Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ BLOODREALM ❯ Prologue: Deadly Sacrifice ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warning: Angst, Violence, Romance, Yaoi lemon ( in later chappies)
Disclaimer: Okay project Weiss belongs to Koyasu Takehito, hmm he wouldn't mind sharing……..would he?
Pairing: Schu/ Aya, Yohji/ Aya among others
Okay, okay, on with the story, enjoy!!

It was forbidden for an angel,
To take a demon into her womb.
For so cursed was the offspring,
He lived on blood and walked in doom.

Deadly Sacrifice

The Dark halls of Valhalla were silent, no longer whispering ancient secrets; they alone the sole witnesses of the crude act taking place between the two bodies on the bed. They heard the pleasure of the demons, yet they couldn't sense a man's pain.
He collapsed atop her, heavy breathing mingling with short satisfied gasps as they tried to cool their heated bodies. Jalel stared at the silver haired female demon beside him, her beauty was nothing compared to Khelya, yet Rhyanon would serve her purpose. He had his seed deep within her womb and she would conceive his heir, a prince worthy to rule in the realm of Valhalla, at least until the Dark One arose.
Rhyanon lay back on the soft pillows her gaze fixed on the arched ceiling. “What will you do now Jalel?” her soft voice broke the stillness, he sighed as helpless despair unfurled in him, it was inevitable, he had been given orders and as Prince of Valhalla he was to carry them out, even if it meant his life. It was a time of war between the Realms, the dominating ones that of the demons and the angels, they had surpassed the Dark Wars but there were still silent undercurrents that promised death, and pain. Jalel was the one to bring punishment to those selected to suffer, this time it was his heart warring against his duties, yet he recognized that even though the heart of a powerful demon like him could love, the ruthlessness and thirst for power and bloodshed remained his true nature, it was something he couldn't quench and now the only woman he had ever loved would endure the pain he was about to put her through.
The woman on the bed repeated her question softly mindful of rekindling his ire.
“I will kill her,” he responded coldly and drifted off to a disturbed sleep, mindless of the slow smile that spread on Rhyanon's flawless face.

* * * * * * * * * *

Excruciating pain wracked her fragile body as she moaned loudly; her breath coming in short agitated little gasps. The child within her was strong, fighting to come out; blood seeped down her legs as she lay on her back, the marble floor beneath her cold and hard, and the chill seeped into her drenched skin. Another wave of pain crashed on her, pressing her lips tightly, she pushed hard, her purple eyes rolled to the back of her head as she released an ear-splitting scream.
Khelya felt light, like her body was no longer solid, just a form of fluids and gases. She would die, and finally she would be free from the cell she was in, from the twelve tears of darkness she had been submitted to, and only the promise of the next full moon kept her alive, now she had accomplished the unthinkable, she now had a child that would tear the realms in two and that would bring destruction and pain to all who had wronged her because of her prohibited love. She heard a distant crying, yes, this was their child, the child that had taken all of her strength and powers, now she had nothing left to live for, Khelya waited for him knowing he would come when he sensed the torture through their bond and slowly closed her eyes. They opened immediately when she sensed the figure hiding in the shadows, her pale lips stretched, cracking the dry flesh and her bloodless hand rose to him, her lover, her demon and her source of perdition.
She now realized that there was a prize to pay for her disobedience of the Sacred Law, she had given herself to a Demon, when she was one of the purest creatures amongst the tainted Realms, she, the Angel sorceress had lain with the Demon Prince Jalel, yet her soul sought out his, and she was filled with yearning, he was beauty in a living form, silken strands of red hair held back with a blue cord, leaving his face bare to her devouring sight, his liquid black eyes hid the smoldering fires she had known in his arms, she beckoned to him.

He watched from the shadows as she alone brought their child into the world, he felt her powers leaving her. She was in pain yet he wanted to do nothing more than go to her side and provide her with the strength she required; now he could do nothing but wait. A small, bloodied figure lay between her reddened thighs, screaming and demanding the milk of the mother. His son, the true heir of Valhalla, he tore his gaze from the wrinkled babe to see her opening her violet eyes; they were almost colorless with despair.
Her hand was raised, “My beautiful prince,” she murmured, even words caused her to ache.
Jalel took her white hands in his strong ones. She exhaled in agony, her eyes pleading with him, his angel sorceress. He smiled at her and kissed her mouth, his tongue seeking and twirling within her enclosed warmth, she responded eagerly, angry tears gathered at the corners of his eyes as his small fangs lengthened and he sliced his own tongue with cold precision, Khelya stiffened. Jalel sent a stream of his blood into her mouth, unknowingly she swallowed it, it was sufficient, his eyes remained closed savoring her taste for the last time and he drew back.

