Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Let's get it on ❯ Nobody's perfect ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2
Let's get it on
Chapter 2
Yoji was navel-gazing. Literally. He was standing in the middle of a dark, empty warehouse -- it was always a dark, empty warehouse -- waiting to deny some dark beasts their tomorrows, and they were late, and he was bored. He was slouched against a wall, looking down, admiring the play of moonlight over his fine, fine stomach muscles, bared by his tight mesh cut-off top. You're fucking hot, Kudoh, he thought to himself, not for the first time. How can Aya see you like this night after night and refuse to admit his attraction to you? Or, as the case may be, fail to experience any attraction?
And, just like that, Yoji was plagued by a self-doubt. Perhaps Aya didn't like men who dressed in tight mesh cut-off tops. It would be just like him, the repressed little...
“Hey, Ken,” he whispered.
“*What*?” Ken hissed back.
“Do you think my outfit makes me look, you know -- cheap?”
Yoji could feel Ken's incredulous stare piercing the darkness.
“I don't know, Yoji,” he whispered. “Do you think this warehouse makes my ass look big?”
Tossing back an unseen glare, Yoji fell silent once more. Those fucking dark beasts had better make an appearance soon.
He looked up into the rafters, trying to catch a glimpse of Aya, although he knew it wouldn't happen. God-damned megalomaniac and his penchant for grand entrances, anyway. The idiot was still sick and probably shouldn't even be here, and if he had to be here, he should be on the fucking floor with the rest of them instead of crouching on a two-inch beam and trying to sink a story-and-a-half dismount with a 102-degree fever.
His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of a small fleet of expensive foreign cars pulling up near the door opposite him. He'd have an unobstructed line of sight when they came in. What was on the menu tonight, anyway? Oh, yeah, the politically connected pornographers making snuff films. Hard to feel especially bad for them.
There was supposed to be a first round of security sent in to make sure the place was safe, and the plan was for Weiss to remain undetected until the targets' men signaled the main party that they could enter. The next bit would be the tricky part. They needed to wait until everyone was in the warehouse and the door was closed, then kill the first round of guards before the second group got settled. Yoji and Ken would do that, and Aya would take care of the rest, striking before the targets and their immediate bodyguards could figure out what was happening or get into a good defensible position. Yoji would help if needed, and Ken would cover the door to make sure nobody got out. If anybody did get through Ken, Omi was on guard outside and would pick them off with darts. You didn't want it spilling outside, though; it was messy. Too many variables.
There were four men in the advance group, and the two targets had four more guards around them. Yoji was concealed in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to fling his wire. He was a little wound up and pulled harder than he had to, parting the first head from the first set of sloping shoulders with hardly a sound. He unspooled a second length and repeated the treatment on the second guard just as he was turning to look at his colleague. Amazing how fast Yoji could pick them off when they just stood there and let him.
He readied a third length of wire. Ken, already moving to his post at the door, reached out his claws and separated someone from his spine. The survivors were beginning to register that there was a problem when Yoji's third victim fell. At least three hands were reaching for guns.
Didn't do them any good.
From where Yoji stood, it looked like one man just fell to the floor for no reason at all, followed seconds later by two heads that flew from their respective bodies, also seemingly of their own volition. He hadn't seen or heard Aya leap from his perch, land behind the six men left standing, gut one of them as he rose, and behead two more with one stroke when he got to his feet. Now that he knew where the swordsman was, Yoji could see Aya finishing off one more with a nice, clean slice across the chest, thank God. Yoji had asked him to aim above the waist when he could -- the stench of a freshly disemboweled body was stomach-turning. Of course, whether this was just a coincidence or Aya was actually endeavoring to comply, Yoji couldn't say.
Not counting the waiting, Weiss had done less than a minute's work so far. The remaining men were starting to run for cover, and that needed to be nipped in the bud. Yoji killed the one he could reach with his wire, the one who was most exposed, and he knew Aya had reappeared in the darkness next to one of the targets when he saw the man drop.
