Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ mehr Licht ❯ Here comes Schwarz ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

mehr Licht!

~ Here comes Schwarz~




This is originally a third part of "The truth about Ran and Schuldig." This has the different title because this is my answer to the Glühen series. I don't care about Glühen, and I don't like Ran being a teacher. "The truth..." was projected as a 2-parts fic, but after seeing Glühen I had to write this... I just couldn't let Ran be a teacher ;). If you don't like cold-blooded Ran, don't read this fic. He is even worse here than in the TV series.


The action starts about week after the end of first series. In this part, the time action is from 1st to 10th day.


I don't know German at all, so if there are some mistakes, please correct me. I hope you will enjoy reading this.




Now that Takatori is gone... Aya-chan has awaken... There is nothing more for me to stay with Weiß any longer...


Du bist absolut recht, mein liebe.






Don't play with me, Schu!


How could I? Come to me, my love... We are not enemies anymore.


I know... - he sighed heavily.


Or maybe you don't love me anymore...?


It's not true, Schu! - he denied quickly - You should know about this! It's just...


I'll come for you then...


No, please. I will come to you by myself. Okay?


There is no need for stupid pride when it comes to me. I know your feelings, my love. Because of that, I gave you so much time...


Leave me alone. - he demanded.


Only for NOW, my love...


* *


"Irasshaimase." - Omi greeted the client. For his surprise, he saw Mastermind.


"Are you alone, kid?"


"Youji will be back in some minutes..." - he replied with hesitation. He tried to think over the situation, to considering if he has any chance if the telepath tries something...


"And the rest?"


"Umm... Why are you here? What do you want?"


"Make a bouquet for Aya-chan. Take some proper flowers to tell 'that's good to see you alive...' And make the delivery. I'll come back and pay in 2 days time, at noon. Be sure her brother will be present."


"What do you want?"


"Just do it. And be sure he won't know about this before." He left the flower shop smiling ambiguously. It should work.



"What's the matter, kid?" Asked Youji coming back from the ramen stand. Something must have happened, he was looking puzzled.


"Nothing special." He smiled to hide his uneasiness. "I had an order. Could you make a delivery?"


"Now? I am little bit hungry, you know."


"Let's have a break then..." the boy suggested. They sat behind the counter and started eating.


"For who is the arrangement?" he was curious. Maybe if it would be some sexy babe...


"For Aya-chan."


Youji almost have suffocated hearing this news.


"Aya-chan...no...tame ni...? Who? A boy?"




"Tell me... Tell me... Who is it...? Huh?"


I can't tell him that this is from an orange-haired German telepath...


"How should I know? I don't know him."


"Geez... You could at last tell me how he was looking."


"Naa, Youji... Are you jealous?"


"No way! Aya-chan is too young for me..."


Mastermind was really bold to do this. Even if he wasn't personally responsible for Aya's parents' death, he was part of Schwarz. Aya will be mad, if he knows...


* *


I am sorry, Youji. - murmured Omi to himself when instead of Alka-Seltzer he dissolved in a glass of water a drug that surely will make his friend unable to move.


"Here is your medicine, Youji."


"You are such a good boy, kid." - he drank everything and went to bed.


I hope he won't find. He was lucky that Youji went to pub today... And he was too drunk to find about this. Or he wished the playboy were...


Next morning Youji was bedridden. He couldn't even make few steps to the toilet. There was no way he could work. Ran will be mad... - it wasn't too difficult to come back to calling his ex-lover by his real name... But again, it was painful. He was remembering the happy time together...


"ASSHOLE!!" - yelled enraged Aya. He wanted to visit his little sister but he had no choice but to stay at the Koneko. He was working with Omi today. The boy was not quite himself, maybe some problems at the school or something. He didn't ask though.


Schuldig came when Omi was at the backroom making a wedding bouquet.


"Ira... Schu..."


The boy heard Aya's voice. He stopped making the arrangement and started to listen.


"Yo! I came to pay for the bouquet."


"So it was you, after all."


"Who else could it be, Ran?"


"Aya-chan asked me to thank you. And to invite you to tea if you'd have time"


Omi was too shocked to even blink. How could Aya-chan know Schuldig? And be on friends' terms with him? Flowers, tea... How could that be possible?


"I suppose you haven't told her."


"There is no need to."


"Yes. Because you would have to tell her you were killing people in her name."


