Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ I Deserve ❯ Mission's ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimers: I do not own the characters of Weiss Kruez, Takehito Koyasu, Tsuchiya Kyoko, Shinshokan and others do. This story is from my head and there is no way that they would even think of doing this with their characters.

Warning: Angst, very sensitive issues in this chapter especially the end bit, some blood…not much, drug usage and attempted suicide.

Pairing: Aya x Youji - (one sided) Ken + Aya

Rating: R

Authors Note: Two more chapters and it is finished. Lemon will be in the last chapter.

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Looking in the mirror Youji smiled at his reflection. He looked good, alright he looked sexy wearing black leather pants and boots, a white lacy top and a white long silky coat that when he moved swirled around his tall slender form. Grabbing the lip gloss he lightly dabbed his pink lips, the scent of strawberry caressing his nose. He pouted his lips and smirked, they had a wet inviting look about them.

His long slim fingers combed through his honey blond hair that was shining and felt soft to his touch. He sighed trying not to think about the silver haired male and what he had to do, they had to find those responsible for the drugs somehow, besides he was really doing this for Eliza.

He tilted his head to one side, his eyes fixed on a ghostly image in the mirror a soft voice whispering his name, "Youji…" he froze, "Eliza?!"

Turning quickly in the direction he saw the image he saw there was nothing there, he frowned, "must be seeing things."

He stood there silently but shook himself, it was nothing and besides he had to go now. First he had to see the leader then of to the club Ecstasy Moon. His right hand reached over to his left wrist touching his watch, he was ready.

Walking down the stairs he could see that Omi and Ken were both ready and no doubt waiting for Aya, he winked at them both opening the door.

"Youji keep safe."

Smiling Youji looked at Omi, "I will, you watch yourself too…both of you." His eyes settled on Ken and he could see that he was not looking very happy at the moment, he shrugged his shoulders, haven't got time to worry about it now maybe later.

Humming as he shut the door he ran up the stairs, he wanted to get this night over and done with. On reaching the rooftop he could see Aya standing there and his heart skipped a beat, a soft light glowing, outlining Aya's slender figure, his eyes trained on Youji. Alright Youji pull yourself together and forced a smile on his face to cover his other feelings.

"I am ready to go now Aya." He was only glad that he sounded normal and not like a love sick fool, he chuckled to himself as he approached the red head.

Standing beside him Youji was feeling a little nervous, Aya just stood there looking at him not saying a word. Clearing his throat he turned to say something, "Ammph--" his eyes widened, his heart hammering against his chest as soft lips moved against his own making his blood rush to his head, slender fingers combing through his hair gently caressing his scalp.

Aya could not help himself, for the last half hour he has been standing out here waiting for Youji not really sure why he told him to see him before he left, his nerves playing havoc with him as he warned himself not to do anything stupid. It all went out the window when Youji appeared looking like a beautiful Angel that words were just impossible for him so he did the next best thing. He kissed him.

Trembling Youji pulled himself together and finally responded his arms wrapping around Aya's trim waist pulling him closer to his body, he gasped as he could feel Aya's tongue slowly licking his lips and began to suck on his bottom lip gently. Oh God! He felt his toes curl as the heat rushed through him a soft moan escaping.

Aya tasted strawberry as his moist tongue hungrily licked and sucked the generous morsel of Youji's bottom lip, all for his taking, pleased that this feeling was not one sided. Like a conqueror his tongue pushed against Youji's mouth his hand gripping his hair tightly making the blond gasp and parting the lips so he could dip his tongue to deepen the kiss. Aya had not meant for it to go this far but he could not help himself, he tasted wonderful, cigarettes and strawberry a strange combination admittedly, but it was all Youji, and it was all his.

All Youji could do was whimper feeling Aya's wet muscle invade him licking every inch of the inside of his mouth, prodding the back of his throat making his head swirl with desire as he was consumed by the redhead.

Sinuously like a snake Aya swirled his tongue sucking on Youji's hungrily his blood rushing to his lower region. Hell that is all he needed. Nipping Youji's muscle he reluctantly relinquished his mouth pulling back, the need for air becoming imminent.

Breathing heavily they both looked into each others eyes looking for a sign. Youji opened his mouth to say something but Aya covered his lips with his fingers, "Don't say anything, we have a mission to do but--"

Youji smiled as he could see his younger team mate hesitate, something he thought he would never see but at this moment Youji did not care staring into the violet gaze. Aya had kissed him…Youji and it was not a 'lets be friends kiss' either but a 'I want you kiss' and that is all he could think about for now.

