Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Essence of Innocence ❯ Drifting of Blossoms ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Essence of Innocence
Chapter 11: Drifting of Blossoms
Author: lilnekochan
email: lilneko_chan@hotmail.com
Pairings: Yohji x Aya, Crawford x Schuldich, Ken x Omi, Farfarello x Nagi

Author's Note: I want to give a very special thank you to everyone who reviewed so far. All of
the reviews helped me a great deal especially ones that pointed out some (or rather a lot..hehe)
of the mistakes in the story. *twiddles thumbs* Jeez, it was so embarassing going back and
correcting the mistakes and everything. But on the bright side I finally finished another
chapter even if it's a bit short and I'll try to finish another one soon :) I really didn't have
a lot of time to do this with school and college apps and everything but now I'm free as a bird!
YAY!! Of course all I have to do now is wait and see if I get accepted and that's not fun but I
can't really do anything about that so oh well. ^_^ Well, as I said in the last posting this
chapter is in Yohji's POV and we finally get some progress in the Yohji/Aya situation. I hope
that this chapter didn't seem kinda weird since the last time I wrote in either Yohji or Aya
view, they were still confused about their emotions. Oh, yeah! I know that I've been tormenting
Schuldich in the past few chapters but fear not...soon he'll get Crawford and everything will be
happily ever after...yeah right! Seriously though, I probably won't torment Schuldich anything
soon since he and the rest of Schwarz have to meet Weiss then go on another mission. After I was
thinking of another little romanic thing between Crawford and Schuldich. Hey, maybe I'll make
Schuldich steal a small kiss from Crawford. ^^

Drifting of Blossoms

Th e sun was high in the clear azure sky. Birds soared through the air as they
welcomed a new day. On the streets people hurried off to work as they raced through the
streets hoping not to be late. Many stores were not crowded because of the early time
except for a few shops. One such was the Koneko no Sumu Ie. The flower shop was
filled with the chattering of teenage girls as a blond haired man tried to maneuver his way
through them without being groped.

It's too early in the morning for this, Yohji sighed as he slipped behind the counter.
Don't these girls have anything better to do? Don't they have homework or something!?

Yohji was in an irritable mood having woken up to Ken's persistent pounding and
calls. Yohji had the morning shift that day since Ken was out coaching his soccer team
for an upcoming competition and Omi was upstairs researching the data for any helpful
information. Aya was supposed to be on the morning shift as well but the taciturn
redhead had yet to show up.

I wonder where our social butterfly has gone to, Yohji thought as he wrapped the
bundle of flowers that the girl in front of him had bought. He's usually here on time.
Actually, I'm the one always late for work!

Yohji gave a dazzling smile at the girl and gave her the recite and change. Turning
around, he was immediately assaulted by another woman. Suppressing the sigh that
threatened to escape his mouth, Yohji turned around and gave the woman a bright smile.

"Is there anything that I can help you with?"

A smile curved on the girl lips as she leaned closer to Yohji. "Perhaps..."

Yohji grinned when he caught sight of the person in front of him. The girl or rather
woman was in her early twenties and was openly giving Yohji a flirting smile. Flirting
came easily to Yohji, almost as it was a part of him, which it was. Smiling boldly at the
woman, he started to turn on the Kudou charms.

As Yohji flirted with the woman, a streak of red crossed his vision from the side of
his eye. Aha! So our valiant knight has decided to grace us with his presence. Twisting
his head to where Aya stood, Yohji was about to comment about his lateness when he
froze. All coherent thought flew and the woman in front of him was forgotten as he took
in the vision standing in front of him. Aya was decked out in dark blue jeans but had
exchanged his usual orange sweater for a black shirt that clung to his body. Overall the
whole attire made the redhead desirable and very sexy. Locks of silky red hair fell into
the redhead's eyes, as Aya glanced around the room.

When the violet orbs landed on him, Yohji realized that he had been staring and
quickly looked down. Yohji felt his cheeks burn hot and tried to cool himself before his
teammate realized that the blond was blushing. The woman in front of him asked if
anything was wrong and all Yohji could do was shake his head.

