Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Change the Way ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I only borrow them because Kudoh's damn sexy for an anime character and I doubt I'll ever find guys in the real world to even come close.

Notes: It took me quite sometime to write this. Let me know if it doesn't flow right. I've beta-ed the damn thing about 4 times myself and had it at a beta as well.

Lyrics belong to DA-AN by Coco Li.


Smokey soft lyrics drifted from the room down the hallway. Someone was singing, Aya mused as he followed the sounds. The words were beautiful strung together in the almost too rough voice. The singer might have been able to be a professional with a little training. He was twisting the words perfectly to go along with the sultry tune.

Aya placed a hand on the door and gently pushed it open. He peered carefully around the edge and through the small opening to see the singer sprawled carelessly across his own bed. The other man was oblivious to the fact that the door had opened and someone was watching him. He was too absorbed in the sketchbook in his hands and his song.

"No one can change the way of love that lives in the heart," Yohji sang quietly, his attention being drawn from his song to the sketchbook. He guided the sliver of charcoal over the paper and applied his final touches to the art.

The door swung open further and Aya entered the room. He kept his gaze on the blond as he crossed the room to the bed. Carefully, he climbed onto the vacant half of the large bed, purposely curling up on the warm fabric to watch Yohji work.

Yohji glanced at the redhead and smiled, still humming his song. He tilted his sketchbook and added some more shading to the image. Soon, he seemed satisfied with it and held the book to Aya. He appeared pleased with himself.

Aya carefully took the sketchbook from his lover and rolled to his stomach to place the book on the bed. He leaned on his elbows and admired the image on the paper. It was of them, Aya was surprised to find. In the picture, he was laying on his back in the grass, a smile on his face. Next to him, Yohji was seated, leaning over and smiling down at him. They had been on vacation at a small inn. "It's... beautiful." He turned his gaze up to Yohji, who had been quiet since he handed Aya the book.

"I had Omi take the picture. I told him I wanted something memorable." He leaned over and ran a finger over the line of the drawing Aya's cheek, smudging the charcoal just right. Sitting back, he reached for the photo that was now criss-crossed with charcoal smudges. Yohji handed it to Aya and then brushed a black smudged fingertip over the redhead's nose.

Aya wrinkled his nose and tried to brush the black off with one hand. The other held the photo. He soon gave up on removing the black from his nose and looked at the picture. It wasn't the best, the lighting was a little off but Omi had taken a nice picture of them. His gaze moved between the two images, comparing Yohji's charcoal drawing to the photo.

"It's more fun to have a live subject, but it's kind of hard to draw myself and I wanted to try one of us together." He ran a hand down Aya's back. "I think it turned out well." Yohji kneaded the redhead's shoulders, loosening the slightly tense muscles.

Purring, Aya rolled his shoulders into Yohji's attentive hands. He always felt more relaxed in the blond's presence. The massage simply felt good coming from Yohji. "Want to help me make dinner?" Aya murmured. Omi and Ken were away, so it was only Yohji and Aya in the building until they returned.

"Sure." He picked up the sketchbook and put it on the dresser. Turning, he reached for the photo. His eyes wandered over the redhead's face, seeing the light smudge of black on Aya's nose. Yohji smiled.

"Can I keep it?" Violet eyes shifted up to the blond. "After you are done, of course," he quickly added. A light blush crept across his features. He was never one to ask for anything like this. It was almost embarrassing.

"Yeah." Yohji ran a hand through his hair, possibly dusting the honey colored locks with black. He crouched on the bed and gave Aya the briefest kiss before standing and moving to gather up his art supplies.

Aya climbed off the bed and set the picture on the dresser. He walked to the door, casting a small smile back at Yohji. Then, he vanished through the doorway.

Yohji couldn't suppress the small wave of joy that went through him at the thought of Aya. Aya was here and was with him. It seemed like a dream. Around a year ago, he was just fighting for the idiot to stay with him.

