Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Omi's Game ❯ Chapter 8: Past ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Omi's Game

Hello! Hope you guys liked chapter 7. Sorry if I was confusing everyone. Thanks for the reviews. ^_^ Also my grammar is not so good. I'm still working on it though. Wasn't Omi sweet on the last chapter? Of course he was. ^^ Anyway chapter 8 is up.

Reminder: Omi is Hacker.

Disclaimer: Blade does not own any of the Weiss Kreuz characters, but I wish I did own all of them! ;_;

(Author's interruption)



~`Talking in whoever's Flashback'~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Chapter 8

A week has past. There wasn't any mission for both Hacker and Weiss Kreuz. Business at the flower shop was still the same. There weren't many costumers coming into the shop. The weapon company has been working 24-7. They're making a lot of cash for the company. Hacker had use most of it for Aya-Chan's bills so Aya-Kun doesn't need to pay it for a year or so and also sending white roses everyday with different messages.

It was a Wednesday at the weapon company. Highest has called Hacker, Salina, and Steel for the next mission.

"Salina you're going on this mission alone. It's the circus that's coming on Friday. I want you to steal the ruby necklace from Ruby White. I don't care how you're going to do it. If you have to kill her and some other people to get it then do so ,okay? Good. Dismiss." Said Highest and left the room.

"Well good luck on Friday. It's too bad that you have to go alone on this one. You'll be kill before you could even get the ruby." Said Steel laughing evilly and left.

"Be careful." Said Hacker and was about to leave the room.

"Hacker wait!" said Salina.

Hacker stopped.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?"

"No. Why?"

"How about lunch tomorrow my treat? Just you and me." Hacker thought about it for a moment.


"Great! Meet me outside of my apartment tomorrow at 10:30. I need to talk to you about something." She then gave Hacker a quick peck on his cheek and left.

Hacker had a puzzled look when she did that and plus he was blushing. He shook his head and went back to work. He'll deal with Salina tomorrow.

At the flower shop, Ken is watering the plant, Aya is doing some flower arrangement and Youji is just standing there being bored. Suddenly Manx came into the shop. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Mission." She said. They all took off their apron and went to the mission room.

"Okay. Your mission is to make sure Salina doesn't take Ruby White's ruby necklace. It's at the circus on Friday night." She gave them each a folder of information.

"That's it?" asked Ken.

"Yes that's all." Said Manx.

"What about Hacker?" asked Aya.

"He was not given to go on this mission. Salina is going on this mission alone. That's all the information we have. Hopefully you'll think of something to deal with her." She said and left the shop. Now they have to plan things out for Friday.

Hacker went back to the temple at around 6:00 just in time for dinner. It's been a while since he ate with them.

"Hacker you're home." Kameko came running towards him and gave him a hug.

"Come and join us for dinner." Said Saki. Hacker sat down along with Kameko.

"Anyway it's a good thing you're here today for dinner." Said Saxon.


"Well a friend of mine gave me 3 tickets to the circus for Friday. He was busy that they and gave them to me. Kameko and I are going but father-in-law is busy that day too. So how about you'll come along with us?" said Saxon.

Hacker just paused for a moment. / This is very bad. Salina is going there for a mission and I'm going there to have fun? Oh great. I'm so in trouble when the Weiss Kreuz finds out I'm there. They are so killing me./

"Please!!! It'll be fun. We get to eat cotton candy, play games and watch the show they have over there. So could you please!!! It won't be fun without you. So please!!!" Kameko begged Hacker

"Come on Hacker. You wouldn't hurt a little girl would you?" tensed Saxon. Hacker glared at him.

"PLEASE!!!" Kameko was now giving him the puppy eyes. Hacker sighs in defeat.

"Alright." Said Hacker.

"Yea!" Kameko hugged Hacker again and gave him a quick peck. After that she started to eat happily. Saki chuckled and Saxon was snickering. Hacker was blushing and at the same time, he was glaring at both Saki and Saxon. That night was a night to remember.

The next day, Hacker is riding his black motorcycle he brought a week ago. He was wear a black sleeveless shirt with a picture of a white tiger that's about to hunt down his prey. He was wearing a black pant with a belt that has a face of a tiger. He was also wearing black boots and has two belts on his left thigh. He has a black band on his left arm and is wearing black fingerless gloves that go up to his wrist with three golden bracelets on his right wrist. He has a spike chocker on his neck and his white cross necklace was dangling out. Of course he was wearing his helmet if not the police would give him a ticket.