Aya's alto voice boomed above his head, "If you are not buying anything then

The woman gave the redhead an irritated look then handed Yohji a piece of paper.
"Call me later." The woman winked then walked towards the entrance.

Yohji was left staring at the place she once stood. Carefully shaking himself out of
his thoughts he turned around and went back to work. He threw the paper into the
trashcan as he passed it and turned to the next customer in line. He felt Aya's eyes burn
into the back of his neck.

Resisting the urge to shiver, Yohji turned to the customer and started to count up
the flowers that she had. The burning sensation began to dissipate and Yohji knew that
Aya had stopped staring at him.

Playing with the flower arrangement on the table, he glanced at his teammate from
lowered lashes. As Yohji watched, Aya leaned his head back and his shirt shifted to
expose a smooth column of his throat. Crimson hair hung disheveled over the redhead's
shoulders and the shirt rippled across his stomach. Yohji froze and the only word that
shifted through his mind was 'beautiful'. Yohji didn't know how he missed his
teammate's strange, and virile beauty. Perhaps in all the chaos, he had taken it for granted
and now only for it to leap out at him now against the muted background of the store.
Yohji squashed the impulse to cross the store and run his fingers through the fine silk.
Instead, he turned to the flowers next to him and began to water them.

Both Yohji and Aya worked in silence. The store had suddenly become empty, the
only occupants in the room the two Weiss assassins. From time to time, Yohji felt the
heated glance on his back, only for it to disappear once he turned to stare at his teammate.
After several minutes of this repeated action Yohji decided to approach the Japanese man
about it.

It's not like I did anything...or at least I don't think I did. Why does he keep on
looking at me only to look away when I turn to him? Yohji thought as he stalked over to
the redhead and leaned against the side of the wall. Aya was putting together one of the
orders and did not look up as Yohji approached. The only outward sign that Aya knew
Yohji was near was the slight stiffening of his back.

Draping his long form across the counter, the blond plucked a single red rose from
a vase nearby and started to fiddle with it. Minutes passed and Yohji continued to twirl
the rose in his hand as the redhead worked silently beside him. Yohji caught the
redhead's irritated glare at the twirling rose and smiled inwardly. Typical Aya, Yohji
silently laughed, glaring at nothings and scolding at everything.

Aya was getting irritated with the continuous twirling. "Was there something you
wanted, Kudou?" Aya said breaking the silence.

"Nothing particular."

"They why don't you get back to work instead of playing around."

"Maybe I just wanted to spend time in your pleasant company." Yohji said


Yohji smiled at the sound, "Or maybe I just wanted to talk to you."

"Kudou..." Aya growled.

Yohji laughed and stopped spinning the flower. Pushing himself off the table,
Yohji turned and looked at the redhead. Aya was still working on the arrangement, not
looking at the man next to him. Yohji leaned across the table and tapped the rose against
a violet orchid in the arrangement.

At the redhead's heated glare, Yohji asked. "Where were you this morning, Aya?"

Instead of answering, Aya was about to push the offending hand away when Yohji
slipped his figures around his slender wrist. Yohji tighten his hold on the wrist in front of
him, preventing the Japanese man from escaping. Before Aya could react, Yohji pulled at
the hand until he was standing only millimeters away from the redhead.

Breathing into his teammate's ear, Yohji repeated the question. "Where were you
this morning, Aya?"

Aya growled and tried to knee the man in his shin. Expecting the attack, Yohji
blocked it and pinned Aya's legs against the counter. Yohji looked down and found
himself staring in large violet puddles. Intelligent, exquisite amethyst eyes glared at the
blond intensely, as if daring Yohji to try anything against his wishes.

Aya was about to retort when Yohji interrupted him. "Why were you staring at me

Aya stiffened and pulled at his wrist. Yohji refuse to let go.

Yohji glanced at the smaller man, his cheek caressing the tip of Aya's head.


"Let go of me now, Kudou." Aya threaten pulling at his wrist pointedly.

