Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ One Night ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A huge thanks and hugs go to my lovely friend tameiki1 for the beta. Also thanks and hugs to elfen and nekojita for suggestions and plot help.


Aya knocked on Yohji's door and waited. He was about to knock again when the door opened to frame Yohji standing there wearing only a pair of unbuttoned jeans. “What's up?” Yohji asked when he noticed Aya's bag. “Change in plans? Are we checking out?”

Aya shook his head and asked, “Can I come in to explain?”

“Uh, sure... sorry.” Yohji said and stepped back to let Aya enter.

Aya walked into the room and set his bag on the floor before turning around to face Yohji. “There's a problem. The hot water heater burst above my room and the bed's soaked. They don't have another room available and the clerk suggested I share with you tonight.” Aya cringed inside as he thought of the suggestive remarks Yohji would surely make.

He braced himself not to lose his temper but was surprised when all Yohji said was, “That's fine, do you want to use the shower? I had one earlier, so the bathroom's all yours.” Yohji gestured toward the open door, “Since I'm not sleepy right now, will the TV bother you if I watch it for a while?”

Aya hid his surprise and said, “No, it won't bother me. I was going to take a shower then read for a bit anyway. Are you sure you don't mind?”

This time Yohji did smirk while he drawled, “Mind what, sharing a bed with a gorgeous guy or sharing a bed with a gorgeous guy and not getting any sex? Don't worry, Aya. Your virginity is safe. I can control my urges.”

Aya cursed himself when he felt a telltale blush creep up his neck, his earlier thoughts caused Yohji's words to affect him. Yohji had never complemented his looks before and he was secretly pleased that Yohji found him attractive. Aya picked his bag up and headed to the bathroom as he tossed Yohji's words right back at him, “Don't worry, Kudoh. There's no virginity left to protect and hasn't been for a while now.”

The look on Yohji's face was priceless as Aya closed the door. He allowed a small chuckle to escape while he undressed and stepped into the shower. Aya knew that his teammates thought he wasn't interested in sex and, for the most part, that was true. They often teased him about Sakura and thought the reason for his attitude toward the young woman led back to that indifference. Even had he been so inclined, Sakura reminded him too much of his sister for his feelings to be anything other than platonic.

Aya had lost his virginity in high school. She was an upper classman who had pursued Aya quite relentlessly until he finally agreed to take her out. After that one experience, all of Aya's doubts were laid to rest regarding his sexual preference. He always suspected he was gay, but having sex with a woman had convinced him that it was something he wasn't interested in repeating.

Aya didn't act on his sexuality until after his first team in Sendai was killed. When he was released from the hospital, he found himself wandering the streets until he noticed he'd come to a rather disreputable part of town. He decided to get a drink and entered the nearest establishment, not realizing it was a gay bar until he ordered a drink and looked around him. He didn't let the surprise show on his face even though some of the more blatant customers were not shy in their actions. Aya found his pants getting a bit uncomfortable so he tried to focus on his drink. After several drinks and having fended off two strangers' attempts to pick him up, an attractive man, not much older than Aya, succeeded in catching his attention.

Aya turned the shower off and dried himself while he was lost in thought. He enjoyed much of the encounter but, so far, Aya had not found the pleasure that most gay men obtained in anal sex. He liked giving and receiving blowjobs but, when it came to being bottom, either he'd not found a partner who took the time to make sure he felt good being fucked, or he simply wasn't someone that achieved satisfaction from the act. Only once did Aya fuck another man, and while he'd certainly attained fulfillment from the sex, the uncertainty that he hadn't pleased his partner made him unwilling to seek someone to top again.

Not that he'd had sex all that often, Aya thought while he slipped into his black pajama bottoms. All in all, Aya's total encounters could be counted on two hands, it was one more thing that Aya denied himself while he strove to protect, and now recover, his sister. Only when the need to be held became overwhelming would Aya take the time to seek someone out. Unfortunately, his body was a bit more demanding than Aya would've wished for but, most times, he just jerked off in the shower or in his bed late at night.

Aya finished in the bathroom and gathered his things before returning to the bedroom. He found that the air purifier had been delivered and was humming softly in the corner while Yohji was pouring wine into two glasses. “Where did the wine come from?” Aya asked while he set his bag on the floor.