He kept on speeding down the road until he reached a light blue apart that was about 3 stories high. Waiting for him was Salina all dressed up. She was wearing a red spaghetti strap with a jean coat. A black mini shirt with flowers on it, black boots that goes up to her knees, and multiple bracelets on both of her wrist. She was wearing a dangling diamond earring, a rope necklace that has a pendant of a four-leaf clover and has a pair of sunglasses on and of course her purse.

"You made it just in time." She said and climbs on to the motorcycle.

"I guess so." Shrugged Hacker and gave her a helmet.

"Anyway how about we go to Bale Sandwich? I heard it's really good. Plus it's a bit healthier."

"Okay. If that's what you want." Then they ride off down the road to Bale Sandwich. I took Hacker 5 minute to get there. Hacker then parked his motorcycle on the street and went into to the shop. They went to the counter to order their sandwich.

"Welcome to Bale Sandwich, may I take your order?" said the waiter.

"Hack how about a combination?" asked Salina.

"Whatever. I don't care what you order for me." he said emotionlessly.

"Okay. Two combinations, 4 spring rolls, 4-banana lumpia, one rainbow Jell-O, one mango Jell-O, and two water bottle."

"Is that all?"

"Take out or here?"

"Take out."

"Yes that'll be all."

"Your total is $10.50." (I'm making it up. I don't know the real price is.) She pays the waiter the exact same amount.

"Wait here." So Hacker and Salina sat at an empty table waiting for their sandwich and their other stuffs.

"Hey babe! Are you here all alone?" asked a buffed guy. He was looking at Salina.

"Back off!" barked Salina.

"Oh . . . a spicy one. How about you come with me instead of that blonde one with you?" he said evilly and was about to his arm around her.

"Leave her alone." Glared Hacker.

"Why should I blonde? You're nothing but a weakling. You don't deserve a babe like her and plus you're just a kid." He mocked. Suddenly Hacker grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the wall. Luckily there was no customers in the shop expect the three of them.

"Call me a kid and I'll rip off your throat. You dare touch her, you'll die before you'll get your hands on her." Hacker said coldly.

"Feh! You think you're tough. I'm tougher than you are kid. You don't even have the strength to defeat me." He said and Hacker griped his collar tighter.

"Just because you have the strength doesn't mean you have the brains. I can slice you into dice meats if you don't get out off here NOW!" Hacker then punches him in the stomach and on his face. The guy ran away as fast as he can and was terrified.

"Your orders!" Hacker took their lunch and went out of the shop along with Salina.

"Are you okay?" asked Salina worryingly.

"I'm fine. As long as you're okay."

"Thank you so much." Salina then hugged Hacker and he startled a bit. After a hug they went to his motorcycle.

"Okay where are we going to eat are lunch?" asked Hacker and handed Salina a helmet.

"Well let's go to the park down the road." She said as she put on her helmet.

"Okay." He put on his helmet and asked Salina to hold on to their lunch. Then they went speeding down the road. Ten minutes later they were at a park. There was a lake in the middle of the park with at least ten to twenty trees surrounding it. With flowers so fresh and grass so green. Hacker parked his motorcycle down the street.

They then went into the park and sat down near the lake and near a shady tree. They ate their lunch quietly listening to the water moving, the wind blowing, the leaves rattling, and the birds chirping. There was a long silent between the two of them and they were the only ones there.

"So what do you think of the sandwich?" Salina began asking.

"Okay I guess." Hacker had just finished his sandwich and is lying down of the green grass letting the wind blow on him.

"Yeah same here." There was another long silent. Hacker then turned his head towards her.

"I have something to ask for a long time." She looked at him.

"What?" Hacker sat up with one knee up and put his hands around it.

"Why is it you're always worried about me? I mean 5 years ago you would have a worry face and would always have your eyes on me. Even now you have your eyes on me." asked Hacker.

"Well you see you're the youngest so I thought I should look after you." She said nervously.

"I don't think that's your answer. I think there is something else you're hiding. There is something you wanted to tell me is there?" he said coolly. Salina sighs. She knows that Hacker isn't a fool to accept that kind of answer.

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I couldn't. I thought this might be the right time but I'm still not sure. Ever since Weiss Kreuz came killing our members. I start think `Okay I have to tell him I have to tell him'." She said

"So what is it? You might die tomorrow night if you don't tell me. Sooner or later you're going to have to say it."

"Whenever I look at you, I'm always worried that you might get hurt or you might die."


