Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Games and Coffee ❯ chapter six ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz is not mine. All its characters and affiliates are also not mine. Nothing involving Weiss Kreuz is mine. Sadly this is true.
Author's notes: SORRY SORRY SORRY. I'm very sorry this is so late. Life got in the way. My class work load just exploded after I last posted. It was insane. I wrote so many papers last semester that come summer I was still burnt out. I finally feel like I can look at my computer and not have a panic attack. I got some new ideas for this story, so hopefully I will keep it together this semester. *Sigh* So much work to do and so little time. I'm trying to get myself more organized, so I have more time for things like this story, but I am like the most unorganized person in the world. Hahaha the cause is hopeless. Anyway I hope everyone likes this chapter. It's a little lighter than the last one. Großmutter returns, so everyone that has been requesting more of her, this chapter is for you.
Review Responses: Thanks to everyone and I'm SORRY!!!!
Beysie - I would have enjoyed a lemon too, but a certain Brad Crawford wouldn't let that future play out. *Sigh* Maybe next time.
Megami Layla - Well Happy Very Belated Brithday. Your Evil Plot Farfie has an interesting idea. I will keep it in mind. As for interesting and creative, maybe not so much this chapter, but soon. My creative brain has begun to work again.
Meandering - *Hiding behind pillow* Here's the new chapter. It's only a little late…OK a lot late. Don't hurt me! I'll be a good author. I promise.
Ruki - Ok I looked it up in a German Dictionary and it said that Oma - Grandma and Großmutter - Grandmother. Maybe the literal translation is not what the word is used for. I don't speak German so I am relying on dictionaries and online translators. Do you speak German? If so I'd appreciate if you could explain the use of these terms. Until I get more feedback I will go with what I've got.
KD Sarge - Ask and you shall receive. Well at least in your case since you just asked a few days ago ^_^
~telepathy~ aka communicating
/thoughts/ aka Schuldig reading someone's mind
German Words:
Großmutter- Grandmother
Ja - Yes
Nein - No
Verdammt - Damn it
Chapter six:
“I said chip at the ice block, not go at it with a sledge hammer!”
“Ja, I know Großmutter, but I was kind of drunk at the time.”
“Drunk! Boy, what did I tell you about that stuff? It will rot your stomach and it muddles the brains, although, I'm not sure you have any now,” huffed Hirota Midori.
“Hey!” protested an indignant Schuldig, “he responded didn't he?”
“And left you flat on you behind!”
“Well… he's just a surly bastard with a stick up his…”
Language! And get your sticky little fingers out of that bowl. There won't be any muffins if you eat all the batter,” scolded `Grandmother'. “Shoo, out of the kitchen with you. Go sit at the table.”
Under threat of wooden spoon, Schuldig retreated to the dinning area which was separated from the kitchen by a stretch of counter. After rising late in the afternoon, the telepath had gone to visit die Großmutter for a late breakfast. The old woman had been more than happy to feed her scrawny visitor. She had a notion that day to fix blueberry muffins; a product of her growing collection of foreign cookbooks. While defending the uncooked muffin mix from a pilfering German, she inquired about the `crack the ice block' project. Schuldig had sniffed and grumbled something in German, before he related the events of last night. Midori had blushed at the more intense moments, as Schuldig never did possess a sense of modesty, and then chuckled at the redhead's indignant disbelief at Brad's refusal.
“How could he have said no? I was there all hot and waiting, and I looked good, Großmutter, I looked damn good. Of course I always look good, but I looked especially good. And one moment he's there and then, verdammt, I'm on the floor,” griped Schuldig from his seat at the table.
“You moved to fast.”
“To fast! He wanted me. I know he did,” insisted Schuldig striking at the table, “and I was certainly in the mood.”
“It's not all about sex dear,” said Midori. With the muffins now in the oven, the plump woman took a seat beside the telepath.
“What else is there,” scoffed Schuldig moving to rest his chin in the palm of his right hand.
“Boy, I have half a mind to smack you upside that unruly head of yours!” snapped Midori. “You can't go through your life just looking for the next one night stand.”
“Worked so far,” protested Schuldig.
“What about compassion, respect, and dare I even mention it, love,” she said half expecting the snort that followed.
“Brad doesn't love anything, except maybe money. He spends more time picking out suits than with me,” was the gruff reply.
“And I'm sure you really make an effort,” said Midori sarcastically.
“What's that suppose to mean?”
Schuldig do you love anyone? Better yet, do you let anyone love you?”
“There is more than lust between you and the American, Schuldig. You just have to admit it to yourselves,” Midori sighed as Schuldig traced invisible patterns on the table top with his index finger.
“Are the muffins ready yet?” he asked not looking up.
Schuldig,” Midori said with an antagonizing tone.
“What?” the German snapped at the older woman.
“Don't change the subject,” she nagged in a mimic of Schuldig's tone, “or are you afraid I'm right.”