Weiss wasn't what it used to be. They no longer strictly took `cancellation missions', as Omi liked to call them. They did a fair amount of infiltration and retrieval and were only assigned to `cancel' someone if no one else could do it. Kritkir had other teams they could fuck up now; they didn't need to focus all of their energies on the members of Weiss.

Aya's sister woke up only two months after Aya had joined Weiss. Ten months later, Reiji Takatori was nothing more than plant fertilizer. It was then that Aya truly found the motivation to leave Weiss. His revenge achieved and his little sister alive and getting on with her life, he wanted to be normal.

It led to a fight between Aya and Yohji. Yohji didn't want him to leave and just disappear. He knew there was nothing left for himself, save his new lover. Aya didn't see it that way; he fought to remove himself, hoping that they both could find something more than a life of bloodshed and passionate sex.

The redhead disappeared then, trying the conventional lifestyle that all men his age should be living. He tried to get a respectable job and ended up behind a desk. Everyone but Aya seemed to notice that the man wasn't happy. Aya-chan tried to tell him what he couldn't see but her brother couldn't, or wouldn't, see it. He even tried a matchmaker, to get married and settled down with children.

Life as a normal citizen just wouldn't work out for him. The women he saw were all wrong to him. Aya finally reached the point where he couldn't handle conforming. It was like trying to shove a cube through a triangle shaped hole. He didn't fit.

Aya-chan was the one who finally contacted the remaining members of Weiss. She told the lovesick Yohji to come find her brother and make him happy again. Yohji couldn't help but do what his love's little sister wanted. Giving up on Aya had been the hardest thing Yohji had forced himself to do. Now, presented with a chance to return to the redhead, the blond jumped at it.

Between the emotional, verbal, and physical assault on Yohji's part and Aya-chan's forceful persuasion on `what made her big brother happy', Aya returned to the Koneko. He worked in the flower shop for a week or so before rejoining the team. By then, they had changed the missions they took. Weiss would rarely kill again.

It had taken a month or so before the emotional redhead would relax back into his role in Weiss. He'd spend most of his free time brooding over his lost shot at a normal life until Yohji would get tired to waiting for him to stop angsting. Then, the redhead had to endure Yohji's affectionate gestures and almost smothering love.

The redhead finally relaxed into his role on the team and seemed to visibly enjoy his time with his teammates and sister. More and more glimpses of Ran seemed to shine though all the time. He'd smile more and bait Yohji constantly. It was `entertaining' to watch them together, Omi had commented one day. Yohji had beamed and Aya had scowled.

Leaving the room, Yohji headed for the bathroom to wash up. He rid his hands of the black smears, watching the gray water swirl down the drain. It was nice to see the grease from working on his car or some sort of color from his art coming from his hands instead of the blood from a kill.

Downstairs, Aya was retrieving the pots and ingredients to make the meal he had planned. He assumed that pasta would be easy to make. The cookbook he had bought had a suitable recipe marked that he flipped to. Aya was good at cooking, as long as the meals were Asian dishes. It was what he learned from his mother and sister. He knew that Yohji had probably made this type of meal before.

"I'd love to say it smells good but it's kind of hard when the food isn't even cooking yet." Yohji appeared in the doorway, a smile gracing his already happy features.

"Get over here and help, Kudoh." Aya shifted the pots around so the appropriate ones were on the stove.

"As you wish." He walked to the redhead to lean over Aya's shoulder and study the cookbook. "Looks good, love." Yohji stepped back from his lover and reached for one of the pans.

Aya read through the directions and started a pot of water boiling. He turned to find Yohji gathering the ingredients to make the sauce.

The blond looked up from reading a label. He gave Aya a warm smile and set the ingredient down. Yohji crossed to his redheaded lover and slid an arm around Aya's waist.

The redhead smiled as Yohji's lips descended upon his own. He leaned up into the kiss, gripping the blond's arms. Yohji was warm, inviting, and he tasted bright with that edge of spice that defined him. It was like kissing a sunset; light with that inviting, coming darkness.

