Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Christmas Dreams and Fantasies ❯ Christmas Dreams and Fantasies ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Christmas Dreams and Fantasies
Rating: PG
Warnings: shounen-ai, language, OOC, yaoi hints, slight bondage
Pairings: KenxOmi, Aya+Youji, Crawford+Schuldich
Disclaimer: I don't own Weiss Kreuz or any associated characters.
Summary: Youji and Aya decide to give Omi a cat for Christmas.

Well, I actually finished this fic on time. I wasn't too sure once I got home that I would be able to….I forgot how much work we did for Christmas -_-. But here it is…my attempt at fluff and humor……run while you can. Angst is my area so I'm not too sure how this turned out. I'd like to thank Max Ikari, Portia and Alicorn for their support and discussions that lead to some ideas in this fic ^_^. And also everyone that gave me present ideas, it really helped. I guess that's about it…oh! I take no responsibility for Aya. He decided he was going to be perverted and I just let him do it because it was fun to write. That and I've been getting criticized for my Aya-dislike. I can't help that he screams the need to be hit to me at least! ^^;;. Enjoy and Merry Christmas WKyaoi ML!


December 22---Three days till Christmas

"Ken, come here." Youji called form the work room. Taking a glance around to make sure everything was alright, Ken left the front of the store and followed Youji's voice. He found the man leaning against the table, back to him and in the process of lighting a cigarette.

"Youji!" the brunette cried, pulling the stick form the other man's lips. He shook the cigarette at his teammate like an accusing finger, "You know what Omi would do if you caught you back here smoking!"

"Are you worried about my safety, Kenken?" he asked with on of his trademark smiles, glasses slipping slightly down his nose. Ken blushed, wide-eyed and tried to stammer out a response.

"N...no...that's....that's not it!.....Not at all! I was....was just..."he was turning a bright shade of red now. Youji snaked an arm around the boy's shoulders making it so Ken now stood next to him. He plucked the unlit cigarette from Ken's lax fingers.

"Or are you worried about getting Omi upset?"

"Shut up!" Ken snapped rather quickly. He shrugged the arm off his shoulders before asking Youji, "Why did you call me?"

Ken didn't catch how the blonde's face lit up with a mischievous smile. There was a jingling of bells and both turned to see their new customer. They watched as Omi greeted the old couple and set about helping them. Youji gauged Ken's reaction as the boy smiled and laughed, conversing with the people. With an imperceptible nod, Youji returned to his former position and lit the cigarette.

"You know Christmas is coming up, right?"

"Aa." came the soft reply. Youji couldn't help but smile at the faraway sound of the voice.

"And that means we have to get each other presents, right?"


"Well, I've found the perfect gift for Omi. But I'm going to need your help."

Ken spun around to face the playboy, hand reaching up for the cigarette simultaneously. Youji batted the hand away and moved towards the back door, the one that headed for the basement.

"I've already got Omi a gift."

"Does that mean you can't help get him another one?" Youji turned questioning eye on the soccer player. For the second time that night, Ken stuttered.

"No....no, that's not.....not what I meant. I....I meant that....that....well....I..." he hung his head and his words became mumbled. A smirk crossed Youji's face as he walked back to the boy and slapped his back.

"There's nothing better than being in the giving spirit, right Kenken?" he received a rough shove from the shorter boy.

"Don't call me that!" Youji waved it off and guided him to the basement, "Why are we going down here?"

"So Omi can't hear us. We want this to be a surprise, don't we?"

"Aa." The brunette agreed after a moment's silence.

The basement was dimly lit. Ken slowly felt his way over to the chair and heard Youji lean on the couch a few seconds later. There was something else in the room; something that made the hairs stand on the back of Ken's neck. But he couldn't place it for the life of him. As he waited for Youji to explain why he was needed, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. And he waited some more. Finally unable to wait any more, he turned to where he figured his taller teammate was.

"Youji, are you gonna explain your idea or not? I'm supposed to be working and Omi won't be happy if he finds out I'm skipping out on him." the smell of smoke was slowly filling the room.

"I was just waiting for something." the lanky blonde threw himself on the couch, legs sprawling over the end, "So, you're going to help us?"

"Us? I thought this was your idea?!" Ken stood up in irritation. He sat once again as Youji motioned for to calm down.

"Us as in me and Aya. This gift for Omi is really hard to get and we just need a little help from you. We'll do the rest." Ken sat in the chair tensely, his uneasiness from before becoming stronger.

"What's this gift you're getting him? And what do I have to do?" he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt glancing over his shoulder.

