Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mountain Retreat ❯ Yohjis Immortal and Angel Eyes ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Weiß. <<<looks around nervously then unlocks the basement door and sneaks food through>>> I also do not own the songs My Immortal or Angel Eyes which belong to Evanescence and Ace of Base respectively.

:::All of the first part and part of the second are flashbacks, the writing style changes a bit when it becomes real time:::I apologize for any OOC and if people don't like the characters interacting with the songs.:::

/ I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all of my childish fears/

The steering wheel jerked as Yohji heard the opening lines of the song. No, not this song, not while I'm driving. Yohji always thought of the time after Asuke's death, he hadn't wanted to continue living. He'd been in love with Asuke and he hadn't been able to envision his life with out her.

/And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

Because your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone/

In the weeks and months following Asuke's death Yohji hadn't been far from a bottle of whiskey, and he'd not been able to reach the hangover stage because he drank until he passed out then, when he woke up, he started drinking again.

/These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase/

Even when he was passed out Yohji dreamed of Asuke. He dreamed of when her mother had died, or of how she reacted when she saw a spider. He'd been surprised when the windows hadn't shattered. Even though Asuke had been strong in her own way, Yohji had always been the pillar of strength for that duo.

/When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I've held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me/

["Yohji, don't tell me you lost the target already?" Asuke shook her head. "Don't tell me you ran out of cigarettes and needed to get some more? Well I guess I get to keep an eye on him this time. You get to work with the police; maybe you can get more information out of the chief.]*

/You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
But now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me/

By the time Yohji's hand had finally let go of the whiskey bottle he had been incapable of cohabitating with others. His old friends had been concerned that he might hurt himself in his grief. In truth Yohji hadn't been grieving anymore; he'd lost touch with who he truly was. He'd become an empty human shell, devoid of all emotion.

/These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase/

In the end he'd been sent to a mental ward until he had come back into himself. He began to remember things from the past with sadness but not overwhelming depression and grief. He could remember Asuke with fondness, and that was how it should be.

/When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me/

And in reflecting over his relationship with Asuke he'd realized that he'd been deluding himself in thinking that he was in love with her; truthfully it had been more like a "friends with benefits" relationship.

/I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
And though you're still with me
I've been alone all along/

After Yohji had himself figured out, really figured out, he was contacted by Crittaker.


Yohji became a member of a group called Weiß, a group of assassins posing as florists. The assassins were given their missions by members of Crittaker. Yohji did not exactly enjoy being an assassin, killing people became quite tedious after a while, but he had no other option readily available to him and nothing holding him back from the job.

He enjoyed working with his teammates and often enjoyed going out of his way to irritate the younger two. Ken-ken was a particular favorite because he was good at firing back at Yohji. Omi-kun was often too sensitive to be able to ignore the barbs Yohji tended to hurl when in a particularly playful mood. Aya-kun was rarely played with, Aya often seemed unapproachable but when he became particularly stressed Yohji did his best to distract Aya. Long drives or just talking being his specialty where Aya was concerned.

Then Aya-kun, whose real name turned out to be Ran-kun, became stressed to the breaking point. His sister Aya-chan had been abducted and Crittaker couldn't find her. Much to Yohji's dismay, Aya-kun had begun confiding in a female friend and Yohji suspected that it'd gone much further than simple friendship. Yohji was down right jealous. Sure he put up the front of being a ladies man but from shortly after Aya joined Weiß he'd had his eyes on Aya-kun.

Glaring at the road Yohji drove back to the flower shop. After he pulled up in the back of the koneko and got out of his car and went up to his room. Even though he was supposed to work today he plopped down on the bed and turned on his stereo. Obviously Omi-chibi had been in here listening to a pop station for the end of a Britney Spears song was blaring at him. Yohji was just about to start one of his favorite rock cds when some lilting music caught his ear. It wasn't his style but he couldn't summon the ability to switch the stereo to the cd player.

/I know that I'm not the first one
You've had love in your life before me
But when your lips touched my lips
It felt like I was kissing destiny/

*snort* Yeah, I'm sure I'm not the first one; he's probably been nailing that ditz that lives nearby. And what I wouldn't give to feel his lips touching mine. Yohji stood up and began pacing in his room, when that didn't work he grabbed his headset, set it for that station and took off for a walk. He didn't pay attention to where he was walking, due to concentrating on the song and its lyrics, and ended up literally running into none other than Schuldig.**

"What's the matter, kitten? Your favored kitty fornicating with another species or did your advances get brushed aside?"

