Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Inside a Picture ❯ Not Everyone Gets a Happy Ending ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title- Inside A Picture (Renamed) Chapter Five: Not Everyone Gets A Happy Ending
Author- Locura
Warnings- OOC, AU Strange K+O/O+K (possible KxO)
Archive- Fanfiction.net and www.mediaminer.org other then that if you want it you can have it just tell me where it went!
Disclaimer- My paint is non-toxic so even when I accidentally eat some I have no delusions of owning Weiß Kreuz.
Author Notes- I hope everyone Enjoys! This is the last part AND there is a long winded note at the bottom so far warning. Enjoy.

***= Beginning and Ending of fic as well as time changes

*= Flash backs starting and finishing of one


He didn't know where he was at first. Spinning around in a slow circle and breathing in the chilly air, his first thought was that perhaps he was in heaven. But that thought was quickly discarded. Heaven, he thought, wouldn't have him alone on a darken sidewalk not knowing where he was. He also thought for a time that he might be in Hell, but that too was passed by on the notion that hell would have to be more like the picture then this cold freedom.

He smiled at the sky, the first sky and set of stars he had seen firsthand in over fifty years. To be able to look about and breath in small puffs of smoke was well worth the cold and confusion his mind drugged up. Turning around once more he felt his heart sink and smile wash off his face once more.

How he had not seen such a sign before was a mystery but there it was, the sign to the gallery which had been both his home and prison for half a century. A place with both fond and pain filled memories, to which each haunted him.

A smile formed on his face, sad and whimsical as it was, and he turned. He didn't know where he was to go now, but he couldn't stay there anymore. He had no place to call home now.


Ken leaned back on his park bench, half watching the game of young boys and girls in front of him. He'd come here for a distraction but all he found were memories. How one found memories in a place where one who was mourned had never set foot Ken hadn't a clue but that's how it was.


"Will you teach me sometime, Ken?" Omi looked imploringly at him, his hands pressed against his ribcage. "Sometime when I can go out? Please?"


The cheers of the children forced him form one memory to the next and it was all he could do to not breakdown and cry right there.

And that was how Yohji's compassion found him an hour later.


"Ken~!" Omi burst out, his face red with merriment and laughter most of which had been forced from his mouth. "Stop it! Ken!"

"What do you say Omi? Uncle?" Ken smiled down at the other boy, his fingers still busily kneading at the sensitive skin beneath them. "I`m just going to keep going until you cry it you know!"

The blond-haired boy shrieked under the assault and sputtered a response, but the word didn`t come for a time. Later, and well after Omi had started to fight back.



It started to rain again. It seemed to be doing that more and more as the days passed and the gloom, which Ken stayed under, didn't disperse. Yohji knew that it wasn't his friend's fault, what had happened had happened and there was nothing the other boy could do to fix it. But he would be damned if he could think of a way to convince him of that fact.

If Yohji listened to what older people said about such separations he would have sworn that Ken was wasting away like a lovers death. Much like those who had true love did when a spouse or a lover died. Pining for the one they'd lost until nothing was left and they too parted from the earth.

It wasn't that though, that worried the playboy. No, it was Ken's feelings of guilt that caused him to worry for his friend.

Yes, Yohji knew all about what had happened. It had taken a lot of smooth talking on his part and a bit of alcohol but once Ken opened up, the entire story spilled and kept going until there was nothing left but a brokenhearted teen sobbing on his table.

So now Yohji was looking for the said friend before he took it in his head to do something he'd regret later on, if he had the chance that is. And that was how he literally bumped into a ghost.


Omi had been walking for so long he wasn't sure where he was any longer. The knowledge of the outside world had stemmed from Ken, but even he couldn't explain everything. His bare feet were scratched and bleeding and his shirt did nothing to fend off the cold and icy rain that had begun not long ago.

Huddling his arms around him for warmth, he ignored the strangely dressed men and women that passed him and unusual devices they were talking into. He was curious (1) about it all but thought it better if he didn't ask or draw attention to himself. Since he used to not be allowed outside of the gallery because of what could happen with all the people out here he figured that avoiding contact would be just as well. He couldn't very well run back into his deathly silent picture home anymore anyway.

He had been avoiding all contact with people and cars pretty well until a tall unusually dressed man in tight fitting cloths ran right into him, the momentum causing him to backtrack before falling onto the sidewalk soaking his cloths.

Looking up the blue-eyed boys eyes widened as he saw that it was in fact the other boy from the gallery. Of all the luck he had run into one of the few people who would recognize him in this day and age. The other man, for all his wacky cloths and colors was polite and offered him a hand and apologized, with Omi looking away as much as possible as to not be recognized.

"Hey Kid. You shouldn`t be wondering around these nights without a jacket." The man looked down at him from his sunglasses that had slid to the base of his nose.

"I left it at home." Omi shrugged, his face turned towards the street. "Thank you for helping me up."

Omi had turned to leave and only three steps, however, when a firm grip latched onto his wrist and spun him around.

"Wait a minute kid, I knocked you down and its cold out the-" The other boy stopped to stare a moment. "Hey! You're that boy that disappeared on Ken! Omi, right?"

Reluctantly, Omi nodded.