"Aren't we supposed to wait until its dark?" Yohji murmured into Aya's lips as he pressed the slim man back into the counter. His hands were already busy roaming all over Aya's stomach, just waiting to strip the long sleeved t-shirt from the pale man.

Aya shifted his legs to pull one of Yohji's thighs between his own. He purred softly at the pressure the position created on his groin. "The house is empty." Ken and Omi had gone to the Villa Weiss and Aya-chan was off to a friend's house for the weekend.

It was almost like they were parents whose children had been shooed away to camp and this was the first weekend they had to themselves in a long time. One of the other three people that occupied the house was always there and Yohji and Aya would have to keep things in their bedroom unless they played tame. As much as an exhibitionist as Yohji could be, Aya would kill him if they did anything that would remotely bother his sister.

"Quit thinking," Yohji murmured and pressed his lips beneath Aya's ear. Grazing the sensitive skin to draw Aya's attention back to him, he nipped it with his teeth. "Let's go upstairs," he whispered.

Aya's hands slid over Yohji's back, down his sides and around to his stomach. He gently pushed Yohji back and stepped to check the water. He glanced over his shoulder at Yohji and smiled.

"Tease." Yohji stepped forward, placing his hands on the redhead's hips as he pressed himself to the thinner man's backside. He nuzzled behind Aya's ear, taking a moment to relish the feel of being near his lover. "Mmm... I want you." He stepped back, tugging the redhead to come with him. "Upstairs."

Not moving, Aya moved his hands over Yohji's. "No." He pressed his ass back against the snug front of Yohji's pants. "I can't leave the stove alone."

A low growl rumbled past Yohji's lips at the feel of Aya twisting subtly in his arms. He tilted his head down and pressed feather-light kisses along the redhead's neck. He settled to sucking on the pale skin, marking him.

Aya let his head fall to the side, eyes closing as he let Yohji work his magic over him. After a short time, he stepped away from the blond. "Let me finish dinner."


A smile spread across the redhead's features. "Weren't you ever taught that dessert is for after dinner?" He reached for the ingredients of the sauce.

Yohji narrowed his eyes, mocking anger as he threw his arms around Aya's waist, spinning him to face him. "No. Are you going to teach me?"

Reaching behind him, Aya turned off the stove and wrapped his arms around Yohji's neck. "Hn... teaching you would be like trying to train a dog to sit."

"You little bastard." Eyes wide with disbelief, he pushed Aya back against the counter.

"Wait, one of those little dogs with the short attention spans." Aya smiled.

"Fuck you too." Yohji leaned forward and captured Aya's lips, opening his mouth and pressing his tongue into Aya's eager one. Aya's sense of humor was slowly developing, surprising Yohji almost every day.

The redhead tilted his head, giving Yohji better access to plunder his compliant lips. Their tongues danced around each other, sliding slick and wet as they kissed. Aya made a satisfied sound in the back of his throat even as Yohji pressed him harder into the counter. "Shit, Kudoh, that hurts." The hard marble dug into his lower back, vertebrae not exactly pleased at the strange angle.

Yohji pulled away, puzzled. He stepped back, puzzled even as Aya's hand went for his back, rubbing his spine. "What?"

Aya ran his hands along the edge of the counter until he found the right place and jumped a little as he pushed himself onto the counter. He sat there, tilting his head at the blond even as he offered one of his hands.

It dawned on Yohji that it was entirely the counter's fault. "Next time, yell at the counter," he mumbled as he stepped forward, settling between Aya's legs. Aya's hand smoothed over the juncture of Yohji's neck and shoulders, settling to curl in the hair at the base of Yohji's neck.

Easy, lazily, Yohji slid his arms around Aya's waist, holding the redhead loosely to him. Aya fingered the silky waves of blond even as his eyes searched Yohji's face.