"Funny you should ask that. You see, after living next to Omi for a long time I've come to know what he wants." Ken snorted, "It's true....the kid talks in his sleep. And being a night person, I've heard a few of his secrets."

"And this has to do with me.....how?" Ken leaned back in his chair, relaxing slightly.

"We need you to dress as a cat, for his present." The other man stated straight faced. He calmly extinguished his cigarette in an ashtray as Ken fell off the chair.

"I need to WHAT!!!?" came the indignant reply.

"Dress...as...a...cat." Youji was now grinning broadly, watching Ken's reaction with much amusement. From behind him, the brunette swore he heard soft laughter.

"No! I won't do it! Why do I need to do it anyway? If it's a cat he wants, we can buy him one. I don't have a problem with having one around." Youji sighed as he listened to Ken ramble on.

'Looks like we'll have to do this the hard way.'

"So, you won't do this for Omi?"

"No!! Absolutely not! I don't care if it *is* as a present." Ken was in the process of getting out of the chair when Youji stopped him.

"If you won't do this the easy way......Aya!!" Ken turned his head in time to see the red-head jump out of the shadows and throw something over his head. Before he could comprehend what was happening, the boy found himself tied to the chair he had just been sitting in. After a minute, he regained his senses and started twisting around.

"Let me go!! You bastards....I'm gonna kill you!! Let! Me! Go!" Youji surveyed Aya's work and gave a nod of approval.

"Nice knot work. I don't think he'll be able to get out of that. Now, how are we going to do this?" Aya stood in front of the chair, arms crossed and head lowered as Youji circled it. Ken's hands were fisted tightly in his lap, his brown eyes narrowed in a glare at his coworkers.

"I say we knock him out. It'll be easier and he won't fight." The blonde considered Aya's proposal. Upstairs, the phone rang. Omi's voice drifted downstairs. A few seconds later, his voice became clearer as he entered the back area of their shop.

"Ken-kun? Are you here? I need your help. Ken-kun?" Ken opened his mouth to yell to the boy only a few feet away from him.

"Om---" he was gagged.

"Now, now, Kenken. We can't have any of that and spoil the surprise." came Youji's teasing reply, "I really don't want to have to do that, Aya. I mean, as much as I like Ken here, I don't want to see him naked."

Ken's eyes almost popped out of his head. His muffled screams went unnoticed by his two scheming teammates. Both Aya and Youji had their backs to the bound boy, talking just loud enough so Ken could hear what they were saying every now and then. His efforts to escape increased a little bit more each time they would look at him.

"Now......we can either dress him ourselves, which I'm kind of against, or we can shove him in a room with the clothes and hope he does it."

"He won't do it himself...............somehow."

"Dammit.........so much easier...............had Schuldich's powers..................Nagi to hold him............"

"...............wouldn't............up to us...............for Omi. We'll just knock him out and do it."

Two pair of eyes turned on him, one amused the other leering. As the two figures advance on him, Ken tried to scoot as far back into the chair as possible...and whimpered.

December 23---Two days till Christmas

There had hardly been a customer all day. The cold weather and urgency of last minute shopping had kept the usual crowd away. Omi sighed and took a sip of his hot chocolate staring at the greying sky. Youji had left a short while before to pick up some lunch for them and Aya was putting the finishing touches on a formal arrangement. Ken hadn't shown up for his shift this morning and when Omi had checked his room, his bed hadn't been slept in. It wasn't unusual for him to disappear once in a while, but Ken never skipped a shift. But that wasn't the only thing worrying him. It was two days before Christmas. Soon there would be the last minute orders to do as well as preparing for their own celebration. And for as long as he could remember, Ken had always been with him for Christmas. Omi sighed once more.

"If you have nothing to do other than mope, go take care of the seedlings." Aya snapped not looking up from his work. Omi blushed and scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't even realize he had been moping.

"Ano...Aya-kun, you haven't......" he didn't get a chance to finish. Aya picked up the finished arrangement and took it with him to the holding fridge. His voice floated over his shoulder.

"No. I haven't seen or heard from him. Don't worry Omi; I'm sure he's alright."

The blonde nodded hesitantly turning his attention back to the cold outside. He missed the smirk that crossed the stoic man's face as he crossed the room once more, this time heading for the basement door with a plate of food in hand.

December 24--- Christmas Eve

The store had already been closed for a few hours. Aya and Youji were quietly cleaning the store while Omi finished with the closing papers. But the numbers just weren't coming. No matter how hard he tried, Omi couldn't make the numbers fit. The pencil tapped rapidly on the table top, quickly grabbing the attention of his two coworkers. Green locked with violet from opposite sides of the room. Amusement shone in one pair while slight irritation was clearly evident in the other one.