"When we get back tonight we will talk then." Aya's eyes flickered as he drowned in the emerald sea depths of Youji not believing what he was saying or doing. Not so long ago his feelings towards Youji were not positive in fact he couldn't stand him, somehow that had all changed and if he was honest he had Ken to thank for this. If it wasn't for him he would not have opened his eyes to really look at the man named Youji and to seek behind the mask that he was prone to put in place whenever they were around.

That one moment Youji had shared a dark past with him made Aya feel warm inside, a feeling that connected the two of them together and Aya would kill anyone who dared take that away from him. Youji was his now and he has laid claim to this beautiful Angel who was not aware of it but who assuredly belonged to him. Aya Fujimiya.

Pulling Youji towards him again Aya brushed his lips gently then stepped back smirking, "time to go." Aya turned around then stopped his back to Youji, "be careful Youji." He then walked away.

Youji watched him smiling his heart expanding his hand trembling as he lit a cigarette; he was looking forward to seeing Aya tonight.

Looking up as he lit his cigarette he saw something move, walking towards the doorway he stopped with surprise. "Ken!"

Ken was shaking as the jealously ran through him, Aya had kissed Youji…fucking bloody Youji and he was angry. The blonde bimbo did not deserve to have someone like Aya, the pale redheaded beauty.

"Youji I saw you kissing Aya." It was hard for Ken to contain his anger and jealously, he was finally pushed over the edge and he had made up his mind that Youji was not going to have him. Aya was his and the sooner the blond figured this out the better.

Shrugging Youji inhaled on his cigarette slowly exhaling his eyes squinting, "It is none of your business Ken that is between Aya and me." Youji's verdant gaze swept across the younger assassins face shrewdly, noticing the flushed cheeks of anger, the glittering eyes of…of jealously! Why had he not noticed this before? Ken was in love with Aya.

"You want to know something Youji, you do not deserve him, he deserves someone that does not have too much of a past--"

Youji stiffened his emerald orbs glittering angrily, "Ken what has the past got anything to do with this and what fucking business is it of yours anyway?!"

"Youji you're a slut! Ompff--" Ken doubled over in pain as Youji hit him in the stomach.

Gasping for breath, anger and jealously blinding him Ken stared at him coldly, "you can hit me as much as you like Youji but it still doesn't hide the fact that you are. How many men and women have you slept with? And what about your past? The past that none of us know about but you!"

Turning away Youji bit his lip as he tried to control his anger, a memory forcing itself upon him. The one where his father was stroking his penis roughly and how he whimpered with a moment's pleasure as he came into his own fathers' hand, this memory making him shudder with disgust at himself. Was Ken right? And how would Aya handle knowing that he, Youji succumbed to his own father like that?

"See, you can't answer it can you Youji?"

Closing his eyes Youji forced the memory out of his head, maybe Ken was right. Maybe Aya deserved someone who wasn't as dirty as he was but did that mean that Ken was any better? He felt a hot stinging sensation behind his eyes and turned facing the dark haired teenager blinking them back, he was not about to break down in front of Ken.

"Do you love him Youji?"

Youji froze not sure how to answer that. Did he love Aya? Emotions stirred inside of him like a whirlpool making him sway, did he love him? Whenever he saw the redhead his heart would skip a beat, his voice alone sent shivers up and down his spine and now his kiss…his kiss licked like fire through him, consuming him, burning him, overwhelming him and it felt heavenly. Did he love Aya? God why can't he answer this? Because you are afraid to think it, feel it, afraid to love again.

He closed his eyes briefly and opened them again looking wearily into Ken's darker gaze, his emerald depths completely blank, refusing to give Ken the answer he wanted instead he smirked, "Do you?"

Taking a deep breath Ken stared straight into Youji's eyes, "Yes…I-I have for a while now. Aya needs someone with stability Youji he deserves that, what he doesn't need is someone who can't decide if he loves him or not, what he doesn't need is someone who shags anything on two le--"

Grabbing Ken by the scruff of the neck his grip tightening Youji bit his lip to control his anger, he tasted his own blood, watching Ken's eyes widen with fear, coughing trying to breathe. What are you doing Youji? He let him go and watched as Ken dropped to the ground anger and hurt shining out of his emerald depths, "You want to know something Ken, everyone deserves some happiness in there life…even those with a past!"