"Not until you tell me." Yohji replied tightening his hold.

Aya didn't bother to respond. A slight frown marred his face but since his eyes
were turned to the floor, Yohji did not notice.

"You've been quiet ever since the mission yesterday." Yohji said quietly. "What's

"Nothing." Answered Aya.

"You can't tell me that nothing's wrong, Aya! I've been working with you for
years and I know something is bothering you."

"Why do you want to know!?" Aya replied angrily. Flashing violet eyes glanced up
at Yohji.

"We're friends, Aya! Teammates! You never express your feelings, always locking
yourself in. I just want to help-"

"I-I don't need your help."

"Aya..." Yohji said softly.

Placing a gentle hand under Aya's chin, Yohji titled the man's face until it he was
staring into Aya's eyes. Wild crimson hair hung in Aya's eyes and without thinking
Yohji started to move them. Shifting the wild hair behind Aya's ear, Yohji stared sadly at
the smaller man.

"Will you not open up?"

Aya stayed silent and Yohji sighed in defeat. Yohji closed his eyes only to open
them seconds later and looked down at Aya.

"Then how about this? I'll be here for you whenever you need help." Yohji

Something stirred in Aya's eyes, but before Yohji could discover the emotion it
was gone. On a sudden whim, Yohji brought the rose up to Aya's face and gently
caressed it against the redhead's cheek. Leaning close Yohji watched his friend's

Aya looked up with his bright eyes, carefully watching each move that Yohji made.
As Yohji moved the rose and caressed it against Aya's lips, Aya let out a tiny gasp. Yohji
brought the back of his hand up to Aya's cheek before he heard footsteps coming towards
the flower shop.

Omi entered the flower shop moments later only to find Aya, with his back turned,
working on a flower arrangement as Yohji cleaned the counter near to him.

"Morning, chibi," Yohji greeted the boy.

"Don't call me that!" Omi said as he sat down tiredly.

"Long night?" Yohji asked as he folded the cloth and placed it on the counter.


"Did you find anything in the files?" Aya asked, finishing the arrangement and
turned toward the younger assassin.

"I found some information on the corporation and the experiments that they're
conducting but I haven't found anything yet on the Demon Ray or any other weapon."

"Should we contact Manx?" Yohji asked as he watched Omi stand up.

"Hai, we have to inform her of the data that we have gathered." Omi paused. "We
probably would have to contact Crawford and the rest of Schwarz as well."

Yohji glanced at his leader and saw the 'shinne' look that Aya had. Trying not to
laugh, Yohji covered his lips pretending to be in deep thought. "Hm... do you have their
phone number, Omi?"

"Yeah but..." Omi started when the phone rang. Being the closed to the phone,
Omi picked up. "Welcome to the Koneko no Sumu Ie. This is Omi speaking."

Yohji looked at Aya as he waited for Omi to finish the phone conversation. Aya
stepped into the kitchen and wrapped the apron around his hips. Walking up to the
cabinets, he started to shift through them as he began to prepare lunch. Yohji gazed at
Aya until he heard the soft click of the phone as Omi turned towards them.

"That was Nagi from Schwarz." Omi explained as Yohji and Aya looked at him in
question. "He said that he found some information in the files that he needs to share with
the rest of us."

"...when can they meet us?" Aya asked as he stirred the boiling curry.

"Today around three o'clock."

Aya nodded and turned the gas off the oven. Turning towards the dinning table he
placed the hot bowl on top of a mat as Omi came in with the silverware. Yohji reached
over the helped Omi arranged the utensils. Aya entered with the steamed rice as Yohji
and Omi finished organize the silverware. Yohji sat down and grabbed a plate and
scooped some rice into it before pouring some curry on top. Aya and Omi did the same
thing as Yohji and they ate in silence. So we're having another meeting with Schwarz,
Yohji thought. I hope that it goes much better then the last time we attempted it. Because
Yohji did not have much food on his plate to begin with, his plate was cleared off in a
few minutes.

Yohji turned to Omi who was the nearest to the rice bowl. "Can I have seconds?"