Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Blood* ❯ Broken Man ( Chapter 139 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Broken Man
I can't live without her. Becky won't come home. I tried calling
her. She won't answer. That bitch Karen won't let me see her. None
of them will. Why are they doing this to me? Don't they understand?
I need her! I love her! Can't they see? They don't understand!
I went out to the festival. I know she's here. I saw her with those
bitches Karen and Zoey.
Give her back! Give her back!
There are so many people here. Come on. Where are you, Becky? I
shifted in place. I'm… I feel…
I clenched my fists by my side.
Why is she doing this to me?! Why does she hate me?!
She hates you because you're a monster.
I grabbed the sides of my head.
No, I'm not! I'm not a monster! These are all lies! I lover and she
loves me. Why can't she see that? We are meant to be together!
These people. They all look the same. No. This can't be right.
Where am I? Becky? Becky?
I whipped around. When did it get so dark? One light flew near my
face. And then another. And then another. And then another. A chill
ran down my body. I backed up. Oh no! You aren't going to trap me
here! Becky needs me!
No, she doesn't!
I turned around. So many lights. I tried to hit them away. Go away!
No! Stay away! Stay away! They started whispering to me.
Monster! Monster! Monster!
I am not a monster!
I looked up. Shadowy figures started to crowd around me. I could
see their faces.
“She doesn't love you.”
“She's scared of you.”
“You hurt her.”
“You're a monster!”
“You're a monster!”
“You're a bad man!”
“Bad man!”
“Evil man!”
I grabbed the sides of my head. No, I'm not! I'm not a monster! I
love her! This is not me. This is not me! They all moved in
“Stay away from me!” I lunged forward to attack.
The crowd gathered around to see Alex punching on a random man.
People tried to pull him off but he wouldn't let up. The police had
to come and take him away. Even the, Alex tried to fight them
“Let me go! I have to find her!” he yelled. “Becky! Becky!”