Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss From a Rose ❯ Eternal Flame ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Eternal Flame"

by Yanagi-sen

Weiss Kreuz songfic

Usual disclaimers apply. I don't own any Weiss or Schwarz members that may appear in this fic. I also don't claim any credit for the song, which was performed by the Bangles (and I remember when it came out, what's that say about my age?). Any efforts to sue me would be in vain, so don't bother.

Warnings: yaoi, lemon, PWP, OOCness

~ song lyrics ~

Nagi found it hard to concentrate on the movie. He loved Kenshin, but he liked watching Omi more. He kept sneaking glances when he thought the other boy wouldn't see him.

"Something wrong, Nagi-chan?"

"Iie. Anou... it was really nice of Manx to let us use her place while she's out of town."

"Sou. Well, we can't go to my place, Aya's not quite that understanding. And we can't go to your place."

"Oh, God. Schu and Farf would never let me hear the end of it." Omi laughed and pulled Nagi into his arms. The telekinetic turned his attention back to the anime. He sighed, they so rarely got the chance to spend time together. They IMed all the time, or talked on the phone. But between school and homework, Omi's work schedule, and their 'night' jobs; time off together was rare. His eyes felt so heavy. Omi was warm, he made a good pillow. Nagi sighed and fell asleep.

~Close your eyes, give me your hand, darlin'. / Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understand?...~

Nagi woke to the sensation of being kissed. "O... Omi?"

"Hello there, 'Sleeping Beauty'."

"Gomen, I fell asleep."

"That's okay. I don't think you get to sleep too often." One arm supported Nagi's head, the other hand was running up and down his side and hip.

Nagi closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Omi. "Not like this."

"Do you really want to sleep?"

The telekinetic shivered a bit at the husky promise in his koi's voice, but he didn't open his eyes. Omi's hair brushed his face and Nagi inhaled deeply. The golden strands still smelled of the brisk sea air from their walk in the park earlier. "Doushite? Did you have something else in mind?" He grinned inwardly, he'd learned the art of teasing from the best after all. It was good to know that all that time hanging out with Schu was good for something.

Nagi hoped Omi had something in mind. They hadn't had the chance for anything more than the occasional kiss. He could feel the warmth of Omi's breath on his cheek. "I can probably come up with something." Petal soft lips started kissing and nuzzling their way across his face. Nagi thought his heart was going to leap right out of his chest. He wasn't a virgin, but sex and love were two very different things. He had never been loved before. He didn't want to wait, not anymore.

~Do you feel the same? Am I only dreaming? / Is this burning, an eternal flame?...~

He opened his eyes to see twin pools of blue bare inches from his own. Nagi ran trembling fingers through Omi's golden hair. Unable to meet those eyes any longer, he closed his and pulled the older teen down for a kiss. He hoped feverently that he wasn't dreaming, that this was real. That it wouldn't disappear with the dawn like it had so many times before. Omi's tongue nudged at his lips, seeking entrance. Nagi opened his mouth, welcoming the intrusion. Their tongues sparred and he moaned as Omi kissed him hungrily. They finally broke apart, the need to breath intruding upon their desire for each other. Nagi clutched the older boy, he felt as if his whole world was on fire. "Omi-koi, ai shiteru."

~I believe, it's meant to be, darlin'... ~

Omi looked down at Nagi, who still lay across his lap. Surely the younger teen could feel his erection pressing against his back, Omi was very much aware of it. The telekinesis's midnight eyes were hazy, his cheeks flushed, lips red and parted. Omi had never seen anyone so beautiful. /How can anyone think this is wrong? / He caressed Nagi's thin face, the porcelain skin so soft to the touch. He was nearly a pale as Aya. Nagi appeared almost ill, he seemed so fragile at times. His body was too thin, hardly seeming strong enough for the power it contained. Omi worried about him. And gods did he love him.

~I watch you when you are sleeping. You belong with me... ~

He'd sat for a long time after Nagi had fallen asleep. Just watching him. He hadn't had the opportunity before. Nagi was so beautiful as he slept. He was beautiful period. But when he slept, his whole being seemed at peace. A peacefulness that was lacking the rest of the time. Nagi seemed to carry the weight of the world. Omi understood the feeling. That's how he felt every time the others left all the work to him. Nagi was so special. Now if he could only convince the sable-haired boy of his own worth. He smiled as Nagi made his admission of love. It was getting easier for the younger teen to show his feelings but he was still fairly shy. Maybe they were ready to take the next step.

~Do you feel the same? Am I only dreaming? / Is this burning, an eternal flame?...~

"I love you too." He kissed him again; deep, long, and hungry. Omi felt something inside of him tighten as Nagi moaned again. The boy kept making those quiet whimpers, it was so hot. Control was quickly flying out the window. He broke the kiss with a gasp. "N...Nagi, I want to make love to you. Will you let me?"