"2.800 yen." He said coldly.


Aya-kun wasn't trying to kill the telepath even though he was the one who put his sister in coma. What was going on?


"Tell her I will be happy to meet her. Call me when. My number hasn't changed. Or should I say...?"


"I will tell her. I will call you. Are you satisfied?"


"Don't make such face, Ran. If you don't want to tell her..."


"I know. Now please, leave me alone."


"You become so unapproachable, Ran. Maybe it is because of your ex staying near you. Living with that playboy under one roof isn't something you were dreaming about, ne? Had he tried something...? No...? Was your scowling enough to stop him? Or did you use katana to convince him?"


Omi was flabbergasted to hear that the womaniser was also sleeping with men... Maybe not just men, but with Aya-kun... It was just too much for him. He had never thought Aya-kun could be interested in sex, even more in sex with men. The image of their leader has been completely broken down this minute. What else can Aya-kun possibly hide from them...?


"Why does it bother you? What if I was sleeping with him?"


"No, my dear. I don't believe it was possible. Anyway, give me a call. See ya."


Ran sighed. It would be difficult to deal with him for a while. And Omi. The boy most probably heard their conversation. But the worst was Schu FOR SURE knew about this...






"Come here. We have to talk." Omi knew he should obey the Weiß leader at the moment. His voice was scary. "Why haven't you told me earlier he was here?" he scowled at him.


"I was forbidden to."


"So you obeyed him? Oh my..." he wasn't angry, just a little bit disappointed. "Don't you dare to talk about this to anyone. Do you understand me, Omi?" he was suddenly really scary. The look on his face, the tone of his voice was threatening him almost to death. He hasn't seen him THAT serious for a long time.


"Yes." the boy nodded.


"And Omi, if Schuldig or anyone from Schwarz will come, tell me AT ONCE."


"I will." he promised not sure what's really going here and what would be good for the team. But at this time, he didn't want to oppose him. Not when he was in such frightening mood.


* *


"So Ran came out with his little sister." said Youji sitting on the sofa in front of TV.


"Yes." murmured Omi changing the channel. He went with Aya-chan and that telepath too... I do not understand anything. Why they are so friendly with each other? They are enemies, aren't they? Or maybe they are... But how...? Schwarz was always our enemy...


"He was happy today. Maybe he couldn't wait to see Aya-chan. His precious sister has finally woken up."


"Yeah." I don't think so, Youji. It's been over a week, they were meeting almost every day. Yes, he was happy. But because he was about to meet Schuldig...


"What's the matter, kid?" Youji was concerned.


"No, nothing really."


"Hey, you guys." greeted them Ken coming back from training. "You won't believe me. I've just seen both Ayas and that Schwarz telepath having good time together at the coffee shop."


"WHAT?! Omi..." Youji was looking suspiciously at the boy sending him chills. "Tell me... Are you sure you don't know the man who ordered the bouquet for Aya-chan?"


"Well... Oh, now I remember I saw him somewhere."




"Okay, okay... That was Mastermind."


"WHAT?!" shouted both his team-mates. Why would Schuldig buy flowers for Aya-chan and meet with Fujimiyas to drink coffee together? It just didn't make any sense. Youji said this aloud.


"It was Aya-chan who suggested the meeting." Replied Omi as this was supposed to clear anything.


"How does she know the Schwarz assassin?" asked Ken.


"I don't know. Do you have any idea, Youji?" asked Omi.


"Why are you asking me?" he asked a bit surprised.


"You knew Aya-kun before Weiß, didn't you?"


"So what?" How this brat knows about this? Ah... I remember. He came here once before, with Manx... "I've lost contact with him a year before he joined us." I was dumped...


"How did you met?" asked Ken.


"Does this really matter?" Youji didn't want to talk about his sex life. Well, he didn't mind talking about the one-night girls, but his relationship with Ran was too intimate.


"Explain to us, Yotan, why Schuldig was uncertain about you and asked Aya-kun if you weren't sleeping together." Omi was clearly mocking him. That goddamn brat, how could he meddle into his personal affairs like this?!


"Was he?" asked Ken when he regained from shock. The fact Youji liked men too wasn't very surprising... But Ran having sexual life, and moreover with another man... That was... Could he really be in sexual relationship with Schuldig...? "I feel like I haven't known Aya-kun at all... After being team-mates for 2 years..."


