Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Meetings by : apocalipticoblivion


After the incident at breakfast, Aya took Omi and Nagi into the park for a walk. They didn't ask nor question him when he had told them he wanted them to take a walk with him. In fact, they were utterly speechless, that is until Yohji had told them they looked like fishes waiting to be fed.

But, eventually they both agreed. When Aya offered to do or talk with someone, you really didn't want to refuse to talk to him. After all, its not everyday that the 'Ice Princess' thaws out.

"Omi, Nagi." Aya began, "I didn't tell you yesterday what Omi was because of a special reason."

"What's that Aya-kun?" Omi asked the red-haired feild leader of Weiß.

"Because it's dangerous for one to know about you. You are a particular breed Omi." Aya said motioning for them to sit next to him on the bench When they sat down on either side of him, he started again, "It's a long story, but if you're willing to listen, I will tell you it."

"Hai, Aya-kun. We'll listen." Nagi said with a small smile on his face.

"Good, because it involves you too."

"It involves Nagi?" Omi asked tilting his head to the side, as if he were confused. "Why?"

"Let me tell the story. Okay, about sometime between the 1000's and the 1400's when it all began. Note : Omi this is you in that time, you're the reincarnation of an anciet prince, and you Nagi, are the reincarnation of the prince's lover. Oh, what were their names..... Oh yes that's right, their names were Enikil and Akira. Enikil was the prince, and Akira was his lover."

A young boy, about Omi's age, only with longer hair that went to about his shoulders, ran through the long corridor that his beloved Akira was at the end of. It pained him to stay away from him for so long, but until he had his father sign the marrige license, he wasn't allowed to see him. It was tearing him apart. He loved Akira so much it hurt sometimes.

He would do anything to keep Akira safe. Akira was the only thing keeping him alive, then. Enikil was willing to give up his life if Akira asked him so. He was prepared to kill for the man he loved so despretly. But, his mother wouldn't approve of his relationship with Akira, his father did. So that was all that mattered. That is, until the time came were he had to get his mother's blessings for them to marry.

He begged her despretly for her blessings, saying that he would do anything to marry his beloved Akira. "Please mother," he had begged, "Please give us you're blessings, I'll do anything to marry him! I love Akira with all my heart and soul!"

"Is that so?" her voice chided him, it was cold and icy, he hated her for her attitude and how she treated Akira and himself.

"Yes, mother, it is. I will protect him with everything I have. I will never allow him to be harmed." Enikil said to his mother. "Please, just give us you're blessings. I love him more than you love Father!"

"Really now, then it will be done. But, here me this, I do not fully trust Akira, but if you love him so much. I will allow you to marry him..." his mother said sitting back upright into her chair.

"Mother, thank you so very much!" A smile graced his face, "May I be excused to tell Akira the good news?"

His mother only nodded her head, and called a waiter to refill her wine- glass.

Upon reaching his beloved Akira's room, he increased his speed. He threw open the doors, only to be faced with Akira bleeding very severly on the floor. Instatly he began to scream for a doctor to heal him. He despretly didn't want to loose his lover. He would perish if he did, and then so would the empire his parents had worked so hard to build. But, he didn't care for the empire, he didn't care if he was exiled for life, all he cared about was Akira, and only Akira.

"My beloved, Akira, please do not leave me! Mother gave us her blessings, we can be married!" Enikil said running after the doctors who carried Akira away on something white, Enikil couldn't quite tell. It didn't matter, he chased after the doctors, no matter how much his legs wanted to give out on him.

After a while he had made it to the emergency wing of the clinic that the doctors said was the best in town, with all of the finest doctors there to work on Akira.

There he sat, in the emergency room's waiting section. Hoping that he wouldn't loose Akira, praying that Akira's guardian angels were looking out for him. It seemed that they were, because a few hours into waitng, the doctors came out with smiles on their faces. They said that Akira would be fine, but it would take him some time to recover from the surgery.

"He's alive!" Enikil said running home to tell his father the good news. Not his mother, but his father. He loved his father, but hated his mother with a passion. She was a awful witch with red hair and terrible red eyes, he despised her.

"Aya-kun?" Omi's voice brought him out of his story.

"Yes, Omi?" Aya asked with a muffled yawn. "What is it?"

"It's getting really dark... We really need to go home now, the others should be worried about us!" Omi said standing up and stretching his sore arms from sitting down so long. When he stopped he leaned his head on Aya's shoulder trying to not fall asleep.

"I think that is a good idea, don't you Aya-kun?" Nagi asked leaning his head on Aya's shoulder copying Omi's actions.

"Hai," Aya said looking at the deserted park, "Let's go home for now. I'll tell you the rest later then."

"Okay, Aya-kun... Nagi?" Omi asked behind a yawn.

"Hai, Omittichi?"

"Too bad you can't teleport anywere.... That's be cool..."

"I have powers, but I'm not superman." Nagi said with a sleepy smile.

"You can be my superman..." Omi said leaning more into Aya, who in turn moved and grabbed the two boys by the waist and released his wings to get to the Koneko faster than he would normally get back.

Since Weiß and Schwartz were sharing the apartment now, they had to bunk up. Ken & Yohji, Omi & Nagi, Himself & Schuldig, and Crawford & Farfello. So he tucked to two sleeping boys into bed and told them good night on his way out.

"Oyasuminasai, Aya-kun...oyasuminasai, Nagi-koi...." Omi muttered softly as he drapped his arm over Nagi's waist.

"Oyasuminasai, Aya-kun.... oyasuminasai, Omi-koi...." Nagi said with a sleepy smile.

"Night boys... See you in the morning." Aya said turning off the lights and shutting the door.