Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Seduction ❯ The Two Meddlers ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thanks so much: Enna Namo (I'm sorry this chapter took so long to get up. *sweatdrops* Thanks so much for reviewing, though. ^__^), Jade Green (Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the last chapter. ^__^), Talon Sage, Angel~Rinoa (Gomen! I will be updating this ficcie faster.), Mgscifi (I love possessive Aya's. ^__^ But I also like possessive Ken's too. ^_~), voidsenshi (Here's the next part. ^__^), Topaz Kat (I'm sorry about the wait. ^^;;)

Note: I'm really, really sorry about the looooong wait. I will be updating this ficcie a lot faster from now on, I promise. ^__^


Disclaimer: Not mine. . . anyone want to give them to me?
Warnings: Yaoi, Masturbation, Kinkiness, Foursome (?), Lemon
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ken x Aya, Yoji x Omi
Feedback: Yes, please!
Archive: Sure, if you want it. Just e-mail me: rain@silent-desire.com
- http://www.silent-desire.com/


Missi on Seduction: The Two Meddlers. . .

Phase two of Yoji's plan, or 'Mission Seduction' - as Yoji had taken to calling it - involved the two of them taking Omi and Aya on the side, where they would find out what they meant to their partners. Ken had told Yoji that this should've been their first plan, rather than pretend that the two of them were a couple. But Yoji just shrugged it off, saying, "Where would the fun be without a little challenge?" Ken had snorted, thinking it was enough of a challenge to get Aya to even look at him.

When Aya had returned from his walk the other day, he had said nothing to any of the other Weiß members. Ken was disappointed, and disturbed by Aya's silence. The red-haired assassin had been more quiet than usual; not even Omi could bring a, "Hn" from their partner.

Ken sighed as he waited for Omi to return from school. He was sitting behind the cash register with his hands cupping his face, daydreaming about Aya and their tub full of whipped cream.

It would take a miracle for something like that to happen.

The door to the flower shop opened, bringing Ken to attention. Omi walked inside, smiling as he placed his helmet on the counter.

"Konnichiwa, Ken-kun," Omi greeted.

"Konnichiwa," Ken answered as he ran a hand through his dark hair.

"Where is Yoji-kun and Aya-kun?" Omi looked around the flower shop, confused. He had been certain that all four of them would be on shift that afternoon.

"I don't know," said Ken, "I haven't seen them since this morning at breakfast."

Omi frowned and asked, "You've been here all day by yourself?"

"Yeah." Ken stepped out from behind the counter and looked at Omi. He didn't know how to go about his 'questioning'. Judging from Omi's reaction to Yoji the other morning, Ken was certain that Omi had feelings for Yoji.

"Ne, Omi?" Ken began tentatively.

Omi slipped on his apron and managed a "Hm?" as he tied the strings in the back.

"What do you think of Yoji?" Ken asked.

Omi looked at him, surprised. Then a very obvious blush colored his golden cheeks.

"W-Why do you ask that?"

Ken shrugged, "Just curious, I guess." Ken looked out of the flower shop windows, thoughtfully.

What could he say? How could he tell Omi that his relationship with Yoji wasn't real? Yoji had told him it'd be ok if he said they were joking about it.

"I-I'm not going to try and take him from you, Ken-kun," came Omi's unexpected answer.

Ken could feel his eyes widen as he stared at Omi. "No, no. That's not it," said Ken, "My re-relationship with Yoji isn't more than just friendship." Ken stared at the tiled floor, finding a particular dirty spot interesting. "We were just kidding about our relationship the other day." Ken could feel his face flush at what he was about to say. He didn't know why he was going to tell Omi this, but it was the only way of letting Omi know that he and Yoji weren't together. "We did it to try and make Aya jealous," he mumbled. "Yoji found out that I had a crush on Aya, and he wanted to help me get together with him."

Omi's blue eyes widened in shock, and he said, "Honto ni?"

Ken nodded, feeling his face flush even further.

"Masaka, are you sure that it was a good idea to listen to Yoji-kun?" Omi asked. "Aya-kun looked very angry the other day."

Ken felt himself wilt like a flower. "I know," he growled, clenching his hands into fists. "Yoji screwed everything up."

"Maybe you should just tell Aya how you feel," Omi suggested as he took a step towards Ken and placed his hand on his shoulder. "I have a feeling Aya feels the same way about you."

Ken looked up sharply, his emerald-green eyes blazing, "Honto?"

"Honto." Omi smiled.

Ken took in a deep breath and relaxed. Although he couldn't bring himself to tell Aya how he felt, hearing Omi's words managed to lighten his hope a little.

