Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Games and Coffee ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz is not mine. All its characters and affiliates are also not mine.Nothing involving Weiss Kreuz is mine.Sadly this is true.

Author’s Notes: Sorry for the delay, I’ve been in exile at my parents’ house while I figured out what to do with my life, which is delay it and go back to school for another degree. I’m so broke, stupid tuition.

Touching base with the anime in this chapter by incorporating a few scenes and dialogue from the anime; in this case episode 12 dubbed by Sakura Anime Productions. From now on and until we reach the end, the story will be touching base with the anime every now and then.

Personal Note: I hate to quote so heavily, and will probably avoid it in the future, but my alternative track for this chapter didn’t get Shu’s mindset across as well without the dialogue from the anime. It paces better this way, even though I hate getting sucked into this dialogue prop.

PN2: I’m not even sure I like this chapter, but as long as it’s been, I’m going to suck it up and post. This is only a temporary lull. The next one will be better.

Review Responses: Aww I love you guys, even though you are probably sticking pins into little Solaras dolls by now.

darkephoenix – You should have threatened me last time. Anyway at long last, I have returned.

*wipes tears* - Yes, yes I know. But bad things must happen for the sake of plot.

Cierzo – I loved chapter eleven to pieces, so I’m glad you did too. This chapter lets me down a bit, but it’s leading to something that I’m sure is going to be good. I just have to get there.

KD Sarge – Guess what, I LIVE!!! Seriously send the plot bunnies, maybe I’ll actually get to work.

~telepathy~ aka communicating as in intentionally projecting
/thoughts/ aka Schuldig reading someone’s mind as in not intentionally projecting
(Schuldig is eavesdropping)

German Words:

Großmutter – Grandmother
Kätzchen - kitten

Chapter Twelve:

Why couldn’t Crawford just come out and say it? What was so hard about saying something like, ‘Schuldig, don’t go there on this day, or you will suffer a horrible fate?’ But no, it was always something like, ‘Schuldig, watch out for the letter P,’ ‘Schuldig, be wary of left turns,’ or ‘Schuldig, you shouldn’t do that.’ The man couldn’t just say, ‘Schuldig don’t lean back in your chair, Farfarello is about to slam a knife in front of you,’ or more importantly, ‘Schuldig, Takatori is going to hurt you by flaying you alive, and I have to let him because I’m an anal-retentive bastard.’ Instead Brad Crawford chose to say cryptic messages like, ‘Takatori is going to hurt you, and I have to let him.’

“What the hell is going on in his head?” Schuldig asked himself for the millionth time, as he drove aimlessly around Tokyo in his red sports car. After his tussle with Brad the night before, the telepath decided to be scarce for awhile. He may trust Brad, but that doesn’t mean he trusts him.

“Bastard, can’t let anyone else in on the joke. Never know what’s going on till it’s happened.” If there was one thing Brad could be trusted to do, it was too looked after his plan of the future. Said plan had always been the plan for all of Schwarz; hence, Brad would look out for Schwarz, but what was beyond that? What did Brad plan after the fall of Estet?

“What does he want?!” Schuldig yelled in his frustration.

/What’s wrong with that guy?/ Schuldig caught the stray thought from the man in the vehicle next to him, and glared in the balding Japanese man’s direction. He wanted to crush the little insect’s mind out of existence, but didn’t want to risk scratching the paint on his car in an accident. Road rage kills, but more importantly causes nice red cars to become not so nice hunks of expensive junk.

Schuldig sighed. He hated Japan with all its little Japanese people, jam-packed Japanese buildings, congested Japanese streets, strange Japanese food, and stupid Japanese thoughts. What he wouldn’t give for a good German beer in a good German pub; hell he’d settle for Europe, perhaps a trip to Amsterdam and a few days spent in a good “coffee” house. He could smoke until the voices faded into the background and just drift; exactly the kind of thing Crawford would yell at him for.

“Stupid Brad, stupid Großmutter, stupid Japan,” grumbled Schuldig, “I should just go get really drunk, find a willing fuck, and just forget the whole Brad thing. Leave him to play his future hopscotch and go paint the town with Farfarello, maybe fuck Farfarello while I’m at it. Bet that’d be a kinky party. I should…/Dinner with Oka and her parents/…” Schuldig paused in his tirade upon catching a stray thought from a familiar mind. “Well what do we have here? The littlest kätzchen is out to play delivery boy.” Schuldig hit the gas in order to pull closer to the pink motorbike ahead of him, “and with the boss’s daughter no less. Just what I need, new toys, and Brad even said I could have them.”

Schuldig’s bad mood instantly lifted at the prospect of playing with Bombay and his screwed up family, the head of which Schuldig disliked immensely. Crawford had ordered Schuldig to leave Takatori’s mind alone, for now, but had said nothing about the offspring. Little Omi and Oka’s budding incestuous relationship was just too good to pass up. Schuldig thought of all the trouble and angst he could stir up and shuddered with devious delight. The Takatori clan was a meddling telepath’s wet dream, and here the two most naïve of the lot were, just begging to be manipulated. The stage had been set, and all Schuldig needed to do was feed the players a few lines. He didn’t even have to lie to them! The truth itself would create so much heart wrenching agony that Schuldig would be riding the equivalent of a mental orgasm for days; of course, there’s no fun in just telling the truth. The game would be so much sweeter with a few more plot twists; it would be just like honey: smoke and confuse the bees and reap the rewards.

