Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Matters in Hand ❯ Part I ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Matters in Hand - Part I
by Mishaela

Disclaimer: I don't own them. I'm not holding them hostage or anything. The characters involved are doing this of their own free will. I'm not making a profit, so suing me would be pointless. This story is not intended for those under the age of 18 or for those who have a problem with homo-erotic activity.

Aya liked the market. It was the one place where she could find everything she needed for her household in one shot. That meant a great deal of time saved. Today, she not only had to get a few things for herself, but her brother needed a new sharpening stone for his blades. An easy thing to find once she managed to make her way over to the weapon merchants.

One of the benefits of living with a well-known mercenary was that certain traits rubbed off on those closest to them. In her case, Aya had attained a very good awareness of things that went on around her. It was the one thing that gave her the knowledge that she was being followed during her expedition to market.

There were four of them, all armed and armored. She knew that there was no way she'd be able to defend herself against them, so she did the smartest thing she knew. Aya dallied and wasted as much time as she could in the hopes that her brother would come looking for her. Usually, Ran was diligent about finding her in the mid-afternoon. Hungry bellies motivated some men.

Ever since his return from wherever it was that had brought him in contact with the mysterious healer, he wasn't acting completely himself. That sent a trill of worry through her. What if he didn't show up and rescue her? Would she be able to find sanctuary from the warriors before they managed to do her harm?

A friendly face caught her attention and she smiled back. The young man sat behind a bench that held a small, but vast supply of varied herbs. "Good afternoon, mistress… could I interest you in some herbs to spice up your dinner this evening?" A tunic covered his upper body, under which he seemed to be wearing a plain white shirt, and simple leather pants covered him below. His face was framed with silky dark hair and sparkling green eyes gazed at her pleasantly from his beautiful face.

Aya blushed at his smile. "No, I don't think so." She began to pass his wagon of goods until his voice called out to her again.

"Perhaps I could interest you in something that would offer up a pleasant scent for your rooms? Honeysuckle or lavender for such a lovely young lady…" He leaned over the bench, a smirk lifting one corner of his mouth. "And, if you would be so kind as to give me some company, I'll see to it that you make the journey home safely."

Her eyes widened a little. "Are they that obvious?"

The merchant's voice lowered to a whisper. "Only the one eyeing you like a dog sitting in front of a butcher's stall." He reached over his merchandise towards her. "My name's Yohji. They won't do anything publicly, otherwise you would already have been attacked. Stay here until you absolutely have to go and I'll escort you."

"You're too kind," Aya said gently, letting him press his lips to her knuckles in a gentlemanly fashion. "I wouldn't dare impose on you like that."

"Please," he said as his eyes rolled skyward. "My mother always told me to be ever vigilant when a woman's life was on the line. If I allowed you to walk into almost definite danger, she would come back from the grave and flay me alive."

Aya giggled a little. "You still fear your mother, even after her death?"

"Every wise man should fear his mother… they know *everything*." Yohji grinned at her good-naturedly. "I promise, you won't come to harm if you allow me to see you home." He held up his hand in a swearing gesture, then he looked around. "Come to think of it, I'm not getting much business right now… "

The young woman blinked as Yohji started putting his wares away. "But… you'll lose business." Aya couldn't believe how insistent this man was about her safety.

"I'm not worried. I've got enough money to get myself a warm place to sleep tonight and something to warm my stomach in the morning… That's enough for me." Yohji quickly finished what he was doing and reached just inside the back door of his wagon, pulling a coil of leather from within and attaching it to his belt. "I'd be worse off if something happened to you."

He closed up the wagon and latched it securely. "Shall we," Yohji asked as he held out his arm for Aya.

"Umm… all right." Aya put her arm on his and stayed in step beside him, directing the merchant in the proper direction. She could tell that the four armed men were following them even before they left the marketplace. "They're still coming after me…"

"That they are," Yohji said softly, his gaze never straying from the road ahead. "Oh, and there's five of them now… but keep your eyes forward. If you look back, you'll alert them to the fact we know they're there."

Aya dutifully followed his orders, waiting until the men following the pair made a move of some kind. She wondered just what this flower and herb merchant could do to protect her. When they got onto the path towards her home, Aya found herself pushed to the side of the way. "Oof!"

The first of the armed men shot forward, his sword piercing the air where Yohji had been standing but a moment before. There was a cracking sound as the florist uncoiled his weapon and wrapped it around the warrior's wrist, jerking the man off his feet with an adept twist of his arm.

"Not a very effective killer, are you?"

"We are on the king's business, merchant… stand aside." Another warrior came up the path, his sword at the ready as he moved to attack Yohji.

The Godling stepped out of the way and sent the man on his way even faster with a well placed kick to the back of his head. "Those who serve the king on royal business should wear the colors of the king, instead of moving in shadows like thieves and assassins." Yohji looked down at the first soldier he'd caught and sharply rammed his heel into the man's face.

"KYAH!" The cry preceded an attack from the third and fourth of them men. Yohji whirled around, his tunic flaring around his body as he pulled it over his head and threw it at the two men. It tangled around their faces, giving him just enough time to strike one in the throat, dropping him quickly. As the other was ripping the cloth from his head, the brunette was ready with a high-aimed kick that sent him over backwards with a sickening cracking sound. The soldier collapsed to the ground with a moan and lay there unmoving.

Yohji pulled his whip and glared at the last of the armed men. "Care to try your luck?" He cursed as the man turned and fled, forcing him to give chase. The braided leather flashed out as he closed in, catching the warrior around his throat, and the deity reeled him backwards. Yohji put his forearm around the man's chest, holding his mouth very close to the struggling soldier's ear. "Listen well," he whispered softly, "You're going back to the palace. You will tell Crawford that you arrived to find the Ruby Demon mourning his sister's death. You will inform him that the mercenary wasn't kind enough to tell you of what as he tore through your sword-brothers."

A sinister smirk passed over Yohji's lips. "Since you are such a coward, it isn't inconceivable that you ran, even as your companions were dying. But… the Demon caught up to you and beat you nearly to death." Yohji turned the man around and then let his hands fly in a quick flurry of blows, each one telling and leaving a nasty bruise behind. "Now… be a good little soldier and drop." The man did as he was told, only partially from the power infused command.

He returned to where Aya was sprawled in time to send the only other surviving soldier on his way into the afterlife. "Give my regards to the Reaper," he muttered before putting his hand down to aid the young woman back to her feet.

"Are you unharmed?"

Aya looked at him, stunned. "I… I'm fine. How did you…?" She was so taken off guard that she couldn't even finish the question.

"My father was a monk," Yohji answered her as his hands set about to dusting the clinging leaves from her clothing. "I'm sorry about that, but I didn't think a warning would have sufficed."

"That's all right… I… Thank you." Aya tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, nervously looking at the ground. "I've never seen anyone fight like that… not even my brother."

Yohji smiled and brought her eyes up to meet his. "You're welcome… Now, let's get you home. I'm hungry."

{End Part I}

Mish: Balinese takes a long overdue trip to the mortal realms in disguise... Ran had better be worth all the trouble, neh?

Give Mish treats?