"Can I ask you something, Omi?" Ken asked after a moment.

"Hai," said Omi in a cheerful tone.

"Do you like Yoji?"

There was a long period of silence as Ken watched Omi play with the collar of his shirt, nervously. Then Omi looked up and said, "Hai, I like Yoji-kun, but it's hard to get him to notice me." Omi sighed and headed towards the sink, where he reached into one of the cupboards and pulled out a watering pot. "He is always busy chasing after women. And what I want from him, he couldn't possibly give me," Omi added softly.

Ken walked up to Omi and said, "That's where you're wrong."

Omi looked up hopefully, saying, "Nani?"

Ken smiled.


Yoji lit a cigarette as he waited for Aya to leave the hospital. He had been standing outside for almost three hours now, and if it weren't for the fact that Ken would kill him if he left without speaking to Aya, he would have left a long time ago.

Cars rolled by as Yoji smoked his cigarette. As long as Aya didn't kill him upon first sight, Yoji had a strategy planned out and ready. He wasn't sure if Ken or Omi had noticed it, but Aya had been sending him death glares ever since the other morning. A part of him was surprised that he hadn't dropped dead yet. Aya's glares were murderous.

Stealing a look at his watch, Yoji wondered how things were going with Omi. It was a blow to his ego, asking Ken for help. But he knew the only way he'd receive Omi's trust was through Ken; perhaps even Aya, but he couldn't even imagine Aya playing matchmaker. It would have been funny, though.

Footsteps were heard coming down the sidewalk. After following Aya to the hospital, Yoji knew that he had parked on the street. He peered around the white wall he was leaning against, and thanked whatever deity was responsible for gracing him with Aya's presence.

The redhead looked depressed and tired as he approached Yoji, but when his violet eyes settled on him, the icy glare turned on, full effect.

"I was waiting for you," Yoji said, stating the obvious.

Aya just stared at him coldly, still feeling angry about the way he was treating Ken. How could Ken put up with that? He didn't think he could make a better boyfriend, but he knew Yoji wasn't the man for Ken. A child-like side to Aya hoped that he could be the man for Ken, while the realistic side knew he could offer Ken nothing. Why would Ken want him, anyway? He would be worst than Yoji.

"I need to talk to you," Yoji said, "it's important."

Aya glared at the tall blond, un-intimidated by his height. He crossed his arms over his chest, in an "I'm waiting" gesture.

"I know how you feel about Ken," Yoji stated. He had decided to be blunt and straightforward with Aya, since the redhead could sense when someone was beating around the bush.

Aya stiffened at Yoji's words.

"I know you want him. Maybe you even love him." Yoji stepped up to Aya so that they were face-to-face. "The question is: are you going to tell him?"

Aya could feel his anger swelling in his chest. Who did Yoji think he was? He didn't have to answer to him! He didn't have to tell Yoji how he felt!

"You're passing up a perfect opportunity here," Yoji said when he noticed Aya glaring for all he was worth. "Ken and I aren't together. In fact, Ken really wants to be with you." Yoji shrugged and lit another cigarette. "I don't know why he wants you, but he does."

It took a moment for Aya to digest that little piece of information.

Ken wanted him? His relationship with Yoji hadn't been real?

Confusion swirled around the redhead. For a long moment, he just stood there, staring at Yoji with blank violet eyes. All of the anger he had felt the other day had been unnecessary. Ken and Yoji weren't together. Ken wanted him; he wanted _him_. An unknown weight had been lifted from his chest, and light seemed to pour into his heart. A part of him had always admired Ken from the distance, but yesterday, Aya had come to terms with his feelings: he realized he had been falling in love with Ken.

"So, what are you going to do?" Yoji asked.

Aya frowned and turned his head away. As much as he wanted to be with Ken, he knew that he wouldn't be good for him.

"Well?" Yoji asked.

Aya shot a glare at Yoji and said, "Nothing."

It was best to do nothing. That way, neither he, nor Ken, could get hurt.

Yoji face vaulted. "Nani?"

"Ken deserves better than me," Aya stated simply. With that said, he walked past Yoji and headed for his car.

"You're stupider than I thought, Aya!" Yoji shouted as he watched Aya walk away. "You're going to regret what you've just done."

Hn. He knew he was going to regret it, but it was the only thing he could do for Ken. He knew he wouldn't be good enough for him.

Yoji stomped and his cigarette, glaring.

"Aya no baka," Yoji muttered before leaving the hospital.