"When I look at you I thought of you as my younger brother. He looks almost like you. Expect his hair was chocolate brown. I always loved him no matter what and I could never hate him. His name was . . . Mamoru." Hacker startled at that name.

"Mamoru?" Salina nodded.

"Mamoru Takahara. My real name is Hikari Takahara."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm telling you this because I cared and I you have been suspecting me for a while thinking that I might kill you any second. You're almost like my little brother but in my heart I know he's dead." Salina eyes became watery and a single tear dropped. She wiped her eyes.


"Yeah. Back then . . ."


"Big sister let go to the park and play on the new playground." Said a 5-year-old boy that looks a lot like Omi expect with the chocolate brown hair.

"Sure why not Mamoru?" smiled a younger version of Salina who's 12 years old. They were walking down the road hand in hand.

~ `It was a peaceful back then. Mamoru and I would always play each other everyday. I was a joyful moment. Our parents will scold us for being late but we didn't care cause we have each other.'~

"I want to go on the swing first." Said Mamoru. He went on the swing and started swing. "Hikari push me."

Hikari giggled and began pushing Mamoru.


~ `No matter where we were we always be together.'~

Now Hikari and Mamoru are in the sandbox making a sand castle.

"Hikari. We'll always be together forever right?"

"Of course we will."

"And you'll never hurt anyone right?"



"Promise." They both did a pinky promise and smile at each other.

=End of Flashback=

"That was a promise I made to myself and to my brother but I broke that promise."

"You promise to be together forever and to not to hurt anyone. Then how did you end up in the Eliminators?" asked Hacker curiously. Salina sighs sadly.

"It was . . .


"Happy Birthday Hikari!!" said Mamoru. He was now seven.

"Now when did you remember my birthday?" asked Hikari.

"Mom told me yesterday." Smiled Mamoru. Hikari ruffled his hair.

~ `It was on my 14th birthday. Mamoru was only seven then and we were still together.'~

"I got you a present." Mamoru hand her a small box wrapped in red wrapper. She torn it open and open the box. In it was a rope necklace with a four-leaf clover pendant.

"Oh it's beautiful. I love it. Thank you!" She hugged her younger brother. "Since you've been so sweet how about we go to the ice shop and buy some ice cream? Your choice."

"Okay!" he said cheerfully.

"Mom! Dad! We're be going out." Shout Hikari.

"Be home by 6." Shouted her mother.

"Okay! Bye!"

~ `He gave me the necklace for good luck and hope for lot's of luck in the years to come. When we arrived home things didn't appear what it suppose to be.'~

"Mom. Dad. We're home." Hikari and Mamoru step into the apartment. "That's strange. Mom told us to be home by 6 and they're not home."

Hikari and Mamoru stepped into their parents' room to see if they were home. All of a sudden, they saw two dead bodies. Both were their parents and a pond of blood. Mamoru started to scream and hold his sister tightly. Hikari startle in shocked and in fear.

"I'm going to call the police." She said. She tried calling but unfortunately her phone wasn't working. "Darn it! Mamoru stay here and don't move."

Suddenly she heard a gunshot. She turned around and saw Mamoru's eyes widen and blood coming out of his chest. Behind there was a person in the shadow with his gun out pointing at Mamoru's back.

"MAMORU!" Hikari ran to Mamoru who collapse onto the ground. "Please don't die, please don't die."

"Big sister. We'll . . .always . . .be . . . together." Mamoru said his last words and then was gone forever.

"MAMORU!" screamed Hikari. She hugged him closely and began crying.

"Heh! He's dead already." Said a cold voice.

"Who are you and why are you here?" she screamed at him. The next thing she saw four men staring at her. One was pointing a gun at her and the others were just looking at her. "You killed my family and my brother . . .then why don't you go and just kill me."

One of the men slapped her on the face and told the guy with the gun to put it always.

"We won't kill you that easily especially to a girl like you. You'll work for me Highest. Understand!" he said harshly.

"Over my dead body." She said harshly. He slapped her again.

"Hopefully you won't say that again. You'll work for me no matter what. Crasher, Tag carry her back to the headquarters now!"

"Yes sir!" they both said and carried her. She was struggling to get loose but they were too strong.

=End of Flashback=

"I tried everything to kill myself but I always fail. They force me to kill innocent people and do whatever they commanded. I had no choice but to listen and obey. Then I remember the necklace that Mamoru gave me for my birthday. On the back of it, it said `You are always yourself in my heart no matter how you change'. That made me realize that I was not Salina. That I was Hikari and I'll always be Hikari." She sighs.

