Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Revenge ❯ Authoress' note ^__^ ( Chapter 16 )
Authoress' note...
Gomen, gomen! No, there's no new chappie today, sorry! But don't worry 'cuz the new chappie will be up soon.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that instead of a new chappie I wrote a little Halloween fic, called "Halloween Night". Since it can't really be called a Side Story because it happens before "Revenge" and has rather nothing to do with the storyline, I posted it as a separate fic.
The story happens the Halloween night before "Revenge" starts, so there's no Youji anywhere.
What does it have to offer? Well, a Halloween party at Crawford's place, how Ran and Omi got together, some Schu fanservice (I seem to be doing that a lot lately, ne?), lots of alcohol that makes the bishies go a little hentai, some BradFarfie cuteness, Ken's anti-hentai techniques, an ultra-hentai Schuldig that will, for once, be REALLY near to get what he wants, AND something that Ken confesses to Schu in a moment when he wasn't in control of his mind that you will probably want to kill me for *hides*.
"Halloween Night" doesn't affect this fic too much and it's not necessary to read it because Youji wasn't there so it has nothing to do with this plot, but I thought that you maybe would want to read it because it shows how the bishies lived before he arrived, explains a couple of the plot holes that "Revenge" has (i.e. what happened with Schuldig and Ran's relationship, why Crawford finds such delight in making fun of Ken…) and explains some things that have happened or will happen in here that didn't make much sense.
Concerning the next update, my inspiration is now wholly focused in finishing the last part of "Inside My Wallet" and the new chappie of "Obsession Confession" and won't be working on anything else until at least the new chappie of OC is finished and up on the net. I hope it won't take me long.
Ja ne!