Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

by : apocalipticoblivion


So Omi left school earlier than he was supposed to. Never expecting Ken and Yohji to come and wait to pick him up. He left with Nagi and Schuldig. His two enemys that he was supposed to hate, but never did. After all, they are the same.

They all kill, they all know how it feels to kill someone. How it feels to be a reaper of souls to send to the beyond. They all know, and will always know how it feels and the feeling of extreme guilt afterwards.

When ever they would get together they would never ever talk about it. But the only thing on his mind was they're last kill.

His name Omi couldn't remember, but the look on his face was what haunts him. The fear, the pain and of course guilt. Guilt written on his face for his crimes. His crimes of putting children as young as Omi and Nagi, and even younger, in a prostitution ring.


"He is a big time drug dealer, but that isn't whats the problem here today." Manx stated briefly turning her head to look at each Weiß member. "He leads a prostitution ring..."

That's when Ken looked up, "That's awful!"

"But, it doesn't often have adults in it, but when it does they look like children." Manx began softly again, "They really only deal or sell young boys, even younger than Bombay."

Omi turned his head to the side to see his teammates faces, even Aya looked about as startled as Yohji or Ken. "I think I know what your getting at Manx," everyone turned to look at Omi,

"You wan't me to position for a job, not expecting it to be a prostitution ring. Go in there and well be bait for them to take."

Manx had a shocked expression on her face, but then turned back her normal look, "You are correct Bombay, except I wouldn't put it in so many words."

"Okay, I'll do it. But, what exactly does one wear for this job interview?" Omi asked smiling.

Manx smiled at Omi, "Well, you have seen what the others wore. Wear something similar."


"Weiß, Deny these dark beasts their tommorrows!" Manx left after she finished her little speach.

Omi went up to his room to find something he could wear. He found a skin tight crop-top and a sweater to go over it. The sweater went down to his ankles. He also found a pair of pants that matched, they were kind of baggy yet not to tight.

"Okay, now that thats done, I can go down stairs and make something to eat." Omi said cheerfully to himself.

The other three members of Weiß were waiting downstairs for him.

"Omi," Ken started to get up from the chair he was sitting in. "You can still back out of this, any of us would go instead of you!"

"Ken. I am not a baby..." Omi said looking in the fridge. "I can take care of myself."

"Look, chibi, just switch out of this one. We don't want to see you hurt."

"No! I got some more information in my file than any of you guys did!" Omi started backing up, unintentionally, closer to Aya. "They have sent people older than Yohji and you, Ken in there. But, they've all turned up...nevermind, just leave me to my mission."

"We are going in the building with you Omi. That you cannot decide." Aya said from behind Omi, causing him to jump.

(a few days later)

"Woah, chibi, lookin' good." Yohji said looking Omi over a couple of times.

"Stay with your boyfriend, Yohji. I don't want him heartbroken." Omi said turning towards the mirror to apply some make-up.

"Don't think he'd mind a three-some." Yohji said laughing.

"Yohji Kudou! Get out of my room, right now!!"

At the meeting, the Other Weiß members could tell that the manager liked what they saw in Omi. Omi would occasionally flirt with the old man to make sure he got the job.

"Mr. Schuldloss(1). Thank you for meeting with us." The old man said.

"It's my pleasure, and please... call me Rein(2)." Omi stated crossing his legs and leaning back in the chair he was sitting in.

"And who are these young men?"

"They are my friends, they...are a bit over- protective." Omi said standing up and walking around the desk.

"My, what are you doing young man?" The old man asked grinning.

"I know what business you run, and I want a part of it." Omi started with a sexy grin, "And it's not a hardwear company..."

"Ah, I see." The Old man pushed a button on top of his desk."I would like you to meet Hans. He has been working here for about two days."

Nagi walked in the doorway shocked to see Omi sitting on the old geezer's desk.

"Hans! I've finally found you!" Omi jumped off of the desk and practically jumped on Nagi. "All these long long years! I've missed you at my bedside!"

"O-" Omi covered his mouth so he wouldn't say his name, and harshly whispered, "My name is Rein Schuldloss. I'm on a mission."

That was when Schuldig entered the room, "Hey, Hans. Oh! Is that you Rein?"

Nagi was still holding Omi, Omi dropped down on the floor and ran over to Schuldig. Aya nearly blew a gasket, allong with the other team members.

"Oh my god! Are all of you here?!" Omi asked with fake joy.

"Yup, Hans, Schu, Craw-daddy and Farf. We're all here." Schu said hugging Omi, looked over to see the other kittens plus Nagi glaring at him.

"Can I see them?"

"Sure, that is if Lester over there will let you."

"Oh, go ahead. You also have the job. You begin tommorrow."

When the six of them left to find the other Schwartz members, Nagi, Omi and Schu started up a conversation. Forgetting about the other Weiß members.

"Omi, what are you doing here?" Nagi asked worriedly. "You do know what kind of place this is, don't you?"

"I told you, I'm on a mission." Omi said walking into Crawford's office.

"Bombay." came Brad's greeting.

"Nice to see you too, Braddie-bear!" Schuldig said in a huff.

"Hello, Oracle. How are you today?" Omi asked smiling.

"Don't call me that." He turned to Omi. "Fine. What are you doing here?" Brad looked over Omi's head. "More precisely, what are they doing here?"

"I told them to stay home, but they wanted to come." Omi looked over at his team members shocked faces. "Bradley?"

"What is it that you want?" He looked down at Omi and then at Nagi.

"Did you find out about Nagi and my relationship already?"

"I've known for quite some time actually."

"Do you approve?"

"I didn't before, but I have come to think that you would see each other even without my consent." Brad stated softly.


"I approve, it isn't everyday that Nagi falls in love."

Schuldig hugged him, and amazingly Bradley didn't refuse it either.

"C'mon, Weiß. Let's go home now. This outfit is riding up."

"At least you didn't come in showing off so much skin that, the manager took one look and said 'Your Hired'." Farfello said from the other side of the room.

"Farf! It wasn't MY choise to dress like that!" Nagi thrust a finger at Schu, "It was his!"

Omi began to laugh at the Schwartz quartet. "Okay, see you guys tommorrow!"

At their home, Omi began to take off his coat and hang it up when, "How do you know Schwartz?"

"They are my friends Aya." Omi said smiling, "They actually approve of my relationship with Nagi."

"How long?"

"How long, what?"

"How long have you been seeing the Schwartz boy?" Aya asked with a ghost of a smile on his face.

"A few months...why?" Omi asked suspiciously.

"Are you happy?"


"You remind me of my sister, Aya-chan." Aya said smiling a little more.

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yes, all I want is for her to be happy. And I guess I want you to be happy as well."

As Aya turned away, Omi said, "Aya?"

"Yes?" He asked turning slightly.

"You should smile more. It suits you."


A/N : Woo-Hoo! Chapter seven completed!

Omi : Wow! A. O. Your on a roll!

Nagi : Yea, you are. **looks around** Where is Schu?

A. O. : In the closet where I put him...**coughcoughcough** with Brad.

**you hear noises coming from the closet.**

Omi : Oh my...

Nagi : Oh well, let him be happy.

Aya : Do I get a person to love? Or perhaps loves me?

A.O. : How do you feel about Manx? or Birman? or Botan?

Aya : **Blank stare**

A.O. : Which one??

Aya : **mummbles something**

A.O. : What was that?

Aya : ........Botan?....

A.O. : meebe........

All : Please review!