Yohji rolled his eyes as he handed him a glass, “For our *inconvenience*, they sent two bottles of wine. That was nice of them, don't you think?”

Aya took a sip of wine and settled on the bed. “Hmm, at least it's a decent vintage.”

“Pretty good, not my preferred drink but this will do.” Yohji smiled before pulling the chair closer to the bed so he could prop his legs on the mattress. “As you probably noticed, they're trying to clean the air for you. At least it's not too noisy and shouldn't keep me up all night.”

Aya didn't say anything as he continued to enjoy his wine. The silence was comfortable but Aya knew Yohji was looking at him intently. He could almost hear the wheels spinning as Yohji must be thinking about the words Aya said before he closed the bathroom door. He now waited for the subject to be brought up again, as he knew Yohji would.

Yohji got up to refill their glasses before lighting a cigarette and settling down in the chair once more. Looking at Aya over the rim of his glass, he said, “So, Aya, how many girlfriends have you had?”

“Is that really any of your business, Kudoh?” Aya said to avoid an immediate answer. While he really didn't have a problem with confiding in Yohji, they'd never spoken about anything this intimate before. He wasn't all that comfortable telling anything about himself in normal circumstances much less this type of conversation.

Yohji shrugged and said, “Not really my business, I just want to get to know you better. We're friends. You really surprised me with what you said before you went into the bathroom. I realized that we really don't know that much about each other. Would it be better if I went first? Hmm, where should I start?”

Over the next hour, while they finished the first bottle of wine and started the second, Yohji told Aya of how he'd been sexually active since fifteen. He started out with girls, but one night when he was hanging out with friends, they got some porn videos and, with no girls to play with, decided to experiment. From then on, Yohji knew he was bi and continued to admire both sexes.

Yohji went on to tell Aya about Asuka and their PI business, how they talked of getting married and having kids. After she died, Yohji slept with both men and women but not quite as frequently as it appeared. The truth being he probably had one night stands only once or twice a month.

“I know you guys think I pick up a different person each night but I don't. I only hang out at the bar until closing time most nights. And not even that anymore. I don't really feel like starting that cycle again.” Yohji became lost in thought.

Aya didn't know what to say. He could see Yohji was hurting and must be remembering Neu again.

“You know what her last words were? `I love you, Masafumi'. That's what she said while my wire choked the life out of her. Even if she was Asuka, she didn't love me anymore.” A lone tear trailed down Yohji's cheek.

Aya set his glass on the nightstand and crawled to sit on the edge of the bed next to Yohji's legs. He took Yohji's glass and set it down before pulling Yohji's hand into both of his. Aya waited until Yohji looked at him before he spoke, “Yohji, that woman wasn't Asuka. She died years ago. If Masafumi somehow revived the body, the soul of your Asuka, the one who loved you and wanted to marry you, was gone. Remember and love your Asuka but don't confuse her with that other person. Would your Asuka ever have done the things that woman did? I don't think she would want you to continue destroying yourself with guilt. You have to put it behind you and move on.”

Embarrassed, Yohji wiped his eyes with his free hand while the other squeezed Aya's. “I'll try. I've been so mixed-up these past weeks. I'm really glad you're here to listen. Even though I feel like shit, it helps to talk it out. You only reiterated what I've been saying to myself ever since that night, but I haven't been able to take my own advice. Maybe now I can. Thanks, man.” Yohji paused, giving Aya's hand one more squeeze then said as he stood up. “Back in a sec.”

Aya picked his glass of wine up and took a sip before he settled on the bed as Yohji went to the bathroom. When he returned, Yohji grabbed the bottle of wine and his glass off the nightstand before he got comfortable on the bed next to Aya. He fluffed some pillows behind him then topped their glasses off once more.

“So, now it's your turn to tell Uncle Yohji all about your sex life.” Yohji said with a little smirk that was teasing in nature.

Aya took a drink before he began speaking. He was definitely feeling the effects of the wine and didn't hesitate this time to share his experiences with Yohji. His tale didn't take as much time as Yohji's and it wasn't long before Yohji looked at him and asked in an incredulous tone, “You really didn't enjoy being with a girl?”