Warily Youji caressed his forehead, he was getting a headache and had to keep his mind clear for the mission but Ken's words were nagging him as doubt began to eat away at him like acid. Turning away from the younger man Youji strode away saying softly, "even I deserve some happiness."

Walking blindly down the stairs he flinched as someone grabbed his hand and gazed into the eyes of the man he had deep feelings for. God Youji you are pathetic, you can't even think how you really feel for him. "Aya?"

Concerned Aya moved closer to Youji, "is everything alright Youji?" his eyes sweeping across the blondes intently, something was bothering him, he glanced up the stairs to see Ken standing there watching silently.

Swallowing as he nods, Youji forced a smile on his face, "yeah I'm fine Aya. I better get going," squeezing the redheads hand gently.

"Alright, just keep safe for me," not believing him for a moment as he stared at Ken coldly. Aya leaned forward his lips capturing Youji's, his tongue slipping inside of his mouth and swirling a smile playing around his lips, he could kiss Youji all night and he will when this mission was over. His heart beating faster than normal he could feel heat burning on his cheeks as he stepped back to let Youji pass, watching his slender form disappear into the darkness with concern. What happened between Youji and Ken?

Aya turned and looked up at Ken his eyes like ice his words even colder, "if anything happens to him Ken I will blame you personally." He abruptly turned away fuming he was not sure what was going on with Ken but whatever it was it involved Youji and he would fight all the demon's from hell to keep Youji safe from harm. Youji was his to protect and to embrace and he would fulfil this duty everyday if he had to. Youji was not going to suffer while he was around.

Ken followed Aya his thoughts on what Youji had said. Was Youji right? Ken closed his eyes his heart breaking at the way Aya had kissed the blonde, the tenderness that shone out of Aya's eyes for Youji, the tenderness he wished that Aya would show him. God he loved him so much it was eating away at him slowly and there was nothing he could do to stop it, Aya's words echoing inside of his head, guilt starting to rear its ugly head.

Tonight was going to be a long night for them all.

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Youji's Mission

The music that Youji usually enjoyed was very loud tonight making his headache worse and he just couldn't concentrate.

Ken's words kept nagging him, depressing him more, he was a slut a whore even Aya had said as much, hell he admitted it himself but he would give it all up for Aya, no, has given it up. He was tired of the mindless sex he put himself through; he only did it because he was lonely.

Fuck Youji you are a pathetic loser sometimes and Aya does not need that in his life. Shit they all have a nightmare past and Aya was no exception, the last thing the red head needed was to carry around someone else's garbage and Youji had plenty stored away deep inside of him.

What he would do for a drink, if he wasn't so damn paranoid he would have one but this place was giving him the creeps, something was going to happen and if it wasn't for Aya relying on him to track Aiden he would have walked out ages ago. His instincts were never wrong.

Slipping of the stool he made his way to the dance floor. Just be on your guard Yotan and accept no drinks from anyone. He felt for his watch making sure it was there, comforted each time he touched it. I hope Aya and the rest are alright.

Moving his body in time to the music he slyly looked around the room until he found what he was looking for, the target. Now to do what I have been avoiding since I have been here.

With sensual movements he danced, bodies gyrating all around him, closing in on him. He felt himself being pushed forward then a sharp sting in his arm as he stumbled. "What the fuck?!"

He quickly felt his arm not liking this one bit, this night was turning out to be a nightmare, heated bodies still dancing around him the music beginning to echo inside his head.

Shaking his body he tried to make his way to the exit, to get away but he was feeling drowsy his body starting to go numb. He gasped as he suddenly stood in front of the target his eyes blinking rapidly the room swirling as his hands shot out to grab hold of something. He felt steel arms wrap around his body, cold grey eyes burning into his own eyes as the world began to pitch into darkness. Fuck I've been drugged


Darkness. Nothing but cold darkness, his body lying on a hard mattress. Where am I? His eye opened to tiny slits. It looks like a basement of some kind.

He shivered and tried to move but there was something stopping him, voices whispering but he could not make out what was being said his head throbbing. He groaned and winced as a sharp prickling feeling shot up his arm.

"Not too much, Aiden wants to try something on this guy before we ditch him."

"Who is he anyway?"

Shoulders shrugged, "How the fuck would I know."

"He certainly is pretty to look at," a rough hand stroking Youji's cheek, calloused fingers that made Youji's skin crawl.

"Hey you two the boss wants you to head out to the warehouse now!"

