Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Ghost Story ❯ Ghost Story Part 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Ghost Story
Author: Genuinelie(s)
Pairings: Aya/Yohji; het (!)
Rating: NC-17 - please note the change in rating!
Status: Ongoing
Summary: Yohji's housemates decide he needs help with a problem he doesn't want discovered, but that's pretty hard when you're being watched so carefully. But is someone watching the watchers?
A/N: Heh. I'm kinda outa practice...also, this feels more like an interlude to me than an actual chapter, but idk...for once, I actually don't have the ending planned out!
Ran remained still as Yohji exited the roof and briefly considered jumping over the ledge. He'd made the leap before, and possibly the other building had an escape route.
But, no. He'd reached a decision, and for better or for worse, whatever happened to Yohji would be his fault if he reneged on it now. He couldn't quite believe it, and didn't want to, but Yohji had finally convinced him that part of the man's happiness did, in fact, rest on Ran's own actions. It was incomprehensible to him, but logical observation refused to let him refute his findings.
He'd left Yohji alone, or at least tried to, because he thought that aside from their work in the flowershop and as Weiss and the fact of their being housemates, Yohji's life and his life did not intersect.
Yohji would be happier without him.
Ran had not, however, left Yohji alone because he wasn't interested in him. He was all too aware of that.
Which was why his decision was not healthy for him. Yohji would have him, become tired of him, and move on.
And it was better that that happen sooner rather than later. So Ran could get his own emotions over with, and get on with his life, sans the tension recently cloaking evreything in the Koneko. He had enough to deal with, without the responsibility of a relationship.
And when that excuse begins to sound old to you?
Ran rested his chin on his knees. The cement beneath his jacket was not comfortable in the least, and the longer Yohji stayed away, the sillier his proposition seemed.
He had pulled his shirt back down over his chest. Something about waiting bare-chested for someone to come back and fuck you felt somehow degrading.
Not that such an action would seem out of place for a man like Yohji.
The door to the roof opened suddenly. Yohji peeked his head around the corner, before strolling outside. He held a small bottle of liquid in a hand that also held onto a pillow, and a blanket in the other.
Ran must have been wearing some sort of expression because Yohji waved the items at him. "Don't worry, don't worry, no one saw me."
He sat down on the blanket next to him. Ran tried not to move, though their arms were touching.
Yohji tilted his head at him and smiled. It was small, and genuine, not one of the bullshit grins he usually wore.
Ran watched him back silently. It felt weird to him, knowing he was allowed to look now, and Yohji would know why.
Suddenly, Yohji produced a wet washcloth from what he was carrying. Ran snorted, looked at Yohji to make sure he was serious, then growled. "What the hell?"
"I cleaned up downstairs. You still have blood on your face." Yohji explained. "May I?"
Ran lost the pained smile and frowned. He was tempted to just take it and clean himself off, irritated with the illogical embarrassment he felt. Yohji was watching him expectantly; finally, he gave a short nod.
Yohji smiled. "Good." He reached up and touched Ran's face gently, then frowned. "This isn't other people's."
Ran glared at him. "It's not serious, either."
"It might explain why you're allowing me to touch you now," A glance at Yohji's face showed he was joking, then immediately worried about what he'd said.
Ran sighed, and allowed a small smile to let Yohji know that he got it. "I feel like I'm getting cleaned by a cat, Yohji. Enough."
Yohji swiped at his hands. With an expression of disgust, Ran grabbed the cloth and wiped off his own appendages, then threw it to the side. "Okay?"
"Definitely more than okay," Yohji grinned at him, then slowly dragged his gaze from his face down his body.
Ran felt himself blushing despite himself, and knew it probably showed on his goddamned complexion.
Suddenly, Yohji's fingers grabbed his chin and guided his face toward him. Ran allowed it, taken by surprise. He met Yohji's green eyes and let them search his own.
The expression on Yohji's face was soft. It took him aback, that Yohji could look like that. The transformation from mask to authenticity was breathtaking.
Ran kissed Yohji first, his own hand traveling to the back of Yohji's head to guide him forward to his lips. Yohji met him eagerly, his eyes closing.
Ran watched him for a minute, still taken aback that he had any sort of power whatsoever to make Yohji look like that, to make him look happy. After months of watching him fall apart day by day, to realize that it was, in the end, somehow tied to how Yohji felt about him...
Yohji broke away. He searched Ran's face.
"It's nothing." Ran said. He brushed a finger across his own lips, feeling wetness there.
Yohji still looked troubled. "Ran, if this isn't what you want..."
"It's not that." Ran sucked in a breath, trying to steady his breathing.
Yohji's fingers threaded through the short hair on the back of his head. "Then what, baby?"
Ran shot a glance sideways, but kept the protest at the endearment to himself. "You've been falling to hell. I've been watching you. It's...I never thought it could have anything to do with me."
