Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Stand ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I still don't own it...

Warnings: Yaoi/Shonen Ai, AU-ish, LEMON!!! *______*

Notes: Written as a request/prize for Black Angel. Hope you like it Angel!! ^^

This is set several years before the series and manga, so Brad and Schuldig are only in Tokyo for a few days to get Nagi. Brad's 23, Schu's 17, Yoji's 15 and Nagi's somewhere between 9-11.

Soundtrack: Rock 'n Roll - Britney Spears, Slave 4 U - Britney Spears, Move Your Body (Club Mix) - Eiffel 65

One Night Stand
by DragonSoul

"You're not going out!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes!" Brad glared at the seventeen year old in front of him, feeling extremely older than his twenty-three years. "We leave Tokyo tomorrow Schuldig, and you choose tonight to go clubbing?"

"Leck mich am Arsch!" The red headed teen returned Brad's glare with one of his own, eyes flashing dangerously. "I said I'm going out, and I don't give a damn what you say, Mr. Bradley-Fucking-Crawford!"

Brad sighed. Since being teamed with Schuldig for seven years, the American had learnt that when Schuldig was in one of his moods, there was nothing you could do to chang his mind. "Fine. But if you get drunk, don't bitch at me about your sheilding being faulty. It won't be my fault if you end up with a hang over."

The telepath smirked before grabbing the green overcoat that he was so fond of and pulled it on as he headed towards the door. "Thanks Bradley! And I'm taking your car!!" His laughter echoed through the entrance hall seconds after the door slamed behind him.

The dark haired American blinked, frowning as Schuldig's words sunk in. "...Dammit Schuldig!! Not my car!!"


"Hey cutey... Wanna dance?"

Kudou Yoji looked up at the woman in front of him, obviously years older than the brunette teenager. The woman grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the dance floor before he had the chance to answer, and anything uttered would be lost in the pounding music.

/What the hell am I doing here!?/ The fifteen year old thought, trying to keep his face from being crushed against the woman's overly large breasts. /I am going to kill Hiro and Maya if they don't show up soon!/ The beat of the music changed and he was pushed further into the crowd of writhing dancers, yelping as numerous hands grabbed his ass or even more private areas.

Across the club, Schuldig lounged at the bar, nursing an imported beer and looking over the crowd with disintrest. /Scheiße... Of all nights, there had to be no one worth persuing. Verdammt!!/ Long, graceful fingers wrapped around the neck of the beer bottle, bringing it to his lips. /Last night in Tokyo, and I can't even find anyone decent enough to screw./

He was still nursing the same drink a few minutes later when a slim body dashed past him, shoulder length chestnut hair falling in front of gorgeous green eyes. The teen's interest was engaged the person who had pushed past the crowd at the bar in such a hurry, and slid off his stool, hurrying after the figure. /What the fuck am I doing? I don't know whther it's a guy or a girl and I'm following
them just because of a pair of eyes!?/ Schuldig cursed, but continued to follow the other person towards the bathroom. /Correction. It's a girl./ A small, slightly dissappointed sigh slipped past the red head's lips, but he didn't halt his pursuit. /Oh well. Last night in Tokyo... Might as well make the best of it./

Yoji staggered towards the bathrooms, pushing through the crowds hurriedly. /Oh... My... GOD!! That... She... Oh my god!!/ One hand clutched at the upzipped front of his jeans, more to hold them shut then to hold them up. /I can't beleive this!!/ He had finally been getting attuned to the music when someone had wrapped their arms around him from behind, quickly opening his pants and beginning to give him a hand job. /Hiro and Maya are SO dead!!/

The brunette swiped the back of his free hand against the underside of his nose, staving off a nose bleed. Pushing open the bathroom door, he stopped dead as a mental voice not his own sounded in his head. /Wrong bathroom, liebechen./ Spinning, Yoji's back hit the heavy bathroom door as incredulous green eyes stared at the foreigner in front of him.

Schuldig blinked in disbelief as the boy-- Yes, it was a boy.-- turned and stared at him with wide green eyes. He was gorgeous. Rich dark hair fell in rippling waves to his shoulders, streaked with glitter. A thin line of khol had been added around his eyes, making their emerald color even more vibrant. A pair of green tinted sunglasses balanced low on his nose, which still retained the upward snub of youth, and the boy's lips hung open slightly in surprise. A tight, hunter green t-shirt clung to his chest, stopping just below his rib cage and revealing an expanse of creamy skin before tight leather jeans concealed the rest of his body, molding to his thighs then loosening at his knees to fall over the tops of chunky leather boots.