Yohji couldn't do anything but growl at Schu. He was really getting tired of Schu reading his mind. Being reminded of Aya-kun made Yohji think of some of the words in that song he'd been listening to.

/Angel eyes with your angel eyes
Will you always be there to hold me
Angel eyes, I am satisfied
I don't want to hear your story
'Cause I can see the things
I really want to see
I am in love/

Aya-kun had helped Yohji many times and vice versa. When Yohji'd gotten food poisoning from a restaurant he'd visited Aya had stayed up and seen to his comfort. The others had been concerned and had wanted to help but Aya had kept them away. Yohji liked to think of it as Aya staking his claim. Yohji preferred to think of it as Aya staking his claim because that meant Yohji actually had a chance to act on his love for Aya.

"Aww, the kitten is in love with his kitty. How cute; but does mein little kitten know if his kitty returns the emotion? Schuldig knows but will not tell the kitten."

"Schu cant you just lave me alone? I'm not up to dealing with your taunts right now. I know that you know and I know that you will not tell me. I need to figure it out for myself." Yohji left Schu at a corner and headed back toward the koneko, it was well past closing time and he was likely to be lectured by "his kitty" but he didn't mind; his kitty had gorgeous eyes, especially when they glittered with anger.

/I believe in what I'm feeling
I'd give everything up just for you
Love is devoted to those who see
That the last dance you dance with a truth/

Yohji knew that he would give up everything he owned and his memories of Asuke just to be able to have a real relationship with Aya-kun, but with him chasing that little twit Yohji didn't see much of a chance for that to happen. Yohji also figured that all four of them were destined for hell because the were murderers, assassins; so why not enjoy what life they have left and live in the moment and in the emotion.

He thought about the first time he realized how he felt about the cold-reclusive red-head. Aya had lectured him for showing up for work three hours late, essentially just in time for closing, and then had proceeded to ignore Yohji while cleaning up the koneko after closing. He had just stared into Aya's eyes while getting yelled at marveling at how brilliant a color they were when filled with ire. Yohji had then proceeded to help clean while stealing glances at Aya's trim figure. After that day Yohji hadn't been sleeping too soundly anymore.

/Angel eyes with your angel eyes
Will you always be there to hold me
Angel eyes, I am satisfied
I don't want to hear your story
'Cause I can see the things
I really want to see
In your eyes/

Shortly after discovering his own feelings Yohji began to tease Aya a bit more just to get his eyes to react. He'd quickly learned how far he could push; it turned out that when Aya was just about to snap is eyes went lighter than they naturally were. Once Aya's eyes were just about to that point Yohji would walk away and let Aya cool down.

/Angel eyes just want you here to hold me
Angel eyes...

Angel eyes with your angel eyes
Will you always be there to hold me
Angel eyes, I am satisfied/

With his comments to Schuldig running through his head Yohji began to plot his assault on Aya. He had to get Aya away from that girl, then confront Aya with his true feelings.

/I don't want to hear your story
'Cause I can see the things
I really want to see
I am in love/


Ok, well the ending was kinda bad but Yohji and I couldn't get any better ideas to formulate so we worked with what we could get. Aya, what do you think so far?

`I'm not sure, my fic was so simple and clean cut, while Yohji's seems a little jumbled, but then that is Yohji.' Yohji? "I like it, makes me seem nice and muffiny, yet I have a serious, slightly macho side." Go have a cigarette Yohji.

-- Side notes-

*I don't know where that came from {looks at Yohji} Well? "From my memory, you said I could help write my fic." Ok then; that answers that.

**Damn you Schu!! You weren't supposed to barge into this fic! Who let you out of the attic anyways? <It helps to know a telekinetic.> NAGI! "Yes, Kare-chan?" Who told you to let Schu out of the attic? "Schu must have but I thought I heard you. He is a telepath though so he was likely mimicking your voice and projecting it into my head." Well I guess we should let Farf out of his cell so he and Schu can play together. "PLAYING HURTS GOD!" Schu, do you think you can muzzle Farf? <I can but try.> If anything enlist Crawford if you can find him.