"Oi, bishounen, what's wrong? You're usually done by now." Youji sauntered over to the counter.

"Hmmm? What was that, Youji-kun?" Omi asked eyes dazed as if he had been daydreaming. He shook his head, blonde hair covering his eyes as he tried to focus on his work.

"You got something on your mind?" the older blonde leaned against the counter, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket. He lit it and was surprised when the boy didn't reprimand him. He glanced at the silent boy out of the corner of his eye, not too surprised to see him staring into space.

"Ken still hasn't come back. He's never been gone this long. And he's never missed Christmas since I've known him. I'm worried, Youji."

Youji nodded slowly, letting his hair hide the smile he couldn't suppress. Omi sighed once more, still fidgeting with the pencil. Slender fingers wrapped around a small hand, stilling the nervous actions. A small smile was produced when questioning eyes turned on Youji.

"We can do the rest. You can go home and get some sleep. Don't want to be tired on Christmas after all." Youji pushed Omi towards the stairs to their rooms, blocking him from the store. Omi nodded after a minute, but instead of heading to his room, he went to the back room.

"I want to do some research first. I'll be up in a minute." The two figures froze as they watched Omi approach the basement door. In a flash, they were both sprinting to him screaming at him to stop. Omi gave them a puzzled look, his hand on the doorknob.

"What's with you two?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. In an instant, both Youji and Aya went from nervous and agitated to calm and detached making Omi blink.

"You've been working pretty hard lately. I'm sure Ken's fine."

"I know, Youji-kun. But..."

"Searching for him now isn't going to do any good. And if he's never missed Christmas before then he'll be back tomorrow." Aya cut him off, giving him a steady glare. Knowing he wouldn't win the argument with both Aya and Youji against him, Omi turned and slunk out of the room. Once the door closed upstairs, a collective sigh was released from both assassins.

"You almost ruined it, Kudou." Aya bit out bitterly as he leaned against the wall. Youji shrugged and pulled out cigarette.

"Not my fault the kid is bound and determined to worry about Ken. Besides, this time tomorrow...things should be looking a lot better for him." Just as he was about to light the stick, a very muffled yell came from the basement. Aya and Youji looked at each other for a moment, silently dueling with their eyes.

"I fed him last time. It's your turn."

"I took him outside without Omi noticing."

"I bathed him."


"You did not."

A smirk was his reply.

"Dammit! This is the *last* time!!"

December 25---Christmas morning

Omi slowly opened his eyes taking a moment to figure out why his alarm wasn't going off. Then it hit him. It was Christmas morning. No work, no school, no mission. He took a few moments to relax and bask in the warmth of his bed. No annoying schoolgirls, no homework......no Ken.

Omi shot out of bed and ran down the hall. He stopped in front of Ken's door, debating whether to knock or not. He didn't know how long he had stood there before Youji ambled down the hall. He stopped behind Omi, wondering what the boy was waiting for. So, he stood behind Omi and waited. A few moments later, Aya walked out of his room...and was stopped by two of his teammates in the hall. He scowled when he couldn't find a way around them and took up a position against the wall, waiting for them to move. Minutes clicked by and no one moved. Youji shifted from foot to foot while Aya uncrossed then re-crossed his arms.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" Omi jumped at the question and turned around to see both Aya and Youji standing behind him. A blush rapidly spread across his face as he tried to come up with an answer. Youji slung an arm around his slim shoulders and guided him down the hall, a scowling Aya following close behind.

"It's Christmas, Omi. Time to open your presents and enjoy the moment. If Ken doesn't want to join, that's his problem. Besides, I'm ready to see what I got; don't want to wait any longer."

"But...but...Ken......I was just.........wanted to know......if..." Omi mumbled as Youji had to drag him to the main room.

"I'm sure he's fine. Probably just sleeping now, all curled up like a cat. You wouldn't want to disturb him, would ya?" Aya smirked as the three of them slowly made their way out of the hallway. He broke off from the other two and headed for the back of the shop. It was time for breakfast after all...

The morning had gone by rather quickly. Wrapping paper lay strewn around the room, ribbons hung from the edges of the tables and Aya sat with bows adorning his head. He frowned and tried to glare at Youji who only laughed at the image. Omi sat on the floor, absently toying with his last wrapped present...Ken's present. Aya batted Youji's hand away, growling softly as another glittering bow was brought towards his head.