"You! You have to go see him now!" The grip on his wrist tightened almost painfully. "He`s been so depressed...We all thought you had died or something!"

Omi twisted his wrist out of Yohji's grip and backed away telling him softly, "He doesn`t want to see me."

Yohji nodded and gestured down the road where a park was. "Yes he does! Or will, once he knows you're not dead. He`s been a mess sense you.... sense you vanished."

"Really? He acted so mad the other day..." The blue-eyed boy looked up at the other man from under his lashes. "If your sure?"

Yohji reached blindly in a pocket. "Yes I`m sure! God I need a smoke." Placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it Yohji continued. "He`s been blaming himself and depressed all weekend. You`ve been considered `dead' for about three days, by the way, and if you don`t get your short legs over to where he is I`m going to carry you."

He took a long dreg of his cigarette and Omi shivered. "Fine. But if he doesn`t want to see me I`m leaving."

"Good boy." Yohji ruffled his hair and shrugged off his coat, before laying it on Omi's shoulders. "Go get him!"


"Please Ken. I didn`t kill them. I didn`t!" The picture boy's eyes pleaded with his own, but Ken only felt hallow when he looked into those eyes. "Listen to me. Please? I love you, please just listen to me!"

Ken shook off the hand and left the room.



Ken leaned back and looked at the weeping sky. It was always crying nowadays it seemed, muddying the fields and drenching the already slightly chilled players.

The game had been over for almost an hour now but Ken didn't notice. He was remembering, something he used to never do but now never seemed to stop.

His chocolate colored eyes mirrored the sky once more before looking at the field and he finally had a mind to leave. He was about to stand and walk home when he thought he heard his name, but that of course had been the wind.

He stood and patted off his soaked jacket a moment and the sound came back. A haunting call that came from behind.

Turning, and thinking of knowing without doing so that he was hearing things, Ken peered threw the darkness. There turning round and round in lost confusion was a ghost of a memory. Something he'd never seen, or thought to imagine standing not fifty yards from him.

The picture boy, drenched and wearing Yohji's coat, was wondering around and calling his name.

It was then that instincts took over, instincts that were too slow the first time and the second. Ones that told him to go after the figment and hold him until he disappeared. Lunging, Ken made the fifty feet into ten and managed to lift the smaller boy before the other could react much. But not to say that he didn't struggle, because he did as soon as he realized what had happened.

Omi's small, wet body wiggled and squirmed against his and Ken held him tighter pressing his lips against the blond boys ear. "Shhhh...Omi, its only me..."

"Ken!?" His eyes flew wide as he struggled to make out the face in front of him in the half-light. "I was looking all over for you! The- the other boy at the gallery said you missed me?"

And Ken smiled against the other boy's hair, tears once again sliding from his eyes and mingling with the rainwater. "Yes, Omi. I missed you. I missed you so much." He leaned over and kissed him on his forehead. "I missed you so much. Can you ever forgive me for what and idiot I've been?"

Omi's mouth opened to respond but Ken placed a hand over it, silencing him. "No, I don't deserve your forgiveness for the way I treated you that night." He turned, still holding Omi and began walking towards his apartment. "I deserve any punishment you can think of, Omi. Just don't disappear…."

The last words echoed in the now empty park, a quiet memory that gleamed for them forever.

"I forgave you before you even asked."


It was much later that night that found them both warm and happy in Ken's slightly dingy apartment. Both ended up curled together on the bed with a small reading lamp sending a warm glow around the room and Ken's sketchpad between them.

Yohji found them the next morning and it soon became apparent that neither would be letting go anytime soon. And that was how it should be.


Some people get their happy endings, some people get only sorrow in return. Don't be afraid to take the chance or let yourself freeze just a moment to long to tell someone how you feel. Because not everyone gets a second chance.


1. In the 1950's people dressed a whole lot different then they do today. Girls covered themselves fully for bathing suits etc. Also if you think people back then had cell phones, I'm going to wonder about your mentality.

Long-winded Note-

Well, this is the longest thing I've written by freewill! And the first chapter story finished as well!

I have to say *pokes it with a stick* I'm not the happiest with it but I am proud of myself for finishing the thing. One thing I really must do is thank everyone for reading and hopefully enjoying this story. Your comments mean the world to me and I hope whatever I may end up writing in the future you enjoy as well.

I would do a whole shout out list, but I find that that takes up much space and time while I don't know much else to say but: thank you thank you thank you!

But I do have a special thank you for Lady Cosmos because she is the best. She helped me look over and revise the chapters as well as being ready to beat me up if I didn't get this part done by Friday! So hats off for her!

One last note to add, and I'm adding it here in hopes people get it(though anyone is welcome to skip it) I was planning on moving onto Strings soon after this was finished, then writing a sequel to this (one a little more into Ken and Omi's relationship and giving more information on both sides etc) or perhaps using another one of my ideas(I have plenty). However, I want to try and get into this writing school over where I am. And I have about as much as a chance as I do finding a needle in a haystack, but I'd like to try. Because of that everything will be moved back at least a month while I go threw my Original stories, after such I will contemplate on weather or not to do a sequel while doing Strings and that's that. Also, Starry Starry Night has been discontinued- I'm very sorry but I have nothing else to do with it currently but it may come back much later.

Thanks so much for reading my scribbles!
