Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Hard Life ❯ New Yohji ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Thanks for the review dimonyo-anghel .I love getting reviews like yours. As to how Yohji looks know that he’s a she -well she’s about Omi’s height and she’s a bit frailer looking. Yohji now looks kind of like those Victoria Secret models you see on TV and stuff.

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Yohji was curled under his blankets and in one of his shirts by the time Schuldich was allowed back in his room. Tot ordered him not to touch the blonde in any inappropriate way or he’d answer to her and Nagi. She then left and went to her own room to sleep. The German sighed. It looked like he’d be sleeping on the couch for a while. He tried to be quiet as he pulled and extra pillow and blanket from his closet but another one fell on top of him.
Schuldich was about to sneak out when he was stopped by sleeping beauty herself.
“Go back to sleep ,’the red-head growled.
The blonde didn’t go back to sleep .Inside she climbed out of the warmth of the bed walked up to the German and wrapped her arms around his waist before he could leave.
“Don’t leave. I want you to stay .Please don’t leave,” she begged.
Schuldich sighed ,placed the blanket and pillow on a chair , picked Yohji up ,set her on the bed ,removed his street clothes ,put on a pair of sweat pants and climbed in beside her. Yohji snuggled against him resting her head on his bare chest. Schuldich felt himself blush a little. The blonde seemed so frail.
“Will you protect me?”
Schuldich paused. If he agreed to protect her ,he would also have to confess his love for her. He had always cared for Yohji ,even before the transformation.
“Yeah. I’ll protect you.”
“Really , really. No matter what.”
“Why? I thought you hated me.”
“I don’t hate you goldilocks .I -I love you ,with all my heart.”
The blonde kissed him lovingly and pulled him tighter. Schuldich saw that her eyes had become red. She smiled darkly.
“Will you help me kill Aya?”
“Yes. He’ll feel more pain then he’s ever felt before. He’ll pay for what he did to you.”
Their lips met again and the cold night became warmer.

Yohji was up first the next morning, still wearing only the shirt and her underwear. She walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face. Schuldich followed a few minutes later. He wrapped an arm around her waist and whispered in her ear. The blonde giggled as Crawford staggered into the kitchen to get coffee.
“Try to keep it down next time ok?” he growled at them.
The two lovers blushed a little and Nagi laughed. Yohji yawned and began rummaging through the cabinets.
“What are you doing?” Nagi asked.
“Want chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast?”
“Then help me find the chocolate chips and bisquick.”
Fifteen minutes later, then entire team was eating pancakes and chatting.

Omi paced around his room all morning. They hadn’t been able to find Yohji and he was worried. Aya refused to go to the police. He insisted that the blonde would turn up on her own. The swordsman was in a bad mood now and Ken was just as worried as Omi was. Aya didn’t seem to care at all. He went about his business as usual. Omi absentmindedly arranged flowers in a vase. He couldn’t help but worry. He wanted Yohji home again.
About eight Manx came in with a new mission. They were to assassinate some business man who had raped six or seven women. She cautioned them that Schwartz may be involved. She didn’t bother asking why Ken and Omi were so down or why Yohji wasn’t there.

Yohji was ready for her first mission as a member of Schwartz. Her experience was valuable, and she knew how to fight against her former friends and win. She even changed her name and her codename. The blonde had taken on the name Yore and the codename Hellion. With her now blood red eyes, her “power” came to light: an unnatural amount of cruelty and the reflexes of a cat.
Yore and Schuldich had been assigned to protect a business man from his enemies . Yore was tense and alert.
“Relax love. You’ll do fine,” the German said.
“I hope so.”
The blonde spotted her teammates and pulled her lover into the shadows .They kissed once and parted to change.

Crawford managed to led what remained of Weiss to an old abandoned factory. It was here that the ambush waited. It was time for Yore to prove her loyalty. He wasn’t sure he trusted her quite yet but after tonight he would. The American slipped into the shadows of the factory and waited. Weiss followed him and stood there. It was time for Yore to make her appearance and kill her former friends.

They were on edge, all three of them. Omi, so accustomed to the smell the smoke of Yohji’s brand of cigarettes, felt nervous. Suddenly ,out of no where, the smell of the blonde’s cigarettes filled the area. Walking out of the darkness ,was Yohji. Her uniform looked like her old one but it was white.
“Yohji! You’re ok!” Ken exclaimed.
The blonde snorted, and then started laughing.
“ Clearly you are mistaken dear boy. My name is Hellion. Yohji Koudu is dead,” Yore said lightly.
“But you-”
“No buts dear boy. Yohji Koudu is dead because of you!” she said pointing to Aya. “If you hadn’t thrown Yohji out that night, he’d still be alive. Now you’ll pay for what you did !”
The blonde lunged at them ,wrapping their wrists together with the thin wire, and strung them up. The three members of Weiss were trapped . Suddenly ,Schuldich walked out of the darkness . He wrapped is arms around Yore’s waist. He whispered some thing into her ear as a bottle of gasoline was emptied around the ware house. The red-head pulled her towards the door. Yore lit her light er and set the gasoline on fire. Laughing ,the lovers left Yore’s former friends to burn.