Her body jerked, the first spasms overtaking her, flaxen locks wet as her mouth opened then closed in disbelief, her skin paled, he could now see the blue veins through the whiteness. Khelya stared at him in unmasked anguish; she knew what he had done. Her eyes had turned completely white, the pupils had discolored along with the purple irises and melded with the sclera. Black tears spilled down his eyes unhurried as he watched her die. She had drunk his poisoned demon blood.
“I love you,” she choked out.
“Sleep,” he commanded, a serene smile graced her beautiful face as she closed her eyes forever.
* * * * * * * * *
The figure held the baby in its arms, the child was lovely, and already he had a tuff of red hair and big violet eyes. Jalel laid his son on the wet ground, the tiny infant stared back at him giving him a toothless grin, and he smiled back. He took out the knife and with a clean swipe slashed his left wrist. Black blood poured onto the baby's naked chest. Jalel focused on making the blood solid. The liquid rose and swirled, then began to create a circle, he boy giggled at the display in delight. The circle of blood slowly took form and became a pointed line of dark blood, and then Jalel gradually thrust it into the child's heart, twisting his head away from the sight of the bloodied young skin. The baby howled into the night and his crimson tuff of hair was inflamed, brightening the starless heavens as his eyes glowed like black crystals.
“My son, you inherit my curse,” he murmured.
* * * * * * * **
The orange haired demon stood before Jalel, a smirk gracing the sensuous mouth, “So your highness, what is it that you wish me to do?” he asked.

Jalel gritted his teeth; he couldn't believe that he was actually going to trust Schuldig with this, though it wasn't as if he had another choice, even though the infuriating demon drove him up the wall, he was still his best friend. With an exasperated sigh, he brought his fingers to his forehead, slowly counting from one to ten.

//You know that won't help, try counting to twenty//

“Listen brat, I'm only asking you this because you are the only one I can trust in this wretched place, will you do it or not?”

“Yes I will, you can count on me.”
The young demon was utterly serious now, all traces of humor gone from the striking features. Jalel nodded slightly and brought forth a moving bundle of silk, he handed it to Schuldig.
“Schuldig this is my son, Ran, I wish for you to take the boy and leave him at the gates of the Elven Realm,” Jalel paused as if weighing his options, “the royal family will sense his powers and take him into the palace until he grows and is ready to face the truth. I trust you will be there for him when the time comes, the Elves will mistake his true origins for another realm and he will be sheltered from what I fear the most.”

Schuldig stared at the young child, entranced by the unearthly loveliness, Jalel smiled slightly at the unguarded expression of awe in the other demon's face.

“But why can't we raise him here in Valhalla, he is your rightful heir after all,” Schuldig pursed his lips in confusion.
Jalel's face whitened and he responded, “You know what will happen if the rest of the realms find out, the most sacred law has been broken, my son will be a curse and all will be in chaos.”
The other man jerked his head in understanding but his stubborn nature got the better of him, “Yes Jalel. But why? I know the child will have extraordinary powers, exceeding those of the other Realms even those of the feared Blood Gods!”
Jalel's eyes darkened, “He can't feel.”
“What?” Schuldig stared at him incredulously.
“I said that he cannot feel; the boy has no soul.”
“Because the union of an angel and a demon is forbidden! This is the price I have to pay! I killed her! Do you hear me! I killed his mother! My son has only the ability to attain tremendous powers, yet his emotions will always be dark waves of negativity, the only thing that he can at least experience in the explosive bliss of sexual pleasure, but apart from that he will be a desolate being, if he is raised in the Demon realm they will turn him into what I'm trying to prevent, he will become a heartless monster like me!” Jalel was shaking now, “He can't have any real feelings, he won't be able to love, the only thing he will feel is darkness and emptiness, I have given him a cursed life and I can never forgive myself for that,” he finished dejectedly.
Schuldig listened dumbfounded and held the babe tighter, his chest tightened painfully.
Jalel was breathing heavily as he continued “I'm keeping his powers dormant for at least three thousand years, my Bloodline lies within him; I placed it into his heart. For now it will prevent him from using his full powers until the expected time, but will release enough for him to defend himself in any situation.”
The youth shook his head in disgust, “Are you insane? Do you know what that means, an immortal without his or her full powers will turn into something else, Ran will hunger and crave his powers and he won't be able to reach his full potential because of you, so to satisfy the need for power and magic he will instead desire and turn to drink--”
“Blood,” Jalel ended for him.
“Yes Ran will be filled with blood lust just like the Blood Gods are, therefore no one will know the creature he really is. Mistaking him for a Blood God until he is able to handle his full power was my plan and you my friend will aid me in this, it has to be so. If they knew what he is, they would stop at nothing to destroy him while he is young and weak and the Council of Ancients will cover up that there ever existed an Angematti in the Realms. Can't you understand me? He needs to be protected, and the best way is that he be thought of as an errant Blood God.”
“But can how can you live with yourself after this Jalel?” asked Schuldig.
Jalel smiled bitterly and countered, “What makes you think I will.”
“One last thing…..”
Schuldig fixed his eyes on his prince in obvious askance, a long rectangular silver box was thrust in his other hand, feeling the weight he guessed what it was, and closed his eyes in agony, accepting his fate and that of the mentor and best friend that stood bravely before him. He raised the silver box in salute.
Jalel nodded, understanding that Schuldig had acknowledged the task that would weave numerous lives in a perilous tapestry.
“Schuldig, use it well and protect him……………at all costs.”
“Schwarz will never know of him my prince.”
Smiling sadly, Schuldig turned abruptly and walked away from the throne room, cradling the small body in his arms as the darkness of Valhalla swallowed him in the distance.