"Oi, bishounen. You gonna open your present or not?" Youji questioned as quiet curses were sent his direction from the red head. Omi just stared at the gift in his lap, fingers fluttering over the paper and ribbon.

"I shouldn't open it without him. It's just not right." The boy didn't notice the other two men exchange a quick glance. Youji cleared his throat as Aya gracefully pulled off his miscellaneous decorations.

"In that case, we have one last gift for you." Blue eyes stared in surprise as his present teammates walked to the backroom.

"You do? You didn't have to do that. I really......ummmm...like what you've already...given me." Omi lifted the first of his subscriptions to Playboy that Youji had given him.

"So we went to all the trouble to get you a gift for nothing?" Aya asked over his shoulder, an eyebrow quirking upward.

"No...I mean...thank you......I......I just wasn't expecting..." the blonde stuttered.

"Of course you weren't." Youji slapped the youth's back making him stumble, "We wanted this to be a surprise. Now let's go get your gift, ne?"

And with that, Omi followed the other two down the steps into the basement. Once the lights turned on, the boy glanced around the room...and saw nothing. He turned on his teammates, hands resting on his hips and a pout on his face.

"There's nothing here. Now if you don't mind..." he was once again interrupted by Youji.

"Your present is here. It's just behind that door." he said, pointing to a door on his left. Omi eyed him suspiciously as he walked towards it. Turning the knob, he took one last glance back at his teammates. Youji was waving him own while Aya leaned against the wall in his usual position, but with something close to a smile on his face. Shaking his head, Omi opened the door and looked inside. Instantly, he slammed the door shut and leaned against it, breath coming quickly.

"Y...Youji.........Aya......it's...it's..." the boy raised a small hand to his face, rubbing his eyes fiercely. From the other side of the door came a muffled shout and what sounded like wood scraping the floor, "What did you do to him?"

Youji sauntered over to the startled boy, resting his hands on either side of the blonde head. He leaned over until his face was inches from Omi's. He watched as already wide eyes became impossibly wider and heard the boy gasp sharply. He gave the boy a lazy smile.

"You can't hide things very well, Omittchi. I know what you've wanted for a while now."

"You....you have?" Omi gulped, a blush rapidly spreading across his cheeks. The noise from behind the door had died down.

"Of course. I've always known you wanted a *pet*." the man shouted to the door. Muffled shouting and scraping was once again heard. From the corner of his eye, Youji saw Aya smirk and lean against the wall in an oddly content manner. Then he whispered so only Omi would be able to hear, "And I've heard you calling Ken's name in your sleep. Thin walls, ya know."

The blush on the boy's face increased till he was almost as bright as Rudolph's nose.

"But......what about Ken? Is he..." Omi turned his head towards the door. Youji flapped his hand cutting Omi off.

"He's fine with this. Perfectly happy. Now why don't you go open your present?"

"I don't know. He seems kinda mad if you ask me." But Omi found himself opening the door once more and staring at his friend. Ken lay on the floor bound and gagged, dressed in a tight black leather vest and pants complete with cat tail, cat ears and a silver collar with a leash tied to a heavy chair. Omi approached the cat boy and knelt beside him, looking back at the two eldest for confirmation.

"He's already agreed to this." Aya reassured. Omi's eyes lit up as he turned to Ken.

"Really? Ken? You agreed to do this for me?" the bound boy's eyes narrowed.

"Of course he did! Now, why don't you take your present and go have fun?"

"Thank you! This is the best Christmas present ever!!" Omi pulled Ken's head to his chest and hugged him. Ken looked ready to yell again when he glanced at his other teammates. Aya had somehow managed to find his katana and was holding it rather threateningly while Youji just glared at him with a 'Don't disappoint the kid' look. As Omi untied the leash from the chair and happily lead Ken away, his cat ears drooping in defeat.

December 25---Christmas Afternoon

After having been "given" to Omi that morning, Ken found that his day so far hadn't been too bad. The kid had let him change out of the leather clothing. Youji, of course, had argued saying that the clothing was part of the gift. Ken gave him a triumphant smirk when Omi had reminded Youji that it was *his* gift and he didn't want to go in public with Ken dressed like *that*. But Youji had a minor victory when Omi insisted that Ken keep the ears and collar on. He liked them, thought that it was cute. Now they were casually strolling down the streets of Tokyo.

"Omi, can I at least take the cat ears off?" Ken glanced at the people staring at him.



"No. I like them. You look cute." the boy cast a warm smile at his "present" then grabbed his hand and proceeded to pull him through the crowd. Ken hung his head and let the boy guide him.