"Yeah yeah we were just making sure that pretty boy here can't move?"

"Just shut it and get moving that batch has to leave tonight."

Youji cringed as he felt big rough hands slipping under his lacy top.

"Never mind lovely one the boss will be with you soon. It's a shame that I have to go otherwise we could have played a little together." The male then started to lick his face with long hard strokes, low guttural sounds issuing from his mouth.

Oh God! Youji blanked his mind instantly not wanting to bring back unwanted memories not now he had to keep a clear head. All he could feel was the wet tongue licking him and not pleasantly either. He almost sighed with relief when the male was suddenly pulled away from him leaving a wet stickiness to his face and lips.

"Come on before the boss gets here."

"Maybe later beautiful."

Youji just kept still his eyes closed not wanting to think about what later meant. Youji fucking luck strikes again, if it wasn't so serious I would laugh. He should have been more aware of what was happening around him especially on the dance floor.

Aya's going to kill me…that's if I get out of here alive.

His ankles were bound with cord as were his wrists that were behind his back making him feel uncomfortable. He tried to see how tight the knots were, "Shit!" the pain making him tremble, whatever they had used there was no way he was going to free himself, he kicked his legs back in frustration. Bastards!

Slowly the drug that was injected into his body began to do its magic, his body relaxing his head swimming. I am going to die.

He pushed that thought to one side and thought of Aya. His Aya with crimson hair, violet blue eyes and pale skin, he was overwhelmed with this feeling as he knew that death was waiting for him. Say it Youji just say it. His lips moved but the words would not come out. Aya I am so sorry Ken was right and if anything happens to me at least I know that he will be there with you.

The door opened and a flick of a switch made Youji close his eyes the bright light blinding.

"So we are awake Youji."

Blinking he watched as expensive leather shoes approached him, this has got to be the target. Wait a minute he knows my name. How?


Aya, Ken and Omi's mission - The Warehouse

"Abyssinian they are loading a truck on the West, Siberian is coming from the East."

"Right Bombay I am on my way." Rushing forward Aya could not believe there luck the warehouse as it turns out was the one they were looking for. He tried not to think about Youji but he was not happy with the way he had left, his state of mind. Damn it Aya you have to keep your head clear he is alright.

He suddenly stopped hiding in the shadows, voices below him talking softly. If only he could hear what they were saying, holding his breath his senses heightening acutely.

"The boss wants this batch gone tonight."

"Will he be here then?"

"Na he has other business to attend to, he wants to try out the ID booster."

"Found a guinea pig then did he?"

"Yeah some male he found at the club."

"Hey you two, get your butts out here, the others have arrived!"

Aya started to breathe again when he heard running footsteps. Booster, he only knew too well what that meant; it enhances certain drugs making them more effective and powerful.

"Abyssinian have you planted the explosives?"

"Affirmative Bombay."

"Good, I have the information and codes but could find nothing on Aiden."

"Let's hope Balinese gets something on him."

"He will you know Balinese."

Aya smiled yes he did and he could not wait to get home to hold him in his arms again, to make sure he was safe and unhurt.

"Right lets get moving Bombay, Siberian."

Aya ran stealthily then stopped and cursed as two men suddenly appeared in front of him, with great speed and agility his katana ran through one of them the look of shock being his last expression making Aya smirk. The other male kicked him with his leg but Aya side-stepped then lunged forward his sword finding its mark ripping through the flesh, his arms lifting upwards a sneer on his face.

His eyes watched with cold detachment as the flesh parted opening the victim up, blood soiling his sword. He swiftly pulled his katana out then started to run again. "Bombay the exit!"

"Left, right, right then straight down till the end. There is a side door, use that and you will meet up with Siberian."


Running like a cheetah Aya ran left, right skidding right again as he could hear running footsteps behind him, he sighed with relief when he saw his way out so close, gunfire behind him. Shit! He staggered as a bullet ripped through his shoulder but he continued to run with fierce determination. Nothing was going to stop him from getting home to see his Youji, not even death, another bullet hitting his arm, pain rushing through him. Fuck!

Ken was worried about Aya and ignored his own danger, as he could hear gunfire. "Abyssinian!" panic in his eyes as he ran for the door. He sighed with relief as Aya came crashing through holding his right shoulder awkwardly.

"Aya!" Ken moved towards him anger marring his innocent face his bugnuck ripping the flesh of the first male coming through the door, Aya busy dealing with two others. Another male went down as Bombay fired a dart his voice clear, "Ken behind you!"