Yohji's smile twisted. "Not just you, don't worry about that. You know I'm not the most...I have my own ghosts, my own mess..." Yohji suddenly drew in a shaky breath. "I guess it's not fair of me to bring them to you. I guess I really don't deserve..."
"Where have you been going at night?" Ran cut him off before Yohji got any worse. He hadn't meant to bring back his depression, and it was alarming.
Yohji looked away from him, up over the roofs of the skyline. "This cafe Asuka and I used to go to. I sometimes...god, Ran, I'm sorry."
Noise from the traffic in the distance filled the silence. Finally Ran cleared his throat.
"We're each of us in Weiss because of tragedy, Yohji." Ran placed a hand on Yohji's bare arm.
Yohji looked back at him. He looked surprised.
"You're the one who thinks we don't need to go through it alone." Ran watched his face carefully. "I've agreed with you by agreeing to this."
Yohji actually did a doubletake. Ran kept his face neutral, though it was embarrassing that somehow, it sounded like he was now convincing Yohji to give them a chance.
Suddenly Yohji flopped backwards onto the coat with one arm flung to the side, and tugged Ran down with him. Ran flailed, pushed off-balance, then acquiesced with a glare.
Yohji smiled again, and tugged again on Ran's arm. When Ran didn't budge, he somehow managed to weasil his arm beneath Ran's shoulders and pull him closer. To avoid being uncomfortable, Ran was forced to move the rest of his body closer, too. Yohji grabbed the pillow and stuck it behind them.
Overhead, there was a waning moon and scattered stars visible in the dark void beyond the dusky glow of the streetlamps. The sky only held a few wispy clouds, drifting slowly in front of the galaxies.
Yohji turned to him. Ran saw him move out of the corner of his eye. He turned for a better look at Yohji's face, but Yohji immediately caught his lips with his own.
Yohji no longer kissed him gently. A tongue pushed into Ran's mouth; he allowed it and was amazed to find it felt good. Yohji caught his lower lip gently between his teeth; let it go, and brushed his tongue on Ran's again.
Ran gasped into his mouth and reciprocated, trying to copy Yohji's movements as best he could. They'd both turned onto their sides. Ran gripped Yohji's shoulder, fingers pressing into Yohji's skin.
Yohji's hand had found the hem of his shirt. Ran lifted off the ground and helped him pull it over his head.
"Fuck." Yohji muttered. His eyes were dark, looking Ran over. "Just-"
Ran smiled. Yohji looked up at him and grinned back. Ran placed a hand into the center of Yohji's chest and pushed him backward, throwing a leg over his waist to straddle him. His eyes widened for a moment; Yohji bucked his hips upward, confirming the hardening bulge Ran had felt.
Ran bent down and took Yohji's lips in his again. He thrust forward; the fabric between them was maddening and constricting. Yohji dragged himself against Ran again. Ran shuddered and moved into it. He placed a hand on Yohji's chest and felt the man's muscles shift beneath his palm, felt the erratic breaths he was taking, felt his heartbeat. He slid it lower over Yohji's skin and found the buckle of his belt.
Suddenly, there was a gasp. It didn't come from either man. Unmistakably, the door to the roof clicked shut.
There was a smattering of footsteps. Both of their heads whipped around to see Omi running toward them, still in his mission gear. "Oh my God, Aya, don't kill hi-augh!" Omi skidded to a stop. His eyes widened more than his anatomy should allow. "I'm sorry, oh, my god, don't kill me..." Omi pivoted and sprinted for the door without waiting for a response. "Oh my god!" The words faded into the stairwell as Omi disappeared.
Ran stared at the empty roof, in shock.
Yohji suddenly snorted.
Ran turned to him. Yohji's eyes were beginning to water.
Ran felt a small smile appearing on his face, despite himself.
"Serves-" Yohji gasped, then broke out into wheezing laughter. His body shook beneath Ran's. "Serves the chibi right!"
A small noise escaped Ran's throat. He surprised himself to realize it was a chuckle.
He couldn't hold it in. In a moment, he was laughing along with Yohji, doubling over until his forehead hit Yohji's shoulder.
Yohji wrapped his arms around Ran's back as he doubled over, snorting with laughter. He'd heard the man laugh, really laugh, less times than could fit on one hand. He held him as his body shook and his own laughter died down, relishing the feel of Ran's bare skin against his. He watched Ran's face out of the corner of his eye. He had his eyes squinted shut, and it was obvious that his smile wasn't one that was used often. He would have been able to tell even if he hadn't known it to be the truth.
Omi's appearance had taken a little bit of zest out of things, but his body was quickly recovering. He pressed upward to remind Ran of that.
