Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to Be? ❯ Paths Cross ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1: Paths Cross


Disclaimer: All copyrights concerning any of the characters appearing in the series Weiß Kruez does not belong to me. In regards to the storyline featured in this particular work of fiction, all rights are reserved to sirencirce.

Warnings: This particular fanfiction will contain scenes of violence, homosexuality, perverseness, and sexual content. Reader discretion advised.


"Men, we have a new mission," the shadowed figure on the television screen stated before pictures of mangled bodies of young men flashed on the screen. "Many male college students have turned up missing only to be found later so mutilated that they were barely recognizable. There is no information on why these certain young men have been targeted, only that they attended the same college and that they all disappeared around the college in an area known to the students as 'The Quad.' It is a square just outside of campus that caters the students in everything from nightclubs to clothing stores. Your job is to go undercover in the area and find out who is behind these heinous crimes and eliminate them. White hunters of the night, find these evil beasts and deny them their tomorrow." The screen went black and the room lit up, revealing its four occupiers.

"Can I count on all of you? This mission would suffer greatly if the whole group didn't participate." An attractive redheaded lady in a red suit stood up from a chair and turned to face the three others in the room. A young teenage boy with strawberry blonde hair and big deep blue eyes sat lotus style on the floor in front of the blue sofa. Next to the teen was a young man, sitting on the couch, with soulful hazel eyes and dark brown hair. A few feet away from them, sitting backwards in a wooden chair, was the oldest member of the young men. A honeyed blonde with deep green eyes and a cigarette adjusted the sunglasses perched on the top of his head. All three men studied the redhead for a moment, considering the assignment offered to them.

"I don't know about this guys, no damsels in distress . . . no women what so ever," the blonde stated as he blew out some smoke from the cigarette he had been sucking on.

"Yohji! Can you think with your head and not with your dick for once in your life?" The brunette stood up as he yelled. "You know that we are going to need you for this mission. Omi won't be able to pass for a college student, and I can't be everywhere at once. Not to mention you're better at the club scene than I am. I hate to say this, but we can't do it without you. So, if you're out, then we're all out."

"Calm down Ken. I was just thinking out loud. I'm doing the mission. Chibi, tell Kenken to calm down, ne?" Yohji put out his cigarette before taking the folder the redhead handed him. "Thanks Manx."

"Ken did have a point. You gave me a scare there for a minute, Yohji-kun." The strawberry blonde, Omi, opened his assignment folder, feeling a little ill at the photographs of the crime scenes.

"So, I guess we start tomorrow. Since Ken has the morning shift in the flower shop, I guess I'll head down to 'The Quad' to check out the morning crowd in the coffee shop." Yohji emptied the contents of his folder on a table to study the information. "I hate research."

"That's what you have me for." The kid offered a big smile as he sat his laptop on the table near Yohji's stack of files.

"Yeah, and that's about all you can do this mission, Omi." Ken sat down at the table, ruffling the younger boy's hair.

"Well, I'll be in touch. Let me know if you three need anything. Persia is counting on Weiß to succeed in this mission" With that, Manx left the three to mull over the horde of information given to them. Little did the three assassins realize that this assignment would alter the course of their lives, and make them feel more alive than they have since joining Weiß.


Fujimiya Ran smiled as he walked through the door of the small café. Aya-chan, his little sister, just found out this morning that she was accepted to an art school in Paris. He hated that she was going to be a whole other continent away, but he was so proud of her. She had always wanted to go to that particular school ever since she figured out what art school was. He ran his fingers through his crimson hair as he scanned the morning crowd. Today was Friday, thank goodness. He didn't have class on Fridays.

He adjusted his book-bag and tugged on his orange sweater as he walked toward the counter. He scanned the menu as he stood in line, oblivious to the tinkling bell signaling another customer entering the shop.

"Ran! What are you doing around here today? I thought you didn't have classes on Fridays?" The girl with bright brown eyes smiled sweetly at the redhead.