Yoji stared at the red haired gaijin in front of him, eyes sliding from the older teen's face, down his body and back again. Amused and predatory jade eyes were partially hidden by flame red hair, though the main mass of it was held back by a black scarf. A self confident smirk rested easily on his lips, as though it were an expression the other teen always wore. A sleeveless black turtleneck wrapped around his chest, seeming to absorb the light. Tight black pants of some unidentifiable fabric hung low on his hips, a strip of skin appearing periodically as he shifted. A thin leather thong tied around one bicep and simple black running shoes completed the look of casual sexuality, though the knowing air he held himself with completely contradicted his appearance.

Watching the teen in front of him, Schuldig supressed a snicker at the reading he was getting from him. The kid was absolutely entranced and disgusted, trying to deny his reaction to the telepath frantically. /A virgin, hmmmmn? This ought to be fun.../ "See something you like liebechen?"

The brunette shook his head emphatically, backing up against the bathroom door and pushing it open with his weight. "Iie!! I'm not like that, you hentai!!"

A flame red brow arched, Schuldig's smirk widening into a full fledged predatory smile. "Oh really?" The German stalked forward, one hand bracing his weight on the bathroom door as he looked own at the nervous fifteen year old. "Then what's this?" His hand traced down Yoji's torso and flicked his hand away before sliding into the unzipped pants.

"Yamete!!" Yoji threw himself back against the door, sliding into the bathroom as it swung open, Schuldig's body toppling to the floor. "Hentai!!" Quickly, he ducked into one of the stalls, locking himself in.

Schuldig caught the closing door with one hand, avoiding the rather serious impact it would have had with his ribs. "Why deny it liebechen? You're horny, I'm horny, might as well do each other a favor, ne?"

"Iie!! I'm not like that!!" The telepath supressed his snickers again, mind sliding across the confused teen's caressingly.

/You know you want to.../

"Nani?! What the hell are you doing to me?!"

/Ever heard of telepaths liebechen? Well it's your lucky day to meet one./

"Stay out of my head!!"

The red head let his weight drop onto the door of the stall Yoji was hiding in carelessly, a dull thud echoing through the bathroom. "Why don't you make this easier and come out?"


Schuldig sighed. /Why are virgins always so arguable?/ Quickly he slipped into Yoji's mind, taking over the teen's body and making it unlock the door. Releasing the compulsion, he stepped into the stall and locked it behind him as the brunette regained control of his body. "Hello liebechen."

"How... How the hell did you get in!?"

The older boy sighed, flicking a strand of hair from his face. "Do I really have to repeat myself? I'm a telepath. I can talk in your mind, take over your body, do all sorts of fun and interesting things."

Yoji stared up at the red head in a mix of awe and terror. "Get away from me... I'm not like that... I like girls!!"

Schuldig frowned at the boy's adamant insistence of his sexuality. "Ja, ja... You may like girls, but this--" Again, he moved before Yoji could react and wrapped his hand around the brunette's erection. "Says you also like guys. So why deny it?"

The smaller teen gasped, hands rising to clutch Schuldig's forearms. "Y-Yamete!!" The plea was weak, as if his resolve was weakening.

"Now, now, give me one good reason why I should." The red headed teen bent, capturing the other's parted lips with his, easily slipping his tongue past them and teasing Yoji into responding while his grip tightened on the younger teen's shaft, his free hand tangling in chestnut strands and deepening the kiss.

Yoji moaned, weakly shaking his head as if to remind himself that this wasn't what he wanted, but reluctantly found himself responding to Schuldig's actions. His lips parted further, tongue shyly sliding aginst the telepath, even as his hips thrust slightly against the red head's hand.

Schuldig's hand dropped from where it was tangled in Yoji's hair, sliding down the teen's body then back up under his shirt, teasing at a nipple, his other hand sliding up the boy's erection and back down, repeating the action and picking up the pace.

The younger teen's back arched, hips pressing into the German's hand. Yoji's hands tightened on the red head's arms, the fingers of his left hand tangling in the leather thong. /Much better liebechen.../ Schuldig broke the kiss long enough to yank the younger boy's shirt off before his head descended, mouth latching onto the sensitive skin of Yoji's throat.

"Ahhhh..." Clouded emerald eyes slid shut, senses overloaded with pleasure. "Please..."