"What?" Yohji asked. He blushed, lightly, as much as a person like himself could as they were being scrutinized by their lover.

"Nothing." Aya scooted forward and closed his knees, taking a snug hold around Yohji's waist. His fingers gently massaged the base of Yohji's skull. He tilted his head, angling his face down to press his lips carefully and briefly against Yohji's. A small smile graced his features as he sat back up.

"Nothing my ass," he murmured, stretching up to press his lips against the redhead's. Suddenly, there was a hand on his ass, kneading and squeezing.

Aya purred, the deep sound rolling in the back of his throat. His fingers massaged Yohji's firm backside. They teased the flesh for a few moments longer and then slid up to rest back at Yohji's waist, beneath his shirt. "Hungry?" he asked softly. His fingers played in sensuous circles over Yohji's wonderful golden skin.

"Mmm... always." Yohji pressed his face into the juncture of Aya's neck, reveling in the smooth, pale skin that would always breathe of Aya to him. No one he had ever met was quite like the beautiful man that was running his hands all over his waist. Long fingers curled into the hem of Aya's shirt. Yohji pulled the offending layer of clothing over his lover's head.

The redhead helped him remove the warm garment, freeing his head and arms from the snug confines. Aya sat almost perfectly still as Yohji's eyes roamed all over his revealed skin. He knew that Yohji could give a detailed description of every location of every scar on his body but the blond still liked to look at him. Aya shivered.

Yohji leaned forward, pressing his lips against the youngest of Aya's scars. Weeks ago, some security guard got brave and shot at them on their way out. Aya stopped one of the man's bullets with his shoulder. There had been a lot of blood at the site of the wound, more than any of them had seen in the longest time. Now, the once ragged hole was a smooth, pink scar. Yohji kissed the scar and slipped his tongue between his lips to soothe the imperfection.

Calloused hands slid up and over Yohji's back. The warm fabric of his t-shirt was soft beneath Aya's hands. Long fingers tapped gently over the back of Yohji's neck and finally settled there. He leaned in and parted his lips. His mouth settled over Yohji's, moving his lips against those of his lover's.

Warmth spread from where Yohji's lips moved against Aya's down through his body like waves gently crashing against the shore. More than passion, more than lust, Yohji wanted to spend the rest of his days just like this, with Aya holding him and him holding Aya back.

Yohji pressed the kiss further, delving his tongue into the moist, sweet cavern of Aya's mouth. He slowly slid his tongue over somewhat crooked teeth that never got the braces they were supposed to, a symbol of the life that Aya had until it was permanently interrupted.

Aya wrapped his arms around Yohji's neck. He pressed his body against Yohji's, as much as he could get without breaking the kiss. There wasn't any need to rush anymore. They had the rest of their lives for each other.

Yohji began to pull his own shirt up, tugging it until he had to pull away from Aya to get it the rest of the way off. The redhead grunted at the loss of the kiss but helped Yohji strip the garment off. His hands immediately moved to chill the warm, tan skin. Yohji caught Aya's hands, goose bumps already rising on his flesh where they had touched. "I don't know how you can stay so cold."

A half smile played across his lips before he pressed them to Yohji's skin. He nipped the flesh. He took a hold of it, teeth clamping down hard enough to leave a mark before letting it go. His hands brushed down over Yohji's back, touching the old bullet scars that had lost Yohji so much. They slid over the back of the blond's jeans and pulled him closer. Aya twisted his hips, pressing their groins together.

Green eyes closed momentarily then opened. They seemed to sparkle as Yohji moved his hips, rocking against Aya. Through the fabric he could feel Aya hardening. His own body responded to the stimulus by hardening as well. He wanted to push Aya back on the countertop, strip the rest of their clothing off, and fuck him right there. He ignored the urge, pushing to the back of his mind. Savor the moment.