"I don't, but I had to get away from my apartment before I went stir crazy." His rich chuckle caused the girl to smile, and the new customer to take notice.

"So, you want your usual?" The redhead nodded and the girl went about making him a large chai tea. Violet eyes closed in ecstasy as the young man deeply breathed in the scent of cinnamon and tea.

"Thanks, Maki." Ran hurried over to an empty table before someone could nab it, still unaware he was being watched.


Yohji sighed in annoyance as he walked through the door of the small café. He hated mornings. That meant he had to go to bed early, which meant he had to be sober and alone. He was just starting to feel sorry for himself when the sound of a deep, rich chuckle caught his attention.

He looked up to see a very handsome redhead with the most amazing amethyst eyes. His skin looked smooth and was the color of alabaster. The orange sweater wasn't exactly the best fashion choice for a redhead, but that didn't take away from the fact that he was the most beautiful man Yohji had ever seen. The sunlight caught the long, slender gold earring hanging from the man's left ear.

He had to meet him.

Yohji looked around for an empty table. It seemed that fate was working with him instead of against him for once.


"Excuse me?" Ran looked up from his poetry book at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. His eyes met gentle emerald irises and he arched an eyebrow in askance. He had never seen this blonde stranger before, and he wondered what he could possibly want from Ran. Normally, the redhead wouldn't be so apprehensive about someone approaching him, but with all the recent murders of his classmates, it made him a little nervous.

"Can I help you?" The man smiled at him, which confused him further. Why was this handsome stranger bothering with him?

"I'm sorry to bother you, but there are no seats left. Would you mind too much if I sat with you?" Ran looked down at the plain black coffee in one of the man's strong hands and a pack of cigarettes in the other.

"Hn. No smoking." Ran moved his books and rearranged his notes to make room for the other man. Yohji smirked. The redhead had spunk.

"I think I can manage that. By the way, my name's Kudoh Yohji." The blonde held out his hand, and when the redhead grabbed it, he could help but notice that he had calloused hands, much like a fighter, not a bookworm.

"Fujimiya Ran, nice to meet you." After the redhead broke the contact, he dropped his gaze back down to the books in front of him. Yohji sat down across from the handsome younger man, trying to figure out where he had heard the name Fujimiya before.

"Your father is the director of the Bank of Tokyo." Yohji was shocked. Kritiker always kept a close eye on that bank, it was their baby. He had worked missions to keep the old man safe several times, but never knew that the man had a son . . . a very attractive one at that.

"Yes." Ran didn't even look up from his book as he answered. Yohji chuckled at the nervous behavior of his breakfast buddy.

"Whatcha readin'?" Yohji stirred in some cream and sugar into his coffee.

"Dramatic monologues of Robert Browning. Would you like some coffee with your sugar?" That made the blonde's smirk turn into a full-fledged smile.

"I like the caffeine, but hate the taste." Yohji shrugged. "Robert Browning?"

"I'm working on a degree in Languages with a minor in Literature. You?" Ran finally looked up from his book, realizing that this stranger wasn't going to allow him to get any work done.

"I work at a flower shop. I had problems in high school, and could care less whether I got into college. I can't complain though. Partial ownership, and I enjoy the work." All of a sudden Yohji felt self-conscious. What must this amazing creature think of him? Of course, he left out the little tidbit about moonlighting as an assassin.

"Well, isn't that we all hope for in life? Finding something that we honestly enjoy? I'd say that you are luckier than most. I hope that I can find my niche in life." Ran started doodling on the edge of his paper in a nervous matter, a fact that was unknown to him, but obvious to Yohji.

"You're not around people often, are you?" When the redhead looked at him in confusion, Yohji placed his tanned hand over the furiously doodling white hand.

"Oh." The redhead blushed. "Most people avoid me, with my odd coloring. Melatonin and all, you know. Dad doesn't like answering questions, but I really am full Japanese. I guess most just think I'm a freak." The way the young man said it held no shame, embarrassment, or apologies . . . just a statement of fact. He was also oblivious to the fact that his pale hand was still being held by the strong, tan one.