Schuldig broke the contact, looking down at the brunette in amusement, still fisting the other's length. "Please what?"

"I... I don't..." Yoji's eyes opened again, gazing up at Schuldig in confusion and desire. "I need... something..." He shook his head and chestnut hair stuck to his forehead, caught by the fine sheen of sweat that glistened on his skin. Schuldig smirked, releasing his grop on Yoji's erection, the look in his eyes completely predatory.

"You asked for it liebechen."

Roughly, the telepath shoved Yoji's jeans down to his ankles, the teen toeing off his laceless boots instinctively while Schuldig fumbled with the fastening of his own jeans with one hand, fishing a small tube out of his pocket with the other.

Button and zipper fell to Schuldig's fingers with little problem, jeans falling half way down his hips. Holding the end of the tube between his teeth, the telepath spun Yoji around, directing him to brace one foot on the toilet seat and his hands on the wall behind it. Watching as the boy did so, he twisted the cap off, squeezing the lube onto his fingers and sliding one into the younger teen.

Yoji stiffened as Schuldig invaded a space not even he had dared to, but slowly relaxed, since the probing digit wasn't hurting him any. The German bent over the teen's back, the fabric of his shirt sliding against Yoji's bare skin and eliciting a shudder from the dark haired teen. He lapped at the base of the boy's neck, sucking on the skin hard enough to distract the boy and slid another finger in, relaxing the boy's muscles quickly. Brad had accused him many time of being an idiot, but he wasn't stupid enough to ruin a chance at getting laid by not prepping his partner.

By now Yoji was pressing back against him, urging Schuldig to continue. The telepath withdrew his fingers and the brunette groaned in disappointment, only to release a half pained, half pleasured moan as Schuldig thrust into him.

/Gott.../ Schuldig buried his face in the younger teen's hair, eyes shut tightly as he fought to stay in control. "Uhhhng... Miene gott, liebechen... So tight..." Yoji moaned in response, suprising the red head by pushing himself backwards, thrusting the rest of Schuldig's length into himself. Fevered jade eyes flew open as the younger boy writhed beneath him. Unable to hold still, Schuldig began to move, setting up a rhythm of quick, hard thrusts. Both gasped for air, sweat beading their skin. The german lent the younger boy support as Yoji's legs and arms threatened to give out, wrapping his arms around the slim torso.

The young brunette shuddered, staring at the tiled wall blindly as he moaned helplessly, stars bursting in front of his eyes as the German struck something inside him repeatedly, driving his desire higher until he felt like he was standing on a fine line, about to fall to either side. "Nnnnngh... Kami..." Yoji gasped, muscles tensing around Schuldig.

The telepath sensed the boy's impending climax, and thrust harder, whispering huskily in the teen's ear. "Let it go liebechen... Come for me..."

The words rippled through Yoji's mind as his orgasm hit him, blinding him while his body trembled in ecstasy. Schuldig gasped, before moaning something in German and released into the teen, cheek resting against the brunette's sweaty back. Minutes passed before he withdrew, cleaning himself with a handful of tissue and tossing the paper into the toilet, pulling up his pants and redoing them. He fished a crumpled pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket, lighting up then dropping both on the floor carelessly as he turned and unlocked the door, slipping out of the stall, then back into the club.

Yoji twisted, sinking down onto the toilet, breathing heavily. Snagging his t-shirt from the floor, he cleaned himself as the telepath had done with tissue then pulled it on. Pants and boots followed. He was about to leave the stall when he spotted the discarded lighter and cigarettes. Picking them up, he tapped one of the thin cylinders from the package, placing it between his lips and lighting it clumsily, repressing a cough as he took his first drag. He stepped out into the washroom, straightening his hair and glasses with one hand.

/Thanks for making my last night in Tokyo so much fun./

His eyes widened in surprise, glancing around for the telepath. "Who are you? At least tell me your name, even if I'm not going to see you again."

/Name's aren't important, but call me Guilty. Good bye liebechen./ The voice vanished and Yoji leaned back against the sinks, closing his eyes as he inhaled the nicotine laden smoke.

/Just wait until Hiro and Maya hear about this.../


There!! My first half decent lemon!! I'm so proud!! *Wipes an invisble tear from her eye.* Now onto Silk Ribbons, my next fic!! More plotless smut shall ensue!! ^^

Kudos to Suki for letting me write this in real time so she could help me, AND for doing fan art!! *Swoons.*