Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Games and Coffee ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz is not mine. All its characters and affiliates are also not mine. Nothing involving Weiss Kreuz is mine. Sadly this is true.

Author's notes: And here is chapter three ladies and gentlemen. A very interesting chapter in my opinion. I don't know where some of this came from. My hands just started typing and the rest of me just followed along. Everyone enjoy.

Review responses - YAY!

Meandering: That's ok I'm lazy like that too. ^_^ I like KenshinxSano pairings as well, but Schuldig prefers the edgier pairing, and as he is a redheaded German with a gun I think I'll let him have his way. Thanks a bunch for reviewing.

Beysie: Brad likes denial, but with a sexy Schuldig running around I don't think he can hold out forever. Thanks for the review and enjoy the new chapter.

~telepathy~ aka communicating

/thoughts/ aka Schuldig reading someone's mind

German words:

Großmutter - grandmother

Ja - yes

Hallo - hello

Nein - no

Chapter Three:

Schuldig closed the apartment door behind him, and moved toward the elevator. Schwarz occupied the only apartment on the top floor, which gave them the privacy they needed. The Hijiama apartment complex was an upper class establishment with only two apartments on each of the seven floors, save the top. Once inside the elevator the telepath pressed the sixth floor button. The other residents got very disgruntled at Schuldig's usage of the elevator to travel between two floors, which is why he continued to do it; that and the lazy redhead didn't believe in stairs. Schuldig could hear a woman's thoughts on the next floor as she waited for the elevator. She was grumbling in her mind about the slow contraption, and how she just knew that it was that redheaded foreigner from upstairs.

There was a ding as the elevator stopped. The doors opened to reveal a young Japanese woman. Her attired suggested that she was going to work. Long dark hair was pulled neatly in a bun with only a few wisps flying free, while thin framed glasses were perched on her pert nose. A dark grey business jacket and skirt accompanied with a briefcase, clutched tight in one hand, completed the presentation. Her mind revealed she was a corporate lawyer. Schuldig gave her his patented smirk.

/I knew it!/ Schuldig's smirk grew as he read the woman's mind. He maneuvered himself out of the elevator letting his eyes wander, most obviously, over the woman's body.

/Did he just…? That little pervert! Why does he come down here anyway? He's probably trying to rip off that old lady next door. I wouldn't let him in my house no matter how cute he is./

Schuldig caught the last line of thought just as the elevator doors closed. As he walked down the hallway the telepath sent a few choice images to the young lady. Images of him holding the elevator and crushing her to the wall, as he whispered her name 'Akina'. His mouth ransacking hers as his fingers ran up her thighs, under her skirt, massaging against her underwear, delving into her moist opening. Schuldig sent Akina a mental picture of her bent over gripping the railing, while he roughly ripped off her underwear and slammed home into her.

The German laughed as her mind raced to figure out where the sudden onslaught of lust had come from. He leaned against the wall as he soaked up her confusion, anger, and unbridled lust. His mental fingers stroked her libido heightening her frustration. He could see Akina in his mind, leaning against the back of the elevator, clutching the front of her skirt right at the juncture of her thighs. Her mind was racing trying to decide if she could afford to be late to work, so that she could run back upstairs and solve her problem. Schuldig now dived into her psyche bringing up pleasing memories of a black vibrator. The woman unconsciously spread her legs ever so slightly. Schuldig could feel her desire coursing through him, and he fed it back to her in a loop. His mind caressed Akina's; fanning her need till it was like a living thing within her, demanding release.

The elevator stopped on the fourth floor. Mr. Ishiro, who's wife was on a business trip to China, entered through the doors. What no one but him knew, and unknown to him Schuldig, was that he lusted after the lawyer from the sixth floor. Akina looked up as Mr. Ishiro stepped on the elevator.

"Are you alright Miss?" asked Ishiro. The woman before him leaned heavily on the wall and her complexion was unnaturally flushed.

~Enticingly flushed,~ whispered Schuldig in the man's mind.

Schuldig gave Akina another mental push, her arousal spiking. The woman gave a stifled cry and latched onto Ishiro, and kissed him hard; her body melding against the startled man. After a moment Ishiro responded grabbing any part of Akina he could. He wasn't quite sure if this was real or another fantasy. Before long the two had stumbled out of the elevator and into Mr. Ishiro's apartment.

Schuldig slowly detangled himself from Akina's and Ishiro's minds; carefully distinguishing between his emotions and theirs. With the exception for his own raging hard on, more due to Akina's arousal coursing through him than any attraction for the woman, he was quite amused with his actions. Akina would definitely be late for work and a very important meeting, and probably lose the account she has been working on for three weeks. Ishiro, although often indulging in fantasies of the lady lawyer never intended to follow through with it, was currently cheating on his wife of four years. Causing mayhem felt good.

Schuldig laughed and took a few deep breaths willing his body to calm down. He needed to think something unarousing: that sickening sweet thing called Tot, Takatori, Takatori in a Speedo, Takatori fucking Tot. That did it. The German shuddered at the disturbing thought. Giving his head a shake to clear it, Schuldig continued down the hall to his destination, Großmutter's.