Ran lifted his head and refocused on his face, smile softening but still there. He lifted his hips off of Yohji and took his hand off of Yohji's belt, instead rubbing it over Yohji's hard-on, through his pants.
Yohji gasped and bent his head backwards. He was pleased to find Ran had enough initiative to press a kiss on his neck. He bucked his hips upward again, encouraging.
Ran thrust against him, then pulled his belt off. He worked on Yohji's next. Yohji lifted up again to claim first his lips, then his mouth with his tongue. His hand found Ran's ass and gripped it, pulling the man's body into him harder.
Ran rolled off of him and tugged off his tight mission pants. He lay on the ground on his back and kicked the clothing away from him. Yohji followed suit, as quickly as he could. He watched Ran the entire time, taking in the contrast of pale skin against the dark briefs he wore, and his bare skin beneath his head of crimson hair. His muscled chest was rising and falling with shallow breaths.
Ran was watching him right back, violet eyes almost completely dilated. Yohji rolled over with a growl and straddled him, completely naked. Ran bucked his hips up and tugged off the briefs underneath Yohji's legs. Yohji settled back down onto him with a gasp. "God, Ran...god..."
He never thought he would actually get to see the other man like this. He'd thought about it often, he'd dreamt about, and to actually have him there, under him, willing and watching him with that expression... Yohji brought a finger up to touch Ran's cheek.
Ran looked surprised. "Are you waiting for something, Yohji?"
Yohji took in a shaky little breath. "I love you, Ran. If this is gonna be the only time...just let me savor it a moment, okay?"
"Hn." There was a small twitch on the corner of Ran's mouth. It revealed itself as a smile a moment later.
He was rock-hard beneath him. Ran bucked once and the moment was over; Yohji was getting painfully hard and sentimentality was going to have to wait. He reached for the lube, then paused.
"I don't care," Ran interrupted his thoughts. "Just choose. I'm not going to be able to..."
Yohji realized he was shaking underneath of him. He fumbled with the cap on the bottle. "If you've never..."
Ran grabbed the bottle from his with a small noise that could have been a growl and slicked his hands. He grabbed Yohji's dick and Yohji doubled over with a gasp. "Oh, fuck." He thrust into Ran's hands, then attempted to hold himself back, shuddering. "Are you..."
Yohji slid flat against Ran, their bodies pressing hard into each other's stomachs. Ran spread his legs and wrapped them around Yohji's thighs. With shaking hands, he took the lube back from Ran and slicked his fingers, sliding them between their bodies to find Ran's entrance and press inside. Ran was gritting his teeth, but nodded at Yohji to continue. Yohji put the bottle aside and grabbed Ran's length; the man gasped and thrust upward into his palm.
"Enough," Ran hissed.
Yohji closed his eyes to collect himself, then met Ran's eyes. He watched him steadily.
Yohji pressed inside him, slowly. Ran's back arched and he shifted; Yohji did his best to find the right angle and not thrust as deep as he could immediately. He wanted to start up a hard, fast rhythm, but held himself back.
Suddenly Ran made a noise that was different than pain. "There. Just -" Ran's hips bucked forward, and Yohji let out a shuddering grunt as his body took over. He pressed himself all the way inside, drew out, and tried to hit that same spot that made Ran make that noise again, and again.
"Fuck!" Ran gasped. "Fuck! Yohji!"
Yohji's hand beat faster between them, rubbing over Ran's tip and back, as he shoved his body forward into Ran's and pulled out again. They thrust harder, in tandem, and Yohji was suddenly unable to maintain any semblence of control, buried inside of Ran and gasping with the feeling of it.
Ran suddenly shouted and arched his back even as Yohji continued to move and thrust into him; the shaking of the other man's body brought him over. He collapsed on top of Ran, trembling and gasping until his vision returned. He took one last thrust and pulled out, as slowly and as gently as he could.
They lay for a moment, their breathing loud and out of sync in the quiet night.
Yohji flung an arm over Ran's body and tugged him closer on his coat. Ran allowed it. The roof wasn't the best place to have done that; Yohji was feeling parts of him begin to ache with bruises.
He'd take it. Fuck, he'd take it all, for that.
He looked over. Ran had those intense eyes on him again, but his expression was the most relaxed Yohji could ever remember seeing it.
Ran smiled at him. It made Yohji's chest ache with the beauty of it, and the knowledge he'd contributed to that expression. "Please don't tell me that was a one-time thing," he begged softly.
Ran closed his eyes, head resting on Yohji's arm. "Hn."
Yohji had years of experience interpreting Ran's non-word communication. He was one hundred percent positive that particular one was agreement.
Yohji smiled, and tugged the blanket over them both. He continued to watch Ran until the man's breathing grew steady, and the remaining lines of tension left his face.
Yohji touched his forehead gently to Ran's. He let his own eyes fall shut.