"Nah, it's not your unique coloring that keeps people at bay, well not directly. No one knows how to approach you. Rejection in any form is not a fun thing, whether from a potential friend or a potential lover. You intimidate people. You just have this look about you that says you're unapproachable . . . something nice to look at, but can never touch. You know . . . mysterious." Yohji squeezed the redhead's hand before releasing it and taking a sip of his coffee. Ran just looked at him with an odd look on his pale face, and the blonde just winked at him.

"Hey Ran!" Both men turned around at the shout of the redhead's name. A brunette, around Yohji's age, waved at the redhead as he headed for the door. "We still on for tonight?" The redhead nodded. "Great, we'll meet you out front of Inari's around eleven then. Sorry, but I have to get to class. Can't keep that freak Takatori waiting. Ja!" Ran just shook his head with a small grin on his face.

"Well, Ran, it was a pleasure meeting you, but I need to get to work. I'll catch you around sometime. Ja-ne." Yohji threw a tip on the table and grabbed his cigarettes. "Don't work too hard on that stuff." The blonde stood and headed for the exit, making plans to be at Inari's tonight.


"Come on Kenken, it's just one little club. It would do you some good to socialize outside of a football field. You need to loosen up." Yohji was furiously digging through the athlete's clothes, looking for something the boy could wear to a club. "Hey Chibi, you still have that shirt that laces?" Yohji stuck his head out of Ken's bedroom and yelled down the hall. A few moments later, the teen came into the room holding a shirt.

"What do need this shirt for, Yohji-kun?" Omi gave the shirt to the tall blonde, and looked over at Ken's apprehensive face.

"Kenken's going out to scout the clubs with me tonight, and he has nothing to wear that doesn't have some random football team on it." Yohji dug out a pair of pants that were tucked in the bottom of the boy's closet. "Leather? You have a pair of leather pants?" Ken blushed.

"They were a gag gift from one of my old football buddies. I've never even tried them on." If it was possible, Ken's face continued to redden as he spoke. Yohji studded the dark brown leather pants. They were a very nice quality . . . soft and buttery with a fly that laced instead of zipped. The blonde man was jealous that he didn't have a pair of pants like that. Well, at least they would look good with Omi's tan shirt.

"Okay, Kenken, looks like we know what you're wearing tonight. Here, go put those on." Ken found himself shoved toward the bathroom with the outfit thrust into his arms.

"But Omi is smaller than me. This shirt is going to be too tight." The boy looked close to panic.

"I think that's the point Ken-kun," Omi stated weakly, knowing the thought process of the group's leader.

"Why me?" Ken asked whatever gods were listening.


"Come on Ran, we are going to be late! You are taking forever. I can just imagine what it would be like if I didn't come." Aya-chan giggled at the mess on the floor of her brother's apartment. He had agreed to take her to club tonight to celebrate her acceptance to art school. Now, she just had to get him out of the apartment. He had changed clothes at least five times already.

"How about this one?" Ran threw open the bathroom door and walked out in a pair of well worn jeans and a tight black tank top with a deep purple button down over top of it.

"Just like the rest of them, Ran. You look fine." Aya couldn't help but smile at her brother's nervousness. "Why are you so worried about it?"

"I just want to look halfway decent," he said defensively.

"Yeah right. You're just hoping that he will be there." That earned her a nasty scowl that screamed 'shi-ne.'

"Why would he be there? I didn't invite him, and he didn't seem interested." Aya was the only person that knew of his sexual preference. It was bad enough having red hair and violet eyes, he couldn't imagine what would happen if people, especially his father, were to find out he was inclined toward the male gender.