"Indeed, Aya-kun is a very mysterious person." Omi agreed with Ken.


Youji was silent. He wasn't prepared for such a shock... It was obvious for him that Aya-kun liked man... But with Schuldig... This guy wasn't Aya's type... Aya... And then the revelation came. Ran... There was one explanation. And he didn't like this. Ran and Schuldig must have met before the accident, that's why Aya-chan knows him. What if Ran broke down with him because he met Schuldig? He didn't want to believe this, they broke down because Ran's parents learned Ran is guy... He wanted this to be the only reason. Otherwise, it would be too painful.


"Are we going to ask him 'Aya-kun, are you fucking Schuldig?'" asked Ken. Even for a second he hadn't thought that Aya-kun might not be seme.


"I was thinking about this." said Omi "The situation should be clear..."


"I suggest to wait few more days." said Youji. "If he won't tell us anything, we will ask him. When he will be in good mood and there will be smaller chance that he will kill us for being curious about his relationships..."


* *


Omi and Youji were working at Koneko when 2 days later Crawford visited the shop. Luckily, there were no clients at that moment.


Aya-kun hasn't told them anything concerning the telepath. They agreed to wait one more day. But now the visit of the other Schwarz member... Something was definitely not right.


"Where is Ran?" it surprised them that Oracle used Fujimiya's given name, not the codename. It was very puzzling. Was it possible that Aya-kun knew Crawford too...? Did he know Schwarz before coming to Weiß...? They could only guess, the only person able to answer these questions was very silent and mysterious.


"It's not your fucking business!!" yelled at him Youji.


"He is resting upstairs." replied Omi.


"Can you show me the way to his room?" Crawford asked politely.


"What do you want from us, you fucking bastard?!"


"Sorry, Balinese. I want to talk only to Ran."


"I'll show you."


"Are you nuts?! Omi, he is Schwarz!" Youji hollered at his younger teammate. It looked like he is going to explode in a minute.


"Aya-kun asked me..." he replied calmly lowering his voice.


"Even if, I wouldn't believe this bastard."


"I do not intend to hurt Ran in any way. I just want to talk to him." Crawford started walking towards them.


"Over my dead body." Youji was really pissed off. What the hell that Oracle was thinking?!


"It can be really soon if you will let your guard down like this." Two fingers shaped like a gun were pointing at his back at the height of heart.


It was Ran's voice. He turned back, Aya was standing just behind him. How was it possible that he hasn't heard him? And Omi too, he realised looking at boy's face. How could they be so distracted? If they were on a mission, they would be fucking dead by now.


"Look at this, our boy is back." Crawford smirked.


"Watch your mouth, Brad." warned him Ran. "Are you going with me?"


Brad...? He called him Brad...? Oracle calling him Ran... And what was this 'our boy is back'...? What the hell is going on here?


"Yeah." He passed by Youji and Omi.


"Do you want something to drink or some cookies?"


"Don't trouble yourself, Ran."


"Be sure not to interrupt us." Ran ordered his teammates. They went upstairs.







"What was that?"


"Another visit of another Schwarz member...?"


"This is ridiculous, you know. Hey, what did you mean when you said 'Aya asked me?'" Youji remembered that Omi said something like this, and then he hasn't paid any attention to this.


"He wanted me to tell him at once when Schuldig or anybody from Schwarz will come."


"What is he up to? What would Schwarz want from him?" Youji was thinking aloud, hoping that by a chance an answer will appear.


"I don't know, Youji. If this would be bad he would tell us, right?" he asked with hope in his eyes.


"I am not sure, kid. The Aya we know isn't the Ran I knew. He has changed. But why? When? I don't know. And moreover I think that the Aya we used to know is gone too."




"I am sorry for this. We, no, I wouldn't have another chance. The rest of them didn't know anything. And that case was the only one when my precognition went so far into the future..."


"And now you want to give me satisfaction and help me with Kritiker."


"It's not the only reason. I want to give you a choice. Whether you are staying with Weiß, or coming back..."


"I appreciate your kindness." he smirked to state that he knows his real intentions.


"Well, I've gotta go. I have to finish my packing. Tomorrow at 5pm, I am leaving to Switzerland for 2 months. Here." He gave him business card..



"So what should we do with him?" asked Omi.


"What do you want from me?" asked Ran coming to the shop with Crawford.


