Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Moon Ascendant ❯ A Malevolent Omen ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I've just filled in the "I would like to own everything related to Weiss Kreuz" claims form. However, until accepted I'm simply borrowing them for non-profit purposes. Darn!

Chapter 9: A Malevolent Omen

Abandoned Tokyo warehouse on the city outskirts

After midnight.

The crescent moon peeked through the thick clouds as they scudded across the midnight sky. The air was thick and heavy as the approaching storm seemed to blanket the city. The lonely warehouses clustered together in the deep gloom appeared almost skeletal in the weak moonlight. It seemed to be a night of expectation. Inside one of them, a faint light barely penetrated the thick, dust-encrusted glass. It was the only hint of the life within its hollow walls.

Hirota and Takayama were not on the best of terms but with the underworld in a state of chaos after Nigata's unusual demise a month back, they had agreed to put their differences aside in order to carve up a sizeable share of the now free territory. The problem now was in deciding how much of the highly profitable Shinjuku area each of them would receive. Needless to say, neither was willing to let the other gain a marginally larger share of the proverbial pie.

Crawford stood quietly by Hirota's side while Schuldig settled himself near Takayama. Crawford had managed to put the word out with help from Schuldig that Nigata's death had been the result of Weiss' actions. And since Weiss was not around to claim otherwise, the remaining underworld lords took it as the truth. Besides, word on the street was that Weiss had returned and aside from Nigata, the Kyushu brothers' drug ring had recently been destroyed completely.

That was why Schwarz got the good jobs now - few people had managed to survive Weiss' attacks save them. Besides, they usually managed to save the hides of the top dogs before Weiss managed to get to them. However, it was costly to employ Schwarz full time. Even the GNP of a small third-world nation could barely afford a week's protection from them. Therefore, Schwarz was the 'special' service provided at very important meetings where nothing must go wrong. In this case, both Hirota and Takayama had agreed to split the cost of employing Schwarz to ensure Weiss didn't interfere and more importantly, neither attempted to backstab the other.

Their respective accountants were busy with the data collection and the preparation of the final report for both men. Each side double-checked the other so as to ensure complete transparency in the accounting. Nagi sat with them and made sure that things were handled properly. Farfarello prowled along the shadows, his unnatural grace unnerving the heavily armed guards stationed by the doors. Tonight had an air of danger about and Farfarello was restless. He could sense it but it was still too intangible to put his finger on.

Flicking his eyes over to Schuldig, he telepathically sent him the thoughts on his mind. A quick sideways glance and Schuldig returned his answer. Crawford caught the exchange and tensed slightly. Tonight was a very disturbing night for him. Earlier, as he had been preparing for this meeting, he had been assaulted by a barrage of volatile images that saw him sprawled on the floor and gasping loudly for breath. Later when he had recovered, Nagi had told him that he had collapsed and had been unconscious for almost 10 minutes.

The worried looks in his team's eyes were enough to spur Crawford on in his cursed quest to solve this mystery. He doubted that he would be able to survive anymore such mind-blowing visions again. Because of this, Schwarz had been tempted to back out of the meeting. However, Crawford insisted as he knew that the outcome of not fulfilling a contract was liable to get Schwarz into trouble. And the last thing that Crawford needed was more trouble. And so against everybody's better judgement, they went.

'Farf's getting edgy, Crawford,' Schuldig sent the thought across to the tall American. 'He's telling me that something's coming and that the time of pain will commence. Whatever the hell that is.'

Crawford could detect a hint of worry underlying the sarcasm of the thought. Trust Farfarello to give in to his animal senses. That man was almost as good as Crawford when it came to natural phenomenon like earthquakes and typhoons. And given the things that have been happening, Crawford was not likely to doubt the Irishman's primal intuition. He himself could almost taste the tension in the air. This time, there was no need for his pre-cognitive powers to inform him.

And it was coming soon.


Omi checked the portable mikes that were to keep the Weiss team in constant contact one last time before handing them out. Each of them fixed their respective receiver into their ears and quietly tested them. Their mission for tonight involved taking out the underworld kingpin Hirota whose excessive taste in prostitution had resulted in the deaths of several women. Yoji had been particularly insistent that he be the one to string the bastard up like he had with the former boss of Riot, and had made Ran promise not to gut him before he got his chance. Ran's response to that had essentially been "Hn." Ever the loquacious one, that redhead leader of theirs.

Ken and Ran melded into the shadows that now weighed in heavier as the crescent moon disappeared from view. Omi kept behind Yoji, guarding the rear and generally keeping an eye out for any possible rooftop snipers. The both of them made it to the doorway when they heard a crackle over their radios. Ken's voice was tinny but what he said was enough to freeze them.

"Schwarz is here!"

"Damn it!" Yoji cursed softly as his fingers twitched over his weapon, the activity almost releasing the catch that kept his wire tightly wound.