It was strange, Ken could feel cold steel enter his body but he only felt a slight sting and shook himself turning around furiously, his own weapon entering the enemy like slow motion, he heard the sound of tearing flesh, felt the thick liquid feeling as blood splashed on his face his dark eyes devoid of emotion as he looked with hatred at the enemy who had the audacity to hurt Aya. Die you bastard!

Omi looked at his team mates checking to see if the exit was clear. "Let's go!"

Ken stopped when Aya touched his arm, "Ken, he is dead."

He shook himself when he realised what he had done, the body torn and ripped by his bugnucks, a pool of blood surrounding the dead man. He swayed for a moment, his wound beginning to ache; he touched his back knowing he was bleeding.

Aya looked at him with concern, "Come, we will deal with our wounds at home."


They followed Omi silently running; the bombs were strategically placed to blow this warehouse to smithereens and Omi held the remote in his hand.

Feeling a little nausea, Aya was having trouble but he refused to ask for help pushing the throbbing pain to one side. You will make it Aya, you have to. Youji needs you and…and you need him, a small smile tugging at his perfect mouth.



His head rolling as the drug began to take its full effect Youji tried to fight the images that kept pushing forward inside his head, fear, anger and betrayal swirling like a whirlpool. He must not give in to his past.

Cold grey eyes scanned his face with analytical intent. "Give him the booster." Smirking Aiden watched as the purple drug was syringed into his blood stream. "Don't worry Youji; it won't take long before it really kicks--"

His cell phone rang cutting of his speech. With a snap who barked into the mouth piece, "this better be good!"


"We have intruders."

"Deal with them!"

"They have the codes boss."

"Fucking idiots, I am going to kill each and every one of you if you don't stop them!"

Slamming his cell phone shut he turned to the man beside him, "let's go we have work to do."

The brunette motioned his head towards Youji, "what about him?"

Aiden smirked coldly, "untie his wrist and legs, the drug will make him do things, I want to see how much damage he will do to himself." Aiden knew what the drug was capable of, it wasn't called the suicide drug for nothing and he had the combination inside of his head, so whoever had the codes did not have this one.

He walked towards the honey blonde and caressed his cheek, "I am sorry to leave you like this," grey eyes glittered as he sneered, "say hello to Eliza for me in hell." His evil laugh echoed around the room as he walked out slamming the door behind him.

Youji shivered the grey eyes reminding him of someone but his words; they seemed to sink in so slowly that he had a hard time trying to grasp what they meant, what they were, Eliza?

The drug taking full control of his thoughts and actions, Youji whimpered as he felt a familiar presence. No it can't be, no he is dead and…so is she.

The shadows began to move towards him, he fought to keep there faces in the dark, if he did not see them then he would be safe.

//Youji look at me now! Look at us both Youji, see our bloodied bodies Youji, do you remember…do you!//

Standing shaking his head Youji backed himself against the cold concrete wall his nails scratching it with agitation.

//Yes you do Youji you remember, you were a bad naughty boy and I have to punish you!//

"No what I did…I-I had to…to stop you…" wildly looking around Youji blindly ran until he stood staring at a honey blonde with emerald eyes. Startled he cried out as the male shadow stood behind him in the mirror.

//There is no escape for you Youji, you cannot escape what you have done and you have to be punished.//

He watched as the shadows hand reached out to grab him, in desperation Youji ripped the mirror from the wall flinging it across the room, the sound of broken glass reverberating beckoning him to look to see...

Walking slowly he saw jagged images of himself staring with strong guilt, the male shadow smirking, the female with her head bowed in submission, "Mother?"

//Yes Youji, she was always there watching us, her jealously of you Youji that is why you did what you did…//

Shaking his head Youji fell to his knees not aware of the pain shooting through his body, he fought with the tears that threatened to fall, his eyes latching on to a broken glass shaped like a knife, his hand slowly reaching out to it…

//That's right Youji, pick it up and pay for your sins… pick it up now!//

A long slender hand wrapped around the piece tightly, crimson blood seeping through, I had to do it, I had to

//That's right son, do to yourself what you did to us Youji, it is the only way for you now, who would want you Youji? Who would want you?//

Hand shaking he lifted his wrist and stared at the soft golden flesh the hand with the glass hungrily waiting to cut deep into that flesh, rip into it so the crimson fluid could escape. I had to kill him…he was hurting me too much…