Aya's hands were suddenly at Yohji's waist. The slow, languid pace they had been taking wasn't exactly what he wanted just then. But, after tugging the waist of Yohji's jeans open, he slowed. Fingertips trailed over the edge of Yohji's briefs, smoothing over the elastic waistband. He pulled it back a fraction, letting the band snap softly back against Yohji's wonderfully smooth skin.

Yohji made a sound that was faintly indignant. He reached for Aya's pants, popping the button and sliding the zipper down as his fingers dove inside.

Skin against skin was all Aya wanted then and all he could ever need were Yohji's hands upon him. They moved like water, brushing across the tight muscles low on his belly towards the rapidly hardening flesh between his thighs. Aya let out a low sound as those talented fingers found what they were searching for, cupping and massaging his aching hardness through thin briefs.

A smile formed on lips whispering promises of pleasure and love. He rolled his palm against his prize. Flesh strained beneath his hand. Aya pressed his hips up, pressing his erection against Yohji's palm.

Even through fabric, Aya felt the magic of Yohji's touch. It burned and chilled. Brought to life and calmed. Aya was content to just feel the man he loved touching him. Those sweet nothings Yohji rambled on and on caressed his ears, drawing his mind into a pleasure filled haze, full of promise and certainty.

The blond pressed his palm against his lover's arousal and hooked his thumb in the hem of dark colored briefs. Hesitated. Then he pulled them down, over Aya's eager erection to allow it to bounce free.

There was a sharp hiss as air took the virgin stroke, touching Aya moments before Yohji's hand found warm, hard flesh. He tilted his head forward, letting his forehead fall against Yohji's. They stayed quietly, foreheads balanced against one another. Yohji held Aya's cock in his hand, not moving, yet the promise was there. A shaky hand tangled into blond locks.

"Yohji..." The blond man could melt him faster than anyone he had ever known. His resolve stayed in normal situations but Yohji knew how to push his buttons. A simple touch, caress, could have the redhead compliant and begging in his arms.

Aya slid his other hand into the waistband of Yohji's starkly white briefs. Passion glazed eyes shifted downward, briefly. Fingertips smoothed over the cotton undergarment. A fingertip found the small damp spot and pressed lightly.

Yohji clenched his teeth together, letting his gasp his out between his teeth. His hand tightened involuntarily around Aya, squeezing him. Aya sucked in air and pulled his forehead away from Yohji's, tilting his mouth to his lover's. A subconscious offering.

The blond slanted his mouth over the redhead's, pressing his tongue into Aya's mouth even before their lips touched. He demanded entrance, response. His tongue flicked deep even as he made a hesitant stroke over Aya's cock, thumbing the head and spreading the small amount of fluid around.

Aya's tongue chased Yohji's as his hand tugged at the elastic waist of Yohji's briefs. He pulled, his hand shaking enough for him to almost lose hold of the stretchy material. Almost. One hand pushed at the pants and underwear the blond was still wearing, trying to get them out of the way.

Yohji batted Aya's hands out of the way and stepped out of the rest of his clothes. Naked. In the kitchen. And he didn't want to be alone like that. He put his hands on Aya's pants and waited until the redhead lifted himself up before stripping them off.

The marble counter was cool against Aya's bare skin, even though he had been sitting there for a while previous. He shifted and found himself thoroughly kissed again.

Then Yohji slid away. "Hang on, love."

Aya grunted as he watched his lover disappear from the kitchen. Stretching out, he pulled more of himself onto the counter and leaned back on one hand.

"Gods..." Yohji returned moments later to find his lover leaning back on the black marble counter; pale, pale alabaster skin contrasted exquisitely with the dark, ebony counter. One hand supported him and the other was between his legs, stroking his weeping cock. It was one of those things that always set Yohji's blood to boil. "Aya," he groaned, returning to the redhead's side.

Aya's fingers danced along his hard length, feather light touches compared to the long and sure movements he had been making just a few seconds ago. "Yohji..." Breathy. His eyelids settled to slits, Yohji a fuzzy picture in front of him. Hand spread wide, he smoothed his palm down the side of his erection. Fingers slid down to play with his balls as his hand reached the base of his erection.

