Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 14p2 ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Akira walked down the hall in a daze. Enkil had just spoken to his tutor, Ran. Akira was beginning to hate that man, because he was taking what little precious time he had with Enkil away.


Akira turned and looked towards the other boy, who was running up the stairs which led into the hallway. He decided that he would answer the other boy, "Yes, my lord?"

When the sandy haired youth caught up to him, he panted out, "I told you to call me Enkil!"

But, that isn't right. My lord, you are my lord and always will be." Akira said turning around so as to not face the other boy, "Go have fun with your tutor."

"What, Tutor? Oh, you mean Ran!"

Heels clicked down the corridor, Akira bowed low to the ground awaiting Enkil's mother to show herself. Red hair flashed in front of his eyes, "You little shit, I told you not to converse with my son. I should have you hung just for that! Or even better, have you burned at the stake!"

"Don't say such things mother!" Enkil intervened moving in front of the kneeling boy, "He's my best friend, I won't have you harming him!"

"You won't allow it? How dare you say such a thing to your mother, you brat!" She hissed.

"You already gave us your blessing for marriage, We are to be married in a couple weeks, Isn't that right Akira-chan?" Enkil stated pulling up Akira's face with his hands, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!"

"I was healed once, and I now possess a dark gift for the healing." Akira said looking at the ground, "I cannot bare for you to see It, my lord and Queen."

"Really now? I would love to see it." stated the witch of a mother. "Show me this gift, "Or be put to the stake."

Akira's eyes glowed a pale blue, he rose his left hand and hten swung it back behind him. Enkil's mother swung towards the glass and fell through it, the corridor was showered with her blood and the stained glass.

"Akira?!" Enkil shouted as he ran towards the window, and looked out to see his mother's body on the ground. Her arms bent up behind her body and her femur jutting up through her knee-cap. It was an awful and bloody sight to see.


Nagi felt a breeze brush by him and he turned around to see the other Weiß and Schwartz members looking at him as if he were crazy.

"Get down from there, come back to us!" Wailed Schuldig, "Don't jump!"

"Jump?" Nagi asked confused, "What do you mean, jump?" Nagi looked around himself, and he saw what they were talking about, he was standing on the edge oif the roof, above the Koneko. He took a step back away from it, his foot caught on a wire that was attached to the edge.

Nagi fell forward, hitting his head on the very edge he was just standing on moments before.

He didn't fall of the edge, though now his head was bleeding slightly. "Nagi?!!" Omi screamed, "Someone get the first-aid kit!"

Omi rushed over to his lovers body, he picked up Nagi by his shoulders, and placed the chocolate haired boy's head into his lap. "Please, be okay! We've been to far to just end it all now, Nagi!"

Midnight colored eyes, opened to look up at Omi's. "Wha? What's wrong Omi- koi?"

"You hit your head on the edge, I thought you weren't going to make it!" Omi said with a small chuckle of disbelief. "Don't scare me like that again!"

"Why was I up there in the first place?" He asked the other assassins who were still on the roof.

"You said something about killing this 'Enkil's' mother?" Yohji answered, "Who's Enkil?"

"Me," Began Omi, "I am Enkil." He looked down at the boy in his lap, "The reincarnation of Enkil, and this is the reincarnation of Akira."

"But, if Na--Akira killed Om-Enkil's mom, then why did Aya hit on me?" Yohji asked.

"That was her spirit that possessed her, like when Lamenin took over Ken- kun." Omi replied, "Aya-kun is alright, right?"

"Yes, I am fine. Just wish that it never happened is all." Aya said walking over to Omi and Nagi and ensnaered them into a hug, "My pupils have returned to me, and they know that they are mine."

"Ran, you were my tutor?" Omi asked, "How, no wait... why didn't you tell me in the first place?"

"I was waiting for my boys to return to me." Aya said, "I never died, because your father asked me not to. Not to mention look what age has done to me." he added with a laugh. "I've turned into beautiful 'ice princess'."

"So you heard our conversations?" Schuldig asked with a gulp, "Sorry Aya....."

"No need to apologise, after all my two most wonderful boys have returned to me!"

"Why do you keep saying 'your' wonderful boys?" Nagi asked Aya, "We're not yours."

"In a sense you are. I'm the one that raised both Akira and Enkil. Your mothers didn't feel the need to raise you themselves. But, you're my precious precious boys..." Aya said smiling. "My precious boys.... Let's go inside and I'll finish telling you your story."


sorry, i would have had this a part of the other 'fourteen' but i forgot to add it in. Gomen!!