"Mou. Why do we get stuck with clean up?" Youji muttered as he kicked at the wrapping paper covering the floor. Aya glared at him over the trash bag he was holding.

"This wouldn't be that bad if you would pick something up."

"And Ken hasn't opened his gifts. I'm not cleaning up after him, especially after what he gave me." Youji faced Aya holding up a two small boxes, "Nicorette gum and Sierra cologne!"

Aya stopped what he was doing and glared at the pouting man.

"At least you didn't get clothes from everyone." He grabbed at the black sweater that Omi had given him. Not that there was anything *wrong* with it, but he had also gotten a silver shirt from Youji and a white jacket from Ken, "And what's wrong with Sierra? I happen to like it."

"I'm a Raulph Lauren man myself. Romance drives women wild." Youji replied, missing the twitch in Aya's eye at the last remark, "Besides. Why should we be stuck with all the work? After what we did for that kid he just leaves without helping. And I was looking forward to doing nothing today."

"The sooner you get done, the sooner you can sit around." Aya shoved the bag into Youji's hand and strode out of the room.

"Aya! You're leaving me too?" the older man whined. Without stopping, Aya called over his shoulder.

"If you keep whining, I won't give you your last present." Youji's eyes brightened considerably as he practically skipped after Aya.

"You have another present for me? Aya? What is it? Aya..."

"Shut up!"

The line was long. That wasn't a bad thing, really. It was a nice day, albeit somewhat cold, holding the promise of snow. Over the past few hours, Ken had become more tolerant of the cat ears and strange looks. Omi had quit grabbing Ken's hand when it became clear that Ken would no longer offer any resistance to him. And Ken was rather enjoying his time with the boy. It was rare that they were able to spend time together outside a mission or the flower shop. So the fact that they would have to wait to get their tickets wasn't a problem.

What was a problem was the feeling that they were being watched. He hadn't been able to shake the feeling for the past hour or so, but whenever he looked around, no one was there. Omi wasn't showing the same concern as Ken as he chatted away. The brunette glanced around once more, edging closer to his friend. His eyes narrowed as he caught a glimpse of orange hair. He took a closer look at the area he where thought he saw it, but there was nothing.

"What do you think?" Ken shook out of his reverie giving Omi a dazed look.

"What was that?" Blue eyes rolled upward as the line moved forward.

"Nevermind." Reaching into his pocket, Omi was stopped as Ken pulled out some yen and paid for the tickets.

"Ken-kun..." He stared up into warm brown eyes as the older boy slung an arm over his shoulders giving the small blonde a slight squeeze.

"Don't worry about it, Omi. It's my treat."

"But Ken..you already agreed.." he was again cut off by Ken.

"Don't worry, okay? I don't mind." Omi smiled up at Ken, feeling a nice warmth spread inside him. He relaxed into Ken's arm hoping it wouldn't be removed too soon. Ken also paid for their snacks and the feeling inside Omi increased. It was nice to have someone treat him like that. Once they entered the theater, Omi grabbed Ken's free hand and pulled him down the aisle. As they sat down, the feeling that they were being watched again returned to Ken.

/How cute. The kittens are on a date./

Ken went rigid and looked around. A few rows behind them sat Schuldich, a smirk planted on his face. Ken growled and his hands flexed instinctively.


As the lighting dimmed, Ken tensed, ready to pounce on the telepath.

'We are *not* on a date!'

/Hey now, kitten. I'm not here to cause trouble, believe it or not. And as inviting as it is to toy with you, I don't want to ruin *my* date. Now turn around before your boy notices./

Ken blinked and did as he was told. At that moment, the movie flickered on. Omi was oblivious to his friend's previous activities and stared fixedly at the screen. Knowing that the Schwartz telepath was so close made Ken a little uneasy.

'You? On a date? Hard to believe.' Ken retorted in his mind, knowing Schuldich was listening.

/Oh? And why's that? Just take a look if it's so unbelievable./

Ken debated with himself for a few moments but curiosity won and he took a casual glance behind him. His head whipped around once he realized who the German was with.

'Oh. My. God.'

He heard a faint laughter in his head. Crawford was sitting next to Schuldich and although there weren't any public displays of affection, it was quite obvious they were together. The American was glaring at anyone or anything that dared look or touch his companion. Ken shook his head to clear the mental image from it. It didn't help that Schuldich wouldn't leave him alone.


'But...why?' Ken could almost feel the smirk on the telepath's face.

