Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Fallen Angels ❯ ‘Shadow Walking’ ( Chapter 38 )
Chapter 38
Shadow Walking
"Precog? As in he can see the future?" Enzeru asked, already knowing the answer. He looked past Yohji to the bed, knowing that there were other ways to talk to the boy, awake or not. He looked into his lovers' eyes again and smiled softly, his hands lifting to run gently with feathery touches through his hair. He pressed his lips against Yohji's in a gentle kiss and began to murmur against them in the same fashion he had with Omi. His lips curled into a smile as his human lover started, realizing what he was doing. /Sleep, love, I will be here when you wake. There is something I must take care of now./
Yohji felt himself relaxing and started knowing immediately that it was his lover putting him to sleep. He heard the soft words in his head and leaned in heavily his body too relaxed to stay upright.
/Bastard!/ he chuckled as even his thoughts began to drift away. /No fair…./ A soft snore broke the silence as the blonde succumbed to the gentle manipulation.
Enzeru smiled and kissed his lover again softly as he laid him down on the couch. He stood and crossed the room quietly and gracefully to the bed. Wings folded against his back, he leaned on the bed and crawled across it to Nagi. He lay down gently beside him and wrapped his arms around the young boy, brushing a strand of hair from his face before pulling their bodies into closer contact. He set his lips over the boys' and murmured a few words, closing his eyes as his body relaxed.
He sighed and opened his eyes to darkness. In the distance, he saw Nagi, sitting under what looked like a cherry tree, covered in blood red blossoms. The trunk was deformed and covered in gnarly knots, grotesque images seemed to be carved into the wood above him. Enzu walked forward, his footsteps echoing in the nothingness around him. He stopped in front of the boy and crouched down, resting his elbows on his knees.
"Hello, little one." His voice echoed through Nagi's dream world and eventually swept away to nothing as he watched the boy look up at him.
Nagi looked up startled to find someone else sitting with him. The last time this had happened he'd been very ill and Schuldich had been able to slip past his barriers and get in to communicate with him. Nagi knew his barriers were strong enough to keep out most telepaths, but Schu was strong.
Stronger than the leaders at Essets gave him credit for and Nagi knew the German could have gotten around him at any time if he wanted. He just didn't.
The only other person that ever visited him here was Tot and she was only a dream. A dead dream. They hadn't seen or heard anything from the female members of Schreint since the death of Masafumi Takatori and it was supposed that they had died in the fire with him. If Brad knew anything different he hadn't shared it with Nagi and it didn't really matter anymore anyway. He had Omi now.
"How did you get in here?" he asked the dark winged angel. His eyes glowed white and a soft breeze began to stir as he held out his hand and a multitude of the blood red cherry blossoms began to dance around them in the air. "Tot and Omi always laugh when I make the blossoms and leaves dance," he continued whimsically, caught in his dream state.
"I like it when they laugh, because I know they aren't laughing `at' me. Crawford says it's a waste of my powers. Why did you come?"
Enzeru smiled at Nagi and watched the cherry blossoms swirl in the breeze. "It's a very nice thing, to hear the ones you love laugh." He reached up and caught a blossom in his hand, opening it and smiling as he changed the blossom into a rose and handed it to the boy. "I am not here to hurt you, little one. Omi loves you, and because I have feelings for Omi, that makes me have feelings for you." He settled himself down in front of Nagi and suddenly grew serious, the smile now gone from his face as he looked into the boys' eyes.
"Tell me who hurt you and I will make sure they never do again."
Nagi took the rose touching the soft petals with a gentle finger. A slow smile touched his sad face hearing the words about Omi loving him. Then he frowned slightly and looked up at the black winged angel, but the final words reassured him and he dismissed them. He looked into the eyes gone suddenly stern and shivered.
"What will you do?" he asked quietly. He had an idea. He'd heard that kind of tone before and wasn't really under any illusions as to what the outcome would be. But still he had to ask.
Enzeru smiled and ran his knuckles down the boys' cheek. "What would you like me to do? I will not hesitate to kill him. Even as tenshi, I tried to protect the innocent." He frowned a bit as he thought of the tenshi, of Gabriel, and looked up startled as the picture from his head was manifested behind Nagi. He growled and raised his hand, waving it to clear the image away like chalk off a board. The image swirled and was swept away with the wind the boy had created. "You are very powerful, Nagi, but even the most powerful have weaknesses."
"Omi would be safe," Nagi murmured more to himself than to the angel. "And Schu and Farf could be free if they wanted. Scary thought," he chuckled a small smile appearing thinking of Schuldich and Farfarello turned loose without Crawford's controlling hand.
He nodded slowly. "I get tired too fast and power is only as good as how long it lasts and I'm afraid to let it get away from me. You wouldn't make him suffer too much? He took me off the streets so at least I wasn't getting raped or beat up everyday."
Enzeru frowned at the thought of what the boy had been put through and cupped the boys' chin in his hand, a soft smile on his lips. "Show me what he looks like and where to find him. I never hurt anyone, I will be sure that his last feelings are of pleasure, as I do with all those I feed from."
Nagi nodded reassured by the words. He knew he should feel more, but then it had been a very long time since he'd truly felt any emotion strongly except fear and even then it took something terrible to make even that emotion come through strongly. The closest he came to anymore to any other emotion was when he was with Omi and then it was peace that he felt.
He allowed an image of the stern faced Crawford form, standing beside them. His white suit and hair immaculate as always, the light flashing from his glasses as he glared down at them. Just as he was about to open his mouth and speak Nagi banished the vision not needing to hear the cutting, contemptuous remarks he knew would come.
"That's Crawford. Don't hurt the others, they helped me. He hurt them too, I know," he said looking up at the angel.
Enzeru frowned at the stern faced figure and looked down into Nagi's eyes, his own black depths flashing. He leaned forward and placed his lips against the boys' for a moment and then pulled back, licking the taste from his lips with a smile. "Where can I find him, and I promise he will never hurt you or the others again."
Nagi created a small pool of water between them in his dream world and then allowed a picture of their safe house to show on the reflective surface along with the street sign and the house number. Some how he felt that if he didn't say the words out loud he could separate himself from what was going to happen. But he knew he would do this again, just to keep his blonde lover safe from the wrath that he knew Crawford would visit on them all.
Enzeru smiled at the boy and titled his chin back up to look into his eyes. His smile widened as he set his lips against Nagi's forehead and said a few words in tenshi, then leaned back to greet Omi.
"Make him smile, Omi. Your minds are now linked, make the time worth it." He stood and stepped back, his wings fluttering in the breeze as he disappeared.
Enzeru sighed as he opened his eyes and looked at Nagi and Omi. Omi's arms were holding his lover tightly, a soft smile on his lips. Enzeru could not help but smile at the picture they made. He covered them with the blankets, then covered Yohji with another, and headed towards the door.
Once outside, his mood changed. His eyes glittered with the thought of feeding and not holding back, his lips curled into a smile as he took off into the sky. He quickly found the place that Nagi had shown him and walked through the outside door, feeling the energy in the house for the one called Crawford.