Normally Aya would have no problem taking the last two himself, cutting them down before they had time to get off a good shot. But Yoji could already see that the swordsman was in trouble, not moving quickly enough to get out of the sights of the last body guard, who was squeezing the trigger as Yoji dove from his hiding place. He didn't reach the bastard in time to throw off his aim -- he saw Aya stiffen when the bullet hit, although he didn't fall. Which meant he wasn't dead, but you couldn't really draw any conclusions beyond that.
Yoji got to the son of a bitch before he could aim again and slammed into him with everything he had. It was enough, and he was satisfied to hear the meaty sound of the man's head cracking against the concrete. Then Yoji wrenched the gun from his hand and shot him between the eyes just to make sure.
That chore finished, he jumped to his feet, scanning for the last target. He heard three cracks of gunfire in rapid succession and felt his stomach lurch when he saw Aya apparently running right into it. Aya was usually pretty good at calculating what he could get away with, but then again, he'd already proven that he was off his game tonight. Yoji's relief was overwhelming when he saw Aya's blade connect with the target, sending the shooting arm flying. His opponent's head followed promptly.
Aya looked over, ascertained that Yoji was all right, then sat heavily on the floor. Ken took a step toward him, then saw Yoji's signal that he should go outside instead. They had to know whether or not everything was clear before they could decide what to do about Aya's injury. Besides, Yoji was going to be the one taking care of him, not Ken.
Yoji sank to his knees next to Aya, who was looking a little gray. “How bad?” he asked quietly.
“It'll be OK,” Aya grunted, leaning one shoulder into Yoji to help him balance. “Left shoulder. Bleeding's not too bad -- wait for Ken,” he directed as Yoji started unbuckling his coat to assess the damage.
Yoji pulled his hand back, slick with blood. He wiped it on the floor.
“I fucked up,” Aya said. He paused, then added, “Thank you.”
“You're sick. I'm just glad you're not dead.”
Ken and Omi ran in. “All's clear,” Omi called out. “How's Aya?”
“Able to answer for himself,” Aya said clearly, brows knit with irritation.
Yoji smiled to himself and shifted Aya gently, working the blood-soaked coat off his injured shoulder. “Omi, do you have a penlight? Shine it over here, would you? Ken, would you cut a shirt off one of those meat puppets so I can wipe away some of this blood?”
The wound glistening wetly in the small circle of light got to Yoji far more than any of the carnage around him. Putting his hand over Aya's stomach to brace him, he pushed the redhead forward so he could see his back, looking for an exit wound. There was one; Aya's breath caught when Yoji wiped away the blood to look at it. He pushed Aya back to his previous position.
“It went in under his collarbone and looks like it came out clean. Ken, get me some more cloth to pack around it and we'll put his coat back on and get him out of here.”
Aya's head rested against Yoji's shoulder. His mouth was open and he was breathing deeply, eyes closed in concentration. It was a way to control the pain, Yoji knew, but holding him like this felt so intimate; he had the scent of Aya's blood, and with all the adrenalin pumping through his system, he was getting confused. This felt like sex.
Yoji took a deep breath. This was so wrong. Aya was hurt and bleeding and Yoji was getting hard. He looked down at Aya's face and was shocked to see the redhead staring back at him now, his expression heated. They held the look for several seconds, the connection electric. It was frantic and dangerous. The blood pounded in Yoji's temples and for a terrifying moment he didn't think he'd be able to hold himself back.
“Um, Yoji?” Omi asked, sounding concerned. “What are you doing?”
Yoji had been leaning forward for a kiss. He checked the move and tried to moderate the fierceness of his scowl when he looked up. “Nothing, Omi. Just making sure he's not in shock.”
Aya closed his eyes and smiled for a moment, just the slightest bit.
Ken had returned with a couple of fistfuls of clean white fabric. Omi gestured for Ken to come closer. “Look at this,” he said. “What do you think?”
Ken glanced at the gory mess on Aya's shoulder, then back to Omi. “I'm no ballistics expert, but it looks like he got shot.”
Omi huffed. “Ken, this is no time to...”
“Will you guys shut the fuck up and put some bandages on me so we can get the hell out of here?” Aya barked.