/I've been a good boy this year. Santa granted my wish. Did he grant yours?/

Ken felt a blush spread across his cheeks as Schuldich searched his mind.

'Get out of there!!'

/Ahhh. I guess not. Although, I don't think the kid would mind that idea too much./

Ken's face flushed bright red and was glad that the theater was so dark. At that moment, Omi reached over him to grab a handful of popcorn. The proximity of the boy and the images Schuldich had dug up made his body react. He cursed himself, then Schuldich. The German's laugh resounded in his head making him all the more anxious to get out of there. He crouched further in his seat, hoping to be left alone.

'Damn you, Schuldich.'

"Ya know, Aya," Youji drawled, spread languorously across the couch, "I never knew you had such good taste in liquor."

Aya smirked as he placed his glass on the table, taking the time to refill Youji's empty one. It was only around eight and yet they had already gone through one bottle of vodka. Of course, Aya had made sure Youji had had most of it. An intoxicated Youji would be easier to work with for what he had in mind.

"You don't try to hard to hide your preferences."

"What do you know about my preferences?" Youji tried to turn to look at his red headed companion, but ended up almost falling off the couch. Aya watched him with calculating eyes and refilled the blonde's shot glass once more.

"You prefer sleeping in late and taking the afternoon shifts. You like packed clubs with loud music where you can get lost. But you also prefer time alone where you don't have to worry about others and can just think. You like vodka as much as you like sashimi." he placed the now empty vodka bottle on the table while leaning forward in his chair, his eyes narrowing and body tensing, "And you also prefer being in the passive role during sex."

That made Youji sober up slightly. He glanced over the arm of the sofa and noticed Aya looking at him in an unsettling way. His eyes were a darker shade than usual, almost indigo, and his body was tensed in a way that reminded Youji of a cat ready to pounce.

"Now what...Aya? What are you doing?" the older man began to push himself up only to feel himself knocked down again. Looking up, he saw that Aya had managed to pin him to the floor and was currently holding something silver above his eyes. On closer inspection, Youji discovered that they were handcuffs and Aya was happily in the process of pushing his arms above his head. Youji bucked and squirmed underneath his younger comrade trying to free himself.

"Now, now, Youji," Aya reprimanded the blonde, still in the process of trying to handcuff him, "it's not *good* for the uke to rebel."

"Uke! Who ever said I was uke?!" Youji managed to gain some leverage and kick Aya off of him. He grabbed the handcuffs from the red head's grasp and proceeded to repeat Aya's actions. Aya growled and wrestled with the man on top of him.

"Well, *I'm* not an uke! One of us has to be for this to work!" They continued to struggle with each other until the handcuffs were knocked away. The silver bands skidded across the floor, coming to a stop underneath the chair. Both men paused, looked at the handcuffs, then looked at each other. Hazy green meet with deep violet for one moment.

"I'm not going to be uke willingly and neither are you." Youji stated sizing up his fellow assassin.

"That only leaves us with one choice." Aya finished glancing at the handcuffs once more. Both men jumped for them at the same time.

"I'm not being UKE!!!!"

The day had gone by rather quickly and, other than the incident with Schuldich, Ken had had a great time. The only thing that could make it any better would be the snow that the weather had been hinting at all day. But it was getting late and the probability of that happening was getting smaller. Ken let out a soft sigh watching his breath swirl in the cold air before taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Beside him, Omi did the same.

They were now walking home, side by side and hand in hand. Once Omi had stopped dragging him around, Ken had found that he would unconsciously reach out and grab the boy's hand. Lost in his thoughts, Ken didn't notice when Omi stopped. Feeling a tug on his arm he turned around to see the blonde staring at something. Following his gaze, Ken found himself looking at an outdoor ice skating rink.


"I was never taught how to skate." Omi stated suddenly, "I would always see the kids doing it after school or over breaks, but no one ever taught me. I know that it's a small thing, but," he turned to give the brunette a weak smile, "it's always made me wonder about the other things I missed out on."

Omi shook his head, wiping at his eyes quickly.

"Let's go. Aya and Youji are probably worrying by now. Well, Youji at least…maybe."

Blonde hair obscured blue eyes as Omi kept his head down as they continued walking. Ken watched him, wanting to do something to make him happy. Glancing up he saw a path that lead down to the pond and a shop that rented skates. Maneuvering in that direction, Ken mentally checked to make sure he had enough money. He watched Omi's reaction from the corner of his eye as he asked for and paid for the skates.

