Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mattress Hunting ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Interlude 9: Mattress Hunting

A Weiss Kreuz Smut Ficlet

By Andrea Readwolf <andrea_readwolf @hotmail.com>

Pairings: Omi + Nagi Nagi x Omi

Warnings: There be smut ahead!

Disclaimers Apply

When the two youngest members of the previous rival teams, Schwartz and Weiss, announced their intention to finally move in together it had been Yohji who had teasingly told the two to get a new bed.

"Start your married life off right," he'd added.

Omi scowled at the older blond. "We are *not* getting 'married', thank you very much," he'd informed the other man stiffly.

"Besides," Nagi added, grinning happily, "We are already planning to get all new furniture."

"Yeah," Schuldig continued his boyfriend's train of thought. "The bigger the bed, the more use you can put it too!"

Brad had frowned at that, so had Ran, but Ken, Yohji, and Schuldig were hysterical.

One of the best things about moving into a new home together was arguing over what should go where, what style, what color, and things like that. Nagi absolutely enjoyed arguing with Omi about exactly why they needed two desks in the computer room and a cappuccino machine in the kitchen.

The townhouse they had purchased was in a fairly affluent section of Tokyo, four levels from basement to attic. It had taken them nearly a month to finish their redecorating, but in Nagi's opinion, the end result was well worth it. Today, however, they were completing the last task.

"We're here," Omi announced cheerfully as he pulled into park. With a solidifying breath, Nagi climbed out of the car and stared up at the store in question with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement.

It was one thing to talk about buying a new bed... but quite another to actually purchase it.

Well, actually, the bed frame was already purchased and set up in the master bedroom back home---a thrill went through Nagi when he thought about that. They'd had a lot of fun deciding which frame to get. They'd settled for a simple but sturdy frame for the guest room--after all, any guests of theirs that stayed over would *need* a very sturdy bed--and for themselves, they'd finally selected a heavy sled bed.

The only thing missing was the--

"Welcome to Mattress Haven," a woman greeted them at the entrance. "How can I help you today?"

"We'd like to purchase a mattress," Omi wasted no time in telling the woman. "Two, in fact, one king, one queen."

"Very good, sirs. If you will please follow me?" the woman continued with a little bow.

Nagi held back, slightly embarrassed to be here. What must that woman be thinking about them? Two guys looking for a mattress together? And then, immediately, Nagi was annoyed about worrying about what anyone might think about it.

"Nagi-kun? What do you think?"

The dark-haired young man looking up and nearly dropped his jaw--and his pants. What was it about the sight of Omi on a bed that drove Nagi wild any way? Oh, yeah, the sex.

"It looks acceptable," he managed to answer after a moment.

Omi's blue eyes rolled up past his bangs. "Nagi," the blond began exasperatedly. "I brought you along for your opinion. Now get over here and feel this bed."

Nagi hesitated only a minute longer before sighing and replying, "Yes, boss," meekly as he went to sit down on the bed... and proceeded to sink.

"Too soft," he announced promptly.

"Okay, something firmer than," Omi agreed, jumping up off the mattress.

Obediently Nagi went right up to the next mattress and sat--nearly bruising his backside. "Too hard."

Omi smirked, but thankfully held his tongue. Until.... "This one feels just right to me. How 'bout you?"

Nagi sat. Fell back. Stretched. Groaned. Then he smiled. "This one fits just right," he agreed, grinning back at his lover.

"We should test it out... just to be sure, don't you think?" Omi grinned back at him, eyes a-twinkling.

"Tonight?" Nagi asked a little breathless.



What is it about waiting for something that makes it seem like it takes forever to get there? Ah, but tonight finally came.

One of the very gratifying perks about being a professional hacker and assassin is that there is virtually no place you can't get into undetected. Taking care of the security video feed was a piece of cake, as was the electronic lock on the door that Omi so gallantly held open for him. Finding the mattress they'd selected from that afternoon wasn't hard, either, Nagi noted, dropping the bag they'd brought along.

Omi pulled out a sheet and set to 'making' the bed as Nagi stripped.

"Oh, gods," the blond breathed when he turned around and saw his naked lover standing there, watching him. "Want you so badly; come 'ere."

Nagi wondered briefly if he'd every possess the ability to deny Omi something as he went to the older man, slipping into his embrace with a moan of pleasure. "Want you, too," he murmured against Omi's chest, leaning up to find the blond's lips.

"Want you *in* me," Omi amended, falling onto the bed and wiggling out of his pants.

"That can be... easily... arranged," Nagi panted, grabbing for the tube of lubricant he'd tossed on the bed a moment ago. Flipping the cap open he upended it over Omi's fingers. "Do it," he ordered, leaning back to watch as the blond reached between his spread legs and prepared himself for Nagi's cock.

Omi was so absolutely gorgeous, moaning beautifully as his hips rocked in effort to take in more of his slick fingers. Faster, harder, more....

"Enough!" Nagi ordered, nearly coming as he watched Omi touching himself, fucking himself with his own fingers, and then suddenly stopping, freezing at Nagi's command. "Lean back, on your back. I want to watch you as I push my hot, hard cock into your ass," he breathed, knowing the exact effect the raunchy words had on his lover.

Omi moaned, falling back and spreading his thighs in complete submission. His beautiful cock lay weeping, rigid against his stomach as he angled his hips up, silent entry for Nagi to hurry up and fuck him already.

Nagi grinned. Far be for him to keep one of the most powerful men in Tokyo waiting. His power wrapped around them both, raising Omi's hips higher--for that perfect angle that sent-

"Oh, fuck! Nagi! Yes!" Omi screamed, head thrown back as he arched off the bed, impaling himself deeper on Nagi's cock.

There was no way either of them would last long. Nagi knew this even as Omi screamed his name, begging Nagi to fuck him harder, faster. And so, knowing this, Nagi didn't try to hold on or hold back. Shifting Omi's legs so the blond's knees hooked over Nagi's shoulders, the dark haired young man reared up and let loose, fucking Omi with every fiber of his being.

Omi came first. Just barely. Nagi's balls were already tightening, preparing to spill his seed into Omi's delectable body when said blond's muscles clenched.

They lay in a huddled ball of sweaty, goopy bodies, limbs intertwined, and starting to cramp.

"Yep," Nagi breathed finally. "I'd say this mattress is a keeper."

Omi just laughed in silent agreement.