Hacker looked at her with concerns and pat on her shoulder.

"When I saw you 3 years later after my brother's death, I thought I saw my brother again."


"Our mission is complete." Said Salina.

"Great! Maybe we'll have a break." Said Crasher. Suddenly they heard a moaning sound. They all froze.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" yelled Steel. They all listen and walked to who was moaning. When they saw it was Steel point his sword at him. Salina startle at how the boy looked like.

"Well, well, well it's just a kid." Said Tag.

"Let's dice him." Said Crasher who was about to take out his knife.

"Wait! We'll let Highest make the decision." Said Salina.

"Why should we?" said Tag.

"He only told us to kill the people in there not right here. You don't want him to kill us do you?"

"I agree let's take him back to Highest. Tag, Crasher carry him back." Ordered Steel. They took him into the car and head to there headquarter.

"Why did you bring a kid back?" yelled Highest. The boy shivered in fear.

"Sir. He's just lost and doesn't know his way back home." Said Salina. The boy was still shivering and was shaking. Highest put his grabbed his chin and looked at him in the eyes.

"What's your name kid?"

"My . . .name? I don't . . .know." He said shakily.

"DON'T PLAY WITH ME!" yelled Highest. Tears came out the boy's eyes.

"Highest. Please calm down he's just a kid. He's afraid right now." Said a woman with purple hair tied into a ponytail. She has blue eyes and has a pale peach skin.

"The you handle him Kathy."

Kathy gently talked to the boy and started to comfort him. The boy tried to stopped crying and smiles a bit.

"Sir he doesn't remember his name. He must have hit his head." Said Kathy.

"Useless brat. Just kill him already!"

"Wait. He's just a kid and he doesn't know who he is. How come you can't use him? I mean you can trained him and everything but killing him would be the last thing we need to do to him." Said Salina hoping Highest wouldn't kill him.

"I agree. He doesn't seem much harm. Why not train him?" said Kathy.

"Find! From now on you guys will be training him. Understand. His name will be Hacker!"

=End of Flashback=

"You've could have died that day. Since then I would watch out for you and hope that one day you could just leave this past behind. Every time I would see you disappear and reappearing every time. Then when Kathy's death came you left and I was hoping you would never return but you came back. Now I'm more worried." Salina finished what she had to say and drank her from her water bottle. Hacker lied on to the grass again looking at the clouds.

"You're right. I did hope to leave my past, but if I don't face my past then there will be no future for anyone later. I know how you feel, but I'm not a kid anymore. I'll be fine as long as I can remember what I'm here for." Said Hacker.


"It's getting late. I'll take you back home. After all you still have a mission tomorrow." Hacker began to stand up and helped Salina up. Suddenly Salina hugged Hacker tight and he startled a bit. "What is it Salina?"

"Thank you for listening to me Hacker. You'll always be like my younger brother." She hugged him tighter and began to cry. Hacker sighs and patted her back to comfort her. After ten minutes later, he took her back home and went back to the temple thinking about the things she said to him.

The next day seems like every normal day to Hacker. Get up, go to work and go home early to go to the circus with Kameko. Salina has to get ready for the mission and the Weiss Kreuz is also getting ready for their mission.

At the circus it was filled with thousands of people. Luckily Hacker, Saxon, Kameko gets the fourth row of seats in the middle. The Weiss Kreuz were also seat but in different directions. Youji is sitting on the very top row on the left, Ken in the middle row in the middle, and Aya in the sixth row on the right. Salina was behind the curtain waiting for Ruby White to come out. They watched shows after shows until Ruby White shows up.

"AND NOW PRESENTING RUBY WHITE!" said the announcer. Ruby White was wearing her ruby necklace. She has long white hair tied into a ponytail with crystal blue eyes and has pale peach skin. She was wearing long black pants, boots, a part of a tux and white gloves. She also has a whip in her hand.

When she was about to say something until suddenly something explodes. Everyone began panicking and races out to the exit expect for the security guards, Weiss Kreuz, Salina and Hacker.

"Saxon take Kameko home." Yelled Hacker.

"But Hack . . ."

"Just do it!"

"Hacker I'm not leaving unless you're leaving." Said Kameko. Hacker then knocked her unconscious.

"What is the meaning of this?" yelled Saxon. Hacker grabbed him by the collar and look at him into the eyes with a harsh look.