"Tell you what. Put on your boots, ditch the purple shirt, and untuck the tank." Ran followed his sister's instructions, and Aya studied him for a moment. She shook her head and went to his closet. "Okay, take off that shirt and put this one on." She handed him a black, long sleeved cashmere sweater with a deep v-neck. It fit closely to his body, showing his fine toned torso, and just barely touched the waistline of his low-slung jeans.


"Perfect. Can we go now? I would like to go before I have to leave for Paris." Ran blushed and Aya giggled as they walked out the door. Aya had the feeling that this was going to be an interesting evening.


"Kenken, calm down. You look like a kitten thrown into a pack of wolves." Yohji checked his watch again. It was almost eleven and no sign of the redhead. He adjusted his fishnet shirt as he shook down the leg of his black leather pants. He was starting to worry. Had the mysterious Fujimiya heir been kidnaped like the others? He felt the weight lift off his shoulders and drop to his chest as the redhead walked in with a very attractive girl with flowing ebony hair and a sweet smile. Should have figured someone like Ran would be straight and have a girlfriend.

"Yohji? Hello, earth to man-whore, are you alive?" Yohji blinked a few times as he realized his teammate was speaking to him. He couldn't help but laugh when Ken's eyes went wide at the sight of two men making out on the dance floor. Well it wasn't so much the fact that they were kissing that made Ken's mouth drop to the floor, but the fact that one wormed his hands down the front of his partner's pants. Yohji loved places like this . . . places where your sexuality didn't matter, but poor Ken wasn't used to heterosexual public displays of sexual attraction, let alone homosexual ones. Poor boy.

"Come on Ken, I want you to meet someone." Yohji grabbed the unsuspecting brunette by the arm and dragged him to the oblivious redhead.


"Is he here?" Aya asked excitedly as she scanned the crowd.

"I don't see him, and I told you that I doubt that he would be here, Aya-chan. Just drop it. I should have never told you." Ran frowned and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Lighten up Ran, you look like you're about to have kittens." A low chuckle behind her caused Aya to turn quickly to see a handsome brunette blushing furiously standing next to an equally attractive blonde with a 'devil-made-me-do-it' grin on his face.

"Is he always like this? See I met him earlier today, and he had pretty much the same expression on his face." The blonde winked at her and she knew immediately that this was the guy her brother had been stressing about all day.

"Nah, just when he's stressed. I should know, I've known him all my life. Hi, I'm Ran's little sister, Aya." She held out her hand for a handshake and Yohji took it and placed a kiss on its smooth back.

"I'm Yohji and this is my friend Ken. It is a pleasure to meet you." Yohji didn't let go of the pretty little hand.

"You are touching my sister, Kudoh," Ran growled. Yohji had to hide a smile.

"Yohji, I really don't feel like carrying your ass home tonight after this guy kicks it." Ken kicked him in the shin, causing Yohji to let go of the girl's hand and blurt out some fairly vulgar expletives.

"Damn it, Ken, I'm not one of your damn footballs." Aya couldn't help but laugh at the two men, and her brother just rolled his eyes.

"Well quit acting like a jerk." Yohji shoved Ken slightly, letting the kid know that there was no hard feelings.

"Oh, yeah, I came over here to ask if I could steal Ran from you for a dance." The blonde tried to give his best innocent look, which wasn't very good.

"Alright, but no groping . . . unless he wants you to." Aya winked back at the blonde as her brother sputtered behind her.

"Aya!" Face red, he didn't know what to say to relieve his embarrassment.

"Come on, Red. Let's dance." Yohji grabbed the flushed redhead and dragged him toward the dance floor. Ken and Aya watched in amusement as Ran was practically dragged from them muttering something along the lines that he didn't know how to dance.

"I feel sorry for your brother." Ken watched as Yohji went to work. It was a common thing for Yohji to seduce both males and females, but Ken didn't particular care to watch it. And, for some reason, Ken respected the redheaded man.

"Don't. Ran knows how to take care of himself, and it's been a long time since he has been this interested in someone." Aya smiled sweetly as she watched the blonde trying to teach her brother to dance. "Come on, let's go get a soda and you can tell me about football."