Jalel stared at the dark furnace, the flames were bright and cheerful, and slowly he stripped, the fire dancing and highlighting his skin.
“I'm coming Khelya, it's done,” he said quietly.
The red haired demon stepped into the flames, at last he could sleep, the fire licked away his body and he was finally ready to meet his only love.
* * * * * * * * * *
He stared outside the wide window, the vast expanse of land and sloping hills, the richness of the land and the vivid green turned murky by the night, the moans of pleasure from the feast was like a faint sound in the distance, as expected his birthday feast had turned into an orgy, a mass of naked limbs and goblets of human blood. The night weaving a seductive blanket around the Blood Gods, taunting the resistance and will of his race. He was already jaded, he had been to hell and he had returned, he was a Blood God and he would always be.
"I love you," the whispered confession came from the center of the bed.
"I know" he replied emotionlessly.
Green eyes roamed the view from the window, he closed them to see if he could feel any elation from the words he had just heard, he waited and he waited, nothing came, he opened his eyes again and continued to stare into the black night. The dark haired woman on the bed stared at him, she had never seen a magnificent specimen such as him, it was wrong for a man to have so much beauty and power, she shivered recalling the events that had taken place in the bed. Shamelessly she stared at his naked profile, darkness and light casting shadows over the tall form, lean golden, she stood knowing she should be afraid of him, afraid of his endless thirst for blood and sex, he was the Golden Child, the jewel of their race, some said that his powers could rival those of his own father, the Czar, and that one day the young prince would overthrow him. She felt honored by the fact that he had wanted her tonight, yet she had loved him for so long, but she had no illusions, Yohji never spent his nights with only one woman, she knew she was the first but there would be much more after her.
Her slender arms wrapped around a firm torso, she rested her head n his shoulder, her silky dark tresses teasing him, promising and seducing, but he didn't move or even acknowledge her presence, she rubbed her naked body against his, but he was a statue. "I love you" she whispered again. "I know" he replied. He felt the wetness running down his back, her tears didn't move him. The arms around him tightened reflexively, then released him slowly. The woman turned and quickly donned her garments, with a last longing glance at him she slipped through the door quietly. He sighed as he was taken into the past…………………………& #8230;…..

