Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ It's All Relative ❯ Chapter 27 ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Barely an hour after Crawford left Schuldig started making noises like he was going to wake, only he didn't wake. Instead of regaining conscioiusness he seemed to be stuck in the throes of a terrible nightmare. Yohji skidded across the room and dropped to his knees by the bed and enveloped the telepath in a warm embrace. Being careful of the IV line, Yohji wrapped his arms tightly around Schuldig and stroked his flaming orange hair while reassuring him in a calm, measured voice. He pressed light kisses to Schuldig's closed eyes and cheeks, rubbing his lips along the cheekbones and over the bridge of his nose.

It seemed to work for a while and Yohji was able to doze with Schuldig lying over top of him until his watch alarm let him know that it was time for Aya's sedative. With a groan Yohji levered up his tired body and gently repositioned Schuldig before rounding the bed to pick up the blue syringe on the table. He really hated doing this. It was seriously going behind Aya's back, but Yohji knew Crawford was right. If Aya were awake he would already have left them all behind in pursuit of the truth about his sister, and his weakened condition would make him very vulnerable. Yohji readied the syringe bacause time was ticking away and Aya was twitching and frowning more heavily in his sleep. Yohji counted the sixty seconds to get the medicine on board and watched as Aya's face smoothed out little. Not completely peaceful, but better.

Yohji hazarded a trip to the kitchen to snatch another cup of coffee. A muffled crash brought him running back. Schuldig was sitting up and pawing ineffectually at the IV board restraining his arm. Desperate whimpers worked to remain in the confines of his throat.

"Hey, hey, babe. Calm down. You're okay. I'm here and you need to leave that alone. It's making you better," Yohji spoke softly like one might to a child or a frghtened animal. Right now, Schuldig seemed both.

Yohji righted the IV pole and settled next to Schuldig, wrapping a comforting arm around his shoulders.

"Yohji?" Schuldig shook his head and raised a hand to his aching head.

"I'm here, babe. Aya is behind you and Crawford has gone for supplies."

Schuldig subsided against Yohji and twisted a great handful of his shirt. "Pollock?" he asked in a whisper.

Yohji tilted his chin up to make eye contact. "Very, very dead, baby. Aya got him and we got everyone else."

"Aya...something's wrong with Aya. He feels...I don't know, Yohji."

Yohji heard the rising hysteria in Schuldig's voice and tried to quiet him, stoking and running soothing hands down his back.

"Aya is heavily sedated, Schuldig. I imagine he feels muzzy and far away to you. Am I right? Talk to me, baby."

"Yes," Schuldig mumbled. "He feels far away." His delicate features screwed up into a pained grimace. "But everyone else is loud, too loud. Yohji, I can't keep them out!"

"Shh, baby. Calm down. You're just overtired and stressed. Crawford told me and you trust him, right?"

"Trust you, too," Schuldig said and burrowed into Yohji's side.

"Good. Good. Then you'll trust me when I say you need to rest some more. I'm going to give you some of the medicine that Crawford left for you."

Yohji's hand inched for the syringe, keeping a wary eye on his lover in case the telepath panicked and had other ideas. Schuldig only pressed himself tighter to Yohji and offered his arm. The sedative was quick and his next words were slurred.


"I'm not going anywhere. I may have to get up to do things for Aya, medicine, check his bandages, but I'll always return."

"Good," Schuldig's voice was fading. "Need you, Yohji."

Yohji felt a warmth suffuse his limbs and he settled himself in the middle of the bed with a hand on each man. Aya lay stiff and unmoving, but Schuldig twined his legs around Yohji like kudzu and burrowed into his side before settling with a relieved sigh. Yohji dozed some more, medicating Aya when his watch alarm sounded. Schu remained content to sleep and wake at intervals and stayed focused as long as he was plastered against Yohji.

Hours later Yohji heard the slide and click of the suite door opening. He slid to the end of the bed and crept to the bedroom door with his wire ready.


Shit. It was Crawford. Yohji let his wire snap back into the watch and raked hands through his disheveled hair.

"Any changes?"

"Schuldig woke up and only had to be sedated once. He just sleeping now. Aya twitched continuously but never woke. His next dose is due in a hour," Yohji said. "I don't suppose you got anything good in those bags?"

Crawford laid out a hearty meal for three on the small dining table and took a new bag of medical supplies in the bedroom. Schuldig was awake and watching with half closed eyes.

"Schuldig, do you feel like you can eat and drink something?"

Schu swallowed a few times but finally rasped out, "Ja."

"Good." Crawford disconnected the IV, leaving the cannula in place and wrapping the arm in gauze. "Yohji, help him into the dining area. I'll be there shortly."

