Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Our Kitten ❯ Staying In ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Our Kitten

Author’s notes: I think I’ve ditched part of the cliché, but it’s so much fun it’s hard to leave it behind, and then it gives me those puppy dog eyes…

Chapter Three: Staying In

Yohji had made up his mind to do it: he was going to stay in. It was a Friday night, and he was going to remove his terribly sexy self from the club scene, much, he was sure, to the distraught disappointment of hundreds of women all around the city. With their imagined sighs lingering in his ears, he sat aside his favorite, tight leather ensemble and changed into a pair of soft, light blue pants and simple white tee. Still, he thought with a glance in the mirror, he did look sexy. Couldn’t change that.

About to go find Aya and put his newly developed sense of self-denial on display, Yohji was interrupted by a knock on the door. The swordsman entered before he could answer.

Yohji’s eyes narrowed; Aya was in his mission gear.


“You’re not going out.”

“But, Aya!” The protest was on his lips before his brain had time to process. That was just the way things worked: Aya said no, Yohji resisted.

“I have to go. You watch the kitten.”

A piece of paper was shoved at him. Taking it with caution, he found it full of Aya’s neat script, a complete run-down of how to care for the kitten, in unnecessary detail.

“She has to be fed every five hours,” he glared, “Every five hours, Kudou.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Aya stood silently and stared him down, clearly evaluating Yohji’s competence with cold calculation. The blonde realized that with the mission fast approaching that it was more Abyssinian than Aya standing in his doorway, coat and blade and rigid shoulders silhouetted by the light of the hall. Yohji knew he was witnessing the process of stripping away, leaving behind everything that as their lives, separating oneself from mundane existence to become the other who killed.

But Aya had remembered the kitten.

Still, Abyssinian couldn’t afford to think about it.

So he had the note. Well played, Yohji thought. Still, he was under no illusion that he would not face the other man’s wrath should he fail to complete his task with proper accuracy. He was scanning the list quickly, making sure there were no questions, even as Aya turned away to leave.

Yohji caught him just in time to inquire, “Aya, where’s the kitten?”

The look he received as Aya turned in the hall to regard him was somewhere between exasperation and direct threat, “In my room.”

Yohji stared after him as the redhead left, mind heavy with ideas about what they left behind at night.

But he was not one to dwell on these things for long. Brooding was Aya’s gig, after all. Glancing down at the paper, a smile spread across the blonde’s face, a smirking, mischievous smile.

He had just been given permission to go in Aya’s room.



The room was neat, even annoyingly tidy in its contrast to Yohji’s sloppy housekeeping. It was somewhat sparse, but not inhumanly so as he had expected. There was the chest of drawers with its empty katana stand, a desk with a few papers stacked in one corner, and a bookshelf, quite full. But there was also a soft leather chair near the window, a couple small pictures in wooden frames, and a fairly impressive stereo on the floor next to the bed. The bed itself, though, was completely Aya–cream colored duvet, white pillow cases, all looking perfectly starched and wrinkle free.

Yohji’s first thought was to jump in the middle of it, twist up all the sheets, and masturbate as he thought about what Aya might have done there.

He sat down on it instead. Pulling his long legs up and crossing them in front of him, Yohji studied the list. It really was unnecessarily detailed; Aya had not only informed him how long to heat the kitten’s food, but that the food was, in fact, located in the refrigerator. There was even a time schedule. Did the guy honestly expect him–

A soft mewling interrupted his approaching tirade.

Right. The kitten.

Listening closely and scanning the room, Yohji quickly located the animal. On the left side of the bed, directly in front of the nightstand, was a box from the shop. Laying back and rolling over to lean over the edge of the bed, Yohji looked down into the box. One of the white bathroom towels was folded into the bottom, and a hot water bottle wrapped in a washcloth rested against one edge. The kitten was backed up against this, glaring up at Yohji with blue eyes that seemed especially uneasy.

“Sorry,” he told her, “you’re gonna have to make do with me tonight.”

Scooping her up in his hand, Yohji reclined against the pillows and rested the kitten on his chest.

She was tiny, really no bigger than his hand which she was currently trying to nuzzle with her little black nose. He stroked her fur with a single finger; it was long, and Yohji thought it would probably stay that way. That first day he had suspected she wasn’t solid black, and upon closer inspection, he could see subtle spots of orange and even a bit of gray mixed in, and beside her eyes, two streaks of deep red ran back on either side.

“Exotic looking, aren’t you?”

The kitten mewled in return, still rooting at his hand as he rested it beside her.

“No, no food there. Besides, Aya says you don’t get fed until,” he lifted the paper so he could read it without sitting up completely, “ten.”


“Uh-uh . Don’t give me that look. If Aya was here, you’d be hissing at me. He probably would be too.

“You know what, you and him and a whole lot alike, little creature.”

The appellation hardly seemed fitting, and Yohji decided that the kitten needed a name. After all, he certainly wouldn’t like being called man or florist wherever he went.

“What’s your name little lady?” he questioned as the kitten decided that if it wasn’t going to get food, it should at least glare at him. “I suppose we could call you Aya.

“That’d probably be confusing. We already have Aya and Aya-chan, you know. You haven’t met her yet; she lives in England right now. Don’t tell Aya, but I think it’s a damn good thing.

“You’re a much better girl, aren’t you? No bitching about my smoking from you.” The kitten chose that moment to hiss at him as Yohji’s stroking finger apparently touched a spot she didn’t favor.

“Damn but you’re temperamental. How about Abyssinian? Maybe Abby for short? Or something more fun, maybe Dominatrix or Mistress.” He chuckled at the mental image of Aya roaming the house calling out for the kitten, instantly deciding it should be something naughty that could still pass for a name.

“If you were white, we could call you snowball, though Aya probably wouldn’t even get that one, would he sweetheart? You and me, we live on the edge; I can tell by looking at that red on your eyes, some flashy makeup for someone your age. Maybe Exhibition would be –

“No, I’ve got it!”

The kitten looked at him dubiously.


“Move over, damnit.”

It was dark, almost completely so, and Yohji could hear the soft patter of rain against the window. Strong hands were pushing on his back in anything but a gentle manner. Careful of the furry item now struggling in his loose hand, Yohji managed to scoot over about six inches on the bed, which seemed oddly stiff beneath him.

There was a sigh.

“Mew. Meeew.” The thing in his hand cried again, renewing its struggle. Dreading having to fully wake up and deal with it, Yohji was grateful when it was taken away from him. A warm arm retreated from around him, where it had brushed in its reaching, and the noisy, fuzzy thing was gone.

Glad for the quiet and the warm body against his back, Yohji fell again into the sleep he hadn’t quite left.


Author’s Note: I’ve noted some glaring errors in the first chapter, and I apologize! I don’t tend to work with a beta, and I get too excited and post things after only one or two proof readings. I’ll go back and fix them pretty soon, maybe do a little revision now that I have a better sense of where this is heading. Thanks for reading everyone!