Schuldig followed the young couple to their destination, and then drove on around the corner. He tracked their minds as they entered the building, listening to their conversation, invading their thoughts: Omi with his dark and guilty secret prowling the depths of his mind coupled with innocent affection, and Oka with her craving for attention and unpolluted devotion. Schuldig slithered silently through their pretty thoughts. Gently he brushed against an image, or ever so lightly cradled an idea as if he moved though a china shop. Carefully he sifted through the two lovely youthful minds looking for what would hurt the most. What fears and doubts hid beneath the sugary exterior: loneliness, abandonment, shame; for soon, oh so soon, Schuldig would rend their world asunder. He would take all that they loved and twist it into something vile. He would turn pretty little thoughts into great raging rivers of pain, and Schuldig would drink it all in like the finest wine or the best German beer.

Eager to let his game begin and let the drama unfold, Schuldig left his car and walked to a tree across the street from where Bombay parked. A good game of mental chess with disposable pawns was exactly what Schuldig needed to relieve all the stress he’d acquired from his not-so-fun-after-all game with Brad. Schuldig watched as his first little playmate came out of the building and onto the playing field.

“I can’t win. Oka’s so pushy,” mumbled Omi to himself.

“Isn’t she,” replied Schuldig to Omi’s startled puzzlement.

“Who is it?” Omi queried to the seemingly empty road.

“Me,” Schuldig said as he slid around the tree trunk, enjoying the wary edge in the boy’s mind.

“You are?!”

“It’s good to be young,” Schuldig sighed with a fake longing. His eyes rolled skyward in a wistful motion, closed them briefly, and then opened them to pin his prey with a piercing stare that walked a fine line between knowing and lecherous. “But killing two of your older brothers,” he continued mockingly, “and then going on a date with Oka is pretty carefree. You’ve fallen in love with Oka, haven’t you?” Schuldig smirked as the boy’s thoughts surged. Plans were formed and discarded, the cool calm of a trained assassin giving way to a building anger, and all through his mind the answer echoed. “Inside you’ve nodded yes.” Schuldig could feel Omi’s thoughts begin to fracture, but it wasn’t enough. He needed the kid off balance. Doubt was good, but self-loathing tasted so much sweeter. The keystone to Omi’s mind was simple; one word that lay beneath every thought. “You branded Masafumi and Hirofumi as evil and killed them both, but what about you? You’re one of the Weiss. You’re a sibling killing murderer.”

/I’m a murderer?/ The dam was breaking. Schuldig could see it, feel it, taste it. Omi’s self incrimination threatened to swamp him, and Schuldig pushed him harder towards the edge.

“That’s right, or how else could you kill your blood brothers and commit murder after murder for Weiss? Look, the murderer in you is out for blood,” Schuldig jeered and pointed as Omi’s anger got the best of him. He grinned manically, as with a flick of the wrist Omi brandished a throwing dart in his direction. “What would Oka think if I told her you are a part of the assassination group Weiss?”

“Stop messing around!”

“He’s angry, he’s angry,” Schuldig laughed as Omi raised the dart in a clear threat, “How frightening. I’d better retreat for now,” Schuldig said as he jumped up into the tree. He gripped a low hanging branch and pulled himself into a seated position, all the while forcing the boy’s mind not to notice him, which gave the impression that he’d vanished into thin air. ~The game’s just started. Look forward to the continuation.~ Schuldig’s parting words echoing in Omi’s mind served to unnerve the boy even further.

“If Oka found out. If she found out. Shit!”

The telepath watched as Omi hurled the dart at the tree trunk beneath him. The little assassin’s mind swirled in a whirlpool of self-doubt, loathing, and anger. Confusion and worry ran back and forth in Omi’s mind with Oka at one pole and Weiss at the other. As Omi drove off on his disturbingly pink motorized cart, Schuldig leaned his slender frame against the tree and soaked it all in, and it was just what Schuldig needed. With so many juicy thoughts filling up his mind, so much tangy rage and passion, so much sweet anger and confusion; how could he possibly have room to think of one anal-retentive bastard? And the very best part of all was that the game had only begun.


Endnotes: This was going to be longer, but since I have a rhythm of short chapters which emphasize one or two scenes, I decided to divide this up. So as you may guess chapter 13 will also involve the goings on of ep. 12 of the anime. I won’t quote dialogue quite so heavily in the future, but I wanted to set up Schuldig’s mindset for his new found game. We all know what happened in the anime, so I don’t want quote it back to you to much; maybe just a line here and there to spark the memory. The end of 12 may get quoted a bit (I’m hoping not) as a scene pacer, but it’s more of what’s happening with Shu and Farf in that scene than what everyone is saying. But that’s for next time, so you’ll just have to come back and see.