“I'm not afraid,” Schuldig quickly challenged, “The notion is just ridiculous is all. Brad would never love me back!”
“So you do love him,” Midori smiled triumphantly.
“I didn't say that!”
“You said he would never love you back, thus you imply that you love him.”
“But, but I didn't mean…”
“See I'm right. Now you just have to convince mister ice block of that.”
“Now see here…”
“Oh! I better check the muffins,” Midori said rising from her chair.
“Now Schuldig, what is so hard about this. You already admitted the other day to liking the American,” `Grandmother' reminded. You've known him for years, yes? This isn't just a hit and run. I've already said that you two go well together.”
“I'm not looking for some sappy `till death do us part' romance. Sure I'll admit I'd like to fu…”
“Don't you say it,” Midori warned, wooden spoon in hand. Schuldig gave a fake cough and held up his hands warding off the pending attack.
“Sure I'd like to sleep with him, but I don't know about a relationship,” he continued.
“And what pray tell is wrong with a steady relationship?” she pressed, once more brandishing the spoon. “I was married for forty years, and never once did I stray, neither was I tempted. A significant other is a good thing to have: they support you, make you feel better, and care about your well being. Plus they can be lots of fun.”
“We are talking about Brad here,” Schuldig said sullenly, “he is anti-fun, and I don't think he would care if I fell off the face of the Earth.”
“I bet that isn't true,” Midori said gently coming back to the table. She carried with her a tray of fresh muffins.
“No, he really can be the most boring person alive!” Schuldig emphasized while ogling the tray. He wiggled his fingers and reached for an oversized muffin only to be batted away.
“Let them cool a minute. Really you have no patience,” the old woman chuckled at Schuldig's pout. “And I meant Crawford not caring about you. I'm sure he cares more than he lets on.”
“I wouldn't bet on it,” the redhead grumbled and laid his head on the table.
“What makes you think he doesn't care?”
“Well he…um…he ignores me!”
“Schuldig,” Midori laughed, “with as much attention as you require, I'm sure it seems everyone ignores you.”
“You don't.”
“Well thank you,” she said with a nod, but I don't have much else pressing for my attention. I bet your Brad is a very busy man. Didn't you tell me he took care of most of the business affairs?”
“I suppose so, but he bosses me around all the time. Sometimes I wonder if he thinks I'm incapable of thinking,” Schuldig argued.
“Well perhaps he's worried about you, and feels he knows the situation better. Maybe he is trying to protect you.”
As far fetched at Midori's statement sounded, Schuldig did have to give it some credit. After all, Brad was the Oracle. The clairvoyant would know the situation better than Schuldig, as he would usually already know what would occur. More often than not, Brad would maneuver people to play out his own version of the future. Brad was the most powerful precog alive, and Schuldig respected that power. The telepath may be called Mastermind, but Crawford was the brains of the operation.
“I can take care of myself. He just wants to control everything,” Schuldig protested.
“I'm sure you can dear,” Midori soothed while scooping muffins out of the tray.
“I can!” whined Schuldig.
“Did I say you couldn't?”
“Although it wouldn't hurt if you put on a few pounds. Here eat some muffins.” Schuldig glared but didn't complain as he shoved half a muffin in his mouth. “Look Schuldig, all I'm trying to say is, don't count out that Brad Crawford may care about you. Start paying attention to people outside yourself. No, close your mouth and let me finish, and don't talk with your mouth full. You're a very observant person in some ways. I don't know exactly how to describe it, but you just seem aware of everything and everyone around you. You get this look sometimes like you know everyone's darkest secret. But at the same time you miss the little things. Am I making sense?”
Nein and I think you are off your rocker,” Schuldig mumbled around a bite of muffin.
“Well I'll put it simply. Schuldig, though a dear you may be, you are a self-centered creature.”
“And here I thought you were actually going to insult me,” laughed the redhead. “Hey, bring those back!” Schuldig reached in vain for the plate of muffins Midori held just out of his grasp.
“You can have the muffins after you listen to me,” Midori said placing the muffins at the end of the table. “Now what I'm trying to explain to you is that, you pay attention to what you want to, usually things that involve or revolve around you. I want you to stop thinking about yourself so much, for a day or two, and actually watch Brad. Pay attention to all the little things he does. I think you will find he notices you more than you think.”
“Fine, whatever, I'll watch Brad. At least the view is good, but I'll tell you now it's a waste of time. Can I have the muffins now?” Schuldig pleaded.
“Just humor me. Now eat up. My second goal, other than matchmaking, is to fatten you up.”
“Planning to cook me Großmutter?” snickered Schuldig as he reached for another of the fluffy confections.
“No,” laughed Midori, “just trying to give Brad some love handles to hold on to when he finally nails you into the mattress.”
End Chapter
Well that's all for this chapter. I know it's not very long, but I thought this was a good place to end it. I will try and get the next chapter out sooner. As always reviews are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for reading.