Both boys were staring at him with bewilderment. Once again, they didn't hear him at all. Neither Crawford. That was scary... How could Ran surprise them so easily? But when they thought about this sometimes on the missions, such things have happened.


"Don't hesitate to call me if you have some problems." said Crawford.


"I will, I will." Ran tried to put him off. He didn't like when Brad was behaving like this - so caring and all. It wasn't like him. He went with the man to the door.


"I will call you before I came back."


"That's enough, Brad." Ran was getting annoyed.


"See ya!" he went out.


Ran wanted to come back to his room but surprisingly for him Youji stood in his way.


"Move. I want to pass." ordered Ran.


"Not unless you answer our questions."


"You are provoking me, Youji. Move. Or else I will move you with force." Ran frowned at him


"Try, Mister Overconfident." Youji wasn't scared of him.


Aya punched him in belly and tripped him. Youji was about to fall but he managed to move forward one hand and prop his body on it. He was about to stand up when Ran kicked him in the belly from above. Youji took off his hand from the floor to avoid breaking it. But even so, when he fell off on the floor he felt pain in his right hand. He thought he wasn't quick enough.


"Have you had enough?" Ran asked coldly with no emotions.


"Fucking bastard." Youji hissed angrily.


"I haven't heard you well. Are you asking for more?"


"Aya-kun, stop it. Please." Omi caught his arm. "Don't hurt him anymore. We are team-mates, aren't we?"


"I'm leaving tomorrow." replied seriously Ran.


"You don't mean..."


"I mean I am leaving Weiß, Omi."


"But Kritiker won't allow..." he knew what could be next, if Ran will be stubborn and won't come with them they will have to assassinate him. And that was...


"Let him die if he is that stupid."


"Don't worry, Omi. I won't be alone. There are people who will help me." Ran completely ignored Youji.


Don't hesitate to call me if you have some problems. Omi thought if Oracle meant problems with Kritiker. Could it be that Aya-kun was trying to get away from Weiß using Schwarz? Why they were helping him? It was a good question.


"You mean Oracle and the others?"


"Saa ne..." he smiled mysteriously and went to his room.



"Are you all right, Youji-kun?"


"I hope so." He murmured.


Omi helped him to stand up. Youji cursed Ran mentally, his hand hurt.


"Omi, can you go with me to the hospital? I think my hand can be broken."


"Of course, Youji-kun. Do you want me to help with dressing up?"


"Just put the coat on me."


Omi did so. Quickly he dress up and they went out closing the shop.




"He will pay for this!" Youji was mad with Ran. "How could he?!" He had to wear plaster for the next 6 weeks. How he will be able to anything with broken right hand? How he was supposed to eat, to dress or to do anything? And that's thanks to this fucking moody bastard.


"Youji-kun, don't worry so much. It will heal soon." Omi tried to console his friend but from Youji's unhappy face, he saw it didn't work.


"How could he be so uncaring? How could he do this to his friend?"


It's strange, but... I don't think he sees us like friends. At last, not from the day when we defeated Estet and Aya-chan woke up from coma.


"I don't want him to leave us because that will mean..." he was scared of saying this aloud. "But I think I understand what he is longing for." said Omi with sadness in his voice. Aya-kun only wanted to live happily with his sister, but while being a Weiß assassin, it was impossible. So, Aya-kun decided to risk everything...





"Youji-kun! What happened to you?!" Ken greeted them in the apartment part of Koneko.


"Ah, had some fight with Aya..." he murmured.


"That was really tough." Said Ken with some compassion in his voice.


"It was not." Omi was having hard time forcing himself not to laugh remembering that moment. "He was beaten up and not able to even defend himself, not talking about the attack."


"Shadup, kid!" Youji's pride was hurt. To be defeated such shamefully...


"What were they fighting about?" Ken was curious why Ran was so brutal on the teammate. "Was he out of balance?"


"Hard to say." Admitted Omi. "Youji demanded explanations. Oracle was here. As a guest of Aya-kun... They were talking about something at his room."




"Aya-kun wants to leave Weiß... We suppose that he is using Schwarz' help to maintain this."


"Schwarz...? But..."





* *


Youji had a nightmare. That fucking telepath was wandering in his dreams, leaving him no chance for a rest.


