Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Random writings!! ❯ so it continues.... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: ditto as before.

Now on with the story……

WhiteorchidSMP: God of the earth: Sux to be you ( a cloud comes over ken and rains on him)

Kotokosbell: omi: by there is a cat in the flower shop do you mean Persia??

Kotokosbell: aya: i thought that was mother natures job?!?

WhiteorchidSMP: Ken: no the cat momoe has in the shop, she's always petting it........OMI HAS ALZIMER DISEASE

Kotokosbell: * load music plays in the backround*

Kotokosbell: omi: i do??

Kotokosbell: aya: i thought it was oldheimers disease.

WhiteorchidSMP: Ken: i don't know let's ask professor Gerald!!

Kotokosbell: omi: nono Bill nye the science guy he knows EVERYTHING!!!

WhiteorchidSMP: Ken: PR. GERALD

Kotokosbell: youji: yeah and his show has a really kewl theme song!!!

Kotokosbell: rest of wiess: BILL NYE!!

WhiteorchidSMP: God: THE SCIENCE GUY (dances)

Kotokosbell: Mother Nature joins god


Kotokosbell: wiess: dang

Kotokosbell: Giladriel: i smell it in the water i feel it in the air...

Kotokosbell: wiess: GET YOUR OWN FANFIC!!!

WhiteorchidSMP: Mother nature: (throws him?? out)

Giladriel: AYIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (flies out of the scene)

Kotokosbell: ken: ok back to bisiness

Kotokosbell: youji: although she was cute....


ken: youji?

Youji :yes...?

ken: shutup.

WhiteorchidSMP: youji: ok

Kotokosbell: aya: aya is very confused

WhiteorchidSMP: omi: since when did aya talk in third person

Kotokosbell: aya: aya has no idea


WhiteorchidSMP: Omi: yes we do

Kotokosbell: ken: oh..... damn and i liked that song to.

omi: does the can can

WhiteorchidSMP: Rest: O MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! I'm BLIND

Kotokosbell: Omi: you hurt my ego!

Omi's ego: ouchies

Kotokosbell: note: not the waffle

WhiteorchidSMP: AYA: ( runs to the waffle) r u hurt baby???

Kotokosbell: GOD: not the waffle you dumbass!!! geez!

Kotokosbell: wiess: i to hought we were duck taped to chairs??

WhiteorchidSMP: omi: Ahhhhh who cares

Kotokosbell: wiess: shrug

WhiteorchidSMP:omi: BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Kotokosbell: wiess: ho hum.

WhiteorchidSMP: God: and a bottle of rum

Kotokosbell: aya: i think we are a bad influence on god.

WhiteorchidSMP: God of death: ya like totally like OMG!!!!!!!!

Kotokosbell: aya: not u the other god the holy one father of christ thingy or wateva.