Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Kitten In Charge ❯ No More ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Weiss (blah blah blah) Ok on with the story ^_^

Schuldig trudged down the all too familiar road leading to Aya's apartment. He had his hands shoved into his coat pockets, walking hunched over into the wind Damn Crawford! Damn him! He thought bitterly fighting the urge to scream so loud that the store windows he was passing by would shatter. All he wanted right now was to be alone and since his gift told him Aya was out he decided to head over. He needed to think and he hated thinking, especially with a lot of people around.

When he finally reached the building he stepped in and out of the cold with a relieved sigh. "Damn freezing rain", he muttered making his way towards the stairs leading to his lover's apartment. Each step was agony and heaven at the same time. The farther he went the closer he was to total desertion of his supposed friends. At the same time he was closer to being with someone who made the world disappear, someone who made nothing else matter.

Without realizing it he had reached the door. He stood back thinking for a moment whether this was what he really wanted. Then he remembered the events just hours prior. The yelling, the anger and then, the abandonment, how could it have gone this far? He still felt like a shit for leaving them, but he wouldn't go back, he couldn't. He played the scene over and over in his head. No matter how he looked at it he couldn't find fault in his actions. This time he knew what he said, what he did was right.

Rain dripped down the windows of the Schwarz house alluding to the feeling of its occupants.

"I'm sick of all this shit Crawford!" Schuldig yelled confronting the group's leader for the fifth time that week.

The psychic man frowned he didn't have time for this.

"You better as hell make time I'm not going to keep putting up with this", Schuldig retorted reading his supposed leader's thoughts.

"Damn it Schuldig now is not the time", Crawford spat rounding on his partner and usual friend.

"Takatori is dead, Ezzett is finished…"

"Ezzett is not finished, that organization went way past those demented elders and you know it!" Crawford retorted cutting off the telepath.

"So what they're not going to do anything. They think were dead. Everyone else has moved on why can't we?" Schuldig questioned crossing his arms in defiance to the man before him.

"So you and that Weiss whore of yours can live happily ever after I don't think so", Crawford laughed darkly his eyes narrowing. "Don't think I didn't know about it Schuldig", He added angrily.

"Damn you", Schuldig spat glaring at the Oracle with a rapidly building hatred. "I told you to stay the hell out of my personal life"; he yelled clenching his fists.

"When it puts us in danger I can't stay out of it", Crawford threw back, he could feel another headache coming on, this was getting very tiring.

"He doesn't want to come after us, none of them do, and all they want is to just move on, why can't you understand that?" Schuldig questioned his voice strained.

"God Schuldig are you honestly that thick?" Crawford replied getting more annoyed by the second. "You think just because you can read minds you know everything?"

"And what makes you so special? Knowing five seconds of the future makes you god is that what you're telling me?" Schuldig snapped back. They where both getting to their breaking point all that was left now was to see who would snap first.

"No what makes me god is the fact that I run this. I fix your mistakes, clean up your messes, I keep you alive!" Crawford barked. His head was now sufficiently pounding and that in itself was more than enough to be dealing with.

"Fine if I'm such a god damn screw up then I'll just put you all out of your misery", Schuldig yelled heading for the door.

"Schuldig don't you even…you can't just walk out, no one ever walks out!" Crawford yelled stepping forward.

"Watch me! I told you I'm sick of all this shit. Have a nice life Crawford!" Schuldig stated grabbing his coat and slamming the door shut behind him. The rain pattered against his shoulders and dripped down the back of his neck as he made his way from the house.

/ Schuldig? Schuldig? \ Nagi called out his link with the telepath remaining in tact unlike the one Schuldig used to have with Crawford.

/ Gomen Na Nagi I can't stay\ Schuldig replied continuing in his walk after a slight pause.

/ I know, please keep in touch I won't tell anyone else, promise\ Nagi requested sad to see his ally and friend leaving.

/ Ah I'll try, be god Nagi Chan\ Schuldig replied with a slight smile and a twinge of sadness.

/ Ja Schu kun\ Nagi stated closing the link.

He blinked realizing he had been standing at the door for sometime now. He shook his head, this was right. It was what he wanted and with that he took out his key only to find the door unlocked. Odd, he thought, Aya never leaves his door unlocked. He opened the door slowly scanning the thoughts of the building. No one seemed to be home, that he cared about anyway. He draped his wet coat over the nearest chair and after removing his shoes he stepped further inside. He ventured even further after depositing his wet clothes in the bathroom he headed in search of something to wear.

He found a pair of cotton pajama pants and a simple t-shirt. Not exactly his most stunning attire, but they would do. He glanced back at the bed, perfectly made as usual and decided he really wanted to be there. With nothing else to do he curled up on top of all the covers pulling a spare blanket over himself. No need to ruin the swordsman's handy work when said swordsman wasn't involved. He felt suddenly horrible and insecure, which almost never happened. What if Crawford had been right? What if Aya really was just doing this to get to Schwarz? Impossible, he thought his brow furrowing. No way Aya could be that good at hiding his intentions. After all, the Weiss leader had been more worried about his safety from the likes of Schwarz in the first place. Since then the fear had died, but he was always cautious. Still…could that have just been a front, a simple ploy to distract the telepath from learning Aya's true motives? With these thoughts still plaguing him he fell into a restless sleep clutching the blanket tighter around himself.

Yay! You're reading more! Or if you've just started congratulations this is my favorite story so far!!! ^_^ As always please review and don't worry I'm already working on the next idea for the series and this one isn't even done yet!!!!