Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ God's Tears ❯ Sanguinum ( Chapter 1 )
Author: Coyote aka. Trick Coyote aka. Little Psycho "gun toting" Coyote
Contact: trickcoyote@gmx.net
Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz is not mine until I kidnap the corporate lawyers that is. Characters from the series are the creation of Takehito Koyasu but everything else springs from the steaming pit of filth and depravity considered my imagination.
Fac conclusionem quoniam
terra plena est iudicio sanguinum et
civitas plena iniquitate
Prepare chains,
because the land is full of bloodshed
and the city is full of violence
Ezekiel 7:23
Salty, sweet, with a nice metallic tang to it...kind of like licking a knife dipped in salt and honey. Guess that's how I fell in that habit of mine, plus it freaks out the little kiddies not to mention their parents.
You know there is 5-6 Liters of blood in a man, about 4-5 L. in a woman... but still all of it is the same shade, once it hits the air that is. I actually bothered to measure it once, tied a man to the wall and nicked the tibial artery on his ankle.
I wanted to see how many times I could hurt God with the death of one man.
One drop, one sin, one more tear for God to shed.
He screamed every time I opened another artery, gradually working my way up his legs always in search of a new place to cut, to continue the flow of blood. I guess with all the knowledge amassed while being a killer, I could be a damn good surgeon. Knowing where all the major blood vessels, arteries and veins are. Knowing just how deep to cut to get the desired effect. If I wanted to kill the man now, a nice deep slice to the side of the groin, straight through the femoral artery, and he would be dead in a matter of seconds. But then where would be the fun in that?
Maybe if I live long enough to retire I'll forge a medical certificate, just to test my little hypothesis. It would be worth watching the expressions on the nurses' faces while I "cleaned up" my scapulas and other instruments. For now I have my specimen in front of me, playing doctor can wait for later.
"Do you think he is really going to save you?"
I don't see how people have such blind faith in a God that would leave them abandoned to the merciless hands of such a sinner. Everyday people are strangled, mutilated, raped, murdered, maimed, and beaten; all he does is watch. Lambs to the slaughter, and he doesn't do a damn thing but sit and cry for his fallen children.
275, 276, 277, 278...
Growing up I had a pleasant childhood, loving parents, and lived in a house with a garden in the front on the edge of town. I was surrounded by friends and had a carefree existence and worried about nothing. Oh…no wait, that was an American television show I used to watch on the tele. Leave it to Beamer, Beavis or such nonsense. Home was a small, dingy, and dilapidated row house in South Belfast one of the rougher cities in Ireland. What I do remember of my parents isn't too nice. An abusive father and a mother that did nothing to intervene because she was just as much of a victim as me. They were the only family I knew and though I did care for them the only one I really did love was my little sister and she loved me just as much in return.
Being beaten constantly by my father for being "such a fucking burden" to him didn't exactly make me a social butterfly. Kids didn't want to play with someone who was content to make castles on the sandbox or bury his nose in a book in order to block out the real world. I could count the number of friends I had while living at home on one finger. My best friend however was Farf. I think I met him while hiding in a dark closet for a few hours while dear ole Dad was on one of his rampages. I don't know if he was real or just a figment of my imagination but of the few friends I had he was the one who would accept me unconditionally and stand beside me through good and bad. Not bad for someone who was invisible.
Trying to stay out of the house as much as possible became one of the highest priorities in my life and I used studying as my excuse to practically reside at the school. By the time I was in Level 7 I had read every book in the library at least once and maybe even twice. [1] History, philosophy, theology, foreign languages and other subjects too numerous to list filled the afternoons and a good portion of the evenings. Hell I even memorized the first few books of the bible while sitting behind the hedge at home hiding from my father one evening. Sister Ruth got a kick out of that and even suggested one day I might become a Padre. Even if I went totally insane for some reason, I don't think the church would let me become a man of the cloth now. Has a nice ring to it though "Father Farfarello".
Learning was what kept me safe and out of the reach of my father's belt. Farf would accompany me wherever I went and became a permanent fixture in my life. We would discuss everything under the sun but being in a Catholic school theology was a frequent topic. Though Farf was a bit of a cynic it made for some interesting conversations. The last conversation we had in the library I can remember quite clearly as it was the last one we had while my life was still normal.
"So I think that God throwing Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden was actually a blessing in disguise because although man was cursed with pain, disease and death we were given knowledge of our own existence and the ability to do with it what we pleased." Farfarello just looked at me curiously and answered in a low voice "It wasn't just a simple apple that Eve gave to Adam to eat. It was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. That single piece of fruit held the knowledge of not only right and wrong, but also shame, deceit, and the value of freewill." Farfarello stood up towering above Jei and spoke in a condescending tone "And what is the subtle message God gave mankind when he kicked out Adam and Eve? Get smart and I'll fuck you over sayeth the Lord. God is the smartest and he doesn't want any competition." [2]
I just kind of stared out the window at the leaden clouds drifting slowly by and thought about what Farf had said. God's reaction to his own children disobeying a command sounded a bit like my father when someone defied him. He would overreact and do something drastic that you weren't soon to forget. "Well Adam and Eve were tricked into eating the apple by the serpent Satan, it wasn't their fault they were ignorant and didn't know any better." Farfarello just smiled a little "If you think about it Satan may have had two reasons for doing what he did. One was to further defy God and royally piss him off but the other could have been that he wanted to help those two stop following God blindly and lead a life of their own. He used to be an angel and would know exactly what the apple contained. Besides ignorance is no excuse, especially when you are specifically told not to do something."