"You have to loosen up." Yohji had his hands on slender hips, trying to get them to sway in time with the music.

"I told you I was bad at this." Ran was right, he was horrible. Only cause the skinny punk refused to relax!

"Okay, let's try this . . . close your eyes." Ran did as he was told, but stiffened when he felt the heat of the older man's body near him. "Easy, just relax and listen to the music. Move your body with mine. Think of it as having sex with your clothes on." Yohji chuckled at the deep blush that stained the redhead's cheeks.

"Wouldn't know about that either."

When the redhead finally started to move, Yohji moved his body closer so they could grind together. He moved on hand from a hip to the young man's lower back to press the slender body closer. Yohji bit his lip to keep back a moan as pale hands slid slowly up his chest to rest on his shoulders. When their lower bodies came into contact, Yohji felt desire course through his body and he jerked Ran closer to him. The redhead's breath caught and he dropped his head to the blonde's shoulder.

"Gods, Ran you are so sexy," Yohji whispered in the redhead's ear.

"You're crazy." Ran's warm, moist breath caressed the skin of Yohji's neck as he chuckled. Their bodies slowed as the music did, and they pressed themselves closer to each other if it was possible. The blonde began stroking his hands over Ran's back, causing the redhead to shiver. He lifted his head from Yohji's shoulder and looked into the older man's deep green eyes.

"What are you doing to me?" Yohji cupped the redheads face and began to lower his mouth to kiss pale, succulent lips.

"Get off him!"

"Aya." Ran pushed away from the blonde, leaving Yohji staring at air. Once Yohji realized what was going on, he followed Ran through the crowd to what obviously was a fight.

"Ran, that man came out of nowhere and attacked Ken. He has a knife. You have to help him." Aya was trembling and crying, scared for obvious reasons. The redhead's features frosted over with an icy glare as he approached the struggling two men. Ran grabbed the dark-haired man off of Ken and threw him to the ground. He noticed Ken was wobbling, unsteady on his feet, almost as if he had been drugged.

"Ran!" The redhead ducked just in time to keep a knife slicing through the side of his head. He turned and gave a flawless roundhouse kick, knocking the knife from the man's hand. He, then, threw a punch that sent the man to the floor with an almost definite broken nose. It only took a few more moments for the club security to come over and drag the man away. Everyone was too caught up in the commotion to see a small pouch fall out of the man's pocket and onto the floor. Everyone but Yohji, that is. The blonde picked up the small package and tucked it down the front of his pants.

"Yohji," came the weak voice of his teammate. "I don't feel so hot. It feels like . . . that game. He drugged me Yotan." Ken tried to walk to his friend only to stumble and fall to the floor. Yohji rushed over to his fallen comrade and lifted him.

"Oh Ran, it was awful! Ken mentioned that the soda was flat and a few moments later he broke out in a cold sweat and said that it felt as though the room was spinning. He went to the bathroom to splash some water on his face, and I when he didn't come back, I got worried and went looking for him. Some man followed him out of the bathroom asking him to go home with him, and when Ken refused, that man grabbed him. Ken had just enough wits about him to fight him off, and that's when he pulled the knife. I thought he was going to kill Ken!" Ran held his sister as she cried hysterically. "I couldn't help him."

"Aya, don't worry about it. I've had worse. Although, I'm feeling a little tipsy." Ken tried to stand, but his knees felt like rubber bands, and gave out, causing him to collapse against Yohji.

"Here, let me help you with him." Ran got on the other side of Ken and the foursome walked to the parking lot. "Which car is yours?"

"That white one over there." Yohji motioned to the car as he dug for his keys.

"That's a Jag." Ran's voice held obvious appreciation in its tone.

"Sure is." Yohji unlocked the door and poured Ken in. "Thanks." Emerald eyes locked with amethyst, and Yohji found himself drowning.