Yohji couldn't help but stare, trying impossibly not to drool over the scene in front of him. Aya... touching... He found one of his own hands sneaking down his stomach, reaching for his own aching cock. But, before his hand could reach its destination, Aya had a hand out to him.


The blond dumbly handed the worn tube over, mind numb with images of everything they could be doing. He wrapped a hand around himself, grip tightening almost painfully and then relaxing as he began to move his finely scarred hand up and down his erection.

Then he looked to Aya again. Aya's hand had left his erection and moved to tease a more intimate location.

Yohji had the sense to reach out, catching Aya's wrist before even a finger could slide inside of him. "Let me," he spoke, his voice coarse with desire.

Aya opened his eyes, pulling his hand away to allow Yohji to do as he wished. He held the tube out to him and squeezed a glob onto the other man's fingers when they were offered.

Moving slowly, almost shaking, Yohji pressed his fingers to the small pucker. Before him, Aya shifted. He wanted Yohji to touch him, touch him in the most intimate of places. The blond pressed his fingers inside of the redhead, slowly. Then, he began to move them. Long fingers twisted and scissored as they slowly fucked Aya.

His eyes closed and his face screwed up into a look that lurked somewhere between pleasure and concentration. Aya wished things would move faster, that Yohji wouldn't be so concerned about preparing him each and every time.

And Yohji's fingers were gone, leaving Aya wanting his touch back, even if it was just those slim fingers that were meant for far finer things than just the wielding of a garrote. Or for sexual pleasure.

Yohji laid his hands on the twin cheeks of Aya's ass, giving a gentle squeeze before pulling him forward. One hand moved and slid to the redhead's knee. He guided him forward to the edge of the counter. Impatient, yet he didn't want to jerk Aya off the counter. He didn't want to risk losing his grip and have the beautiful man fall to the linoleum.

Aya's hands gripped the blond's shoulders, holding him tightly as he was pulled off the counter and onto Yohji's stiff cock. His body stiffened, tightened, to keep from heading straight for the floor. He heard Yohji gasp before his body relaxed and he impaled himself the rest of the way on Yohji's erection.

Tight. Perfect. Meant for Yohji, only. The thoughts always came when Yohji first penetrated Aya. They held onto his mind as he turned and heard Aya's back rattle the large doors of the cabinets against the wall.

He clutched for a hold, something other than Yohji to get a hold of for leverage. His legs were still wrapped tightly around the blond's waist. Every little move he made in his search sent a jolt of something he couldn't explain through his body. Yohji was there, filling him, almost too big, almost unreal. Almost. Aya's hands gained purchase of the little ledged shelf on top the cabinet. He knocked a cereal box backwards as he asserted his grip.

He felt Aya relax minutely and gripped his hips. Carefully, he pulled back and thrust forward. Slowly, the first time, to test their position.

Aya's breath hitched as Yohji slid home; fully seated inside him again. "Yohji." He sounded far away.

Long legs tightened around him, urging his pace along. Yohji slid out again and picked up an even rhythm, not slow and not fast. He moved in and out of the beautiful man trapped in his arms, changing the angle of his thrusts in search of that particular place inside of Aya.

Biceps flexed and Aya's grip on the little shelf tightened. He pulled himself up then let his body fall down to meet each and every one of Yohji's thrusts. His breath came shallow, quiet almost grunts fell from his lips. It felt good to have Yohji inside him like this as the blond caused pleasure to coil in the pit of his stomach. His limbs ached for release, for Yohji.

Yohji pressed an open mouthed kiss to Aya's neck. He left a sloppy half-kiss there as he sucked in air in short breaths. "Aya..." His fingers tightened on pale hips.

Their pace quickened as need crawled through their veins, pulling them closer together. Yohji started mumbling endearments all jumbled together. Aya couldn't have understood them even if he wanted to try just then. Yohji stroked his prostate once, twice.