/Did he just ask me? He did. He asked me. / Nagi shivered and heat started to pool low in his body. Omi watched him, waiting for an answer. The dark-haired boy could feel tears gathering in his eyes. He suppressed them. Nagi realized that Omi was offering him the choice, to decide for himself if he was ready. No one had shown him that courtesy before, just taken what they wanted or made the decision for him. He pushed down any thoughts of Nikolai and Schu. He knew any choice he made, Omi would respect. Even if he said, 'no'. But 'no' wasn't an option he wanted to entertain tonight.


Omi smiled and helped Nagi sit up. He stood and offered the younger boy a hand. Drawing the smaller teen to his feet, he kissed him again. Omi lead the way into the bedroom, already pulling at his clothes. He nudged the door shut and pinned Nagi against it, his hands and mouth wandering. The other boy returned the kisses hungrily, arms around Omi's neck. Nagi arched against him, the friction of their confined erections causing both of them to moan and gasp. Omi slid his hands under the other boy's sweater lifting it up and off, tossing it to the side. Nagi's fingers were busy with the buttons on the blonde's shirt. Omi jerked as he felt too many hands on him. He groaned as the 'phantom' hands moved inside his clothes.

"Telekinesis is useful for a great many things." Nagi whispered in his ear. Omi moaned and collapsed against him, burying his face in the dark hair. Nagi smelled of sakura. The trees were in bloom, and on a whim, Omi had tucked a flower in his koi's hair. Nagi had been quick to remove it, but he'd held on to the bloom, in fact it sat in a glass in the other room. He turned suddenly and pushed the other boy back, tumbling them to the bed.

~Say my name, the sun shines through the rain... ~

Nagi tore at the older boy's clothes. He got the shirt off and ran his hands over the smooth planes of his chest. The archer braced himself on his elbows as the dark-haired teen slid down beneath him. Nagi kissed his way down the slim column of Omi's throat, following the line of the collarbone and down till he found a nipple. He closed his lips over it and sucked lightly. Omi gasped and his hips circled restlessly. Nagi lapped and nibbled gently at first one sensitive nub and then the other. His hands ran over Omi's hips and back.

The blond slid one leg between the other boy's, parting them and rubbing ruthlessly. Nagi writhed at the sensation. "Omi!" He smiled. The way Nagi said his name. Breathless with passion and need. He moaned himself as Nagi attacked his flesh with renewed vigor, the clothes had to go!

~A whole life, so lonely, then you come and ease the pain. / I don't want to lose this feeling...~

Their actions were almost frantic as they tried to remove the rest of their clothes and toss them to the floor. Soon they were clad only by the night. Nagi paused, his pale skin gleaming in the moonlight, nibbling on his lower lip and looking down shyly. Omi lifted his chin and kissed him gently. "Daijoubu?"

Nagi took a deep breath. "Sou." He looked at Omi with something akin to wonder in his eyes. "You're beautiful."

Omi looked him up and down, eliciting another blush from the boy. "So are you." He eased him down to lie on the soft sheets. "I want to kiss you." He nibbled the soft skin under one ear. "And touch you." He ran a hand down Nagi's slim body. "And make love to you." His fist closed around Nagi's stiffening arousal.

"Omi!" He lay there, concentrating on the feeling. Omi's hot mouth on his sensitive throat. His warm body pressed against him. His hand stroking him. His lover on and around him. He wanted Omi in him. He'd never felt this way before. "Omi... onegai... I need..." Cerulean eyes, cloudy with passion, met his.

"You're sure?"

Nagi couldn't answer, he just nodded.

~Close your eyes, give me your hand, darlin'. / Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understand?... ~

Omi rose and fumbled through the bag he'd dropped off in the room when they'd arrived. He pulled out a couple things and returned to the bed. He smiled, catching Nagi's eyes. "I was kind of hoping we would... You should have seen the look on Youji's face when I asked him for the stuff." He knelt and Nagi sat up. "Do you want to? Or do you want me to? I mean... I've never..."

"That's okay. I want it to be you."

Omi took a deep breath. "Okay. Um, next question. I'm clean, but do you want me to use a condom?"

"You know, no one's ever asked before. Esset runs regular medical checks, I'm fine. But if you would feel better, I wouldn't mind."

"Well, if we're both clean... it's not as if you can get pregnant."

"Not that I know of." Nagi reached out and drew Omi down to lie on top of him.

~Do you feel the same? Am I only dreaming?... ~

"Just take some of the lube and rub it around the opening. Then start with one finger."