"Ken-kun…" he started, eyes wide with some unknown emotion. The older boy just smiled and handed Omi a pair of skates, leading him to one of the benches nearby. Omi fidgeted with the skates as Ken quickly changed into his.

"Ken-kun, you didn't have to. I wasn't trying…"

"I know. But it's been awhile since I've been and since you've never been before…" the sentence remained unfinished and a smile lit Omi's previously depressed face. Ken returned the smile before making his way to the rink entrance and gliding onto the ice. He bemusedly watched as the blue eyed boy cautiously tested his balance and walked to the opening. Stepping hesitantly onto the ice, Omi motioned for Ken.

"What is it?" he asked, joining the boy. Without another word Omi latched onto Ken's arm smiling nervously into brown eyes.

"Ok. I'm ready now."

Ken laughed but didn't remove his arm from Omi's grip. He carefully guided the boy on the ice, making sure he didn't move too fast. A few times around the rink made Omi a little more confident. He loosened his grip on his friend's arm so now he was just holding onto Ken's shirt sleeve. Omi was totally concentrated on what he was doing, trying to imitate Ken's movements.

"Don't step, you won't move that way." the brunette corrected, "Push your foot away from you…like this, ok?"


The pond was almost empty by the time Omi was comfortable skating by himself. Ken took the opportunity and left the boy's side, skating freely around the rink but always keeping an eye on his friend. A breeze picked up making Ken shiver slightly. Looking away from Omi, Ken noticed the snow beginning to fall. He turned his head up and watched the flakes float down, a few melting on his face. Looking back down, he noticed Omi still concentrating on skating. Laughing, he headed toward the boy and grabbed his arms as he skated by.

"K..Ken-kun!" Omi reprimanded, clinging to the other boy's arms tightly almost losing his balance. Ken pulled the boy to him wrapping one arm around Omi's waist to righten him. Omi huffed and glared up at Ken.

"What is it?"

Instead of answering, Ken just pointed up and watched Omi's reaction as he saw the snow. It had begun falling harder by then and the flakes were sticking in the blonde's hair. Omi turned bright blue eyes back on Ken. Looking down at Omi's flushed face and feeling his body so close to his own, Ken felt something stir inside him. Raising his free hand, Ken ran his fingers through Omi's hair and traced his face. He noted the startled expression on the boy's face but also noticed that he didn't try to move away. Instead, Omi clutched Ken's arms more tightly. They stayed that way for a while, just staring into each other's eyes. Then, Ken lowered his lips to Omi's, lightly brushing them over the boy's. Omi gasped softly, bringing them both back to reality.

They separated slightly, blushing and looking everywhere except at each other. Finally, Omi moved out of Ken's arms and tried to skate away. Instead, he ended up falling and landing with a hard thud on the ice.


It was late by the time Ken and Omi returned to the Koneko. The snow had covered the sidewalks making them treacherous for pedestrians. Upon entering the shop, they shed their jackets and shoes leaving a puddle of melted and half-melted snow behind them. Minutes ticked by as they stood in the shop, neither knowing what to do next. Ken scratched the back of his neck nervously making the tag on the collar jingle.

"Well, I guess…" he began only to be interrupted by Omi.

"Your presents! You haven't had a chance to open your presents!" the boy exclaimed, moving to the main room. Ken followed him, taking a look around the dark room.

"Where are they?"

"Over here, where the rest of them were." Omi replied, heading towards the small, poorly lit Christmas tree in the room. Ken tried to follow but ended up hitting a table with his foot.

"What the.." switching on the lights, the brunette glanced at the mess in the room before shutting them off quickly, "Oh my god."

"Ken-kun, could you turn the lights on again?" Omi questioned. Not receiving a reply he sighed and tried to turn the lights on himself. He was prevented from doing so by Ken's hand grabbing his wrist.

"No! You can't!" the soccer player cried putting himself between Omi and the light switch.

"But how am I going to be able to find your presents?" came the irritated response.

"You..you just can't turn on the lights!" Omi pried his wrist from Ken's grip and sighed again.

"Fine. I guess I can guess which ones are yours anyway." and with that, Omi made his way back to the tree. Ken released the breath he had been holding glancing over his shoulder. In the moonlight, he could just barely make out the forms of his other two teammates, one handcuffed to the sofa and the other cuddled up beside him.

"Found them!" a soft voice called out.

"Great! I'll open them upstairs."

"But Ken…"


"Ke…Ken-kun! Wait!"

"Why would Aya give me binoculars?"

"I don't know." Omi replied from his spot on the bed, "Maybe for soccer games?"

