Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Blood* ❯ New Empty ( Chapter 153 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
New Empty
They can't wake up. Namie has them all trapped. All of them. Even
Alex. Omi was doing his best to save them. However, he is not
“Katie? Where are you? Katie? Katie?”
Phoenix cannot see a thing. She couldn't feel anything either. She
tried to look around.
“Katie? Katie?”
The girl paused. “Oh…”
Don't move.
Phoenix pressed her lips together. She couldn't feel her body going
stiff. She opened her mouth.
Phoenix closed her mouth. Could this be…
No. I am not your sister. I don't
know where she is.
Phoenix's heart sank. “Oh.” A tear ran down her cheek.
Don't cry. I know that you are in
serious trouble.
“I don't want to die.”
I know.
“What will you do with me?”
She tried to turn her head but she was forced to face forward. Her
body tensed up.
There's a new world forming in the emptiness. There is nothing in
it. What shall go in this world? Nature? Animals? People? Namie
waved her hand over the empty space.
First, there were white deer. A forest covered the world. Rachel
added the flowers. The world would permanently night. Namie smiled
as the trees grew from the ground. Grass and moss sprung up. Oh
look, there's a bunny. This place looked like heaven. It's perfect.
Well, almost.
Namie turned to her sister.
“Shall we add them now?” she asked.
“Yes,” Rachel said.
“Okay,” Namie said. She waved her hand over the space.
“Do we have a deal?” Omi asked. He took in a breath as he waited.
Something stung him in the palm. He let out a loud gasp. His body
went still. Then he sank to the ground. The space shifted around
When he awoke, there were birds singing.
Namie smiled as she stepped back.
“Perfect,” she said. But then she paused.
“Well, almost,” she said. Meanwhile, the flock awoke in the new