"Hey Ran, can I have the keys so I can unlock the car?" Aya's voice broke through the hazy and Ran blinked.

"Oh, yeah. Here you go Aya-chan." The redhead handed his sister the keys and she rushed over to the white Porche Spyder, trying to give the two young men a moment alone.

"Your wheels aren't too bad either." Yohji thought that he saw the redhead blush, but wasn't certain. "Hey Ran?" The redhead lifted his gaze to Yohji's. "Can . . . can I see you again sometime?"

"I have a lesson tomorrow at noon, but I should be finished around two. Why don't I meet you at the café around two fifteen for a late lunch?" Ran shoved his hands in his pockets, waiting for Yohji's reply.

"Tomorrow it is. Sweet dreams Ran." Yohji bent and gave Ran a gentle kiss on the cheek. He pulled back with a wicked little grin and walked back to his car. Ran smiled slightly and returned to his sister and his car.

"Yohji, what the hell do you think you are doing?" Ken growled as the blonde got into the car.

"What are you talking about?" Yohji noticed the anger in his teammate's hazel eyes.

"I normally don't say anything about your conquests, but leave him alone. He's a nice guy and I would hate for him to get hurt just because you want a piece of ass." Ken's words were harsh enough, but they didn't have quite the effect with the speech being slurred.

"It's not like that Ken. I don't want to have sex with him." Ken gave Yohji an incredulous look. "Okay I do, but I want so much more than that. I want to know him first. He makes me feel alive, Kenken. I haven't felt this alive since before I 'died'." Ken was stunned. Playboy Yohji, heartbreaker of both men's and women's hearts, found someone that he 'wants to get to know?' That must have been some drug that man slipped in his drink. Ken didn't ponder the shocking news long before darkness pulled him into a deep sleep.


"Hey Chibi, how's he doing?" Yohji handed Omi a mug of hot chocolate as the teen checked over their teammate.

"He's fine. He'll be out of it for the next few hours." Omi took a sip of his hot chocolate. "I ran a test on that drug you found. Traces of it were found in the bloodstream of the victims. We may have figured out the murderer, but we need to find out who makes the drug and finish off the other guy. We can't leave a target alive or Persia will skin our asses."

"Omi-itchi, watch your language!" Yohji bopped the kid on the back of the head.

"So, Yohji-kun, did you have fun tonight . . . other than the obvious fact that Ken-kun got into a fight." The kid knew something. Yohji could tell by the look in those big blue eyes.

"I had a great time. Sorry you didn't get to tag along, kiddo." The blonde ruffled the teen's hair.

"Who is it?" Omi's face was so serious. Yohji wondered briefly if his teammates have always thought he was a shameless slut.

"His name is Ran, and I'm meeting him tomorrow for lunch." The older man became defensive.

"Do you think that this is a good idea, Yohji? You may have the best of intentions, but you know that you would only end up hurting him in the long run. You are Weiß, and you will either end up putting him in danger or leaving without an explanation. You know that relationships could never work in our line of work." Damn, why did the kid always have to be right.

"I'm just tired of being alone, Chibi. I have you guys, but I want someone I can wake up with and share more than just my bed. I hate being dead." Omi watched as the older man left the room, looking incredibly depressed and dragging his feet. Yohji did have a point. There were times that Omi felt the pang of loneliness himself, but what choice did any of them have? They sold their souls to Weiß.


Yohji checked his watch one more time. It was two-thirty. Had he been stood up? Ran really didn't seem the type to do something like that. He grabbed his jacket, getting ready to leave, when the bell above the door tinkled, informing the patrons and staff of a new customer. Yohji looked over to see a panting, sweating Ran in a white kimono and gray hakama, holding a gym bag. He looked as if he stepped out of the feudal area, but it amazed the blonde how much the look suited him. Ignoring the inquiring stares, the redhead quickly scanned the crowd, and walked over after spotting his date.