Later on that evening, Yoji stepped into Ken's room and locked the door. Ken looked up from his manga when the door opened. He was lying on his stomach, on the bed, with his legs bent at the knee and dangling in the air. A surprised expression was on his face, but he quickly became worried when he noticed Yoji was angry.

"You're going to need more than a blow torch to melt Aya," Yoji growled in frustration.

Ken frowned when he realized this couldn't be good news.

"He cares for you," Yoji said, "but 'Ken deserves better than me'." Yoji mimicked in a high, annoyed voice. "If you're going to nail Aya, you're going to have to convince him that you care for him, and you don't want anyone else but him." Yoji slumped into Ken's chair, which was placed in front of his wooden desk. "Good luck, Ken-Ken. My only advice for you is: take him out on a date."

"H-How am I supposed to do that?" Ken asked incredulously, "He'll just say no!"

"He won't say no," Yoji said matter-of-factly. "He can't say no."

"What am I supposed to say to him? 'Hey, Aya? Let's go watch a movie together?' You've got to be kidding."

"Well, why don't you ask him if you can talk to him for a moment?" Yoji suggested. "Tell him there's something you need to talk about - which you do - and invite him to discuss it over lunch."

Ken frowned in his hesitance.

"Trust me, Ken-Ken. I know Aya will come with you. You just have to warm him a little," Yoji said.

Ken sucked in a deep breath and sighed.

"How did things go with our chibi?" Yoji asked.

"Good," Ken said distractedly. "You were right, though: Omi needs the security - to know - that you aren't just going to use him." Ken looked at Yoji suspiciously for a moment. "You aren't going to just use him, right?"

Yoji glared at Ken. "I've told you before, I don't want to hurt Omi."

There were a lot of things that attracted Yoji to Omi. He loved the smaller boys sweet personality; his love for his comrades; his generally caring, and warm nature. Whenever Yoji looked upon Omi, he saw a childlike innocence within him - even after the countless men that he killed. Omi made Yoji feel as though there was hope for something more - something more than killing - within his life.

"I guess we've both got dates to plan for," said Yoji.

Ken just looked at him.

Yoji stood from the chair and ruffled Ken's hair. "Good luck, Ken-Ken."

Ken just grunted as he watched Yoji leave his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.


The following morning, Yoji entered the flower shop with his lady-killer grin in place. Ken was seated behind the cash register, flipping through a magazine. Aya was working on a flower arrangement. And Omi was watering the plants.

"Ohayo minna-san," Yoji grinned as he made his entrance.

"Ohayo, Yoji-kun." Omi greeted with a shy smile.

Yoji grabbed one of the aprons and tied it around his waist. Then he wrapped an arm around Omi's shoulders and led him to one of the backrooms, saying, "Can I have a word with you for a moment?"

Omi felt his heart pound as Yoji guided him towards the backroom. He gulped when Yoji closed the door behind him, and flipped on the light switch. They were in the storage room, and bags of fertilizer and unused pots crowded the floors and wooden shelves.

"How would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" Yoji asked, approaching Omi in confident strides.

Omi swallowed. "A-Anou. . ."

"I'll cook you dinner tonight," said Yoji as he reached into the back of his pants, where he had kept a long-stemmed red rose hidden behind his shirt. When he retrieved it, he handed it to Omi with a smile. "What do you say, Omi-chan?"

Omi took the flower and felt himself nod, feeling embarrassed.

"Sugoi!" Yoji smiled and kissed the back of Omi's hand. "I'll see you at seven, then." Yoji left the storage room, leaving behind a blushing Omi. Omi had to wait several minutes before his face resumed its usual color, before stepping back into the flower shop.


Ken watched Yoji and Omi disappear into the storage room. Then he looked over at Aya, who was staring fixedly at his flower arrangement.

Ken placed his magazine on the countertop, nervously. How was he going to approach Aya? Despite what Yoji had said about Aya's feelings, what if Aya had been lying about them?

'Baka, why would Aya lie about his feelings?' Ken questioned himself. He frowned and studied Aya's perfectly chiseled features, wondering why someone so beautiful would ever want him.

"Ne, Aya?" Ken began before the storage room door opened, and Yoji came waltzing out. The tall blond shot Ken a wide grin that said, "I've got a date with Omi tonight!" and reached for a water-hose and stepped outside of the flower shop. Ken felt himself turn beat red in embarrassment. He looked over at Aya, but Aya had disappeared.

Ken sighed.

To be continued. . .

AN: I'm sorry this chapter is so short! The next part will be much longer, I promise - and it will be updated a hell-of-a lot faster.

~ Rain ~