"Take Kameko home and put her to bed. If I don't come home by 2 in the morning then I'm dead." Hacker let go of his collar and disappear somewhere in the crowd and Saxon moved into the panicking crowd. When everyone disappeared, there were only the security guards protecting Ruby. Suddenly someone throw a sleep gas onto them and they all went peaceful to sleep.

Salina was wearing black all over from neck to toe and is wearing a vampire cape and has a whip to protect herself. She was also wearing her four-leaf clover necklace. She then grabbed the ruby of Ruby Whites neck.

"Hmph. This is too easy." She said suddenly there was a long blade near her neck. She turned around and looked at the three guys. "Who are you and what do you think you're doing?"

"Weiss Kreuz." Said Aya and was about to slash Salina but she dodge it and backed up a bit.

"So you're the group who's been killing our members. I don't think you pretty boys would want to hurt me." she said sweetly.

"You wish women." Said Ken angrily.

"Aww! Too bad because now I have to kill Ruby White with me if you try to kill me." she picked up Ruby White and took out a small knife and put it near her neck.

"LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!" a boy about 18 years old came running out of the curtains. He had a ruby shade hair and blue eyes. His skin color looks a bit darker than Ruby.

"Who do you think you are kid?" she said harshly.

"Leave my sister alone. Don't kill her." He yelled.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"I promise her that we'll be together forever."

Salina smiled evilly.

"It too bad. You shouldn't keep promises that you shouldn't." she suddenly was about to stab Ruby but Youji's wires cut Salina's cheek and cut the wire instead. Then she was about to stab her again but then a ninja knife slashed it near her wrist and landed a few feet away from her. She then let go of Ruby and her knife and holds her wrist in pain. The younger brother took his sister and carried her away as fast as he can.

"Salina you have to stop this." Yelled a familiar voice.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" yelled Salina. Suddenly Hacker came out of the curtains and walked towards Salina. "Hacker . . .what do you think you're doing trying to stop me."

"Hacker?" The Weiss Kreuz was now confused. Was he helping them?

"Salina listen . . ." She got up and was hitting him on his chest.

"You ruined the plan . . ."

"Salina . . ."

"I've would have killed her if it weren't for you . . ."

"SALINA . . ."

"The mission would have been a succeeds if it weren't for . . ."


Everyone was in shocked when they heard him yelled very angrily and very loud that it almost broke their eardrums. Hacker was now trying to catch his breath and was huffing and buffing. A single tear dropped from Salina.

"Mamoru . . ." she said softy. Suddenly Aya had sneaked behind Hacker and was about to slash him. "HACKER LOOK OUT."

Instead of Hacker getting slashed, Salina got slash because she spun Hacker around.

"You were right. I am breaking a promise to my younger brother. I didn't know when to stop until now." She said and began sobbing.

"You didn't do anything." Said Hacker. Suddenly Salina took the ninja knife and handed to Hacker. He startled.

"Hacker . . . I want you to keep my necklace. Promise me that you'll won't get killed by Highest okay?"

Hacker nod and Salina handed her necklace to him.

"Remember that you are you. You're not Hacker. You are you." She smiled at him and handed him the ninja knife. "Please just kill me now!"


"Please. I broke my promise and killed so many people and injured a lot of them. So please. I deserve to die. DO IT NOW!" Salina yelled at him.

Hacker's hand was shaking badly. He didn't know what to do. After what Salina had done for him, he just couldn't do it. Suddenly he calm down taking deep breathes. Quickly he stabbed her in the stomach and took the knife out and stepped back in one fast motion. She then collapses onto the ground.

"Thank you." Salina said softly and died leaving a pond of blood. Her body began to rot all because of the poison blood on her body.

Hacker dropped the knife and startle. His eyes were wide open and his hand was shaking. Weiss Kreuz looked at him and saw what he had done. Hacker scream and ran out of the circus and into the rainy weather trying to forget what he did. The Weiss Kreuz left shortly.

There was an unexpected guest hiding behind the curtain that no one knew. He had seen everything with his own eyes.

"Hacker you traitor. Curse you. You were a traitor all along. I'll kill you and Weiss Kreuz." Said Steel.

To be continue . . .

How do you like this chapter? This was the longest I've ever typed. Hope you liked it. Hacker only needs to kill Steel and Highest. Then he'll complete his mission. Hopefully I'll finish this soon because school will be starting soon for me. I'll update the next chapter soon. (Aug. 1 I have to go back to school) Please Review. ^_^