Aya was arching, his fingers and knuckles turning white as he gripped the cabinet. His head banged against the wooden doors and his mouth opened further to suck in air. He felt so short of breath as passion rode him. Just him and Yohji.

All that mattered was them as their bodies raced toward completion. Their minds were elsewhere, lost in the lust induced haze that settled over them.

Yohji thrust harder so that he was almost pounding his cock into Aya's tight body. The redhead didn't care. His hips lifted and met every single thrust.

The stream of endless endearments stopped and both men were making sounds that were more animal than human. Primal. No words, really, save for the occasional sound that resembled a name.

Yohji released one of Aya's hips and brought it between them, taking Aya's weeping erection in hand and stroked it. The rhythm matched the movement of their hips.

Heat coiled low in Aya's stomach as the double stimulus brought him off. Yohji was pounding into him, brushing his prostate every time now and the hand on his erection. It was too much. Too much pleasure to even try to hold on.

He came with a loud cry, uninhibited. There wasn't a reason to stifle his voice as his body froze. Thin ribbons of white stripped Yohji's chest and his own stomach. Neither of them noticed at all. Aya's body sang with the force of his climax. His body wanted to fall into a boneless heap but there was still Yohji. Yohji was still achingly hard inside him, still sending sparks behind his vision with each thrust. "Yohji," whispered on the second attempt at forming the name of his lover.

That was all it took for Yohji to follow Aya into oblivion. The syllables of his name spoken in Aya's passion roughened voice. He pressed his face into Aya's neck as he coated Aya's insides with his essence. His hips moved only slightly as he rode his release to finish.

Aya felt every pulse of Yohji's release inside of him, gasping as his already over stimulated body shook with the intensity of their lovemaking. The redhead slowly released the top of the cabinet, no longer able to hold his full weight by himself. He felt weak in the knees.

Yohji slowly sank to the floor, panting. He leaned forward and knelt with Aya spread over his thighs, still inside of the pale man. The feel of Aya's short breaths against his ear steadily brought him back from the effects of his climax.

Hands smoothed over Aya's body; sliding down his legs and unhooking them from around Yohji's waist. Aya let his spent body relax, pulling away only enough that Yohji's flaccid cock slipped out of him. To that, he made a disappointed sound. Then, he resettled on Yohji's thighs and remained close to the other man.

Yohji wrapped his arms around Aya, closing his eyes as he pressed a kiss to the redhead's cheek. "Gods..."

Aya mumbled something into Yohji's throat, curled up against Yohji's chest. Contentment and relaxation ruled him at that moment.

"What did you say, love?" Yohji's voice was barely above a breathy whisper.

"They need to go away more often."

Yohji blinked, startled. Aya had almost fought Aya-chan to keep her here all weekend. But, this was his lover talking, not the big brother. "Yeah..."

He didn't want to get up and finish dinner. He didn't want to move. But, Aya was sure that the linoleum floor was not the most comfortable place in the world for Yohji. He shifted, sliding over to sit on the floor beside his lover, reaching for a dishtowel that hung on the handles of the cabinet. He cleaned them both off and slowly pushed himself to a stand, a little wobbly.

Yohji watched his lover stand with a small smile. He followed suit a few minutes later and grabbed his jeans. He pulled them back on before helping Aya back into his own pants. As soon as they were back on, Yohji wanted Aya's pants off.

Aya turned for the stove, half-heartedly ready to start dinner again. Arms encircled his waist and he leaned back. Kiss-swollen lips trailed down his neck even as cleaver fingers inched towards the clasps of his jeans. "Yohji." His name started out as a warning but fell short. It was more of a pleasured sigh.

"Now can we go upstairs?"

Aya let his chin fall to his chest. "If we eat first, we don't have to come back down until tomorrow."

And that sounded like one of the best things Yohji had heard that day.

