Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ One And Two, And Through And Through... ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: One And Two, And Through And Through…

Author: RhineGold

Category: poetry fic, angst, drama

Rating: strong R.

Pairings: Um… A few. Read and guess…

Warnings: really non-graphic rape sequence, barely hinted at off-screen sex, language, bastardization of characters, victimization of others, and just… really shitty writing…

Spoilers: None. All of this shit has been completely made up on the spot.

Disclaimer: This story sucks. Bear with me. And I don't own any of them, anyway…

Author's Notes: I had this idea, and I wrote it down. I know its crap, but… I dunno.

Okay, I'm trying to re-draft this, and see if I like it better…


+ 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe. +


"…Did you have something you wanted to say to me?" He asked, not looking at him.

"Why are you here?" He growled.

"…She was a special girl. I wanted to pay my respects."

"You don't have any respects." The redhead spat, voice dark with undisguised hatred.

"I don't care what you think. I didn't come here for you."

"You're the reason she's here."

A delicate eyebrow arched, as he turned his face up towards him. "You think so?"

"You did this, Schuldich, you and the rest of your thieving, murdering organization. You may as well have shot her in the back, like you did your boss's daughter."

Furious green eyes became level with his, as the redhead stood up, angrily. "Shut up, Ran. You don't know anything."

His fist shot out, snatching hold of dark green fabric. Holding Schuldich tightly by the collar, he shook him roughly, to accentuate each word. "Don't. Ever. Call. Me. That." Abruptly, he released him, and stormed away.

{I know how much you loved her.} Schuldich called after him, mentally. {…I'm sorry for your loss…} And, because he could never resist, he added, {…Ran.}


+ "Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch! +


"That was a very stupid thing you did." Crawford snapped, when he slid into the car.

"Was it?"

"He might have killed you."

"You wouldn't still be sitting here if you thought he might have killed me."

"No? I won't always save you, Schuldich. Especially not when the danger comes from pure recklessness."

"Hey, all I did was honor the girl's shrine. It's not my fault he was itching for a fight."


"…She was a good person, Brad. …I could feel it, just by holding her. Her mind wasn't active, at the time, but she just felt so… Nice."

"Such sentimentality is uncharacteristic in you, Schuldich."

"How the hell would you know what's `characteristic' for me? You don't know anything about me. None of you do!" He snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.

Crawford said nothing as he pulled away from the curb.


Across the parking lot, Youji rolled up the window of the Porsche, as Aya came stalking back. "…What did they want?"

"…" Aya said nothing, as he climbed into the driver's seat.

"What did he say to you?"


"Aya." He said firmly. "Did he say anything important?"

"…He said he wanted to pay his respects."

"`Che. A guy like that, doesn't have many respects to waste."

"What about you, Youji? Do you have anything left to pay?"

"What?" He cried, face darkening slightly.

Aya sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just… All of this, and then Schwartz… I shouldn't have said that."



Crawford pulled the car into his slot in the parking garage of their building.

"Schuldich…" He said, as the redhead moved for the elevator.

"?" He asked, turning around.

"…Stay away from him. He's dangerous, and… Don't play games with him. You can't win."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Schuldich." He said, firmly. "You'll lose."

He licked his bottom lip a little, and then chewed on it lightly. Then, he nodded, and turned away.


+ He took his vorpal sword in hand:

Long time the manxome foe he sought---

So rested he by the Tumtum tree,

And stood a while in thought. +


He froze, sensing someone watching him. A quick scan of the crowds outside the shop awarded him nothing out of the usual. When he looked up, several girls cooed and waved at him. He scowled, and ignored them.

//Just some stupid girls…// Unbidden, he thought of his sister. She should be there, with them. She should be loitering around a shop after school, surrounded by friends, all there to gawk at the young men around them. She should be smacking one of them on the arm, reminding them with mock-anger that hey, that was her onii-san!, and how dare they talk about him like that in front of her?!

Abruptly, he dropped the hose. Ripping his apron over his head, he stalked outside of the shop.


Across the street, Schuldich had begun to move.

He was, of course, ignoring a direct order from Crawford, but it wasn't like it was the first time, and he could hardly see it being his last. He just… He needed to talk to the other man. He felt some sort of… responsibility. Schuldich hated being responsible for anything other than himself.

He couldn't understand why the other redhead was so angry with him, of all people. He had never done anything to him physically, and had only touched him mentally one or two times… It wasn't like he'd gone trolling in the depths of the man's mind, or anything… And it wasn't like he'd shot *his* sister in the back, or anything… He just didn't get it.

Both Crawford, and the Weiss Kitten didn't understand. This wasn't a game. It was some sort of benediction…


+ And, as in uffish thought he stood,

The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,

Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,

And burbled as it came! +


In the alley behind the shop, he stopped, leaning his forehead on the cool bricks of the building. "…Why…?"

