Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Go ❯ Go ( Chapter 1 )
"Did they tell you, you would come undone
When you try to touch the sun
Undermine the underground
You're too old to care
You're too young to count
Go go go"
-The Indigo Girls, "Go"
"Omi?" Ken called as he walked towards Omi's room. "Omi, we've got a mission." He frowned at Omi's door. There was no sound coming from behind it. Ken pounded on it, then tried the knob. It was locked. He pounded again.
"Come on, Omi! You're making everyone wait!" Ken waited a moment, and, hearing nothing, hit himself against the door. The locks in their house were fairly defective and gave under some pressure. He hit the door again and it flew open. Ken stumbled into the room. He looked around and spotted Omi. He was sitting at his computer, slumped over the keyboard. Ken shook his head and a small smile crept onto his face.
"Maybe we do overwork you," he murmered. He shook Omi's shoulder. "Come on, wake up," He said louder. Omi didn't react. Ken shook both his shoulders a little harder and Omi fell back against the seat, facing Ken. Ken's eyes widened and he stumbled back a few steps.
"Omi!" He screamed, "Omi!"
Omi's eyes were open and his face was contorted into a look of pain and terror. A dagger was lodged in his chest. Blood covered the computer keyboard and the floor beneath it. Ken took a shuddering breath.
"Omi?" he asked, his voice breaking. He stepped towards the boy and ran a hand through his golden hair and down onto his neck. Ken choked back a sob and slid against the wall as he began to cry.
After a moment he stood back up and stared at Omi. His gaze drifted downward towards the ugly dagger hilt protruding from his chest. He grasped it and drew it out of Omi gently. He sat it down beside the computer and looked back up at Omi's face. He placed his fingers on his eyelids and drew them down, holding them until they stayed. Still crying quietly, Ken kissed Omi's forehead and gently lifted him into his arms. He began to walk towards the others.
Yohji sighed and leaned against the couch.
"What's taking them so long?" He whined. Manx smiled.
"I'll go get them." She said, and left the room. A moment later they heard a thin wail. Yohji and Aya whipped around. Manx was slumped against the wall in the hallway, her eyes wide and hand over her mouth. Ken stood in the doorway, holding Omi.
"He's dead." Ken said quietly.
"What?" Yohji gasped. Ken walked past him and lay Omi onto the couch. Aya walked up to him and kneeled beside him. He drew up Omi's shirt with suprising gentleness and ran his hands across the dagger wound. His eyes narrowed as he pulled the shirt back down.
"Who did this?" He asked Ken with a quiet fury.
Ken shook his head. "I don't know." He said, looking down. "The dagger's in his room." Aya left the room. Ken turned. "Yohji?" he asked quietly. Yohji turned to look at him. Ken could see unshed tears in his eyes.
"Why?" Yohji asked almost inaudibly. He shifted his gaze down to Omi. "Why?" He said, beginning to raise his voice. "Why him? He was the youngest… he wasn't supposed to go first. We were supposed to… We were supposed to protect him! Why couldn't we protect him, Ken?" Yohji turned his back to Ken, but the younger man didn't miss the tears running down his friend's face.
"Yohji…" Ken began, "there was no way we could've known…" But the argument sounded weak even to Ken. The room lapsed into silence and both men jumped when Aya returned to the room, holding the dagger.
"Schwarz." He said in a low voice. "Nagi."
Yohji turned around and there was fury in his eyes.
"He'll pay. They'll all pay."