“Yohji, I'm gay. Completely. I have no desire for women. They do nothing for me.” Aya said with a shudder.

Yohji merely chuckled, “That's okay, Aya. Now I understand why you always gave me dirty looks when I teased you about Sakura. You know Omi thinks you two are a cute couple. Come to think of it, she hasn't been around lately anyway. Maybe you finally got through to her.”

Aya sighed, “In a way. She saw me take the Wunder X target out and hasn't been back to the Koneko since.”

Yohji turned his head to look at Aya, “She saw you? Do you think that's going to be a problem?”

“I don't think so. I think she'd come and talk to me first if she was thinking of going to the police. And who would believe a young girl? Kritiker covered up thoroughly, as usual, so there's no evidence that would point to me.” Aya frowned as he lost himself in thought. He'd been wondering if Sakura would stop by. That mission had happened about the time Yohji killed Neu. “Yohji, can you do me a favor and get Omi off my back if she does return? Even if I wasn't gay, she looks too much like my sister for me to think of her as anything but a sibling. The mere thought of being attracted to her sexually makes me ill.”

“Of course,” Yohji said then laughed out loud. “Maybe I can get Omi to ask her out.”

“You're truly evil, Kudoh, you know that?” Aya said with a hint of a smile.

“I try my best.” Yohji poured the last of the wine into each of their glasses and said, “Let's finish this and get some sleep.”


Aya reached out and could almost touch Aya-chan, his goal was within his grasp then suddenly he tripped. When Aya looked up she was gone. The anguish that slashed through his heart caused him to cry out in pain. He hung his head in despair then felt strong arms wrap around him in a tight embrace. The overwhelming feelings of sorrow bled away to that of contentment then pleasure.

Awareness slowly came to Aya alongside the feeling of a mouth on his. Next, was the comprehension that he was not a passive recipient but an active participant in a passionate embrace as he kissed the person holding him close, his hands buried deep in silky hair. Lips trailed from his panting, open mouth to his ear and Aya could only surrender to the pulses of pleasure that coursed through his veins. A tongue traced the ridges of his ear before it delicately swirled and teased the inner shell, sending shivers of delight through his body. Aya gasped when his earlobe was sucked into a hot mouth to be licked and nibbled as hands gently caressed his bare back.

Aya opened his eyes and saw... familiar green eyes. Yohji! Yohji was the one who was causing such wonderful feelings to course through his body. The realization of that was enough to shock him into full wakefulness. “Yohji. Stop. We can't do this.” Aya wedged his arms between their chests.

“Why not, Aya? You can't deny that you want me.” Yohji rocked his hips and, for the first time since waking, he noticed that they were both hard. “I want you, too. Let me love you, Aya. I can't bear to... I need... to be with someone who *knows* me, who doesn't see me as just a body. I want...” Yohji looked very vulnerable and sad as he avoided Aya's eyes.

Aya understood how Yohji felt, it had been so long since he, too, had been held by someone who cared about him. And, in his sexual encounters, he'd never had sex with someone who had feelings for him other than as a means to slake their lust. The same was probably true for Yohji, at least since he'd become an assassin. With the emotional turmoil Yohji had been through these past weeks, Aya could tell the plea came from deep within his tortured soul. Aya sighed and grasped Yohji's chin to make him meet his gaze, “You want to be with someone who cares about you and who you care about in return.”

Yohji met his eyes and slowly nodded. Aya's hand moved to cup Yohji's cheek before caressing it gently while he made his decision. Whether it was the effect of the wine, Yohji's need or his own misery, Aya didn't know. He wrapped his arms around Yohji's neck and captured his lips in a soft, light kiss and shared breaths before he pulled back.

“Just for tonight. I won't enter a casual fuckbuddy relationship with you. If you agree and you'll never bring it up again, I'll say yes.”

Aya decided that for right or wrong, he was going to do this as long as Yohji agreed to his terms. Although that was a big factor, it wasn't merely Yohji's need. Aya wanted to know what it was like to have sex with someone that he cared about. He had a feeling that this was something that Yohji truly needed right now but he had to be honest and admit that a part of him was also doing it for himself. Aya wasn't delusional enough to think Yohji was in love with him, he wasn't in love with Yohji either, but sometimes friendship could almost be as vital as love.