"It won't hurt?"

"Not if you do it right. Don't worry, you won't hurt me." He squirmed beneath Omi's body. Taking Nagi's direction, the blond concentrated on prepping him. He writhed, moaning, Omi's fingers weren't just talented on a keyboard. He was being very careful to stretch the sable-haired boy, and driving him crazy. Nagi jerked as Omi brushed against that bundle of nerves. "Onegai... I want you inside me..."



~Say my name, the sun shines through the rain. / A whole life, so lonely, then you come and ease the pain... ~

Omi entered him with one smooth push. He paused, looking down at Nagi with concern. "Daijoubu?"

"I'll be alright. There's always a little discomfort."


"It will fade." He smiled seductively. "Especially if you rub it."

"Oh I see, deep tissue massage?"

"I suppose that would work."

The blond pulled almost all the way out, then thrust back in. Nagi gasped. "So there you tease."

"I learned from the best..." The blond repeated his action, eliciting groans from each of them.

Omi threw his head back. "Oh, Nagi. This is amazing..." He kept withdrawing and entering at a slow, measured pace. It was maddening, it was torture, for both of them. Nagi planted his feet and thrust back. Omi's eyes flew open.

"Omi, onegai... I won't break."

~I don't want to lose this feeling... ~

Omi pistoned his hips, slamming into his lover over and over, no longer holding anything back. Nagi moaned and gasped, making the most erotic sounds the blond had ever heard. The world disappeared, narrowing down to only the two of them. Bracing himself, Omi pounded into Nagi's welcoming heat, kissing his lips, his face, his neck, anything within reach. The telekinetic in turn clutched at his arms, kissing him back, phantom hands running over his body. Omi jerked as those phantom fingers entered him as his had entered Nagi earlier. It was as if the younger boy was taking him at the same time.

Suddenly, Nagi screamed, his body shaking and tensing. Omi held him as he jerked, liquid heat surging between their bodies. He thrust a few more times into Nagi's tight passage as the pressure within him built. With a cry of his own, Omi's world exploded and he released himself deep inside his koi.

~Close your eyes, give me your hand... ~

Omi collapsed, panting for breath. He rolled to the side not wanting to crush the smaller boy, his softening erection sliding out in the process. He gasped, his muscles felt like they'd been turned to jelly. Now he knew why people called it the 'little death'. He grouped about till he found Nagi's hand and drew it up to his chest.

~Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understand?... ~

Nagi rolled with Omi so that he was partially draped over his lover's body. He buried his face in Omi's shoulder and listened to his strong heartbeat. He was just so tired. He didn't know how people did this all night long.

Omi felt something warm slide across the skin of his chest. He summoned enough strength to look down, and was dismayed to see tears trickling down Nagi's fair face. "Nagi? Daijoubu desu ka? Did I hurt you?"

Nagi's midnight blue eyes opened, he smiled slightly. "You didn't hurt me. I can't believe I'm crying. I haven't cried in years. I... I've just never felt this was before, I guess."

"But, you've been with other people."

A shadow crossed the telekinesis's face. "Not always willingly." He looked up and smiled to reassure his koi. "But you're different. Ai shiteru." Omi slid down and kissed the tears away.

~Do you feel the same?... ~

"How are you, itooshi?"

"It was just incredible. You're amazing, Nagi-chan."

"So were you."

"But now I'm all sticky."

Nagi laughed, it was probably the first time Omi had heard a real laugh out of him. "Mental note: next time put towel and water by the bed before the sex."

Omi laughed and with a groan, hauled himself up and off the bed. He returned from the bathroom with a damp washcloth and proceeded to wash Nagi with infinite gentleness. He pitched the cloth back through the door and crawled back onto the bed. He lay down and Nagi settled himself back against him with a sigh. "For future reference Omi-koi, there are other, more interesting ways to clean up."

"Oh, really? You'll have to show me next time."

~Am I only dreaming?... ~

"Omi?" Nagi's voice was hovering on the edge of sleep, his midnight eyes half lidded.

"Rest aisuru." Omi pulled the blankets up and wrapped them around the slighter boy's shoulders, Nagi caught chill so easily. He ran his fingers through the chocolate hair until Nagi's breath evened out. He sighed. Someday this would be forever. But for now, it was nice to sleep with someone, it seemed to keep their nightmares away. Nagi tucked his head under Omi's chin He checked, but the telekinetic was just moving in his sleep. "Ai shiteru, Nagi-chan." He watched his koi until sleep claimed him as well.

~Is this burning, an eternal flame... ~


There you go Miki. As per your request, one lemon. Or as you put it, 'bishonen boinking like rabid weasels'. These two are just too damn kawaii.