And so on went the conversation for a few hours until the gray sky had finally faded into black and the lights lining the street outside came to life. It was then that I knew I was in deep shit. After gathering a few books and heading to the desk to check them out I kept hoping that my father would be passed out in his chair or had gone out by the time I got home. If he wasn't then I really would be in deep shit.
The rich smell of stew cooking on the stove greeted me as soon as I walked in the door. Cooking was always a good sign as it meant either my father was out pubbing or was unconscious in his favorite chair. Quietly opening the front door looking around into the living room I noticed that particular chair was empty "Yes he's gone!" I whispered under my breath. "This must be my lucky day."
"Mom! Sis! I'm home!"
Neither answered so they must be out in the backyard or something, might as well just start dinner a little early. Dumping my bookbag on the kitchen table I turned to get a knife from the drawer to fish a bit meat out of the stewpot that was bubbling merrily next to me. Mom wouldn't say anything except maybe chastise me for using a knife instead of a fork to eat with. Stealing a little snack was the worst thing I had done, other than pulling my sisters hair. But then even the littlest things were serious transgressions if they bothered my father and tended to set him off. Laughing a little too loud last time he had a hangover earned me three broken ribs and a few days in the hospital. He made me tell the doctors I had fallen down the stairs chasing after my dog, as if he would let me have one. Fortunately he hadn't started on my sis yet but I knew it wouldn't be long.
Footsteps above my head announced the presence of someone in the upstairs, probably my sister getting out of her evening bath or my mother gathering laundry. Hiking the bookbag over my shoulder I started walking upstairs nibbling on the morsel of meat speared on the end of the knife. Stopping in mid bite my face fell when I head my father's voice ringing down the stairwell and from the sound of it he was ticked. Shit, shit, shit.
Hearing my parents argue was nothing new to me but hearing the voice of Sister Ruth joining the fray definitely was. What the hell was going on? I hadn't acted up or broken any rules that I knew of so why was she here? Creeping farther up the stairwell I strained to hear their conversation when my mother's harsh voice rang out loud enough to hurt my ears. "Get the fuck out of my house!" Could it be that Mom finally had enough and had enlisted Sister Ruth to help throw dad out of the house? My hopes high I had to find out.
What Ruth said next made me freeze in my tracks. "He is my son more than he is yours! I've seen the bruises and I don't like how you are treating him! Don't make me call the police!" My mind ran in a million different directions trying frantically to process what it had heard. Sister Ruth…Mom…it just didn't make sense. I couldn't move disbelief flowing through my thoughts. I had to hear the rest of this. It couldn't be true. Sister Ruth couldn't be my mother, she wouldn't lie, and she wouldn't have left me here with my father. It must be a mistake. Angry words continued pouring from the upstairs hallway though they were in English they may as well been speaking Greek, I just couldn't understand them. Farf tapped and then smacked hard on the arm to break me out of my trance. "If he is as mad as he sounds we need to get you out of here before he comes down the stairs."
Before I could move however the voices upstairs became louder as someone stalked loudly towards the stairs. I pressed myself against the wall at the bottom of the stairs as a blur of black and white came rushing past me and Sister Ruth whipped around to yell again at my father "Stephen! You can't treat Jei like this, he's my son and I wont let you!" She didn't even see me as she passed stomping furiously toward the front door. I don't remember moving or even running up the stairs past where Farf still stood as much in shock as I was. All I know is my ears were still ringing from what they had just heard.
Author Notes:
Yes this is one hell of a rewrite. The original as it was written was bad…ok lets face it…downright crappy. It was fragmented, disjointed and hard to make sense of so for the past few months I have been dealing with family problems and in the mean time tearing apart the house looking for Farfie Muse.
Well more is to be posted as I get to it! Later and remember to R&R!
Story Notes:
Title Translation: Sanguinum - Latin: Blood
[1] I'm making a bit of a guess at this but for those who are not familiar with the education system in the UK primary school for kids from 5-16 divided into 10 levels. So I think this would make Jei about 12-13 or in the American education system in 6 or 7 grade. I'm not quite sure how accurate this is so please correct me if I'm wrong.
[2] You may have noticed that the quote Farf used when discussing the fall of man sounded a little familiar. I elaborated a bit on a passage from an interview Frank Zappa did on the theology of Christianity. When I read it I thought that it just sounded like a mild version Farfarello. Don't scream plagiarism quite yet as I am giving him credit and including the original quote below:
"What was it that Adam ate that he wasn't supposed to eat? It wasn't just an apple -- it was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The subtle message? Get smart and I'll fuck you over -- sayeth the Lord. God is the smartest -- and he doesn't want any competition. Is this not an absolutely anti-intellectual religion?"
-Frank Zappa