Omi's response was a sharp intake of breath before reaching into his belt for a couple of extra darts. These darts were special in that the toxins within them were guaranteed to kill a man within seconds. Kritiker had seen to it that Weiss did not put themselves into situations that did not ensure a quick kill. Except for Ran, the others had a weapons upgrade since their unfortunate incident with the Americans. Their weapons were more refined and the materials of a higher quality. Manx had insisted only on the best.

"Take out the guards quickly and quietly," Ran's low voice came over the receivers. "I can see three of them except Farfarello. Keep an eye out for him, he's probably the first one you'll meet."

"Just what I need," Yoji growled low. "That crazy bastard's going to ruin everything. Bombay, watch the rafters, I'm sure he's gonna drop in on us like a bat out of hell."

"Hai. You keep an eye out too, Balinese. Don't focus on Hirota at the expense of anything else, okay?" Omi replied, his eyes methodically scanning the place.

"Yeah, I know. Next to that bastard, is that kid. The other two I can pretty much handle."

Even as they were speaking they could here the faint pants of Ran and Ken over the microphones as they took out the guards that had been watching the periphery. Apparently, Schwarz seemed a little too preoccupied to personally come out and greet them. Not that it was necessary - Weiss was never fond of their enemies' welcomes. Yoji's senses were almost screaming when he caught sight of a faint gleam of metal in the deep gloom of the building.

Barely managing to shove Omi aside, he felt the breeze from Farfarello's blade as it passed by his face. Instinctively releasing his wire, he expertly flung it out to entangle the berserker in the metal strands. Farfarello ignored the wires curling around his left arm and lashed out at the tall blonde with his right. Twisting away from the near fatal slash, it now became an unpleasant game of holding the tiger's tail.

Omi had meanwhile righted himself and was forced to deal with the appearance of several armed guards that had arrived. The darts flew out of his hand, each throw connecting with the soft flesh of the targets. The poisons worked swiftly and their numbers diminished rapidly. Barely avoiding several of the gunshots, he managed to duck behind several crates that were haphazardly stacked by the side of the building. Pulling out several more darts from his utility belt, he released them in quick succession to bring down the remaining few.

Quickly scanning his surroundings, he realised something unusual. Aside from Farfarello, the other members of Schwarz were still absent. Frowning at the disturbing thought, he crept out and turned his attention to Yoji and his crazed opponent. Trying to find a suitable break in the struggle, Omi lightly grasped the deadly dart in his fingers. So focused was he on his intention to bring down the Irishman that he failed to see a dark form materialising behind him.

………………………& #8230;………………………

Ay a accelerated her finely tuned Suzuki motorcycle down the highway, her long dark plaits flying out behind her. The helmet she wore covered her features while the loose black tunic and trousers gave her a degree of anonymity that she liked as the Hunter. Momoe-san had promised to design a new outfit for her but had not as yet fulfilled that promise. Not that Aya cared to remind her - the current one served its purpose and was easy to wash besides. Aya had other things to deal with and developing the Hunter's haute couture was the least of her priorities.

It was the same with her hair. Aya knew that it was not fashionable to continue braiding her hair but she didn't stop. Sakura had once told her that while she had been in her coma, Ran had visited her every day during his free time. Aya had been almost tearful when told of how Ran would lovingly brush her hair and plait it so that they would frame her face. It had been the last thing he had remembered of her before the accident. Aya had actually planned on cutting her hair after her eighteenth birthday but had decided against it after hearing Sakura's story. In loving memory of her brother's devotion to her, the plaits remained.

Exiting the main road, she turned towards the warehouses located at the city's outskirts. Momoe-san had told her that a portal to the Other Realm had opened and that it was large enough to allow for a number of demons to pass through. Aya couldn't help if either Seki or Nanami would meet her there to back her up. As she neared the buildings, her thoughts couldn't help returning to the first group of her promised Guardians. A wry smile tugged at her lips as she recalled their unfortunate encounter with the demons.

The group called Schwarz that she had had to rescue had not really impressed her. But then again, Momoe-san had told her that they were still unaware of the truth behind the demons' appearances. If they did meet up once more, she could bring them to meet Momoe-san and have the situation spelled out for them. It was a pity that she had to as yet meet the other group of Guardians that called themselves Weiss. Perhaps in time they will soon cross paths.

As she turned down the gravel-strewn road, Aya felt the prickling of demonic energy at the edges of her senses. Slowing down the motorcycle, she focused on them and allowed the faintly resonating waves to guide her to its source. As she approached the building, she realised that it was occupied and that something was happening inside. It wasn't demonic in nature but a soft glow within her soul flared. Her Guardians! So it seemed that tonight would be the night she would finally meet them all.

With a smile behind her masked face and her blade unsheathed, Aya moved towards the building that would finally determine the fate of her future as the Hunter.

………………………& #8230;…………………….

Standing in the shadows that easily cloaked him from sight, the Baron observed the events that were beginning to unfold. Sato had done his job well and now he had enough information on the Hunter and her Guardians. It was ironic that the two antagonists Weiss and Schwarz would turn out to be more allies than enemies. The way Rothschild saw it, it was amusing but at the same time worrying. Given that Brad Crawford was a very astute individual in spite of his precognitive abilities, Rothschild wouldn't put it past the man to forge a temporary alliance with Weiss. Schwarz looked out for itself and no one else, regardless of the means to its end. After that, it is another story.