Die Großmutter lived at the end of the hall in a spacious two bedroom apartment. The second bedroom, once occupied by her son, was now a seldom used guest room. Upon reaching the door Schuldig gave it a quick rap. Soon enough the door opened to reveal a short and plump old woman. Hirota Midori came about mid chest on Schuldig and stood with a slight stoop. Salt and pepper hair was held in a bun by ornate chopsticks. Her face was fairly smooth indicating that she had never spent much time in the sun when she was young. Small hands with a strength that belied their frail appearance held the door open. Today she wore a long blue skirt and a cream blouse, but she was often known to wear a traditional kimono.

"Hallo, Großmutter."

"Ah, Schuldig come in, come in. I was just wondering if you would come see this old woman today," Midori said ushering the telepath in. "I was just about to have some tea. You go sit at the table and I will bring you some. Would you like some lunch? Of course you would. You need to eat more, you're much to skinny. Do they feed you upstairs?"

"Not as good as you do, Großmutter," answered Schuldig as he was lightly pushed into a chair at the table.

"I didn't think so," continued Midori while patting Schuldig on the head. "Growing boy like you needs lots of food. Now let's see what I can whip up. I believe there are still some of those Vienna sausages you like in the fridge. I'll just put them in a pan, and course there is plenty of rice, but you're tired of rice aren't you dear. How about carrots? I have a can of those. Yes, carrots are good for you and green beans too. Oh! And don't you know I bought a German cookbook the other day; you will have to pick out some things you like. I think there is a bit of cake left too. Would you like that honey?" asked 'Grandmother' looking over the door of the fridge.

"All of the above sounds good," replied a smiling Schuldig. Midori chuckled as she pulled things out of the fridge.

"It's good to see a boy with a good appetite. Too many people today obsessed with those flashy diets. It's all rubbish if you ask me. They can't possibly be healthy for you, if you ask me. You need meat on your bones if you want to live a long life. Just look at me. A lesson you could learn from," she stated, and emphasized her point by poking the German in the ribs as she walked by.

"Ja, Großmutter," Schuldig laughed.

"Here you drink your tea while I fix lunch," said the old woman while placing a steaming cup in front of the telepath.

"What no beer?" Schuldig asked mischievously, and receiving a thump on the head in return.

"That stuff will rot your stomach. Tea is good for you. Now where did I put that frying pan?"

"It's in the bottom cabinet Großmutter."

"Ah, so it is. You're like my extra memory Schuldig; always knowing what I forget. Such a good boy."

Schuldig laughed to himself and sipped his tea. Midori continued fixing lunch and babbling about this and that. The woman could go on talking for ever. The noise was comforting. It helped to ground him and keep his mind in one place. She also tended to say what ever was on her mind, thus the telepath didn't bother reading her mind very often. Schuldig was extremely happy that Midori had taken his mental suggestion to take up German cooking. He picked up the new cookbook and flipped through the contents, he doggy-eared a page hear and there.

Großmutter had been an interesting find for Schuldig. It hadn't taken much work on his part to have Midori doting on him. She was a caring person, and naturally wanted someone to take care of. She wanted to feel needed, and with her son so far away, she just didn't feel useful. It was a situation that the Schwarz assassin intended to take full advantage of. All Schuldig had to do was convince her mind, that he was the person she wanted to take care of. After about a week of familiarity her own mothering instincts had kicked in, and Schuldig didn't have to manipulate her mind at all, unless she asked unwanted questions.

The telepath wasn't as flaky, as Crawford liked to accuse, all the time; he knew his job. Großmutter knew that he worked for the politician Takatori. Any idiot could know that with how much time Schwarz spent at Takatori's office, not to mention the public addresses made by Takatori with Schwarz in the background. Of course that was all the old woman knew, and the telepath made sure she didn't feel the need to pry for anymore information. Of course if worse came to worse, Schuldig could always make her forget she ever knew him.

"Here you go," Midori said as she put several plates in front of the redhead: one plate full of sausages, a second with vegetables, and a third with a big piece of chocolate cake. "Eat up and don't you leave one bite. We need to put some meat on those bones."

"Are you trying to turn me into a sumo wrestler, Großmutter?"

"Well you won't see them starving to death, and they don't waste good food."

"That's because they don't ever leave the table," laughed Schuldig between bites.

"True," chuckled Midori, "but girls like sumo wrestlers."

"If they are famous and win, not because of their weight," he countered, "besides I think I'm quite handsome as is." He gave his hair a toss to emphasize his point.

"Yes, yes you'd be quite a catch."

"Exactly," said Schuldig triumphantly.

"If you fatten up a bit," Midori said laughing at the redhead's sulking expression. "So when are you going to bring a nice girl over for me to meet," she said with a conniving gleam in her eyes. "There is a young lady who lives next door to me. A lawyer I believe." Schuldig couldn't help but snicker just a bit.

"Nein, I don't think so Großmutter. I think she might be too high maintenance for me," said the German then taking another bite of sausage.

