Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Nakitty ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Interlude 4: Nakitty

Schuldig x Nagi

Nagi stretched out, arching his back in a delicious angle that sent Schuldig purring.

"Does my kitty want some milk?" Schuldig murmured huskily, his large hand burrowing into the soft dark silk against Nagi's scalp, cradling his head lower to the center of Schuldig's need. "You're going to have to work for it, liebchen."

Nagi nuzzled his nose and cheek against the juncture of Schuldig's thighs. "Yes, Master," he breathed against the large shaft jutting up proudly. He smirked, running his tongue up the underside of the straining penis before him, reaching the tip and expertly wrapping his lips around the tip, swirling his tongue against the weeping slit, pulling the satiny skin down and swallowing.

Suddenly, Nagi felt warm lips swallowing the head of his penis, and he moaned appreciatively--reveling in the sensations those vibrations caused. Schuldig's hands continued to massaged his scalp, fighting the urge to thrust his hips up even as he held Nagi's face down. But Nagi didn't want restraint.... He increased his administrations, pressing further, swallowing more. The sensations feeding to him through Schuldig's gift were driving Nagi crazy with need--he wanted to come so badly. Wanted to taste that thick, yeasty cum--so he sucked harder, faster.

::Please, Schu...:: he begged.

::Please, what, leib?::

::I need to!::

::Mmm... Nagi, that feels good... Yeah, just like that...::

::You taste so good, Schu, but I want more!::

::Greedy, greedy:: the redhead replied, fingers knotting into Nagi's soft hair. ::Ooh, that's it, leib, suck it. Suck all of my hot, hard cock into that warm wet mouth of yours.::

Nagi reached between Schuldig's thighs and manipulated the older man's testicles, squeezing and tugging on them, begging ::Please, Schu, you taste so good. I want it all, I want to taste you all, Schu. Come for me?::

How could he deny such a pretty request? With a shout, Schuldig released his seed into Nagi's waiting mouth. The dark-haired boy suckled lovingly, lapping up the rest of Schuldig's seed to the last drop before allowing the softened cock to slip from his lips with a soft "pop!"

"Yummy," Nagi purred, crawling up Schuldig's chest, grinning widely.

Schuldig's eyes cracked open to glare lazily down at the smirking teen. Then, suddenly, Nagi found himself on his back, spreadeagle, and Schuldig leering down at him. "What a good kitty," the redhead murmured. ::I want to... pound. Fuck. Take. Scream. Beg::

The images flashed through Nagi's mind all at once, and he moaned, arching his back up off the bed to press closer to the German's body as his legs wrapped around Schuldig's waist, enticingly rubbing his hard cock against Schuldig's taunt muscled stomach. ::Please. Yes, want you. Take me. Fuck me. Pound me. Love me!::

Schuldig's mouth descended upon Nagi's fiercely, his tongue delving between moist lips. "I will, Lieb. I do.::

He took his weeping cock and teased the tip against Nagi's gaping little hole, smearing his precum around the entrance. It mixed easily with the slippery gel of the grape lubricant Schuldig had brought home two hours ago, a wicked little smirk twisting his lips.

::Please, Schu!:: Nagi begged. ::I'm ready!::

The smirk returned to Schuldig's lips. Of course Nagi was well prepared. The dark-haired boy never came to this bed unprepared for an invigorating romp. Still, he loved to 'hear' Nagi's voice begging him to take him.

Nagi's hips arched towards that teasing pressure, attempting to take at least some of that delicious length inside.

Schuldig allowed it, the head of his cock slipping easily past the lubed entrance.

::More! Please! I need--Kami-sama!: The boy's back arched rigidly as the entire length of Schuldig's cock slipped fully inside the dark haired boy's body. Nagi's muscles contracted, squeezing, massaging Schuldig's cock, reveling in the shared pleasure the telepath's gift fed into him.

In his psyche, Nagi felt his cock being encompassed in the tight warm ass, being massaged by those devilish muscles. He felt his balls tighten, attempting to lose his load inside that delicious wicked ass that taunted him so. It would be finished before they'd even begun.

"No!" Nagi thought, his own power drawing to him instinctively, slipping over, around him and his lover, sliding teasingly over his cock, squeezing, down to his balls, cut off the flow of ejaculant.

Schuldig screamed; Nagi groaned, panting heavily with his head thrown back, his body wrecked with spasms of unreleased pleasure.

"Ah, fuck, Nagi," the redhead managed after a moment.

"That's the general idea," he replied, worming a tendril of his power back further, sneaking past Schuldig's' defenses before the redhead was aware of what he was doing.

"Fuck, Nagi, Shit, Oh gods! Stop! No, no... oh God! More!:

Nagi grinned, wickedly, flexing his power around their bodies, forcing their coupling harder, deeper, and faster. Not only were their minds connected through Schuldig's power, but now their bodies were both penetrating and being penetrated by Nagi's. It didn't last long. It never did.

Nagi screamed his release, his control loosening enough so that Schuldig's seed shot free, and coated Nagi's insides. Schuldig's support disappeared, sending the German crashing down onto Nagi.

For minutes neither boy moved or said a word. They just laid there, sweaty bodies slowing, cooling in the aftermath as their strangled lungs strived to drag oxygen in. And then--

"Damn, Nagi," Schuldig breathed. Nagi's tired smile returned, along with his arms up around the redhead's body. "You go too fast," he mumbled against Nagi's throat.

"You move too slow," Nagi replied, grinning widely now. He knew what response that answer would get.

"I'll show you *slow*," the redhead growled, rising up to hover over and glare down at the dark-haired teen.

Nagi smirked, threading his hands behind Schuldig's neck and into that fiery orange hair, drawing the man's lips down to his, thinking, ::Round Two--let's get ready to rumble!::