As for Weiss, they were the proverbial white knights despite their less than noble activities. Fujimiya Ran being the leader would rather slit his throat before agreeing to work with Schwarz but then again, he would do anything for his sister. She was both his greatest weakness and his greatest strength. Rothschild certainly knew of the Fujimiya family history. That which could not be found through conventional means was divined through Michiko's exceptional sorcery. Rothschild could understand the man. It echoed in his soul, stirring memories that he wished were buried, yet at the same time knowing that it was the reason of his dark quest.

Majel had now appeared by his right shoulder, her face hidden in the darkness. Her eyes however, glowed with a strange wanderlust that didn't escape Rothschild's attention. Her power was faintly pulsing as she stared into the distance. It looked as though she was watching something that had captured her attention. The Baron knew better than to distract her from her visions.

Michiko had for her own reasons declined to follow them this evening. Rothschild didn't bother asking why; the Wyrd Twins were an enigma onto themselves. Glancing off to the left, he noted his other companions for the evening. Kanta was a huge hulk by the warehouse wall while Sato casually stood nearby with his hand tucked in a pocket. Tilting his head upwards, he noted the final member of their group perched precariously on the rooftop.

Huo Long shifted slightly to get a better view of the proceedings within the murky warehouse next door. He took in the attacks of Weiss and frowned at the relatively lacklustre skills of the combatants. He wanted to see some action with fluid moves but apparently it was meant to be a straightforward massacre. Such a disappointment. Huo Long was a pyrokinetic. Having remained undetected by Estet, he learnt to control his deadly power the hard way. As such, he utilised the martial arts as a means of releasing his tensions and to control the emotions that could easily cause him to lose control.

Baron Rothschild had been the one to recognise and train him in the use of his gift. However, realising that the Shanghai-born man disliked having to rely on his psychic powers, Rothschild rarely demanded it from him. In return, Huo Long agreed to serve under Rothschild for as long as either one was alive. The Baron made sure that all his followers were well taken care off. If he had been forced to survive on the streets of Shanghai, he would most probably be handling triad business for one of the triad bosses. Something the Chinese man refused to contemplate - Huo Long was loyal only to those he deemed worthy.

"I can feel their presence, Baron," came the soft melodious voice of Majel.

Her eyes shone in the darkness and Rothschild felt the power emanating from her pale slender frame. The woman was like an antenna for demonic energy. Nodding his head in acknowledgement, he signalled for the others to move out. It was tonight that Rothschild wanted to see what his possible foes were capable of. But most importantly, he wanted to see for himself the power and strength of the legendary Hunter.

Rothschild had a mission but would it succeed given the perceived odds stacked against it? He had to know.


Author's Notes: This chapter took more than a month to write and I only managed to complete it while typing in my aunt's kitchen 10,000 km from home. Talk about trying to find inspiration when needed. I'm not overly happy with it but I needed to provide more detail about the 'villains' and a little more on Aya. The first parts with Weiss and Schwarz were scene fillers in a sense. I really enjoy writing them in anywhere I can - without harming the story plot, that is! But the next chapter will be mainly action so this chapter's 'fillers' set the stage. The Baron and gang will only be spectators in the next chapter though.

I finally realised why I don't quite like making up my own characters. It's so tiring to define their character and their reasons for existence. Yeah, that's why I love fanfiction. More than half the work's been done in terms of design and characterisation. Gosh but I'm so lazy and creatively challenged at times! *lol*

Now, I suppose some of you are wondering about the following. What secret has the Baron got that makes it so important to want all that nasty power? Hee, hee. I'm not telling - at least, not yet. What about the Wyrd Twins, Kanta and Sato? Even Huo Long has only a brief bio. It'll take me some time to put together their respective bios. Argh! I've really got myself into a mess, haven't I? Hopefully, I don't mess it up too badly.

Huo Long is Chinese (Mandarin, if you are really particular) for Fire Dragon. Why? Simple - he's a pyrokinetic; someone who can create and manipulate fire at will.' Dragon' to mean that he's disciplined and skilled, not an emotional person who'd succumb to tempers. Ran is a contradiction if you think about it. That's why I consider him a 'Tiger' as opposed to a 'Dragon'. He succumbs to periodic rages and loses control at times, despite his otherwise cool and focused exterior. It's a little hard to explain but see it this way - the Dragon is foremost but the Tiger is just behind; through discipline and patience, the Tiger can become a Dragon. Yeah, it's one of those weird kung-fu sayings you pick up from badly-dubbed martial arts films. ^___^;;

So please drop a review in the box below to let me know what you think of the story so far. I know some of you may find it slow-going but try to understand that I like a degree of character exploration. After all, I'm basing this as an alternate continuation to the Weiss Kreuz universe and the characters have to 'develop' for the story to have any merit. If taken for granted, I might as well put as a humour / parody piece.

Till the next chapter, ja mata ne!