“I promise, Aya. I won't come to you asking for casual sex. I don't want to ruin our friendship. Only I need you too badly to stop right now.” Yohji kissed him gently.

Aya deepened the kiss and rolled over to cover Yohji's body. Again and again, they kissed while hands tangled in hair and caressed each other's bodies. Aya trailed his lips down Yohji's chin and neck to nuzzle and suck. Yohji tilted his head back and groaned loudly as Aya's teeth grazed his adam's apple. Aya ghosted his hands across shoulders and down arms to thread his fingers in Yohji's. Bringing both of their hands to rest on each side of Yohji's head, Aya leaned up and kissed him deeply once more before moving back down to reach a peaked nipple. Aya licked then blew softly on the bud before tormenting it with teeth and tongue. He moved his mouth to lavish the same attention to its mate while he enjoyed the whimpers of pleasure coming from Yohji's lips.

Aya let go of Yohji's hands while he continued to trail soft kisses down Yohji's chest and stomach. Aya knelt to remove the soft cotton sweatpants Yohji had worn to sleep and tossed them aside before he backed off the end of the bed to stand and push his own pants off, leaving them on the carpet.

Aya crawled back onto the bed and settled himself between Yohji's legs so he could lick the length of Yohji's erection. Aya blew on the damp skin and watched the cock twitch in reaction before taking it in a calloused fist. Yohji moaned when Aya began to pump while wrapping his lips around the head. Aya swirled his tongue across the top and applied suction before taking it deeper. He hummed in pleasure to feel that silky hardness in his mouth, hearing an answering cry from Yohji. Aya moved his other hand to caress the sacks below as he swallowed Yohji's cock completely only to pull back and repeat the motion again and again.

“Ah-h, Aya... that feels s-so good... don't... wait... stop.” Yohji reached down to tug Aya's head up. “Aya, as incredible as that feels... I'd like to fuck you.”

Aya hesitated. He'd rather just give Yohji a blowjob and maybe receive one in return, but if that's what Yohji wanted, Aya would give it to him. “Do you have any condoms and lube, Yohji? I don't have anything with me.”

Yohji sat up and pulled Aya to him to capture his lips once more. He twisted to lay Aya down and covered his body, never breaking the kiss. Yohji's tongue explored everywhere. Touching, tasting and teasing until Aya turned his head to fill his lungs with much need oxygen. He'd never had kisses affect him this way before. Aya's whole body tingled and he had a hard time catching his breath.

“Yes, I have what we need in my bag. I'll be right back.” Yohji whispered in his ear before he got up to retrieve the needed items. Yohji was back before Aya's body had stopped tingling, setting the stuff on the bed next to him.

Yohji lay back down on top of Aya and brushed damp red hair back from his face. Yohji rocked his erection against Aya's and bent down to place soft kisses on Aya's eyelids, nose, cheeks and mouth. Suddenly, Yohji slanted his mouth across Aya's and kissed him passionately, the whole while his hips kept their rhythmic thrusting as hands roved over sensitive skin.

Aya was getting lightheaded so he was thankful to feel Yohji's lips trail down to his neck while fingers caressed and pinched his nipples. Yohji was marking him but Aya simply didn't care when it felt so good and he even tilted his head back to allow further access. After what seemed like forever, teeth ghosted over his throat then nibbled their way down the length of his body to his cock.

Aya moaned when Yohji's teeth lightly scraped against the sensitive head before a mouth engulfed his cock in that wet warmth. Aya spread his legs further when he felt fingers tease his crack gently pressing against his hole but not entering. Again and again those fingers circled and stroked, never penetrating. Aya was panting when Yohji paused to grab the lube and squeezed a generous amount out which was promptly applied to his entrance and beyond. The feel of a finger slipping inside caused Aya to bite his lips against another moan of pleasure.

“Gods, Aya. You're so tight. Are you sure you've done this before?” Yohji's voice was rough with passion as his finger explored further.

Aya gasped when Yohji hit his sweet spot and almost couldn't answer, “Y-yes, not often but this isn't my first time. It's just been a while though.”