Soft gales of childish laughter echoed through the corridors, happily bouncing off the bare walls. He ran aimlessly, white tunic swaying gently with his movements. Yohji smiled, his mother was finally going to be with him, she had told him that once she was recognized as the true Czarina then she would be by his side forever. A delicate frown crept up on the boyish features that were on the brink of manhood, he wondered how his people could tell whether a person was a true monarch or not. Shrugging slim shoulders he headed for the bathing house, playing with the small rocks strewn across the worn path. Suddenly he stopped moving, yet he allowed this to happen with no alarm. It had always been a way for his mother to communicate with him; she had made him swear not to tell anyone, maybe because that wasn't a form of the Blood Gods to communicate. So they had kept it secret, Yohji's eyes dulled to a dead green, and his body relaxed welcoming the presence of his beloved mother into his mind.
Yohji .........come..............
He frowned, his mother had never sounded like that before, there was a catch in her voice, something that told him she had nearly no strength left. He willed his body to relax and gave command to his mother letting her mind guide him to wherever she wanted him to go. As if from a great distance he felt his legs move, the brush of leaves against his skin, the turning of a brass knob to reveal a room cast on darkness.
Slowly his eyes adjusted to the darkness, green pupils clothed in scarlet, he sniffed daintily. There was a heavy footfall and turned sharply with a hiss, lengthy golden locks fanning out gracefully, the smell of blood engulfed him and the tiny fangs in his mouth lengthened, the pearly tips not yet developed to reach the full potential of a true Blood God but enough to cause considerable damage.
He crossed the room, crouching in a defensive stance on primal instinct. He paused before another door and without thinking he pushed it open. It was as if all that was happening occurred in slow motion, there was a figure on a large bed, so pale that it almost melded with the white sheets, if only it weren't for the endless sea of blood staining them. He spotted the long blond hair matted with dry blood easily; only brilliant blue orbs glinted through the bloodied face. Yohji was overcome with a feeling of helplessness; he knew he was too young to understand what was happening. Ten figures were kneeling by the bed as if they were suspended in prayer. From the first century of his birth he had known the smell of sex and pleasure, yet now there was only the nauseating smell of pain and despair. He wanted to ask why he could detect the unmistakable scent of him mother's blood on the ten males and the answer to the reason that white liquid ran down the muscular thighs of those men, and the urge to roar was overpowering him, because those men were human, and the ten of them had raped his mother.
Yohji don't move!
Why? I want to taste their blood! Look at what they've done to you!
They're not to blame Yohji!
Silence, He heard nothing. only the small hum at the back of his mind that told him his mother was still with him, her mental voice sounded as weak as her earthly body looked at this minute, he was still confused and he couldn't help but be puzzled at the rage that wasn't there, he only felt mild irritation at the sight before him, but he knew his mother was holding his true feelings at bay, trying to cloak his true purpose and the desire for a bloodbath for the sins committed in the room. He felt a cage enclose his emotions and he was left only with peace and the resounding echo of black anger that was being hidden with great effort by his mother who could even accomplish it great feat in such a feeble state.
Do whatever he tells you.
Who are you speaking of?
JUST DO IT YOHJI! ...............................please.
Then his mother's voice came again; only that stopped him from bleeding the men dry, yet it was strange that they were only crouched as if asking for forgiveness and the young faces were twisted with agony and regret. A sword was thrust in his field of vision, the weapon was held by a powerful hand, he recognized the ring on the fingers, the ring with the insignia of the Czar, the one that he would inherit soon, he followed the length of the thick limb and met the of Dhaymen, the face of his father. A sinister smile was pasted on the fleshy lips, "Well son, you found us."
"Why are you doing this?" Yohji was surprised that the words came out so smoothly when all he wanted to do was kill the bastard. The king made a strange noise his body freezing but then the smile was back on the face, "Now it's your turn."
Yohji eyed Dhaymen warily and with a touch of hostility, he was angry at his mother for trapping his anger inside his mind. “Punish her Yohji. It is your right as the heir to my realm.”
With rising horror Yohji felt his own body move against his wishes. Internally he screamed but he was cool on the exterior as is mother's power forced him into doing the unforgivable. He came closer to the bed and began to shed his clothes, revolted by resigned determination on his mother's face as she weaved her powers into his muscles and moved him like a spineless puppet. He closed his eyes and succumbed to the inevitable.
I forgive you my son. I will always love you.

Schuldig gently placed the child below the high gates of the Elven realm, his eyes clouded; slowly he kissed the young baby and smiled slightly, placing a small amulet on which the child's name was clearly written inside the snowy blankets.
“We'll meet again katzchen, only then will you be mine, if I couldn't have him, then I swear on my life that you will belong to me.”
With a flash of orange the young demon disappeared.
The loud cries of a child aroused the drowsy guards, the heavy gates opened and most exclaimed in surprise and wonder at the beautiful baby given to them as a gift, the small babe was taken to the royal palace.
* * * * * * * * *

She was a tall regal creature, her skirts wide and elegant, Queen Fehalla stared at the child in delight, he had silky red hair and she couldn't tell the color of his eyes because he slept still, snoring softly, the little chest moved evenly. Her blue eyes misted and to the Royal Court of Elves she presented the boy, all her people were assembled to see the mysterious child that had been left at the gates of their kingdom.
She raised the boy in the air and said clearly “I present you my son, Ran”
The wide hall erupted into thunderous cheers and applause.
“Long live the prince!” they shouted.
Violet eyes opened and the tiny baby wailed.

        &nb sp;    
     To be continued.......
NEXT CHAPTER: we get to meet the main character all grown up in the elven realm along with other characters.
Anybody got questions on this story just e-mail me at yinmp@msn.com
My AIM username is yin3002
Remember to review!!! Please!!!