Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Blood* ❯ Fall Timebomb ( Chapter 100 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fall Timebomb
Fall is here. Things are going to be… well… difficult. No, worse
than that. Let's just say… it's going to be more challenging.
There will be changes. Many changes. Some good. Some bad. Either
way, the numbered flock will not get a chance to rest this season.
After all, they're going to be dead next year if they can't stop
their fate. But where can they start? All of the searching is
getting nowhere. But they can't give up. Their lives are literally
on the line.
Time is running out. They have to be on the move. But first, they
will have to go through these upcoming changes. The first one was
coming now.