"Sorry I'm late, but my lesson ran over and I didn't have time to change." Ran threw his bag under the table and started to sit, but Yohji leaned over a placed a small kiss on the redhead's temple. This, of course, caused the redhead to blush.

"Don't worry about it." Yohji studied Ran's outfit once again. "Not that you don't look just sexy as hell, but what sort of lessons would have you dressing like that."

"Kendo. I've been at it since I was ten. Kinda dorky, but it's actually fun." Ran shrugged and grabbed a menu.

"I don't think anything you could possibly do would be dorky."

"You are so cheesy." The redhead laughed at the defeated look on the blonde's face. "Poor Yohji." Ran patted Yohji on the hand, which gradually turned into light caressing, and eventually led to hand holding.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Yohji knew he should have bit his tongue. He wasn't supposed to even be here now, but the moment Ran entangled their fingers, he couldn't forget the man if he tried. It was like they were meant to be.

"I promised Aya I would take her shopping. Please tell me you'll come. I hate malls." Violet eyes pleaded, and Yohji knew that he couldn't turn down such a plea.

"You are in luck. Kudoh Yohji can even make mall shopping a fun activity. Fear not my dear, I shall save you from the pits of commerce hell." Ran just shook his head and sighed. Life with Yohji involved was interesting that was for sure.


Several weeks past, and Yohji spent every spare second with Ran and Aya. The blonde was smitten to say the least, and the two men hadn't done anything more intense than a few stolen kisses. Of course, Ran's father couldn't find out about his son's sexuality. From the way Ran spoke of his father, the old man wouldn't be too thrilled to find out his discolored son was gay. Yohji didn't care that Ran's father didn't know. As long as the blonde saw the shy redhead, he was happy. Hell, he was on the verge of falling in love.

"Yohji! What are you doing? You've been the bathroom for almost two hours now." Ken pounded on the door, breaking Yohji from his reverie.

"I'm getting ready. I have a date." Yohji opened the door to see a steaming Ken.

"Well, we have a lead on that drug finally. Omi thinks that the drug was made by a small company owned by Takatori Corporation. We're going to have to work later tonight, so don't stay out too late." Yohji knew Ken wasn't too happy with him by not breaking it off with Ran, but Yohji couldn't get enough.

"Ken! Yohji! Hurry!"

"Oh god, that was Omi." If the kid didn't sound so hysterical, Yohji would have laughed at the worried look on Ken's face. They rushed down the stairs to see Omi standing in front of the television, watching the news.

"Listen to this." The teen turned up the volume as images of the charred remains of a house flashed across the screen.

"In the early hours of the morning, tragedy struck one of the most influential families in Tokyo. What started out as a normal Saturday for a happy family of four soon turned to tragedy when Fujimiya Anzai, Director of the Bank of Tokyo, set fire to a gas source in his home, killing himself and his family. Earlier in the week Fujimiya was subject to investigation for embezzling funds from the Takatori Corporation accounts secured by the Bank of Tokyo. Fujimiya 55 years of age, his wife, Kikyo, 50 years of age, his son, Ran, 20 years of age, and his daughter, Aya, 18, all perished in the explosion. A horrible tragedy for such a promising family."

"No," Yohji whispered.

"Yotan?" Ken watched his teammate's face go deathly white before turning an unhealthy shade of green.

"No! Not again. Not Ran." Tears ran down his cheeks, unknown to him. His stomach lurched violently and he ran from the room to the bathroom to empty the contents of his stomach.

"Poor Yohji. He was really crazy about that guy too." Omi's big blue eyes filled with tears as he listened to his friend sob like a child behind a locked bathroom door.

Yohji died on the inside that day, became numb . . . an empty shell without a beating heart. It would be a long while before he would begin to feel again.


Okay. First of all, this is my first WK fic, so try not to flame me too bad. I know that Aya/Ran was majorly OOC, but who knows what kind of guy he would have been before Takatori screwed with his life. Well anyway, let me know what you think.