Oh my... He hurt you so much... - he was mocking Youji. It wasn't a big deal, Ran could make much more... - Did you thank him for his self-restraint? From your injury, I would tell he was only little annoyed. He has treated you like an importunate fly.


What can you know about him?


A lot more than you think. And much more than you will ever know. You didn't know how much a monster he is really, did you? No, you didn't know... You were too surprised... Ran is really a monster... A cold-blooded beast of prey...


You are wrong!


I am not! And your injuries are just the proof. If something is in his way, he will do everything to get rid of it. Means are not important... Only the goal...


That's why he accepted your help? You think I will believe in this bullshit of yours?


It's up to him if he tells you. Bye-bye, dumped lover.


Youji wanted to rip him off, to make him suffer no bearable pain. Schuldig laughed at him. Youji was so lamentable. He was like an old dog that can only bark but no bite.




"Anou..." Omi was knocking to Ran's room. "May I come in, Aya?"


"If you want."


Aya-kun was lying at the bed. Omi supposed he will be packing himself but there was no sign the older man will do it.


"I suppose you came for explanation, huh?"




"Are you sure you want to know?"


"Yes, I want."




"Why are you mating with Schwarz?"


"Hmm... Maybe because I am part of Schwarz..."


He said 'I AM'...


"I do not understand." He really didn't understand what was going on.


"I was killing for Takatori Reiji before that day..."


"So you really were in Schwarz..."


"No, Omi. I AM. I am the Dark Panther of Schwarz."


Dark panther...? The secretive, tricky beast of prey attacking from surprise. That beast of prey is symbol of freedom and brave.


"I am coming back to Schwarz."


"Do you hate us, Aya-kun?" asked Omi with sadness both in his eyes and voice.


"No. Don't take it personally, but there is nothing that can stop me from leaving Weiß. And Kritiker was really stupid to take the enemy's assassin into his organisation."


"But you are not enemy, Aya-kun."


"I was only interested in getting my revenge. Nothing more."




"Omi, I was forced to work with you. This wasn't my choice. And it was my own choice to work for Takatori Reiji. It was my own choice to get away from Schwarz and seek my revenge. And now I made another choice, on my own, to leave Weiß and come back to Schwarz. I love Schuldig and I want to be with him. I don't want to kill people for the rest of my life. Even if I would, I would prefer it to be my own choice. Do you understand?"


"I understand, but... I really like you, Aya-kun, and I don't like the idea of assassinating you which is very likely to be true."


"Don't think so low about me. I won't be killed."


Omi remembered his fight with Youji. Aya-kun was very confident at that time... And Youji-kun couldn't do anything to stop him. He agreed with Youji, it was another Aya than the one they knew. Like it was the Dark Panther...


"So, are you satisfied with my explanations?"


"Yes. Even if I think it's not good for you."


"Worry about yourself, Omi-kun. Well, I've gotta go now. He is waiting for me." Ran took his katana and started moving towards the door.


"Won't you take anything with you?"


"Don't need this. You may do anything you want with this." he left the room without watching back.



He made some steps just to see Schuldig waiting for him by the car.






They have started to kiss. The kiss was long, hot and deep. Finally they could express their loneliness, their longing. All their feelings were in that kiss. ' I've missed you, I was so lonely, I love you, I am so happy, I do not want to part with you anymore.' This moment was special. They haven't paid attention to anything else. Or, at last Ran. At some moment Schuldig was a bit mind absent as he felt Youji looking at them standing at the shop's door. He couldn't help but to tease the playboy a little.


You are jealous, Youji... You are jealous because I get something you were denied for years... Does it hurt? Oh, it hurts a lot... The physical pain, the psychical pain... Which is more painful...? Being beaten up by the one you love...? Or to see your beloved is in love with somebody else...?


"Schu!" Ran was annoyed and stopped their kiss.


"Yes, my dear?" he looked at him.


"I want ALL your attention focused at ME!"


"I am truly sorry, love. I was just teasing the playboy who is looking at us."


"No excuses, Schu."


Have you ever experienced this, Yotan? Ran is jealous about everything that diverts my attention from him... He will kill you for sure... just to...


"Schu! Weren't you listening to me?"


"Don't be mad with me, dear." he kissed him taking Ran's face into his hands.


"Schu... Don't bother about him. I don't want to hear anything concerning him. Do you understand?"


"I understand you are jealous."


"Yes. Now, let's go. We still have 2 hours left."





End of part 1.