{People die, Ran. Every day. It's not your fault.}

He whirled to find Schuldich perched precariously on the edge of the fire escape that came down from Youji's room.

"Get lost."

"I just came to talk to you."

"I'm warning you---"

"Why do you hate us?"

"You are my enemy."

`Are we? …It's just a job, Ran. Its not who we are."

"You're a killer. That's all you are."

"Is that all you are, Ran?"


He bit his lip, and swung off the edge of the fire escape. "…I shouldn't have come…"

"No. You shouldn't have." He agreed, stepping into his path.

"Excuse me." He said, ducking around him. The sudden grip on his arm was like iron. "Ran, what the hell are you---" He winced as he was thrown against the iron bars of the fire escape.

"I. Told. You. Not. To. Call. Me. That." He snapped, leaning in close.


+ One, two! One, two! And through and through

The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

He left it dead, and with its head

He went galumphing back. +


Schuldich cursed as he was forced backwards across the landing of the fire escape. Aya struck him soundly, making him cry out. "Don't make another sound." He snarled.

The German stared up at him, with luminous green eyes, very much like Youji's, only darker. {I'm not Youji!} He cried, mentally, struggling against the weight that held him. {Ran, let me go!}

"No." He said, simply, rolling him onto his stomach. Only then did Schuldich realize his pants were unfastened.

"Ran, you asshole! Let me---"

"Ran is dead. My name is Aya."

"AYA, NO---" He cried out softly as his face was shoved roughly against the metal. His slacks were jerked down, and he was exposed to the cool evening air, and Aya's hungry gaze.

He kept one hand at the back of his captive's neck, squeezing and pressing down simultaneously, as the fingers of his left hand deftly unfastened his own jeans.

Schuldich screeched as he was penetrated roughly, and steadily. He gasped, sobbing silently, and mentally pleaded for Aya to let him go. The other man ignored him, as he found an object for his pent-up lust and rage…


+ "And, hast though slain the Jabberwock?

Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"

He chortled in his joy. +


When Aya climbed the stairs to Youji's room a few minutes later, he was met with a hard green gaze. The brunette was leaning back on his window seat, smoking.

"…How could you, Aya?" He whispered.

The redhead frowned. He knew. But… how…?

Disdainfully, Youji flicked the ash from his cigarette, out of the open window. Out of the… Open Window. "…How could you…" He repeated.

"…He was Schwartz…" He began, but Youji cut him off.

"No. His name is Kris. He's twenty-two years old. He's German, and he was raised in a mental institution run by Estet, because they wanted to study his abilities. He's never been in love, and he thinks that sometimes he's going to die because he can't keep other people's voices out of his head." His eyes were narrowed, and his voice very low.

"…How do you know all of that?"

"Because I ASKED him. Because I've had lunch with him. Because I LIKE him. HE'S A HUMAN BEING, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!!" As he spoke, Youji stood, dropping the cigarette out the window. He crossed the space between them, hands fisting on Aya's collar.

"MY SISTER WAS A HUMAN BEING, TOO!!!" He exploded, shoving the older man away from him.


"MY SISTER IS DEAD!!!!" Aya snarled.

"…Aya… I'm sorry… I shouldn't have said that."

"Get out, Youji." Aya snarled.

"…This is my room."


Youji flinched as the door rattled on its hinges.


Crawford said nothing as he unlatched his office door.

Schuldich collapsed against him, sobbing like a child. He said nothing, merely held him, stroking his hair.

"…I… He… It… HURT!" He whimpered, fisting his hands in Crawford's jacket.

"Shhh… I know… I know… I saw everything…"

"That's what you meant, huh? I lost?"

"…I'm sorry, Schuldich." He said, still stroking that soft, long hair.

Schuldich only laughed.


+ 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe. +


"…Did you have something you wanted to say to me?" He asked, not looking at him.

"Why are you here?" He growled.

"…I… I only wanted to pay my respects."

"How dare you…?" He said, quietly. "How dare you come here after---"

"I can't change what I did… I just want him to know that…"

"You're the reason he's here."

He nodded, sadly. "I know."

Snarling suddenly, he slammed his fist into the other man's stomach. After hitting him a few more times, it became clear the other man was not going to fight back. Disgusted, he released him. "You're pathetic. He came to you in friendship, wanting to help you… And you… You…"

"I raped him."

He shook his head. "You took advantage of him, knowing he was too fragile to defend himself."

"He wasn't weak."

"…That shows how little you knew of him. …But fragility is not weakness." He snapped, turning away.

"…I know how much you loved him," Aya called. "…I'm sorry for your loss…"

He never turned around.

It was better that way, for all of them.


Youji looked up when he settled in the car. "…What did he say to you?"

"…He said he came to pay his respects." He said, softly.

Youji frowned, and rolled up his window, as Aya walked by.

Crawford said nothing as he pulled away from the curb.




New and Slightly Improved!