After Yohji helped the weak and stumbling telepath into the other room, Crawford changed the bag on the IV fluids on Aya's stand. He rubbed the chilled arms and pulled the robe tighter around the still form. With no one watching Crawford brushed back soft crimson bangs and pressed a kiss to Aya's forehead and dipped lower to brush their lips together.

In the dining area, Yohji helped Schuldig hold a cup of soup to his lips. Crawford cast an appraising eye over his telepath. Schuldig looked better. The fluids and the rest had done a good bit toward restoring the man to his usual self. Crawford guessed that Yohji had reminded Schuldig of Pollock's fate as the edge of carefully concealed fear was gone from his eyes. Now he looked like he was just recovering from a bad flu or something. Good. It would be easier having three ambulatory agents when it came time to leave.

"I'll be good to go, Crawford," Schuldig croaked out between sips.

"Don't strain trying to read me, Schuldig," Crawford admonished.

"M'not. You just have that look in your eyes. I'm down, not out."

"Of course, you're not," Yohji said, smiling encouragingly at his lover, then glaring significantly at Crawford. Was is just fucking impossible for the man to bend a little and try being human instead of just issuing orders? "Food, sleep and another shower, in that order, and you'll be as good as new."

Crawford ignored Yohji to serve himself a meal. If Yohji wanted to baby a grown man, an assassin no less, then that was his business as long as it didn't interfere with Crawford's plans. His next comment was directed to the blonde.

"I left word for Persia to contact my cell."

Yohji abruptly set down his fork. "What the hell for?"

"If anyone knows if Aya's sister is alive or dead, it would be Persia."

"Don't you think he would have tried to contact Aya if his sister was killed?"

"What do you think, Balinese, considering the 'protection' provided you and your wife?"

Yohji looked away, his expression gone dark and angry. Schuldig roused himself to place a hand on Yohji's thigh and squeezed. Yohji took a deep, cleansing breath and faced Crawford again.

"So, you find out anything good?"

"As a matter of fact, I did. The house in New York is still intact, and the people I had watching it tell me that there's been no activity. It should be safe to return to it. We can hole up there while waiting for word from Japan. I've arranged for an ambulance to take us to the airport in the morning. A private jet will take us home and we'll be met there for another ride home."

"Do you plan on keeping Aya drugged the whole time?" Schuldig asked.

Crawford bristled. "Given what we know and what we don't know, I think it's best for now."

"He may not forgive you for that, Crawford," Schuldig pointed out softly.

"He may not forgive me anyway, so there's no point in worrying about another chalk mark on the negative side of the board," Crawford retorted, his eyes dark and unreadable. "At least the worst of the physical damage can be healed while he sleeps."

Yohji grunted a response, whether in approval or disapproval, Crawford really didn't give a fuck. The three of them finished their meal. Schuldig was able to eat and drink a sufficient amount and keep it down so Crawford removed the cannula from his arm and smoothed a bandage over the tiny hole.

"You can go back to your own bedroom for the night. I'll take care of Aya."

Yohji started to protest but something in the set of Crawford's jaw bespoke the need for privacy. He gently ushered Schuldig into their bedroom and tucked the telepath into bed, shedding his own clothes and getting in on his side of the bed. Schuldig pressed into his side and wrapped an arm over his chest, still needing the reassurance of Yohji's closeness. Yohji's body responded to the slide of soft skin over his own and growled at his crotch for its inappropriate sense of timing. Schuldig snickered into his shoulder.

"You're arguing with your dick?"

"Yeah, and it's a stubborn bastard. Your fault for being such a sexy thing."

Schuldig laughed some more. "Much as I appreciate the, ah, compliment I'm not up for anything right now."

"I know that. Tell it to the brainless divining rod down there."

Still snickering, they both relaxed into sleep.

Crawford stood in the doorway looking at the redhead on the bed. Aya was twitching and moaning barely coherent pleas in his drugged sleep. It really wasn't pleasant knowing that he was keeping Aya trapped in his nightmares, but damn it all, he didn't have a choice. Slightly shaking hands prepared the next syringe when violet eyes popped open to glare at him accusingly. Crawford injected the drug and watched with relief as those angry and accusing eyes glazed over then closed. He'd have to be more timely with the medication if he expected to keep Aya under until they got home.

Crawford lay down on the bed and tried to rest. Even in sleep, Aya was rejecting him and twitched away every time their arms brushed. Crawford gave it up after a few minutes and pulled the chaise closer to the bed to sleep on it. He set the alarm on his watch and folded his hands behind his head to stare at the ceiling.

God damn Pollock to everlasting hell for tampering with Aya's memories of Crawford. Even dead the bastard was still making trouble for him. Crawford wondered if Schuldig would be able to help or if Aya would even allow him to try now that he believed his trust had been used against him. Crawford wanted to resurrect Pollock and kill him again and again for each time the man had mocked a particular memory and grinned with evil delight as he informed Crawford of the changes he had twisted into it.