there?” she asked. The girl took a step forward. A head and
a straw hat poked out from the grass. The face looked so small.
Phoenix could barely see any features from under the hat.
“Uh… hi,” the face said. Phoenix cocked her head to the side.
“Who are you?” she asked. The head bowed.
“Oh,” he said. “I am Saul. I am the groundskeeper.”