"Well I suppose you might prefer a tall American anyway," was the nonchalant reply. Schuldig promptly choked on his food, and sat there pounding himself on the chest.

"Wh…what?!" he stuttered, "I don't know what you're referring to."

"Come now, I may be old, but I'm not blind. And I don't mind one bit if you prefer men."


"Well I don't. I'm in with these new times. What is it they say…? I'm hip to it, man."

Schuldig was beginning to think he should keep a closer eye on what goes through the old woman's thoughts. He wasn't often surprised by what came out of people's mouths, but this was definitely one of those rare times. Maybe what Crawford said about her being senile wasn't entirely untrue. At the moment he wasn't sure what shocked him more: her attempt at modern lingo, that she wouldn't mind if he were gay, or that she thought he was interested in Crawford. The anal retentive, 'I'm a precog now do what I say', Crawford. Sure he was good looking, hell he could be down right sexy, especially when he got that menacing glint in his eyes, but he was Crawford. Crawford was the person always telling him to shut up and definitely under appreciated him.

"Nein Großmutter, I think you're hallucinating."

"Say what you like, but I've been around a long time boy, and I know these things," replied Midori with a nod. "I've seen the way you act when he comes down here to get you. You positively light up, and almost immediately you are touching him in some way. You gravitate to where ever he is in the room. That time I got him to stay for tea; you were beside him the whole evening."

"I paw at everyone. I'm a friendly person," huffed an irritated Schuldig.

"You're not as affectionate with the small one. What's his name? Oh yes, Nagi. You joke and pick at him, but it's not the same. You lack a certain warmth when the American isn't around."

"There is nothing of the sort," the telepath snapped. Schuldig was ready to just wipe these thoughts from the woman's mind, so he wouldn't have to hear this foolishness anymore.

"You can fool yourself all you want, but you can't fool me. There is something cold inside you Schuldig, something I can't melt. I see it in your eyes. It's there even when you smile. Your smiles don't ever reach your eyes, but when you smile at him they do seem brighter," she paused to reach over and grab the German's hand. His face was set in stone and his eyes wild. He did not like this conversation at all. "I think Brad Crawford could be good for you."

"You don't know what you're talking about old woman."

"Don't old woman me, besides I think he's rather fond of you too," she said with a smirk. The telepath couldn't quite stamp out his renewed interest in the conversation.

"Brad isn't fond of anyone. He's a cold, calculating, and thoroughly selfish man, which by the why I don't like in the slightest," Schuldig stressed and gave into pointing his finger in emphasis.

"Look who's talking," chuckled Midori, "you my dear are spoiled rotten. And don't think I can't see that conniving streak you have. You were sure to have been a fox in a past life. You both deserve each other."

"I wouldn't know what to do with him," sighed Schuldig in frustration.

"Don't tell me I have to have that discussion with you!"

"Großmutter!"Schuldig feigned being scandalized.

"Well at least that got you back in good humor. At least admit he's attractive. Hell if I was 60 years younger I would be all over him. You'd see your 'Großmutter' bopping around in her little black dress, yes surrey!" Midori sat pretending to primp, and Schuldig couldn't help the laughter that followed.

"Ja, ja Brad is attractive."

"Brad is it. On familiar terms are we."

"Now don't get any ideas, I've worked with him a long time that's all."

"And you wouldn't mind spending time in the dark with him hmm?"

"Großmutter…" Schuldig released another suffering sigh and then gave a sly smile, "well I can't say it would be a terrible experience."

"Trust me boy, this old woman knows things. It may take some time for that stubborn man upstairs to crack, but if you just chip away a little here and there, I think you will find I'm right."

"I'm sure I'll just find an anal retentive bastard."

"Watch your language," Midori replied with an echoing thump.

"Ouch!" Schuldig yelped rubbing the top of his head.

"You shouldn't be mean to me; I could be in the middle of a heart breaking romance and not even know it," sniffed the telepath pitifully.

"Oh hush up and drink you tea, its good for you."

"Yes ma'am."

"And Brad?" inquired Midori.

"What about him?" said Schuldig in a bored tone.

"What are you going to do about him?" came the exasperated response.

"What else can I do with a block of ice, but chip at it," the redhead said with a delightful smirk.

Schuldig left the apartment shutting the door behind him. He leaned against the door with his hand still on the knob. His other hand ran through his untamable hair. Long pale fingers untangled the strands as they glided through the reddish-orange mane. Brad had projected his thoughts out to the telepath stating they would leave for Takatori's in an hour, and as Schuldig could very well take that long to get ready, Crawford had told him to get back upstairs. More like ordered with threat of pain should the redhead make them late. Schuldig stared down the hall to see a disheveled Akina sneaking back into her apartment. She looked up to see him standing there, and blushed furiously before quickly shuffling through the door. He didn't feel like messing with her mind anymore today. He had a much better victim to play with, or should he say tie up possibly to a bed or coffee table, which ever came first.

Well that is all for this chapter. What do you think? I've got a lot of ideas for this story. As always reviews are welcome and appreciated. See ya next time.