"Maybe." Placing the binoculars beside him, Ken picked up a fairly poorly wrapped present next, "From Youji I assume."

"I asked him if he needed help, but he insisted that he do it himself. He didn't even let me see what it was."

Ken smirked as he began removing the paper. Youji had just about as much patience with wrapping as he did. But Youji also ended up asking someone to help him. Last year Omi had wrapped all Youji's presents, including his own. So why he would be so secretive with Ken's this year was beyond him. Opening the box before him, Ken found a card lying inside. Omi watched patiently as he read the card to himself. An eyebrow quirked up as he saw the confusion on Ken's face.

"What is it?" Not replying, Ken looked inside the box. Blushing bright red, he closed it and looked up. His blush darkened as his eyes landed on Omi.

"Ken-kun, what's wrong? What did he get you?" The boy leaned over to glance inside the box.

"N..n..nothing!" Ken stuttered, shoving his gift under his bed.
Omi stared at him for a moment but Ken wouldn't look at him. Giving up, the blonde reached out and grabbed the last present. He pushed it into the brunette's arms, a big smile on his face.

"Last gift." he chimed brightly. Ken nodded and began unwrapping Omi's gift. Tearing away the last piece of paper, he found himself staring at another box. Hesitantly, he broke the tape and peered inside. His eyes went wide.

"Omi," he gasped pulling out a soccer ball, "how…how did you…"

"It wasn't hard." the boy beamed as his friend just stared at the ball.

"But these are so hard to get. It had to have taken a lot…"

"It wasn't a problem. If you know where to look, that is." Omi lied. He wouldn't ruin the moment for Ken by letting him know how many months of searching and pay it had taken to get it. Finding a used World Cup ball and getting both the champion team *and* the Japanese team to sign it had taken a lot of bargaining*.

"Thank you." Ken whispered, pulling Omi to him tightly. Omi nearly melted in the hug. Ken pulled back too quickly for Omi's taste and stared at the ball in his hands. A dense silence filled the room. In a nervous gesture, Ken scratched his head and knocked the cat ears off. Both boys watched as they fell to the bed. Slowly, Omi picked them up and toyed with them while speaking, not looking at Ken.

"Well. I guess that…well. Thank you, for going along with this. I…I know you didn't want to…but……I'm glad you did. Today was nice." He gave Ken a small smile, his hands reaching for the collar's buckle. He gasped softly as Ken reached up and trapped his hands behind his neck. Ken used his free arm to pull Omi closer to him, their faces inches apart. A soft smile played on his lips as he whispered to Omi.

"The day's not over yet. Stay with me awhile?" Omi could only nod as he stared into Ken's eyes. Ever so slowly, Ken lowered his head, bringing their lips together once more. Omi clutched at Ken's neck, moaning softly into the kiss. Ken released Omi's hands letting his own fall onto the boy's back. Taking the opportunity, the freed hands drifted, one clutching at Ken's dark locks while the other raked down his back.

When they finally broke apart, both were panting and slightly flushed. Omi brought a hand up to caress Ken's face letting it drift down and rest on his chest. He felt the other boy's rapid heartbeat and knew his was just as fast. He felt Ken looking at him and gazed up into his eyes. Many feelings and emotions passed between them in that one look, fear, confusion, happiness, and Omi knew Ken felt the same. Without another thought, Omi threw himself against the taller boy knocking them both to the bed. Ken rolled so he had Omi trapped beneath him and crushed their lips together. Thus entangled, neither noticed when the clock struck twelve ending Christmas.

Something had woken him up. He cast his eyes about the room trying to figure out what it was. When he tried to turn around it was then that he noticed the person attached to him. With a content sigh, he leaned further into the embrace and let his previous concern go. Just as he was beginning to drift back to sleep though, he heard a shout from downstairs.

"Get me out of these!! Damn you!!"

"Hey, you weren't exactly saying that last night."

"Bastard. I wasn't supposed to be uke! Now let me go!!"

"Why should I? I kinda like you like that."

"What?! Wait…where are you going? What's that? No! I'm not…"

The argument was cut off; by what, Omi didn't want to know. He allowed his thoughts to drift again when something began nagging him. Curious, he reached under the bed, careful not to disturb Ken. Finding what he wanted, he pulled the box onto the bed. He opened it and glanced inside, a smile spreading across his face. Youji would be one to give something like KY jelly and a kumasutra book for Christmas. Omi pushed the box away, wiggling around so he could face Ken. Kissing his neck, the blonde settled down, one thought passing through his head before he fell asleep. His birthday *was* in a few months…