Another finger joined the first to stretch him and began to gently fingerfuck him. Yohji moved up to kiss Aya again, his free hand tangling in Aya's hair. The fingers inside him twisted frequently to press against that spot and Aya, eyes closed, could only ride the pleasure out as he panted against Yohji's lips. He felt a third finger enter and it hurt a little before he adjusted and once again enjoyed the sensations those thrusting fingers were creating, driving him wild with need.

Aya opened his eyes to look at Yohji. The tenderness that he found there evaporated the small bit of doubt that still remained over allowing this. Yohji leaned down to press his lips tenderly against Aya's and asked, “Are you ready?”

Aya nodded and whispered, “Yes, Yohji. I want you.”

Yohji smiled gently then pulled his fingers out and said, “Roll on your side, Aya.”

Aya looked at Yohji in surprise and asked, “On my side?”

Yohji kissed him and said, “Trust me. It'll feel great and I can hold you and stroke you easier.”

Aya rolled over and tried to remain relaxed so wouldn't hurt as much when Yohji entered him. He was surprised at how *good* it felt so far, but now he probably wouldn't enjoy much of the rest if past history was anything to go by. He heard the tear of a condom wrapper and a hiss from Yohji then felt more lube applied to his ass. This surprised Aya, as he'd never had someone use so much before. Barely seconds later, he felt hands part his cheeks and hardness nudge his hole before it backed away once more. The teasing movements went on until Aya unconsciously pushed back to get that cock inside him.

Yohji finally pushed in then stopped when Aya's body clamped down. He prepared for pain as he anticipated that Yohji would simply thrust completely into him all at once so he was therefore surprised when that didn't happen. Yohji waited for him to relax before continuing once more. It took several minutes but, eventually, Yohji's cock was completely sheathed and Yohji was spooned up behind him. They stayed like that while Yohji placed kisses on his back and neck before he slowly started to move.

Aya was amazed at how good it felt, it was never like this before. Suddenly, he wanted more... needed more.

“You feel so good, Aya. So tight, I can't hold back for long, I hope you're as ready as I am.” Yohji's words scarcely registered as Aya started to move his hips back to meet Yohi's thrusts.

He couldn't believe how incredible it was to be fucked by Yohji. This must be the way it was supposed to be. Words couldn't describe the sensations. Yohji pulled on Aya's shoulder and encouraged him to recline somewhat back into the pillow while keeping his lower body twisted so he remained on his side. In this position, Yohji leaned over to capture Aya's mouth until a thrust hit Aya's prostate causing him to break off and cry out in pleasure. From then on, many of the thrusts unerringly continued to hit that spot. The ecstacy began to overwhelm him so he never consciously registered the moans and sighs he couldn't hold back.

“Won't be long...” Yohji panted in his ear. “You feel so good... I want this to last but I c-can't... hold out much longer.”

The thrusts sped up and Yohji grabbed Aya's cock to create enough friction so that with each drive forward Aya was fucking Yohji's hand. Yohji was now pounding into him so fast, barely pulling back before he was slamming back into Aya. A particularly powerful push from Yohji along with a hand that clenched so tight on his cock put Aya over the edge, causing him to come all over Yohji's hand and his own stomach. Seconds later Yohji threw his head back and chanted Aya's name again and again as he reached his own orgasm.

Yohji rested his forehead against Aya's temple as their breathing returned to normal. They kissed but Yohji broke away to bring Aya's come covered hand to his mouth to lick. Aya watched wide-eyed then pulled the hand to his own mouth to lap at the cooling substance. When he finished, Yohji pulled back to ease out of Aya before taking off the used condom, tying it off and throwing it in the trash next to the bed.

Aya turned fully onto his back while he watched as Yohji took a corner of the sheet and cleaned, first Aya then finished cleaning himself off. Yohji settled back down on the bed and pulled Aya into his arms and nuzzled his face into Aya's hair and whispered, “Thank you, Aya. That was the best sex I can remember having in what feels like my entire life.”

“You're welcome, Yohji, but don't forget, I enjoyed myself, too.” `More than you'll ever know', Aya said to himself as he made to move away only to have Yohji refuse to end the embrace.

“You said I could have tonight and it's still not over yet. Let me hold you while I sleep, Aya.” Yohji murmured and Aya could tell he was almost asleep. Aya settled more firmly in Yohji's arms and, body sated as never before, followed him into oblivion.
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